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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
laughing gently he would clear his throat softly " well there's my old bank account with the Banking clan, but i don't even know if that organization is still around. even then those were republic credits. and unfortunately the republic is no more" frowning gently at the realization he would sigh lightly before gripping the bridge of his nose
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" well it turns out the Jedi Temple here was Destroyed, so we are off to Commence" listening to his words he would give a small nod clicking at his data pad searching up the Banking Clan with a small grumble he would chuckle gently " well seems the Banking clan was Disbanded after the Clone wars? which ever war that was. but some Subsedaries seem to have bought up there old accounts"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
clicking along his datapad he would search for his account only to frown finding that it had been sold off or stolen by some one else at the mention of artefacts he would chuckle with a shake of his head " those droids on Toyderia would have fetched a pretty penny for sure. but.. i do know the location of several old republic bases that might have been lost to time we could check out"

Kayin Verd

The girls eyes widened with shock at Laphisto mentioning how he would have ended up as another antique if he hadn't stolen this ship. Now that she thought of it, he didn't look anything like anything she had ever seen and she had seen a lot of odd species..! Clearly studying him now, her expression softened again and she shrugged. "Well, that's good, I'm glad you managed to escape a horrible faith like that."

Surprised by how he all of a sudden tussled her hair, she would flinch a tad, quickly fixing her hair again as this was something she had been used to her brother doing to her. Looking down the hall at all the doors that would open to different private cabins, Kayin gave Laphisto a nod and slowly walked down to the first door that felt natural to pick - third door from the entrance on her left side. Luckily, it wasn't taken and so she gave Laphisto a confident smile. "See you in a bit, then"

Sometime later, Kayin closed her door and started to wander through the corridors of the ship to get familiar and her feet would soon carry her to where Jacen and Laphisto were. With her hands to her back she rised an eyebrow. "Money trouble? I'm quite good at schemes, could always take down a casino."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
pushing into the cockpit he would look over at Kayin with a chuckle glancing between the pair and shaking his head at the mention " I don't think that's a good idea I have already spent fine thousand years as a Prisoner. I don't want to start any trouble after just waking up" crossing his arms over his chest and gripping his chin he would think for a moment, motioning for Kayin to follow him and Jacen to the cock pit top continue there discussion " I know antiquities sell for a lot, old ships droids weapons etc etc, i am sure if we search the nav computer we can find this ships travel history and find some bases or battle grounds that have loot to be salvaged"

Kayin Verd

"Hi, Jacen, I'm Kayin Verde. Nice to meet you too!" The girl happily smiled back and laughed a little to his added comment of how it would be dangerous but probably pay off. She was about to argue that when Laphisto said it wasn't a good idea, that he wouldn't like to be back at a prison again. "Who said we were going to get caught?" She answered him with a joke and winked at Jacen for a second before following Laphisto to the cockpit.

"Ohh... yeah!" She blurted with enthusiasm again, clapping her hands together once. "How exciting!" It could seem like she had already forgot about heading home.
Jacen smiles and looks at the two of them in the cockpit
"Hopefully you guys can find us a job or ruin to explore, something to get us a step closer to having money at least. Anyway, I'm gonna head back to my quarters, gonna finish training and get some rest. It was nice meeting you, Kayin, welcome to the crew."
He turns and begins walking off,
"Have a good night."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
rolling his eyes softly at the girl's response he would chuckle walking into the bridge,as the doors opened three Figures would stand at attention giving a salute and turning towards the center of the room the new Bridge crew standing at attention. which caught him off guard slightly as he had forgotten he hired them. clearing his throat he would speak before walking to the center of the bridge " dismissed" shaking his head he would chuckle there was a third officer at the left-hand station a pilot in Laphistos seat and another individual at a computer on the the right-hand side. Jacen's seat was left unoccupied. turning back to Kayin he would chuckle a bit giving Jacen a soft wave as he leaves" goodnight Jacen sleep well, so lass ever figure out what position you were going to try and fit into ?"

Kayin Verd

Kayin watched Jacen leave and then took the liberty of studying the control panels of the bridge. She was sure all the sceens and buttons had a function but as of now, she could only make sense of a few. Kayin shrugged lightly and kept her smile at Laphistos question of what position she'd like to try out for. "You mentioned repairs, maybe? I'd be happy to try my hand it but for the time being i can only fix small things. But I'm a quick learner. Otherwise, I'm not a stranger to communication?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
nodding gently to Kayin he would glance around the bridge, the new crew working away at the stations making sure the systems of the ship were in order. gripping his chin softly in thought he would perk his lone ear lightly before glancing down to her with a smile " well you could speak with either Gaff Navarr in engineering, or Gaff Navarr in the Mechanic shop, if you want to try your hand at repairs"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking at rel he would give a soft chuckle" well I put an add out and now we have well over twenty five able bodies to help with the ship maintenance and of the likes, even got us a kitchen staff"
How are we gonna pay them
I mean I have a few credits and sorts but that’s it maybe enough to pay 3 of them
Rel let’s out a chuckle
Rel opens his bag that has been left on the desk of the ship since he arrived and
Pulls out a lightsaber
The saber of my master he sighs
One day I will have a padawan and give this saber to them when there ready

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