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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"Mandalorians are honorable for sure, but they are quite dangerous and aggressive, at least that's how they were last i knew them" shaking his head he would chuckle gently lightly scratching under his chin

The Confessor

"Mandalorians have not changed much in the few thousand years but a few key differences. The amount of Beskar available, Mandalorian Iron as it is now more commonly called, has become extremely abundant. About anyone can purchase an ingot now for a few thousand credits...that and they have figured out how to make their own Beskar from regular minerals. Quite intriguing I must add though they seem to keep closer to their territories these days towards the Outer Rim."

"Yet something unique I have noticed since I been around more lately...they tend to migrate in different areas. Whoever is considered Mandalore or the leader itself, shifts from place to place. They rise and fall so often that it is hard to follow at times though the Enclave seems to be held together so far, a massive group of mercenaries and bounty hunters, themselves currently in the Outer Rim Territories."

"Technology also has changed drastically...they are still dangerous but aggressive seems to be less of the keyword. They are now entrapment hunters, they have numerous tools that the Galaxy has not seen before, some using miniature tractor beams to pull people from rooftops. Not including of course new grenades such as Blinding Dust, Bounce Grenades, various forms of Cyroban and other forms of elemental is far harder to face them then it ever has in the history of our kind. They have patience for us now before they never even knew the true word of one."

"The only thing that could be seen as beneficial seems to be their lack of using vehicles, droids and starships directly in their hunts anymore. They seem to honor the idea now of attacking as the individual itself, with all the tools they have on them. They don't tend to use a walker to fight, nor use a gunship to hunt down an entire group. No, they look doing it themselves, up close and personal. The more they get from us, the better...and now they even seem to use their own Force Sensitive individuals for the hunts. As if it was not hard enough to conceal yourself from death squads when they send them out."

"I recommend extreme restraint from running into combat. They are using their brains against us, it be wise to do the same. Each one is a slight difference, some being wandering but a majority have followed this new style of combat. Pray we don't run into multiple of them."

Laphisto Laphisto Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Kayin Verd

The Confessor

"Most are, there are a select few that are not. I just exercise caution when you see one. The armor is usually a telltale sign. You see a visor unique or a group of them very similar on that type of armor, it is probably safe to say they are Mandalorians. One other thing, cutting at the fuel hoses...don't work anymore. They got fake hoses and most have built in power sources of Isotype Five, a slowly more common extreme power source. They let you think they have fuel to build the advantage. Learned that the hard way."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
turning his attention to the confessor and listening to his words he would quirk an eyebrow taking in what he had to say, and to his surprise, the Mandalorians he had envied all those years ago had Changed Drastically causing a light frown to roll over his maw. his left hand instinctively reached up to trace the Emblem of Clan ordo that was etched into the right pauldron of the armor he wore.

" well, I do hope the Mandalorian Honor has remained the same in these years?. these new tools and gadgets they seem to possess are interesting for sure which only adds to their already deadly capabilities. even the Mandalorians I faced were Dangerous but that was added to their Droids and tools, to see now they have no use for external equipment anymore is a frightening thought." giving a small chuckle he would shake his head gently with a slight frown listing to the two speak before raising a brow at the mention of fuel hoses

"I'm sorry fuel hoses? is new Mandalorian armor built with a sort of power source?"

The Confessor

"Their Jetpacks, they somewhat downgraded after the Mandalorian Wars, they were devastated and all metals became incredibly hard to come by, even lining for their hoses. It became a popular tactic to shoot or slice them off to prevent flight. Now they have multiple hoses to confuse the enemy with a majority being fake fuel hoses. It is a trick tactic at this point and makes it much more difficult to take them down mid-flight. That and of course, Void Stones seem to be a dime a dozen among most forces. Using the Force, Blasters, anything of conventical technology does not work and of course, Lightsabers. If one has to duel, it be best to cut where the joints meet, only way to take one down anymore...that or a lot of kinetic force like an ax or anything force imbued. The armor still bends and can crush one like a tin can if needed."

Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" ay jet packs I have heard of the implementation but I don't believe I even faced a Mandalorian force who had used such devices, then again most of my experience during the Mandalorian wars was space orientated, I saw little ground combat" nodding softly he would give a small chuckle at the mention of anything force imbued and the symbolism of a tin can being crushed " if only I had my force sword still"

Kayin Verd

Her own lightsaber? Kayin quickly blinked. It was a fair point Laphisto had where he explained how she'd be safer if she had some training in carrying one herself. Maybe the nova crystal had a purpose for her now.
The conversation that took place before her went far above her head but it didn't stop the girl from picking up a few things that would be valuable to rember for later. Being force sensitive and mastering a few skills to survive wasn't the same as having a wide knowledge of it or any political situation. Unfortunately, she had nothing to add to this and would happily remain as a silent observator.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking down at a data pad that was in his grasp he would speak to the walkers as they walked " Laari, take your walker off to the west up on that ridge line tell me what you see would ya?" the walker that was taking the Middle position would begin to divert there course starting off at a slow speed and then kicking up into an almost sprint using a system of jump jets and its own hydraulic legs to jump up to the ridge point, coming to a stop.

" captain I can see the Location of camp three, several orange pillars are sticking out of the sand. they are too symmetrical to be stone but that's not all. there are at least over a dozen Sterebs and that's just what I am seeing on the outside of the camps. there are at least seven tents surrounding a larger tent in the center. the center tent looks to be constructed around a stone building"

giving a small frown he would grip his chin in thought trying to think of a plan in order to deal with the Sterebs tapping on his comlink " copy that Laari return to formation"
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Jacen would walk around as he stretches his legs and gets himself ready for the coming expedition. Thoughts flood his mind as he weighs the Confessor's words about Mandalorians. He had been lucky to escape that man from the things he had heard. He wanders around as he thinks and taps on his Blastersaber. Unintentionally, he wanders a little too far from the others as he paces around.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as the expedition continues the walkers would reform his thought well on his head before noticing Jacen wonder causing him to give a light whistle motioning the boy to regroup with a light chuckle " so what do you think we should do about the Sterebs that seem to have made camp three there home?"
Jacen would make his way back into their group and walk alongside Laphisto.
"I'm not sure what to do about the Sterebs. Those ones that were underground seemed angry that we were trespassing. I'm sure we'll get the same reaction unless we can talk to them."
He nods his head slowly.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking back to the Three walkers that were with the group he would give a small chuckle lightly shaking his head " well we don't exactly look friendly that's for sure"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"the history of Serroco became a Rallying war cry for the rest of the republic, its a shame the Republic fell. thousands upon thousands of years of being around all the strife and horrors that were caused for and against the republic. and what did it all mean now that they are gone?" shaking his head he would sigh gently

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