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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

He walks with her to the mess hall and Jacen grabs himself a bowl of apple slug stew as well as a glass of Moogan Tea. He joins Kayin at the table and sits across from her.
"Is that right? I've always loved machines. Taking things apart or repairing things has always brought me such- peace, maybe? But, you're right. I should go around and meet the whole crew properly."
Jacen chuckles and digs into his stew.
"So, you're from Coruscant? What made you start traveling, if you don't mind me asking?"
Jacen speaks politely between bites and takes a drink of his tea.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
the three Mechanical crew that Decided to head to the Mess hall were a Human with brown hair, standing at 1.6 meters tall. sitting crossed from an individual that seemed to be wearing an EVA suit. not taking any food of his own but merely being there for company. the third individual was a human Female standing at 1.4 meters with red Hair and green eyes. the pair would be having a discussion amongst themselves

in the kitchen, the five would be talking rather loudly having a good time amongst themselves though it would be difficult to understand what any of the two groups would be saying through the noise and distance

Kayin Verd

It had been a good decision to pick something that had smelled good as it turned out to taste great too. Kayin gave a smile in Jacens direction as he admitted that he too should get around to know the crew and how he liked mechanics. "Perhaps you should pick up on some repair duties too, then. I'm afraid I'm pretty useless unless..." She paused and let out a small sigh, shaking her head for a moment. Probably not worth mentioning how she was pretty used to working behind the scenes at a brothel where she'd simply reorganised stuff, got water for the girls and sometimes had to comfort them too. Luckily, she'd only ever been behind the scenes, never in the front. "Na, I'm pretty useless."
She ate some more, listening to the distant chatter which was nice to hear seeing how the ship felt awfully silent after the fighting earlier. "I was bored. And happened to put my hand down the wrong pocket, a Pirate Lord. He hired me for my Talent, i guess. But I got dropped off at Kashyyyk. I had no way home until you guys came around."
Jacen chuckles heartily and smiles
"That sounds vaguely exciting."
He looks around the mess hall as he takes a drink of his tea and sets his glass down on the table.
"Y'know, maybe there is some more that I can do for the ship. I really just steer her sometimes and train with Laph."
He chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head.
"Oh and, I wouldn't call yourself useless. You're an amazing gambler, aren't you? And you're Force Sensitive too, right?"
Jacen smiles warmly and finishes his tea.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as Laphisto makes his way back to the ship he would pause momentarily, stopping in front of the ship, a light ping in the force being felt upon his return. his eyes would scan over the exterior of the ship. his vision was blurry and useless but at this moment he could see clearly, not in the literal sense but metaphorically he could see his own path for the first time in Millennia the emotions he felt would finally flow over his cold exterior, causing him to fall to his knees in front of the ship. hands in front of him and his gaze turned up to the ship. a light smile strewed across his face. for the first time since his sentence his life his fate was in his own hands.

tears began to fall down his face head tilting back as he glances at the sky half chuckling to himself. letting himself succumb to the emotions that rolled over his mind for years. mumbling quietly to himself " I'm free.... I'm free"

Kayin Verd

Kayin finished her meal and crossed her arms on the table. "You steer it too? That's pretty neat!" She grinned for a second. "Pffth, I'll learn fast enough how to shift lightbulbs on my own " Kayin joked with a small laughter following her words. "If i was a great gambler, I'd own my own casino by now. But most winnings has either gone to feed myself or got me in trouble with casino owners." She shrugged off quickly. "I'm going to interrogate you on a later occasion seeing how you know more about me now than i do about you. But i have to catch these guys before they leave" Kayin got up. "Thanks for sitting down with me, i feel much better." The girl smiled and went off to have a chat with the mechanical crew
Jacen chuckles as he stands up and collects his dishes.
"Sounds good."
He drops off his dishes with the kitchen staff and thanks them for the meal. He turns and walks out of the mess hall and toward the landing ramp, wanting to see a little more of this Jedi planet. There, he would spot Laphisto on his knees just outside of the ship.
He jogs over to his master,
"Are you alright?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
the three mechanics would continue to chat and laugh to themselves, seemingly speaking about the incident that had happened in the hallway earlier that day

" were you on that deck when the fighting broke out? ordol? " the female of the group would be holding a cup in one hand and eating with the other. the large male would give a soft laugh ad nod his head quickly

" oh I was, it was crazy should have seen it, there was lightning, and molten lava being thrown everywhere. and I swear I saw a blade get stuck in the wall, then ripped out only to be thrown at some point" the male would be moving his hands all around as he spoke, indicating his words and phrases with hand movements. meanwhile, the Individual in the EVA suit would remain quiet, the helmet moving to turn between whoever was speaking at the time

Laphistos gaze would turn towards the blurred visage of Jacen a small laugh escaping his throat remaining seemingly slumped over in his seated position only able to make out the one sentence" I'm free." he would chuckle gently being content just relaxing in his seemingly defeated positon. absolutely overwhelmed with his emotions and he would be crying lightly though the tears were not of sadness or sorrow, but of relief and joy, he was free at last, no longer a slave to the council who had imprisoned him for an act he thought was just
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would let out a soft laugh shaking his head softly before moving to stand, dusting his armor off with a smile " aye the galaxy is ours to explore and to do as we wish.. but now begs the question what are we to do?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his ear and clearing his throat he would quickly return back to his default stance arms crossing over his chest before speaking" well if we have locations of old bases and outposts then we can investigate, see what we can find and salvage"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
gripping his chin in thought he would chuckle gently thinking for a moment" our first goal should be to find an adequate amount of items to pay for the crew and supplies, then once we reach a well enough amount we should try and find the Tracyn"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking the data Pad from Jacen he would perk his lone ear gently with a small blink if he was reading this correctly the Conquests Agenda made contact with a ship whose Transponder beacon matched that of the Tracyn, five hundred years after the Battle for the Starforge, i which the Agenda was lost. walking to the bridge he would read over the list attempting to find the nearest location. the Tracyn would have to wait a moment longer, first we needed to get a score, something pay the crew before they began to suspect that there was no money to pay them with
After a long while of training with both his saber and the Force, Jacen collapses onto his bed sore all over. He sets his Blastersaber on his desk and undresses, taking another shower to wash the sweat from training away.
He dries off and gets dressed, collecting his things and walking through the ship looking for food.

Kayin Verd

On her way over to the mechanics, Kayin clearly overheard them talking about the event that took place earlier. Kayin politely interrupted them and presented herself and why she contacted them, making sure to make a good impression by being her usual lively self and talking briefly about the fight that had taken place earlier as she had been in the room next door and heard all of the commotion.
She was given directions of where to meet up and started basic training with them and what had sounded like a job not quite fitted for her already turned out to be something she could see herself capable of doing!
A long day of learning was over and she could need some rest. Not sleep, but rest. Kayin wandered the ship until she found an common area to sit down and relax

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