Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Jacen laughs as he sits down in the mess hall and grabs himself a ration bar and a bottle of water. He takes a small bite of the ration bar and nods his head.
"My first time really using a lightsaber was last night." He laughs awkwardly. "I have no real skills in saber-combat so I could use all the help I can get!" He laughs.
Jacen remains silent as he ponders over Rel's words for a few moments before nodding slowly.
"Based on what you and Laph have told me, I think I'm better off being my own kind of Jedi. Learn the old and new ways to guide myself to a better future."
Jacen nods his head and pulls his Prototype Blastersaber from his belt. He twists the dial on the side of the hilt and puts the weapon into Setting 4. He activates his saber and a dark purple blade with streaks of pink springs out to a length of two-and-a-half feet. He takes a few deep breathes and tries to clear his mind before the two begin sparring.
Jacen does his best to close the distance between the two of them, making saber combat very close as he attempts to keep up with the self-proclaimed Greatest Jedi Duelist!

He sloppily blocks several strikes from Rel before his lightsaber is knocked out of his hands and slides across the floor as it deactivates.
Jacen skips back and uses the Force to pull his hilt back into his hand. He reactivates his lightsaber and leaps forward to clash with Rel.

He continues sloppily and Rel manages to push him backward with a barrage of powerful swings.

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