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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Kayin Verd

She saw the spear come down in her direction as she slid under one of the Serebs and all she managed to do at the time was to scream and cover her head as she came into a roll which saved her from critical injury! Quickly getting back on her feet she felt a wave of relief wash over her as there, making his way towards them, was Laphisto!! "Captain!" Kayin shouted and threw a look back to Jacen. "There is at least four of them but i think there is more" She spoke quickly in Laphistos direction, her eyes flickering "jacen! Jacen is hurt, he's bleeding rather seriously from his side from what i can tell!"
Jacen hears Kayin shout and then Laphisto appears, his blade illuminating the passage even further. He grips his Blastersaber tightly in his right hand and draws his blaster pistol with his left. He fires a shot at one warrior and swings a horizontal slash at another. The blaster bolt strikes one of the Sterebs in the gut and the saber slash shreds into anothers' chest!
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Snarling Laphisto would rush forwards slashing at one of the last two, before pushing outwards to force grip the other, slashing at the one Warrior he would cut along its chest killing it. reaching out Laphisto would Grab at a boulder picking it up and throwing it t the side, haven thought it was the other warrior, only to blink and frown upon realizing his mistake
Those that could, ran and ducked into nearby passageways to escape the fury of their lightsaber wielding foes.

"Come on!" Kayin's voice sounded from the stairs.

Jacen deactivates his Blastersaber and holsters his weapons.
"Thanks for the save."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking the rear he would hold his blade out flicking his lone ear and grumbling as he pushes back towards the exit following the pair quickly " twice in one day, has to be a new record for ya Jacen. " he would chuckle ashe joked
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" just means your learning quickly then " nodding gently to Jacen he would flick his lone ear softly grunting as he pushes out of the cavern turning to the two with arms crossed." care to explain how this little escapade happened?"
"Well-uh. We were looking around the place and found an opening into the staircase."
Kayin nods along as Jacen talks, admiring the treasure she 'liberated' from the altar.
"We were just looking around and then those guys were behind us."
He chuckles and winces as his left sleeve snags on the spearhead in his side.
"Agh.." He groans. "Do I pull this out now or wait until we're back?"
Jacen grins
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" well you have an option, pull it out and try to use your force heal, or pull it out and cauterize the wound " looking the two over he would shake his head gently with a light chuckle escaping his throat" you two need to be more careful"
Jacen chuckles and nods his head, "I'm sure we'll have better luck on the next expedition."
He takes a deep breathe and yanks the spearhead out of his side, wincing but easily pulling it free from himself. He quickly shuts his eyes and holds his left hand over his fresh wound. He feels the Force flow through his body and his wound easily fixed itself up
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear he would give a small chuckle watching the boy heal himself with a soft nod of approval "well ill be damned, seems your quite the Natural with that there "
The three of them arrive at the ship and Kayin quickly runs off to her private quarters with her loot.
Training with the Walkers is still underway outside where Jacen and Laphisto stand.
“I still need a lot of practice before my next lightsaber fight.” He laughs nervously
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
raisign a brow he would watch him take a stance the form being alien and unfamiliar to him or maybe he had seen it before? shaking the thoughts away he would move to form II taking an offensive stance before swinging his blade towards Jacen
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Perking his lone ear he would chuckle at the agressive and strong nature of his attack moving to catch the blade with his own catching his blade he would pull one way slamming the hilt against his blade and pushing it out of the way

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