Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo patted her 'older sister' on the shoulder. Phaedra seemed to be quite skittish and not a happy camper, which made the brunette feel a bit bad for her. After all, she remembered and appreciated the kindness Phaedra had shown her not so long ago. "Hey, cheer up, Phae. Don't knock it till try you it. Soon you'll be back beating me at all the academic stuff," she said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Then Callisto spoke and Enyo made an effort to pay attention. That said, truth be told she actually liked the redhead. On the whole she seemed less formal and distant than Moira and Madeline. Certainly a lot bouncier, which admittedly did not say a lot. Besides, she brought them nice treats. She accepted the gun and took it in her hand, examining it.

Fortunately she had the good sense not to point the muzzle of it at herself or anyone else in the room. There was something about the way the weapon fit into her hand that felt...not exactly familiar, but as if it belonged into her hand. Her brow knitted together, she frowned in puzzlement, then shook the feeling off. "Ok. I know enough to know I have to aim and point the gun at things I want shot. This is where the power pack comes in and here's where you set the power of the bolts, right?" she spoke as she examined the pistol.
Phaedra looked at the blaster in Callisto's hand for a moment before she reached out and took it. The cool metal felt so strange in her hands. Which given her counterparts, awkwardness with blasters and such weapons, and a resistance to using them, it shouldn't have been that surprising that it felt odd to the tiny redhead. "I hope so." Though, she didn't entirely sound like she believed that.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure. I still don't like this, at least not right now." Though maybe that came from her perfectionist nature and a need to know everything all at once.

For her part, Phaedra, didn't really think about the implications of the weapon she was holding as she turned it over in her hands, not really paying attention to where the muzzle was pointed. Book smart sure, but not always streetsmart. Finally she let the weapon settle into her hands in the normal position. As Enyo spoke, the redhead paid attention, looking to what she was talking about on the weapon. "It seems simple enough. And straight forward." What possible could go wrong? With Phaedra having Coryth's DNA there was no telling what kind of trouble she'd get into. Or who knew, it might go much, much better than how it had gone for the tiny Jedi Master.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Make sure you're not pointing the muzzle at yourself, Phaedra, dear. Or at anyone you don't want to shoot. Never point a gun at someone unless you're ready to pull the trigger," Callisto spoke with timeless, almost maternal patience. Then again, she was sort of raising both girls after all. "Point it down for now, finger away from the trigger."

She picked up a blaster pistol herself and held it up so that both can see it. "This is how you load it." Demonstrating, she picked up a magazine and then loaded the weapon. "Lethal setting, stun setting. Keep it at stun for now. We will only be practicing lethal rounds once you're ready. Come over with me," at that she walked over towards the firing range, then assumed the correct firing stance.

It was obviously no bother for an HRD to wield a simple pistol with one hand and still aim accurately, but firstly they did not yet know she was a robot and secondly she was demonstrating for them.
"Keep your fingers outside the trigger guard, extended straight and flat outside the guard. All these holovids that show you action heroes permanently having their finger on the trigger are nonsense. Now assume firing-ready position," she demonstrated it, holding the grip of the pistol in her dominant hand. "Steady the gun in your other hand, then assume firing stance. All these holovids about action heroes dual wielding whilst dodging an absurd number of bolts are nonsense as well. Then take aim, look through the sights of the pistol on the target. Control your breathing." She would wait a couple moments to give them time, then she squeezed the trigger. A bolt leapt out of the blaster and hit the bullseye.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo patted Phaedra on the shoulder, trying to reassure her. Then she examined the blaster a bit, trying to familiarise herself with the weapon. As Callisto spoke and demonstrated, she paid attention, though she could not resist the urge to make a snarky comment. After all, she was Siobhan Kerrigan's clone! "No dual wielding and no crazy moves? You mean I can't be like Neo in the Matrix and go all space magic-empowered Gun-Fu? Or like that guy in Equilibrium?" she asked sarcastically.

A slightly exasperated sigh escaped Callisto's throat. Organics! "You mean dodge an absurd number of bolts whilst precisely firing an absurd number of rounds while dual wielding heavy, rapdi-firing blasters?" she asked. "No, you cannot. That is, you can try, but all you'll do is look silly flipping around, hit nothing and get shot. I'd rather you do not."

Enyo sighed, mock grumbling. "There you go, you had to dash all my fantasies. Here I was told space magic can make you fire magic bullets. My hopes have been crushed," as she spoke these words she stepped towards the shooting range, trying her best to assume the correct stance.

"If it did, maybe Jedi would not get slaughtered all the time. Neo had the advantage of Force Plot. Never mind the fact that being alerted to every bolt flying towards him does not equal the ability to process the information and act accordingly. The human brain does have some limits after all and considering the massive volley, the point ought to be moot anyway. Especially if the random mooks had used mass drivers. You cannot evade that."

