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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

The Confessor

"Understandable...well, I will be on one of the Walkers, I don't like sitting inside a possible coffin."

Going towards a Walker, he made a small motion with his right hand and walked forward as he simply phased out of existence, a shimmer of white before appearing on top of the Walker the same way. Standing on top, he tilted his head and held onto the cane with both hands.

"Besides, I am a bit more...valuable up here. I been to war, I know how to protect a walker with the Force if need be."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
watching the confessor phase from existence and then re appear he would give a small perk of his ear chuckling and nodding gently " very well I'm sure Jorya will appreciate the added defensive bonus" giving a nod he would turn to Teena and Iv briefing the two and handed them both a data pad. giving a loud Whistle and making a spinning motion with a finger raised into the air before pointing it forwards. the Three Walkers beginning to move. lined up with approximately seven or eight feet between them. " let us get rolling we should arrive at camp three shortly"

Kayin Verd

Kayin stopped for a moment, looking up at Laphisto at his question of what she found on her last little expedition with Jacen. She was silent, as if she tried to read his intention of asking her this. "We found an ancient altar, but we didn't take anything"
A lie.

It felt embarrassing to say that she had stole from somewhere as sacred as an altar. "Anyway, I'm ready to leave" She tried on a smile and moved ahead as they rolled out
Jacen paces around for awhile and continues walking around the landing area as everyone got things sorted for the expedition. He smiled and looked up to the sky as a powerful gust of wind struck against him. He could feel excitement bubbling up inside of him but anxiety clouded his mind as thoughts of the bounty hunter entered his mind.
"I wonder where that guy went..."

Kayin Verd

Kayin stood across from Jacen as he joined them, rolling up some ropes that had managed to partially slip over the side of one of the crates. "Didn't think we'd be going for another expedition so soon but at least this time we're not alone. That's a relief" Kayin shrugged with a smile as another cast of wind ruffled up her hair and obscured her view for a moment, having her fight her own hair for a second which made her laugh joyfully

Kayin Verd

"Yeah, let's hope so"
Kayin shrugged as she finally got control of her hair and pinned down some of it and put the ropes back in place. "The last ones we met certainly didn't wish us well" She murmured with a roll of her eyes.

The Confessor

Standing on top of the walker as it began to move, he noticed the Chiss from earlier along with a unique Human he had not seen before. Giving a friendly wave with his left hand, he would place his hands back onto the staff itself. The Walkers moving forward reminded him so long ago of the wars that was once waged, how people had to be creative with the Force when there were thousands of Force Sensitives on the battlefield at any given time. Times of course where people could project the Force like a Barrier against enemy projectiles, times where entire space fleets were influenced by a single individual in battle.

Those times...sadly have seemed to pass.

Each step leaned the Sith Pureblood left then to right but never once losing his balance. This was not the first time he had rode onto a metal beast of war and probably would not be the last time. The hot air in his face felt refreshing, something he had missed when visiting arid planets.

Kayin Verd Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
narrowing his eyes to Kayin he would leave the manner be for the moment shaking his head before speaking " well if anything I will be taking apart Rels Lightsaber, you can use the parts to construct one of your own. At least you and Jacen be separated again it would be best to have you armed and trained to defend yourself and Those around you" flicking his gaze from the Confesso and Jacenhe would give a light nod eyes closing gently as he walked.

he had his freedom at last. a crew and some he would call friends but what his purpose. what is he supposed to do with this newfound freedom, for the past hundred or so years he had been told what to do where to go and how to do things. having control over his own destiny would take some getting used to
Jacen smiled, "He had two green crystals in his hilt, right? Maybe it can be deconstructed into two individual sabers."
His mind flashed to the underground passage where the pale Sterebs had attacked he and Kayin. He shook his head slightly and thoughts of the bounty hunter crossed through his mind as well.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking to Jacen he would give a soft nod his way. " aye but the Crystals are kyber, they have a tendency to change color depending on the users attunement of the force" gripping his chin in thought he would think for a moment" we could make two lightsabers, it is possible for sure"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking to Jacen he would shake his head softly with a light shrug" I'm unsure I know very little of Kyber crystals in all honesty but I do know force users that are more in tune with the dark side have a tendency to bleed the crystals red by pouring there anger hate and negative emotions into it. same with light siders, though tends to go blue or green from what iv read"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"a sword? like this?" he would grab his Broad Saber holding it in his hand twirling the hilt in his grasp. it was a beautiful weapon for sure but it was a replica of his force sword nonetheless
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
chuckling he would shake his head at the boys curiosity even in the midst of a dangerous situation " broad sabers are not a common occurrence that's for sure, tho it might be best to defeat him then ask questions afterwards"

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