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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would have been scanning over the data pad and plotting a course with the bridge crew. By the time the others had woken up. The ship had left commenor and was in hyperspace. Sitting in the bridge with a Data pad in hand he would grip his chin softly in thought

Kayin Verd

Kayin sat by herself and admired the view she had as the ship rapidly made it's way through space. Eventually she'd get up and for some reason she didn't like the idea of heading back to her quarters just yet.
And so, in lack of anything better to do, Kayin went up to the bridge as that was a route she had learned and recognised pretty well by now. "Captain" She spoke once she spotted Laphisto, giving him a polite nod. "Did you evennsleep at all?" She asked him as she tok the liberty to take a seat nearby. "It was quite the fight earlier. I...hope you weren't too badly hurt?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Perking his lone ear he would turn to look at kayin, giving her the all to familiar squint listening to what she said and giving a small chuckle he hadent realized the time, not fully anyways it was hard to keep track when I'm hyperspace or just in space in general. The electrical burns that covered his scaled hands has been healed. Save for a small spot here or there where it has been worse then the rest.

" Er I don't believe I have no, iv been to busy pouring over these locations of possible old Republic sites. As of my sounds? I am quite alright, iv been dealing with the sith for well over a hundred years, rel was not my first rodeo. But I thank you for your concern "

He would give her a soft smile and a half hearted chuckle eyes glancing between her and the data pad before he set it down

"Is there anything I can help you with kayin?"
Jacen continues his studies as well as practicing with his Blastersaber. After a little while, he would deactivate his saber and put it on safety before leaving his quarters and walking down to the mess hall.
He saw a Twi’lek boy and a Utai man preparing some food.
“Hey guys. It’s uh- Kenneth and Adam right?”
The two of them nod and smile
“Yeah, that’s us.” Adam, the Twi’lek said as he smiled.
“We just finished up some more grub, hope you’re hungry!” Kenneth laughed and patted his stomach.
Jacen laughs and nods, “I’m almost always hungry!”

Kayin Verd

Kayin leaned back in her seat as she listened to Laphisto answering her queations, content with his answers. "Perhaps some sleep is in order then, Captain?" She shrugged lightly. "It helps your body heal even if your wounds might appear minor." She shifted in her seat, then got back up on her feet. "Only talking about sleep makes me tired. I got connected with the mechanical team today, it wasn't as hard as i thought it'd be
Maybe I've found a new interest."
She smiled cleverly, making her way to the door, tapping her fingers over the frame. "Thank you, and..well... Good night, perhaps " She smiled at him
Jacen finished his food and dropped his dishes off with Kenneth and Adam
“Thanks again for the food, guys!”
He turned and walked out of the mess hall and began to wander the ship, not going anywhere in particular but, he simply felt like exploring the ship.
He thought about the last several days and smiled, what a lucky streak he had found himself in. He had found friends that he truly wanted to stay with and hopefully a permanent home on the Agenda.

Kayin Verd

Holding back a yawn, Kayin spotted a familiar character in the end of the hallway that she was already walking down. Jacen seemed to be out to simply get to know the ship better and if she hadn't finally reached her limit of the day and grown tired, she'd probably ask to join him. Instead Kayin gave him a polite nod smiling gently as she came closer. "Good evening" She started "out stretching your legs? Thats good!' She chuckled but it was rather obvious she was as so tired.
Jacen nods and chuckles
"It has been a long and hectic day. I wanted to try and clear my head before getting some sleep. Oh, how did it go with the mechanics? Did you all get along well?"
He stops beside her and smiles, yawning loudly and stretching his arms above his head. Exhaustion written on his face as well.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would give kayins words some thought nodding softly to her before chuckling a tiny bit " I thank you for your concern, but I woke up from a four thousand year nap, I should be fine " he would tease shaking his head and softly stifling a soft yawn. All this talk of sleep had forced it out of him. Clearing his throat he would glance at the girl and shake his head " perhaps here soon I'll get some rest for sure"
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Owen comes on to the ship's intercom suddenly, his voice transmitting loudly across the ship.
"We are passing through the Serroco System and will arrive on Serroco shortly. I suggest getting some rest or get preparing for landing."
The transmission ends and Jacen nods his head at Owen's words.
"He's right, time for bed."
He laughs and yawns loudly.
"Get some sleep and then we can explore Serroco!"

