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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Kayin Verd

The way he crossed his arms had her doubting that he'd be willing to have her as a part of his crew but she was luckily mistaken as he smiled and explained the ship's situation. Kayins smile grew wider as finally she secured herself a way back home..! "Oh, I am in no hurry at all, sir!" She beamed brightly and had another look up at the worn ship. "I kind of stranded here a little while back. Thought i could make it as a part of a pirate crew but I guess i was wrong. Got dumped here and been looking for an oportunity to get back home or at the very least a chance to leave." She gave a brief explaination while noticing the Draconians eyes glowing blue. Did he sense her 'gift'? Kayin's ears got warm and she put her arms around herself for a moment. She didn't usually speak about it, it was a talent she kept hidden and only spoke about with her brother who possessed some of the same skills as her.

"I... I'm not very strong in the force. I only use it when i have to escape certain situations that comes with living like I have." She looked at the ground while speaking much quieter
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
his lone ear would perk hearing her quiet tone and chuckling gently with a small perk as his attention is diverted momentarily to rel causing him to give a wave to the man" not too long we have landed, Jacen went to the town to explore, if you could be so kind as to check up on the lad?"

Turning his attention back to the girl before him he would glance her over, it wasn't uncommon that those sensitive to the force were either scared or ashamed of their gifts Force users have been the cause if not focus of many wars for thousands of years after all " well you won't have any problems fitting in for sure, just about every member of the Agenda has some part of Force sensitivity, you might just pick up a few new tricks" chuckling softly at his words he would take a few steps to the ships loading bay " come let's get you acquainted with the old girl"

Kayin Verd

As Laphistos attention momentarily shoots to another man that seemed to have just woke up, Kayin kept silent and quietly watched their quick interaction until the Draconian gave her his attention again. It was a relief to hear how quickly he caught onto her worry. So fast, in fact, that she didn't have to explain for him her issue of talking about the force out loud. If anything, his quick wit only made her more relaxed about becoming a part of this crew. "Really? It couldn't be better!" Kayin put a hand to her chest to signal her relief. "A trick or two, hm? I look forward to it, perhaps i can even share a trick or two myself. Not to brag, but I'm kind of talented around the occational gambling table." She chuckled lightly again, now watching a third man walking up to the ship with several bags in hand. Kayin decided the wisest thing to do here was to step out of his way to let him pass her easily. Better not give anyone any reason to dislike her from the get-go!
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear he would give Jacen a small wave watching him walk in with several bags giving a confused raised brow his way " done some shopping have you?" the blue glow would be present upon his eyes signaling he could see for the moment shaking his head gently he would look to the girl and laugh softly at her mention of gambling. he had dabbled but was never any good at it " oh ill definitely need to get a lesson or two on that account. The only thing I'm good at about gambling is losing"

shaking his head softly he would enter the ship's main hall turning and walking backward for a moment, giving her some details on the ship " this is the conquests Agenda, a Foray class Vessel most commonly used by the Galactic Republic well over four thousand years ago. this ship has seen action in the Battle of Saracco, the Battle of Jebble, the battle of Altair III, and most notably the battle of Rakata Prime where it was declared lost with all hands. somehow ended up rolling through space at sunlight and now she's in my hands. funny now that I think about it, I probably fought alongside her on a few occasions"

he would seem proud of the ship's history and involvement. then again he had lived most of his life in that era he may have a slight bias to it

Kayin Verd

"Oh, sure...! I'll give you a few pointers, after all, I owe you." Kayin grinned this time as just the thought of sitting in disguise around a gambling table back at her home planet made her quite happy. Kayin gave the two other crew members a slight nod of respect before she followed Laphisto further into the ship, trying her best to catch as much details as she could along the way while listening to him giving her the ships facinating story. "Wait, really?" She blurted out once hearing how old the ship was. "I mean. I've seen better ships, sure, but it really holds up good! You've must have put in quite the work at her too. Impressive" her voice carried her enthusiasm and lively soul, infected by his own enthusiasm for the vessel. "It's strange how things tend to solve themselves, clearly you and this ship was destined to end up together."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving the girl a small nod he would nod to Jacen and rel as he walked past. chuckling as she spoke " ill hold you to that lass" as they walked a few lights would be out or flickering while other sections of the ship seemed pristine " well technically this belonged to a man who called himself the collector, I would have ended up as another antique to be shown off if I hadn't accidentally boarded and well technically stolen this ship. truth be told anyways"

makes his way to the crew quarters he would turn to face the girl arms over his chest as he looks down at her " well there are only two quarters that are taken. take your pick and if you somehow manage to find a taken room I would be surprised " giving a soft laugh he would pat then tussle the girl's hair as he walks past her calling out lightly " welcome to the crew when your settled if you have any experience with repairs meet me by the fuel tank"
Jacen finishes unloading the groceries and drops off some personal items in his quarters. He wanders through the ship as he tries to catch up with Laphisto. He wanders around for a little bit, momentarily confused by the layout of the ship. He finally finds his way and continues searching for Laph.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
laphisto would have made his way back out of the ship standing on the ramp haven ran into a human male, followed by a few other species behind him the majority of them having bags of suit cases with them, there attire being that what a normal kitchen staff would be wearing, some even having stains on there shirts as if they had just gotten off there shift
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would be speaking the main individual arms crossed over his chest " aye we are in need of cooks of the sorts, if you have your own crew you would prefer to fill the slots then by all means that's fine by me"

perking his lone ear he would glance back to Jacen giving him a slight nod with a chuckle, the man and his people walking past Jacen and towards the ship entrance " aye it would seem we now have professional chiefs" turning back he would look at the few others that began to arrive " oh dear I don't think I'm going to be able to go back to the repairs any time soon"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
gripping the bridge of his nose softly he would take a small deep breath, the line that had begun to form in front of the ship loading ram would extend up to five by now, though it was quite noticeable, Laphisto would hold up his wrist tapping against the Holocopmuter attached the the Bracer assigning roles to the people he spoke to
After a couple of hours of lost wondering Grendel had finally found the ship yards and immediately started to approached ships, fortunately the first ship Grendel saw had a line in front of it, Grendel decided to stand off to the side in hopes he could see if the had a stop for him.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would continue to take names and direct people to certain portions of the ship, a few grabbing the tools they had brought with them and beginning to go to work on the panels that were pulled off of the ship. if Grendel was close enough he would be able to Identify the Beskar that the Dragonoid wore

looking to Jacen he would shake his head gently " aye a proper crew would go a long way for this old ship. the more we can get aboard before we leave the better I say"

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