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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would finish his meal, his gaze watching the two enter the building with a soft frown, shaking his head softly as he stands up a light chuckle escaping his throat. after all, kids will be kids. pausing momentarily he would think for a moment, well technically they might not be kids in the standards of their species, but to him least age-wise they were mere hatchlings that is if they were Kiev'arians anyways.

shaking the thoughts from his head he would dust himself off. He trusted the two to be safe enough for now. turning back to the agenda he would get ahold of one of the nearby mechanics calling out to them with a perk of his ear " excuse me Jom? would you mind going about the crew find anyone who might be walker certified? i want to bring these walkers with us when we go camping three"

Jom would look over at Laphisto and give an enthusiastic salute " right away captain" turning he would leave stopping at every individual and gathering information before moving on
Deeper inside the seemingly abandoned structure that Jacen and Kayin were exploring. A pack of Sterebs with pale skin from their time of avoiding the surface while building further down, they could hear trespassers delving deeper into their home... Were they thieves? Killers? Scavengers?
After a moment of hushed chatter, six pale Sterebs began making their way up the tunnel toward the entrance to their New Kingdom. Armed with twisted spears and studded clubs, the six of them began quietly moving closer to the invaders...

Jacen and Kayin would be able to hear faint sounds in the distance but it did not scare them away from exploring. If anything it only encouraged them further into the bowels of this 'unexplored' site.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking over the walkers Laphisto would look over seeing Jom return with Sathel, Laari, and jorya looking over at the three he would glance them over giving Jom a light nod and dismissing him back to his duties. " well it would seem you thee are the most qualified for the AT-PWs we have on board, so go ahead climb in and get settled, we will get some practice going before we go on our expedition.

the three would look over at one another then the walkers before climbing in. tapping the comlink on his vambrace he would then direct the three to walk forwards fifty meters.

Laari would move the walker smoothly to the destination with Sathel close behind, jorya on the other hand would struggle lightly, the walker twisting to one side as she walked, causing her to go off course softly.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Giving a small frown he would chuckle gently before directing the three to move to the right " Laari take the lead Sathel and Jorya follow in on her left and right keep your Walkers straight, the throttle on your left is your speed, the joystick on the right controls your movement, push forwards to aim your body down pull back to aim upwards twist the joystick left and right to rotate the legs to turn."

the three would attempt to follow the instructions Laari would have some difficulty figuring out the rotation of the walker and how to move around, though eventually, she would figure it out. Sathel would figure things out quickly as he plays around with the controls. Jorya on the other hand would begin moving her mech around flawlessly,
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking around he would find a large pillar of stone pointing to it and speaking into the comlink " alright time for a mock fight. push your mechs to that direction ad take out the target. perform a hitting run circling the stone twice then return here and await further orders. Jorya your first"

Jorya would push her mech forwards towards the stone pillar making the turns large and missing the pillar more than once. before returning.

Sathel would rush towards the stone Pillar making tight precise turns and hitting nearly all of his shots before returning

Laari on the other hand would rush to the Pillar, and when trying to make her first turn would crash into the Pillar bringing it down on the walker before falling over

Perking his ear Laphisto would grumble, reaching out with the force and preventing the Walker from toppling over entirely. standing her back up he would grip the bridge of his nose softly
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
shaking his head gently he would look over towards another stone pillar, telling them to work together to try and take down a target and pointing at another Stone pillar

Watching the three run around the stone circle he would chuckle as they bump nd smash into each other, ending up in some small arguments being said before Laphisto would call over the comlink. " communicate with one another, keep each other informed but do not clog the radio. reform and try again.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking over their training he would keep instructing them to go time and time again Practicing over and over till they seemed to have gotten the hang of things

Satisfied with their ability to work together he would instruct the three to return and disembark. when they had done so he would inform the three that they were responsible for their walkers telling them that the walkers now belonged to them even after if they decided to leave the crew of the Agenda

Kayin Verd

Kayin kept on walking although at a slower pace now as she could hear movement of something large in the distance, something still out of sight. But Jacen didn't give off any signs of being nervous or afraid and that (unfortunately) only boosted Kayins confidence and curiosity further. Walking closer to one of the walls, she could clearly see signs of there having been some kind of creature clearing the invasive roots from the wallpaintings which made her slightly nervous. She then stopped all of a sudden, staring at some sort of altar ahead, covered in beautiful stones and probably ancient jewleries
"Oh.. my...Jacen!! Look" She spoke quietly but excited! She sort of lost her head when she quickly made her way over to the 'treasure '
"Kayin!" Jacen whispered as loudly as he could while following after her. The duo dashed forward toward the altar and in their haste, failed to notice the openings of passageways that led deeper beneath Serroco.