Kayin Verd

Kayin was just about to speak when the intercom sounded and she listened in to the message from Owen.
"Time for bed it is." Kayin repeated and started yawning too as yawning was quite contagious. "I'll do that, and I'll be looking forward to exploring Serroco. Good night. See you after." Kayin smiled and turned quickly to find her own room where she quickly got ready for bed, falling asleep in an instant
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would remain on the bridge going over old files and nav charts of the planet, looking for the exact place of Camp three the last time he was here the Mandalorian had nuked the entire planet leaving it a nuclear wasteland uninhabitable for thousands of years. But now it was safe to traverse the planets surface once again. And with the exact location of where the Camp used to be looting what remained should be a breeze. That is if it wasn't buried under thousands of years worth of dirt sand or soil.
"See you in the morning!"

Jacen likewise walks the corridors of the Agenda and finds his way back to his quarters where he too falls asleep in an instant.

He dreams of his family home in disrepair and the fresh graves of his family and the Jedi that saved his life. He dreams of the Thirteenth Sister laughing at his pain and anguish as another figure, a man dressed all in black with a red saber gripped tightly in his left hand. Jacen was ripped through a cycle of bad dreams and surreal pain as he slept
The Agenda would land on Serroco, some of the crew asleep and the others helping land and prepare the ship. The mechanics got to work inspecting the ship and Owen personally went to find the dockmaster to pay for the space they now occupied. The kitchen staff got to work preparing food and others milled about inside, checking on the interior of the ship and making sure the Agenda healthy and undamaged after their jump through hyperspace.
After a few hours of a bad dream filled sleep. Jacen wakes up and slowly picks himself up out of his bed. He stretches and cracks his back before putting his boots on and grabbing his things. He makes his way down to the mess hall and grabs himself a quick breakfast and leaving after dropping his dishes with Kenneth.
He makes his way down to the landing ramp and descends onto the landing pad, looking around at nearby ships and workers. Jacen noticed the muddy ground outside of the landing pad and an intense wind pushed at him as he walked around the Agenda.
This place seems, uh- interesting."
He chuckles to himself as he continues walking around the ship
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Shortly after the agenda landed Laphisto would prep the three AT-PWs that he had purchased or well more so persuaded the seller to lend over to the Agendas armory.

Serroco would be near barren, the plant and animal life minimal even after the fallout had faded to safe levels. What inhabitants we're around were the descendants of the original survivors pluse a few outside blood trying to hide. The entire planet looked like a wasteland save for the safety of the walls that surrounded the city they had landed in

Flicking his gaze over a data pad Laphisto would be inspecting the walkers, making sure that they were in good enough shape to transport/ escort a team to the possible landing site noticing Jacen Laphisto would wave him over " here check this out,this is were we are headed, it's quite the distance away. But Camp three was a republic outpost settled here to discourage the Mandalorian from attacking them, hoping the Mandalorian wouldn't risk damaging any loot. What good that did when they nuked the whole planet instead. If I remember correctly several ships had been left landed when the bombs fell so hopefully we can either retrieve any weapons or vehicles that may still be present. And if we are lucky either a ship that's in decent shape or parts for the Agenda"
Jacen nods his head and looks over the data pad carefully.
“Camp Three, huh? Seems like a nice place to check out. I’m sure we can find some good loot out there but, that’ll attract other people as well. Scavengers and the like.”
He reads over the data pad again and hands it back to Laph.
“I’m excited to check this place out.”
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" aye but we do have one advantage most wouldn't have. We have the exact coordinates. So the hope is to be first, hell I'm more than sure Several thousand years of mud and dirt would have buried the majority vof what's there for sure. That is if the nuclear blast didn't destroy anything. It's a sure fire start it just comes down to what's still intact to retrieve " giving a soft chuckle he would go back to the data pad, attempting to plot the best course glancing to the walkers on occasion debating either or not they would make the desired route. Before either adding or back tracking somewhat
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