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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

The Confessor

"Old ships and vehicles? Well, least you are not some artifact hunter bringing Force curses onto everyone...though credits for...well to be fair, no centralized system."

He almost muttered off before looking to the side suddenly, as if listening to something. Blinking, he would then turn back towards the dragon looking person and spoke.

"There is one I remember near the site, it is partly buried under rubble. Ever heard of the Meteor-class? Tough as nails, hard to bring down but was a dropship. If memory is to serve me correctly, there is still one possibly under the barracks, wedged and punctured with support beams all around it. It may be worthwhile if one could even pry it open to see what is left. They had taken it as a trophy, who knows if they even unloaded it in time."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"I have no true interest in artifacts, they are unfortunately more trouble than they are worth in most cases " After noticing his body language he would glance over at the location he had looked to, perking his ear gently with a raised brow. though thinking nothing of it really

thinking momentarily he would roll over the word in his head, it sounded familiar for sure but it was most definitely not a part of the republic arsenal. and then it hit him it was a Mandalorian troop ship " the meteor? mete- oh! yes, those things I have had a few encounters with that drop ship. nasty little thing for sure. if there is a meteor in the base it should be a worthy endeavor for sure. i know several Hammerhead, aurek and Liberator star fighters were left behind as well as other Foray class vessels like the Agenda here. hopefully we ca find some Spare parts as well"

The Confessor

"Pieces of a Hammerhead maybe...Aureks been remade the last few centuries but a Liberator? If one could be found, collectors would love to have any parts. Then again, anyone would like one."

Stroking the tendrils of his beard, he thought to himself on that and glanced to the Chiss before glancing back at the dragon.

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
Jacen waves his hand over his right calf and his wound begins to close and the skin rebuilds itself where the tissue had been severed.
He chuckles and looks to the Confessor, "I don't think I ever mentioned it but, I'm Jacen." He smiles and continues healing his injuries.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" it was a beautiful fighter, one of the best of its time, Granted nothing truly beats riding upon a Basaliisk though." flicking his ear softly he would grip his chin in thought eyes glancing to the ground momentarily before looking back up at the Red skinned man, and squinting as per usual " if luck has it we might find some crates of weapons or armor even, hell a Manka would be an excellent find for sure" eventually though I would like to find my ship, the Tracyn. I had sent it to try and find my home world Kiev'ara. er well, the homeworld of my people. I was born on ossus before its destruction."

looking to Jacen he would give a soft smile to the boy nodding in an approving manner " remind me later to teach you some more of the Advanced techniques, least you be fought off-guard again. especially with a Mandalorian after you now"

The Confessor

"You were lucky to have escaped. I would not get hopes up to high though, to much of that over the years."

Glancing at the Chiss named Jacen, he gave a nod with a small smile for now knowing the persons name. Glancing over the injury area, he gave a approving nod as he smiled.

"Good as new, if only the Tenth was here to see it. Force Healing is a dying art...learned it during the Dark Times of the Galactic Empire. Could taught you it all...though I assume your dragon friend probably can teach way more than him hehe."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would frown at the memory " ossus was my home for a long while, I barely made it off the planet in time. yet we left so many behind to die. it was not the best place to be at the time"

" well then add another talent to your skill tree" he would joke playfully before giving a slight nod at the mention of a lightsaber "we should work on your blade-on-blade combat here soon. you have a lot to learn and it would seem very little time to learn it" stifling a small yawn with a balled fist he would shake his head with a light grunt blinking momentarily before shaking his head " by Dra'ko I best be getting some sleep before our expedition i don't believe I have quite slept since we left commenor"

walking up the boarding ramp he would give the confessor a soft nod, walking past the mean and towards his sleeping quarters " ill be sure to inform you both when the time comes for the expedition to start, I'm still sifting through possible routes trying to fid the safest way to camp three"
Jacen nods
"Have a good night, Laph!" He calls after his Master as he walked onboard the ship.
Jacen turns and stares out at the wasteland of Serroco and wondered where that bounty hunter was now. What was his name again? Gon or something like that. He pats his Blastersaber and chuckles to himself.
"I need a lot of practice."