The six Stereb warriors heard the two intruders in the passage above them and began moving quickly. Their heavy footsteps echo loudly into the main passageway as Kayin and Jacen arrive at the strange altar..!

Kayin Verd

"Look as this!" Kayin basically jumped up the few steps that led to the overly decorated altar and picked up one thing after the other just to have a closer look while a dancing flame now had a little show by itself nearby. "I think this is Jade!" She lost her head and used her usual voice. Her eyes then catched another gem that made her throw the jade aside. "Jorallan opal?!" She picked up a necklace but now she heard the approaching steps running in their direction. Kayin shot a glance in that direction and let that flame she had spread out to see what it was. "SEREBS?!" She gasped and felt the adrenaline start boiling
The six albino Sterebs burst from the small passage they had been running down and into the much larger upper tunnel where Jacen and Kayin found the altar.

Jacen turned his head quickly as Kayin shouted and spotted the six warriors as they appeared and blocked their path back to the surface. He grips the hilt of his Blastersaber tightly as one of the Sterebs lunges forward and hurls a spear at Jacen! With a quick swing of his saber he manages to break the weapon but the head of the spear plunges into Jacen's side.
Jacen switches his Blastersaber to Setting 5, changing his stun-saber to a regular saber. He darts his eyes around at the Sterebs and glances at Kayin, "We gotta go. Pocket what you can and let's bust passed these guys." He grinned

Kayin Verd

Kayin stood frozen by the altar when Jacen came running, unable to make any move at first. It wasn't until Jacen called out loudly for her to pocket what she could that Kayin snapped out of it and she knew EXACTLY what to grab first - that Nova crystal!
She spun around, grabbed it along a few other items and came running down the stairs to get closer to Jacen just in case. She spotted blood at his side, gasping loudly. "Oh no, Jacen! Can you even run?" She asked in a seriously worried voice, looking back and forth from albino Serebs to Jacen. "I-i... Come on!" She pulled at his arm and started to sprint
"I'm okay for now!"
Jacen ran side-by-side with Kayin as his side screamed at him. They charged forward at the Stereb warriors who blacked their path. He gripped his Blastersaber tightly and thrusts his arm forward in attempt to Force Push the warriors out of their way.
He unfortunately fails his attempt and grips the hilt of his saber tightly, "Dank farrik!!"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would perk his ear looking down to his holo computer as the timer he had set goes off, giving a small frown he would shake his head making his way towards the encampment dismissing the three he was training with using his wings he would jump into the air, gliding down towards the etrance he saw the pairenter through, a small audible grunt escaping his maw as he tried to fit through the crevace

Kayin Verd

Kayin was sure that he would be able to force push the Sereb warriors aside so when he failed this, she came to a halt. Her quick mind came to the conclusion that if their skin was lighter due to limited or no exposure to the sun, then maybe they weren't used to light either and so maybe her ability to use the force to create flames would come to their advantage!
Alas, it seemed to have little effect, they only seemed to take a few steps back to adjust.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto was just barely able to push through the Crevace with a grunted groan. shaking his head he would begin making his way down the stairwell, his own natural Night vision kicking in as he descended, but the sounds of battle made him quicken his pace. hand reaching for his blade he would Ignate the blade running down to the corridor

Kayin Verd

Darn, she had really believed that her idea would work! Instead she was backing away in fright of getting hurt while Jacen went in for another attack that resulted in loud screams from one of the Serebs as he looses his hand! Kayin gasped again and for a second her hands shot up to cover her face but that wouldn't help them out of here! Jacen shouted again and she nodded quickly, taking a few breaths, preparing to bolt past the huge, pale creatures blocking their path! "Go!" She shouted mostly to herself as she sprinted as fast as she couldn't towards them, only barely making it without getting slashed herself as she came in to slide between the legs of one of them
"I'm your enemy, not her!" Jacen shouted as two of the warriors swung their spears at Kayin. He lifts his left hand up and feels his connection with the Force grow suddenly stronger. The five remaining warriors(the one whom lost a hand had fled down a side passage) were all pulled closer to Jacen, resulting in them all stumbling forward and losing their balance.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Pushing into the Corridor his Force sight would be active withing an almost blood-Curdling roar from his throat he would move to bring his blade upwards in a Diagonal Slash towards the first Sereb that he was closest just barely slicing along the creatures frame, the Darkness and his poor eye sight to begin with making things a bit hard to his eyes narrowing softly moving into Form one bringing his blade outwards and over he would spear one of the Warriors on his blade as it gets pulled towards Jacen spearing the creature in the shoulderblade the impact would throw Laphisto softly off balance before regaining his footing

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