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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Jacen felt The Confessor's signature momentarily and his eyes widened.
"Oh, yeah!"
Jacen reaches into his pocket and pulls out the strange device that the Confessor had gifted him. He looked over the pieces of the device and nodded his head.
"I think he said that is some kind Nanomachine. That it would wrap armor around my body when activated..."
He smiles widely as he looks the device over more closely.

Kayin Verd

Kayin got up on her toes as if to be able to have a better look at the device that Jacen pulled from his pocked. "Really?" She gasped with excitement and got closer to have a proper look. "That's amazing! Have you tried it yet?" She grinned and looked up at Jacen for a moment. "I want to see it when you figure out how to activate it. Hah! It'll be of great value in the battlefield!" Kayin laughed and took a step back. "Okey, I'm quite...uh...filthy" She gestured to all of herself that had smears of sot all over. "I'll leave you to your training." She smiled and stepped backwards, giving a little wave and then stepping into her own room.
"I'll let ya' know when I figure it out."
Jacen chuckles and gives a small wave back as Kayin turns away from his doorway.
He continues looking the device over and after a few moments, places on piece on his left wrist and the other on his right wrist.
Jacen laughs as he looks at the strange high-tech wristbands he had just put on. He couldn't help but laugh, these things were, what's the word he was looking for? Dorky. Though, no dorkier than a laser sword he supposed...
"So, this one is a key?" He looked at the right wristband and the strange extension that could pop in and out of it.
He looks to the left wristband and the strange swimming things inside the glass-like container.
"Then, the key unlocks the nanomachines?"

Kayin Verd

Back in her room, Kayin was quick to jump into the shower but the sot proved an worthy enemy as she was stuck there, stepping in and out of the shower to check if she could get rid of it all. It took near half an hour until she was confident that it was all gone. Now dressing in er usual relaxed clothes she decided to step back out of her room, still hearing Jacen getting familiar with his new toy when she headed to the dining hall first to pick up some easy hand helt food to bring for another common area where she had a seat near a window that let her get lost in daydreams while she ate her lunch. Or was it supper. Time was confusing up here
After continuing his training for a short while, Jacen undressed and took a shower. He washed away the blood, dirt and grime from his previous encounter with the Mandalorian and dries off. He stitches up the tears in his clothes where he had been cut and gets dressed. Putting the wristbands back on and clasping his weapon belt around his waist, he made his way to the mess hall and grabbed some food.
He ate quickly and drank a small glass of Moogan Tea before stepping out of the ship and looking around the barren landing area. He wondered if the ship was being watched...
"I'll be better prepared for the next fight." He chuckles to himself

Kayin Verd

"If you're headed back outside, i want to come along this time...!" Kayin spoke up as she came walking down the ramp, bringing a light jacket just because it seemed appropriate. "I can't stand that you guys get to experience ALL the action without me" She blew some wild hairstranda from her face as she started to look around. "That is, i really don't want THAT much excitement, I mean, I wild bounty hunter coming my direction is too much action." Kayin laughed a bit but felt confident that she wasn't in any immediate danger and besides, the ramp was down and if she only stayed nearby, everything would surely be safe
Jacen nodded his and smiled
"I had planned to walk around a little bit more. I doubt that anything will happen again."
He laughs awkwardly and looks around at the ruined mud planet.
"But I get what you mean, you wanna be a part of the action but son't want too much trouble."
He smiles widely

Kayin Verd

Kayin looked over her shoulder to Jacen and nodded quickly. "Exactly." She confirmed and continued to walk ahead away from the ship, secretly amazed by the new and strange environment as it was so different from what she was used to at her own home planet. The smell was very heavy and hard for her to figure out what it even was. It wasn't unpleasant but couldn't be described as devine either. "I don't regret coming along at all, I love how this is my chance to broaden my horizon." Kayin paused and turned half way to face him with a stern expression. "You must think that i grew up under a rock and yes, I sort of did." She smiled, nearly laughed even "most things IS new to me, so I truly appreciate the oportunity."Kayin inhaled deeply and let her arms stretch as far out as she could. "Come on jedi-boy, let's explore more of this astranged planet:"
Jacen grins and nods his head, walking quickly to catch up with Kayin.
“I’m glad that you and the others decided to come with us. I’ve... It’s been hard to make and keep friends.”
Jacen looks out at the war-torn landscape as he walks beside Kayin.
“This place is crazy. It’s twisted and broken but oddly beautiful in a desolate way. You can see that nature is fighting hard to come back and overcome the planet’s history.”
He smiles sadly.

Kayin Verd

Kayin was making her way over rumbles and roots where the nature was making an effort to reclaim the nature. "Strange, huh, how this peace and quiet can be do prominent when evidence clearly tells us that at some point everything we stand on today was in utter chaos!" She shakes her head. "Oh, look down there! A probably an ancient arena, dont you think?"
“Yeah, it’s crazy.”
Jacen stands on a ruined hill beside Kayin and follows her gaze down to a dilapidated structure that definitely looked like it could have been an arena.
“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go check it out!”
He pointed down the hill at the half broken structure and chuckles. The building is as a brownish orange color, covered in several layers of dust, dirt and grime from the previous years. Some pieces of the walls and pillars were cracked or broken but the entire structure appears to be standing strong.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Feeling the signature of the confessor he would shudder lightly, it was a long time since he had felt a signature that strongm though he would shake it off, the man was a friend and of no threat and to expose himself as such was almost like a sign of trust. Giving a soft chuckle Laphisto would check on the walkers finishing up some last minute calibrations and then checking the path he had spent the last few hours working on.finally satisfied with the route he would give a small chuckle lightly shaking his head. Upon seeing kayin and jacen head off he would call out to them with a semi stern tone in his voice

" Don't you wonder off two far you two, we don't want another situation like before, stay within eye sight. Well yelling range you know what I mean "
Jacen would look over at Kayin
"Let's check in with Laph real quick, yeah? Tell him what we saw and where we're heading, y'know?"
Jacen would lead her back toward the ship with him to talk with Laph really quick.
Approaching Laphisto, Jacen would smile

"How ya doin, Laph?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear his head would swivel to Jacen looking down at the boy and thinking momentarily before speaking "I am doing quite alright. finishing up some minor adjustments to the walkers, I have our planned route all ready to go give or take another hour or two and we should be all set to head to camp three"
Jacen nodes his head.
"We found a structure that's still standing over there."
Jacen aims his thumb behind him and chuckles.
"We're hoping to check it out a little. Nothing too crazy before Camp Three."
Jacen smiles and looks at the Walker that Laph was fixing up
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" A structure?, that sounds fine, so long as the two of you are within a safe distance from the ship, be me or the confessor needs to come assist in any fight you might get into" looking to jacen his eyes would glance to the freshly healed wound on his leg
Jacen chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head.
"We'll try to stay safe. That guy really came out of nowhere earlier.."
He nods as he turns to look back toward the hill above the broken arena.
"Just a quick little look around the place."

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