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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Kayin Verd

Kayin mostly spent the night sitting in her bed, spinning the Nova crystal in her hands, admiring it as well as planning on how to use ut. Should she sell it or use it? Or could it possibly be used for something better? Hours went by as she sat there, thinking about the short expedition, her life on coruscant, what she felt about being here and her future. At some point she had just fallen asleep where she sat and when she woke up she felt how her body was sore all over from the bad posistion she had sat in for hours.
She changed some clothes and decided to head down to get something to eat as her stomach was practically roaring with hunger.
Jacen slowly eats his stew and sips on his tea.
“Yesterday was hectic.” He chuckles, “Today will be smoother, I hope.”
As he ate, Jacen thought about his sudden duel against the lightsaber-wielding Mandalorian the day before. He could still feel the pain caused by his black saber. He shivered slightly and his thoughts drifted to he and Kayin's expedition into the ruined arena. The short scuffle with the albino Sterebs had been intense... Jacen wondered if he would have made it out of there if Laph hadn't come to save the day.
And then there were his dreams... Jacen shook his head in attempts to drive those thoughts away before he continued thinking them.
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After finishing his meal, Jacen would hand his dishes in to the kitchen crew and thank them for feeding him. Walking out of the mess hall he would continue through the ship to the landing ramp. Cracking his neck loudly, he begins to stroll around the landing area. He watched a handful of mechanics tinkering with the Agenda as the three trainees practicing with the Walkers that Laph had fixed up.
He looked around at the ruined surroundings as he stretched his legs, keeping close to the ship as he wandered around.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" aye, it was a rough day for sure. but in the end, you Survived the endeavor and that's what truly matters.. albeit i did say stay close to the ship and be careful " chuckling gently he would shake his head he would eventually finish his meal, heading out of the Mess hall
Jacen finds a spot nearby the ship and grabs his Blastersaber. He begins switching through stances and trains dilegently with both his swordsmanship and the Force. He moves slowly at first before picking up his pace as he begins pushing himself hard.
“One. Two. Three. High. Low. Middle.”
He continues this mantra as he trains.
After a while of training himself with the Force and his saber, Jacen deactivates and holsters his Blastersaber as he looks around for a place to sit down.
He sits down and crosses his legs in front of him. Closing his eyes, he begins meditating and feeling the Force flow through him.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
at the Bridge, Laphisto would click a button on his Chair clearing his throat before speaking through the Ships Intercom " attention Crew of the Conquests Agenda. this is your Captian speaking, our Expedition to Camp three will begin here in the next couple of hours those Requested to Acompany the Expedition are as follows. Sathel Blior, Jorya Kerosine, Laari Crazell , Teeana Eriston, Iv Drea Kayin Verd, Grendel Krayt Grendel Krayt Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy [Jacen Law], and The Confessor . we leave in roughly four or five hours get some rest, a meal or collect what gear you will need. Laphisto out"
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
heading out of the bridge, he would pocket the data pad he had been working on for the last day and a half. making his way off the ramp and towards the walkers he would begin speaking with Sathel Laari and Jorya discussing the route he had planned out for them

Kayin Verd

Kayin found herself Flinching as the inter comm cracked loudly next to her and with a hard to her stomach she listened to Laphistos message to them, asking her, among others, to join a mission to camp 3. Well. Why the kriff not. She survived her last trip off this ship.
She might have been paranoid about it, but she knew better than to have valuable items just scattered about. She cleverly hid the Nova crystal, dressed herself properly for another trip outside and left her room. Over the past days spent at the Agenda, kayin had grown familiar with the ship and found it easier to find her way.
"Captain" kayin chirped as she walked up to the small group that was already here, adjusting some of her gear.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear he would look over at Kayin giving a soft smile and a light Wave her way chuckling gently. arms crossed over his chest as he spoke "I am glad you could make it. considering your last escapade i was hopeful that you would join us. so what did you find on your escapade with Jacen?" looking into her eyes he would give the usually narrowed squint, trying to make the blurry visage of her face focus for the most part
Elsewhere on Serroco, a fair distance from where the Agenda had landed sat another ship. A remodeled Mandalorian cruiser was parked in a shattered canyon out of sight from prying eyes. Inside the cruiser were two lifeforms and a Droid...

"And you're sure about this?" Salk Vahl asked and scoffed.

"For the tenth time, yes. I'm quite certain." Gon Fol replied sternly. "They're gonna head off to Camp Three at some point. If anything, I'd just like to observe them for awhile."

"It appears that Gon is afraid of Jedi." Caesar said and 'laughed' dryly.

"Not afraid. Just wary. I just like to be as prepared as possible. And the people aboard that ancient ship are a weird bunch. A Wild-Card, the lot of them." Gon sighed.

"I told you that this job wasn't worth the risk. The target and his friends will put up a good fight that will probably kill us. And not to mention the employer..." Salk smirked.

"Ah, yes. The Sith cultists." Caesar stated. "There's no way that taking a job from those nutjobs will end good for us."

"I hate talking to you two."

The Confessor

The Confessor walked with his cane, holding it in his left hand with it being used half as a support and half for fashion. Letting it hit the sand below, with rough course rock hiding underneath, he would approach the group as he looked up at the Walkers.

"I am a bit more rested now...though curious, what am I exactly looking at? Find some hidden treasure while I rested?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking to the Confessor he would give a soft nod with a small shrug " well we are after anything that can be sold, parts, weapons ships basically anything that might have Survived the original Nuking of the planet from all those years ago. i am interested in if that Meteor had survived as well" Griping his chin in thought he would begin to think for a moment

The Confessor

"If it has, you will have more than enough. But remember, fixing a starship of that size will take time...and resources. If none have the resources well, it be dangerous to stay around for to long. A big wreck shall always be...well, a big wreck sitting where it was."

Taking a few steps forward, he surveyed the environment as the wind blew on by, his mind focusing on afar as he glanced at the enviroment.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"aye the hope is on that manner that if a ships hull is in good enough condition we can radio for owen to bring the agenda over, and the Mechanic team can either scrap the parts or use any other wrecks nearby to at least get the ship capable of space flight" chuckling gently he would shake his head with a slight huff " hell at this point anything we can get our hands on will be a blessing"

nodding to the Confessor's words he would frown gently" aye this planet is a Dangerous place, hence why I'm bringing the walkers along with us. would hate to be caught with our pants down when things go bottoms up"

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