"Oh, sure...! I'll give you a few pointers, after all, I owe you." Kayin grinned this time as just the thought of sitting in disguise around a gambling table back at her home planet made her quite happy. Kayin gave the two other crew members a slight nod of respect before she followed Laphisto further into the ship, trying her best to catch as much details as she could along the way while listening to him giving her the ships facinating story. "Wait, really?" She blurted out once hearing how old the ship was. "I mean. I've seen better ships, sure, but it really holds up good! You've must have put in quite the work at her too. Impressive" her voice carried her enthusiasm and lively soul, infected by his own enthusiasm for the vessel. "It's strange how things tend to solve themselves, clearly you and this ship was destined to end up together."