"Ok, ok, I get it, Mum," Enyo said slightly teasingly as she locked on a target through her sights. Callisto stepped in, helping her assume the correct stance. Taking a breath, Enyo's finger moved to the trigger. She could not remember her previous life...but somehow she had the feeling this was not the first time she had used a gun....if only she knew the truth. Controlling her breathing, she focused and squeezed the trigger. The first shot missed, the second grazed what would have been an arm, the third hit the knee.
In the Darkness there is Truth
While Phaedra and Enyo were taking their first steps into a larger of servitude in the iron embrace of Archangel, Sumiko was, how shall we put it, working. For a change she was not exploring death worlds and battling monsters in the search of artefacts.

No, she was on Coruscant. The exact location? A very luxurious hotel suite that belonged to a rich Atrisian business man. The fish and caviar were superb. The businessman less so. He was the sort who compensated for his shortcomings through ostentatious displays of material wealth. His inflated sense of self-importance detracted strongly from the fact that he was not unattracive.

Dressed in a robe, he made no secret of the fact that he was oggling her when she removed her long coat, revealing that she was wearing a skintight leather dress that clung to her body like a second skin, accentuating all her lovely curves. Her feet were tucked into knee-high leather boots, her dark hair was done up. In other words, the sort of thing you expected a dominatrix to wear. For her part Sumiko found the high heels rather uncomfortable to walk in, not to mention downright impractical. But she maintained perfect poise and stance.

He completely failed at hiding the leecherous looks that were directed at her chest. Her blood-red lips curved into a smile and with a finger, she pointed down on the bed. "On your knees," she commanded, voice dripping with command authority. With pure excitement written over his features he laid down. "Have you been a bad boy?" she demanded.

"Yeees," he declared, obviously eager for fade to black scenes and he was so naughty to turn his head slightly to oggle her chest. The evil smirk remained upon her face as she circled him like a predator would do to her prey. In her hand was a whip, which she cracked against her thigh, relishing the sensation of pain.

However, unfortunately for him she had different things in mind than fade to black scenes. "Have you been selling artefacts to Archangel?" Her tone did not change. Nor did the perfect poise she held. She felt a feeling of satisfaction surge through when she saw his surprise...the shock written upon his features.

"What...." Before he could do anything more, she had brought down her whip upon him with painful force, seizing his hand as he tried to reach for a comm. Mechu-deru shorted out the device, and, straddling him, she grabbed him by the back of his head, forcing him to look at her as she dove into his mind, cutting and slicing right through the layers of resistance as she tore the information from him. The more he struggled, the more pain she put him through, not caring whether his brain survived the process intact.
Phaedra nodded at Callisto's words. It did seem a simple thing, not to point it at herself, or another that she didn't plan to shoot. "Right, wasn't thinking." She said quietly, and adjusted her grip, taking her finger off the trigger and aiming the weapon down.

A little slower than her clone-sister, she followed them over to the firing range. She glanced to the lone brunette and smiled softly at the touch against her shoulder. Then her attention shifted back to Callisto, their mechanical mum or as close as either one of them was going to get to one.
Hearing Enyo's comment, Phae just chuckled. "Only in the movies dear, only in the movies." She just had to add, as Callisto explained how unrealistic it really was.

"I'm sure you'll survive. Even with said crushed hopes and dreams." Even Phae could occasionally be a bit snarky.

The little redhead watched as Enyo positioned herself into the firing stance, and took her shots. "Not bad." She chirped, as she finally came up and took her place on the firing range. The weapon still felt strange in her hands, odd. It just didn't feel like it belonged there. With a sigh, she too did the best she could to get into the proper stance. She waited for corrections before taking a shot.

Breathing in, she calmed her nerves and steadied herself. Squeezing the trigger, Phae took her first shot, missing the target completely. At least, unlike Coryth, she hadn't shot the foot of the person trying to teach her. Clearly this was an improvement on the original. A frown then crossed her lips, as she adjusted and took a second shot. This time, she grazed the right shoulder of the target. That's better. She thought to herself. Her third and final shot hit the target, more or less in the throat. Now this, Phaedra, really couldn't complain about.

Truth be told, the redhead seemed surprised at her quick progress. "Well, that's different...." She said softly, sounding a bit uncertain. The woman still hadn't decided if she liked this whole gun thing yet, still felt a little too strange to her. It didn't feel like it was something she would do, but yet clearly was capable.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
Drain Knowledge was a delicate, complex process. Through the tuition she had received from Souldrinker and the holocron of Sorzus Syn, she had learned much. But it still took a good deal of energy and focus for her to achieve the necessary concentration. To exact her will upon him was easy by comparison, for when stripped of his wealth, the man was weak. But it was not thoughts she desired to read. Rather what she was after were memories and so what she had to navigate was an ocean. One of greed, betrayals, petty and rather basic desires. Luckily she had a good compass. Unfortunately for him, she was not gentle at all, for she lacked the delicate touch and experience to make it painless, both physically and mentally.

The screams that escaped his lips were most annoying to her. Not only that, they disrupted her concentration. Moreover, they seemed to be arousing attention. She could hear pounding on the door, then a loud voice spoke. One of the guards. "Are you alright, sir?" he called out.

