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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
He would listen to the man in Tinley arms crossed over his chest one hand reaching up to grip his chin in thought Softly he would give a frown his lone ear penning back on his head at The mention of most sith being involved with the dark side

"A unfortunate truth at one point in time I would have believed that our two species would have gotten a long smoothly as my own people valued honor above All Else much like the sith back before the dark exiles found them a fate I half blame myself for of which I do owe you and your people a great apology."

Closing his eyes he would shake his head reminiscing about the past and remembering the reason the Jedi locked him in carbonate to begin with shaking his head of the thoughts he would open his eyes and look at the pure sith a soft blue glow glazing over his pupils and giving a light chuckle at what he sees peering into the confessor and identifying his alignment

"It is not often that pure sith align themselves with the light side of the force but it is always a pleasure to see"

The Confessor

The question did not seem to catch him off guard to badly, though he answered quite truthfully on the matter while somewhat avoiding the statement from the first part.

"Our organization is part of a bloodline history...two of them technically. The Founding Line and the Souls Line. I was merely checking up on a few relatives of the Soul Line before departing. We recently had a small event that caused a third of us to be killed off, one of our old demons from the past came back to life though strangely, he had not made a move in recent months."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy

The Confessor

"You would be surprised what would convince an individual to turn to Light or Dark. One in me speaks of protection for their son, the other being simply making one bad mistake."

The alignment on a glance was a bit more glaring that one would appear. Focusing on the person, it almost was a blinding force signature. A trademark of the Lorekeeper Bloodline, one that had existed in great secret for the past thousand years. Most that even heard a whisper would barely understand what they were capable of in full context. The alignment though seemed to be a shimmering of grey and white with no dark energy seeming to swirl around the individual.

"I appreciate the words Chiss. Most were very young...cruel man that one is. A majority has since relocated, best we always keep to ourselves. As for blaming yourself...understand that a majority of Sith that are even around, have no context of the words you now speak. A majority are now lost to the blood they so seek to inflict and drink from. It is a terrible curse...though some say, there are worse fates."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" light and dark its never simply good or evil, there are layers to it, what one thinks is right and just may be seen as evil and wrong by another"

he would grip at the bridge of his nose blinking a few times and clearing his vision from the confessors force signature causing him to shake his head lightly to shake the spots from what little vision he had left. frowning lightly at the mention of the death that had taken place he would give the confessor a soft sorrowful nod. attempting to show understanding in a way.

" that's most unfortunate to hear of your bloodline its never a fond thing to learn those you cared about or were a part of you in one way or another have suffered." raising his gaze up he would squint at the confessor, his brow furrowing in an almost narrowed gaze or a glair if seen wrong. " it would seem your people may be doomed to repeat history then?"

glancing over to the walkers he would turn his attention back to the Sith pureblood and then down to the Agenda " well if you wish and or have no other way off this planet we could always take you somewhere more suitable after out business here is concluded"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a perk of his ear he would glance to Jacen's leg shaking his head with a light chuckle and a small frown, haven not been able to help in the fight that had ensued, he had disappeared into his own thoughts while working. " unfortunately that one of the teams we are still lacking, that and a security team"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
givign a light whistle he ould attempt to get Jacens attention gripping his chin softly in thought before speaking " wait there are other ways top heal a wound, i myself could never grasp the ability well, nor had i a purpose or time for it but one could heal wounds through the force"

The Confessor

"You know it is rude to assume."

The Confessor stepped from the side of the hallway leading into the Agenda from the landing ramp. There was a hint of the Force being used, apparently a rather large amount of energy to use and it seemed to linger for a few short moments.

"There are layers yes, but one does not always have the same picture given to each one. My people are not of my concern, only for those I care for now."

There was a simple wander off from the other side and if followed, he seemed to vanish from view for a moment before his voice spoke again, right behind the pair with the large force sense possibly erupting everyone senses.

"Healing through the Force is a natural process. Focus on the wound calmly, allow it to flow. The blood, the skin, it all accelerates in the direction it needs to go. If you get frustrated becomes painful and will not last, pray you have patience."

"I think I will stick around for a while anyway, you seem to interesting lot."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
gripping his chin in thought he would go to speakonly to hear the confessor at the loading ramp causing a raised brow to follow, only to then hear them behind him. which would cause Laphisto to trn around quickly his hand grabbing and resting at the pommel of the sword like lightsaber on his hilt, an action that only lasted a few seconds before he calmed. thinking over the confessors words he would nod softly

" that sounds.. familiar in one way or another. it was a while ago, and i don't quite remember the steps of the process myself" hearing the ma mention staying aboard the Agenda he would give a small chuckle extending a taloned hand his way. looking down at him he would give a soft smile standing tall at 2.3 meters " well splendid welcome to the crew lad"

The Confessor

The sword grip was interesting and something to note, giving a small nod as he smiled a bit.

"I am quite old myself...and we are masters of the Force, we know great many things...excuse me for not gripping your hand, Metamorphosis could easily make it the two of us exact. If you need lessons or advice, I will be in the cargo hold...I will find a nice spot for myself. As for healing, just focus on it in rest and you will get it...over time, you could even heal on the move as a second thought like the Tenth."

With a small smile, he started to walk upwards of the ramp and stopped his Force Shenanigans, going towards the Cargo Bay area unless stopped.

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
"Welcome to the crew!"
Jacen sits down on the ground and begins meditating right in the middle of the landing pad. Focusing on his wound, he listened to the Confessor's words and thought of his blood, skin and muscles as he tried calming himself. Trying to feel and control the flow that moved throughout his body.

He managed to quickly grasp his connection to the Force and kept his focus as he meditated, attempting to fix his leg as well as the slash across his chest. With his attempt, the bleeding had at least stopped. It would take awhile to fully heal it seemed.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
watching him make his way to the ship he would call out with a soft chuckle escaping his throat " there are plenty of rooms, find one o your liking that isn't already taken and make yourself at home. we are prepping for an expedition shortly to a place called Camp three if you wish to join us you are more than welcome to participate"

The Confessor

There was a soft chuckle of his own as he kept walking, thinking he would like a room when an entire cargo bay was simpler to find privacy in...till he mentioned the Camp Three which made him stop completely in his tracks. Turning carefully around, his own expression was that of a stone face and all playfullness was gone, his voice a bit deeper.

"You are going onto land that has ghosts walking...I advise caution, it is not just soldiers that died there."

Glancing at the Chiss, he also spoke a bit more advice, a brow raised.

"Some believed that their hands were also of a tool to control it...while false, it does lend the idea of it helping, to let your mind slowly wire itself to understanding it."

Laphisto Laphisto Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
closing his eyes he would pin his ear back lightly with a shake of his head remembering when he had first awoken and heard the news of serroco it was unbelievable till he saw it for himself with a light sigh he would let his eyes open once again

" aye what happened here all those years ago is an unfortunate occurrence, but alas we are in need of credits to feel our expedition we had come here and plan to head to other old bases from the Mandalorian and jedi civil war to either bring some ships back to life and or old vehicles in hopes of making enough credits to pay our crew"
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