Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

“That planet is full of jedi..”
I can’t go there
Not on my own
I’ll get torn to shreds
The dragon is strong with the force very strong
But he won’t turn….
Jacen leaves the door of his quarters open and sits on his bed. He meditates for a short while, thinking about the Force and how to become One with It. His thoughts then turned to his past... He remembers The Thirteenth Sister slicing his mother and father apart and his sisters being gunned down by a troupe of soldiers. His thoughts then wandered to Laphisto, his Master and the closest friend he's had in a long time.

He shakes the thoughts from his head and stands up. He grabs his Blastersaber and twists the dial on the side of the hilt. He activates the lightsaber function on Setting 4 and begins training with his stun-saber. He studies the Way of the Monolith and switches between stances as he trains himself with his lightsaber.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
the Mechanics would continue their work on the slashed and broken pannels of the ship's hull, the engineers remaining in the engineering bay calibrating and managing their systems ad responsibilities. the third officer would click on a consol directing it to Jacen's room. " captain, this is Owan on the Bridge, i have Finished a record of the Ships navigational Systems, and have a list of Possible locations that don't Cross reference with today's chats least not for a few thousand years. shall I send them to your quarters?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"aye Captian." the comm would cut, and short after a small list of Locations would be sent to Jacen's holo Computer within his room a list of Seven Facilities would show up
Jacen would access the holo computer and open the files that Owen sent to him.
"Laph, you better come back so you can see these. Or, well. So you can squint knowingly at them"

He read the list slowly, looking over the names of planets.
  • Basilisk
  • Dantooine
  • Geonosis
  • Kuar
  • Malachor V
  • Quermia
  • Tracyn
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Kayin Verd

It had been quite the commotion earlier, and at the heat of battle Kayin had locked her door and crawled to a far corner with the closest thing to a weapon she had in there; her pillow. Things had calmed down a while ago but Kayin had stayed put and not only that, she had fell asleep there in the corner on the floor.
Now waking up, she got up and found the silence eerie as she dared open her door to look outside. Nobody here. Then a sound from a comm nearby and Jacens voice answered it. Kayin carefully walked over to his quarters, her bodylanguage revealing how nervous she was. "Jacen? Is everything ok? Where is Laphisto?"

Kayin Verd

"Oh." She started and slowly looked behind herself as if she had to make sure she wasn't suddenly going to be attacked. Now holding her arms around herself she turned her attention back to Jacen. "We landed already? That's good, tho" Kayin tried on a smile. Well, if Laphisto had left the ship, surely it was safe again and she tried to loosen up. "The dining hall is down that way, right? I'm starving." She mumbled, taking the liberty of studying his room from her spot outside it.
His room was nothing special but, was loosely decorated by Jacen. He had backpacks sitting in the corner and his desk was covered in odd tools and pieces as if he had been working on something recently. On the edge of his desk is a picture frame though, from the doorway the picture isn't visible.

Jacen nodded his head and closed his holo computer.
"Yeah, it's just down that way. I'll join you, I realize I haven't eaten in a while."
He chuckles and scratches the back of his head.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
along the ship corridors the MEchanic team would be making their way past the two, carrying their tools and returning to their section of the ship. the repairs in the hallway and to the door being finished. the crew of ten workers making there way single file to the Mechanic bay, some stepping out of line and turning for the Mess hall

Kayin Verd

His room was pretty much as expected and could look similar to her own except she had yet to have time to make it more personal. The only thing that stood out i particular was that pictureframe but i was impossible to make out what it was from where she stood. Kayin loosened up and was about to leave when Jacen let her know he'd join her. The girl shrugged lightly and gave him a short smile. "Good, can't forget to eat, right." She walked slightly ahead for a short while until she fell into pace with Jacen as they walked to the dining hall where she'd get herself a plate of something that at least smelled good, soon taking a seat by a table. Now that she started to warm back up again, she took notice of the mechanical crew or at least the ones that had come in to dine as well. "I should talk to them, I'm supposed to start working with some of the mechanical repairs." She explained briefly to Jacen

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