Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Jacen flips around and tries landing on his feet as Laphisto drops on him with his full weight. He just barely manages to stay upright and moves to parry the vertical slash and counterattack.
He parries the incoming attack easily enough but sloppily swings his sword upward at Laph's arm
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Moving to Slash at Jacen he would then Turn his Blade off when the blades were close to hitting, moving to just about Punch him in the chest with his had guard spinning around and then Smacking him with his tail
Jacen quickly ducks down as he deactivates his saber and uses his right arm to shield his body from Laphistos tail. He leaps up and skips away from Laph as he breathes heavily.
His mind somewhat cloudy with anger, he tries to calm himself down as he reignites his saber
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" control your Emotions Jacen, your enemy will use your Anger to cloud your mind and make you think rash and in an unorganized Manner" pushing back into a default offensive stand he would slowly begin to side step to his left circling Jacen
Jacen would side step to his left as well, moving in unison with Laphisto.
"I.. I don't know if I can control my emotions. Everything you said was true."
Jacen quickly deactivates his saber again and switches its setting. He aims his Blastersaber forward, still moving to his left and fires two more Disabler bolts at Laph.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
flicking his ear he would move to sidestep the Disabler bolts though if unable he would raise his blade to block them " you were untrained and unknowing, a feature you had no control over my boy. emotions can hinder and aid you if used correctly " he would then lunge forwards to jab at Jacen
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" you think i was born with my Prowess my boy? i had to learn, i had to mourn and make mistakes. your Family, and your world are gone, but you must find a new meaning in life, Fight not for yourself but for them. let your Family's Memory live on through you." swinging his sideways he would move his swing into a light uppercut
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
throwing another kick to Jason he would Begin to Swing and Slash Relentlussly each Slash being followed up with another kick or Backhand " keep up boy, counter and block, don't think just do. use the force and let it tell you what to do and just listen"

Laphiso would unload a Barrage of blows, using his heavy fighting style and his size to his advantage stepping forwards and pushing back against Jacen with every slash

Kayin Verd

Back in her private quarters, Kayin laid down on the floor to properly catch her breath and when she was relaxed enough she finally sat up and removed her brown leather jacket to start pulling out her... loot.
"Let's see..." a beautiful necklace made from jorallan opal, some odd artfact carved from stone, a dried up flower of sorts and of course, the most valuable of them all, the Nova Crystal. "Holy shet, it's... amazing!" Kayin got up with this in hand, mesmerised by the stones beauty and prospect of no longer having to live on the street
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would have headed to his own quarters shortly after Jacen did. Though he would Check up on Satchel, Laari and Jorya. Making sure the three. We're getting along well enough and checking in on there training progress.

When he entered his room he would fall backwards into his bed. Falling asleep the moment he went for a blink, it had been at least a day and a half since he last slept

Waking up the next day he would give a few blinks. Shaking his head lightly as he wakes. Giving a large yawn and stretching, making sure to pop and free up the joints in his shoulders and wings. Shaking his head as he stands he would make his way to the mess hall
After a long night of bad dreams about his family’s death, Jacen awoke in his bed and sat up quickly. He took several deep breathes and wiped sweat off of his brow.
“I didn’t have the proper training. It wasn’t my fault...”
He sits in his bed for awhile as he tries shaking the bad thoughts from his mind

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