The Confessor

The Sith merely nodded as he walked upwards onto the ramp as well, hearing his words over lightsaber training. Rolling his shoulders, he to the side and echoed his mind.

"Should any of you require it, Makashi, Soresu, Djem So, Shien or Niman practice, let me know. I had a good teacher on two of them...the other, was already up there. I also know of several lightsaber variations...maybe not as well as the Tenth did but just enough. If you find a lightsaber you don't know of, bring it to me. I will identify it."

A strange set of words but he would then head towards the cargo bay to meditate peacefully.

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
Jacen would think over the Confessor's words for a few moments and followed him onto the Agenda. Jacen makes his way through the mess hall and to his private quarters. He leaves the door to his room open and he grabs his Blastersaber from his belt. He switches it to Setting 4, the stun-blade, and begins training with his saber as he switches between stances.

He trains hard and diligently with both his blade and the Force, pushing himself past his limits and aiming for results.
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A fair distance from the landing area, Gon Fol l sat with binoculars trained on the ship. He sighed and shoved his binoculars into a saddlebag on his Speeder bike.
“Camp Three, huh? That’s good to know but, I can’t take on that whole crew...”
He thought about the boy’s Draconic Jedi Master and that strange Sith that just boarded the Conquest’s Agenda.
Gon hopped onto his speeder-bike and took off back toward his own ship.
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Kayin Verd

Oh, boy! She must have been really exhausted. When she finally got up from her bed she was suddenly aware that the landing gate was down as it was annouced over the comm. Kayin started to run to catch up to Laphisto and Jacen but on her was she was approached by one of the mechanics that excused himself, explaining that the team would have let her go off exploring but that they had just discovered an issue that'd be a great exercise for her as a new member of their team. Looking out towards the landing pad, Kayin sighed but gave the mechanic a light smile and followed him through the ship.
Sometime later, she was a lot wiser but her hands and face was covered in dirt. Walking back towards the private quarters she came to a halt, spotting the new face on her way. He was pretty far away and seemed busy and besides, she felt way too dirty to introduce herself. Maybe after a quick shower. She passed Jacens room where she spotted him eagerly training with the blastersaber. "Woah, be careful, I rather like my head attached to my shoulders" She chuckled, not having even been close to getting a swing. "I saw a new man on my way back here. You know him? Oh, and how was Serraco?"
Jacen chuckles and deactivates his saber
“That’s the Confessor. He’s a bit, strange but he’s pretty cool at the same time.”
He nods his head matter-of-factly
“And I uh, well I got attacked by a lightsaber wielding bounty hunter, he messed me up pretty good. I came limping back here after that fight and the Confessor gave me some tips on Force Healing.”

Kayin Verd

"So he's a pureblood Sith, isn't he?" Kayin tilted her head slightly and as he carried on telling her about their time at Serraco, her eyes widened, shocked by what her had to say. "A bounty hunter?" She crossed her arms quickly. "Why do you have a bounty on you?" She asked, rising an eyebrow. "Hm. Well, healing is quite the skill to have, it'll probaly be your most appreciated ability the way you keep getting in trouble"
Jacen laughs heartily and smiles.
“He’s a pureblood yeah. And, for the bounty Hunter, I am unsure. He took a job from the Inquisitors to drag me back to them...”
He shrugs and smiles. "But, yeah, healing would be a great ability to utilize. I just need to keep training at it."
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The Confessor

The Pureblood Sith was in meditation, sitting above currently a large Class-A Cargo Container. As the Sith sat there, letting his mind wander freely, he started to meditate deeper to retrieve more of the Force. While he was powerful, with a vast pool of energy to use, he drained just as quickly. Breathing out, he let his force signature breath out and expand the cargo bay entirely. This was a safe area he assumed, it would be fine to let loose and not worry of others pinpointing his location. Force Signatures of the Lorekeepers were extensive and made them very easy targets to find, though most have had extensive training to minimize it at all times.

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Kayin Verde Laphisto Laphisto

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