The businessman was drenched in sweat and in evident pain, but could not find his voice. Acting quickly Sumiko shifted gears and withdrew from her mental probing. Rather she exerted her will upon her vicim, imprinting a command upon his mind. "Say everything's fine and you don't want to be disturbed," she commanded.

Her victim's face was contorted in pain as she pushed, but he complied. "Everything's fine. I don't want to be disturbed!" he declared, perhaps louder than he should have. His heart was thumping against his chest, so loudly that it felt like it was about to burst, his breathing was ragged. He gasped in pain...but it could easily be interpreted as pleasure.

There was a brief pause, then the guard responded at last. "Ok, sir. Sorry for interrupting. If you need anything, just call." Her victim was granted no respite for Sumiko reached into her bag and removed a ball gag, which she promptly stuffed into his mouth. That would keep him from screaming again!

Then she once again sliced through his mind with her power. Time passed as she exerted herself and pressed her will upon him. He shook violently as she peeled away the layers of resistance, digging and probing until she had found what she was looking for. Oh...this was very interesting. She had known he'd been smuggling artefacts that once belonged to the Inquisition, but not that his ties to Archangel were this deep.

What would they want with all this Force arcana? Droids could not use the Force...she grasped at a fleeting memory when she saw an image of shards. Bando Gora cults being used as stooges for acquisitions...then he collapsed, drool dripping down his chin. His fragile mind had not survived the process. He was still alive, for she could hear his heart still beat and feel a pulse if she wanted, but his mind was in pieces. What was left was a vegetable. However, she had little time to contemplate the memories she had absorbed, for she suddenly once again heard loud banging against the door. Only this time it was a woman's voice. "Nozomu, are you with some filthy harlot again? Open up the door now?" Then the door burst open...
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Could an emotionless assassin droid feel something like pride? Was she actually capable of feeling? Officially not at all. After all, she was a creature of pure logic and rationality. Phaedra and Enyo were nothing but instruments. Tools to be used by Archangel. Very, very valuable ones, but still. Beautiful tools.

Yet as she watched them take their first tentative steps at the shooting range, and score their first successes, Callisto found herself feeling...something. The feeling was most disconcerting and unnerving to her. She was not designed for this. She shut down on this train of thought and gave the girls a smile. When the time came, they would be magnificient. "Good work. You're doing well, especially for beginners. You see, Phaedra, you are capable," she gently patted the girl on the shoulder. "Enyo, good work as well. A bit more precision. Take your time with this. You're both showing promise. Try again a few times."
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

There was an admittedly rather petty part of Enyo that felt a bit annoyed about being outdone by her sister. However, that feeling did not last for long. Phaedra was simply to be sweet to be annoyed with. So she gave the redhead a smile and squeezed her tiny shoulder encouragingly. Well, Enyo thought she was being encouraging!

Upon hearing Callisto's words she nodded. Truth be told, she did not feel happy about being corrected either, but the taller redhead at least presented it in a way that did not come across as super lecturing. "Yes, ma'am. See, Phae, it's not so bad. You'll be a natural soon, and probably outdo me all the time," Taking a breath she concentrated once again, steadying herself. As she looked upon the target she could not help but perceive odd lines, which were seemingly directing her. Odd, and not creepy at all, she thought to herself. Feeling uncomfortable, she tried to ignore them.

Squeezing the trigger she fired and missed the target just barely. Grunting in annoyance she took aim again and...once again she saw the lines. Ok. It's weird, but how bad can it be? Calmning herself she fired and hit the target straight in the chest. Her next hit what would have been the head. This time she did not try to avert her eyes from the lines.
Phaedra sighed softly, faint traces of a smile forming upon her lips. "I suppose, I am. It just feels strange to be doing this. It's just different." It wasn't nearly as bad as she'd expected. The clone finally shook off the feelings of strangeness as nothing more than learning a skill she never had before. Which at it's core is exactly what was happening to Phaedra. Coryth had never really learned to use a blaster effectively, and really she never had to either given her talents in illusions.

Phae glanced to Enyo at her touch, and actually smiled. It was that simple reassurance that made her feel better about the whole situation. "I mean, I guess it's not that bad. It's only different. New. I'll adjust, I'm sure, but I highly doubt I'l be a natural that this." She just didn't hold that confidence. Maybe one day she would, but that wasn't today. Her attention turned down range as she watched Enyo work. One miss, two hits seemed like an improvement to her. "Nice job, Enyo." She said sweetly. Though there was something there, she'd felt something. As to what it was, Phae wasn't sure at all.

Taking a breath she once more stepped up herself. Gripping the weapon once more, she lined up her shot. Breathing out slowly, she squeezed the trigger. Her first shot, impacted the target in the center of the stomach. It was her next shot that slipped off to the side, missing the target but only just. Taking a deep breath, Phaedra settled herself and took her last shot. This time, she hit it where the heart would have been.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
And so the door burst open and Nozumu's wife stormed in, two goons in fancy suits and with poorly concealed blasters in tow. If anyone ever fit the definition of an old trophy wife, then it was she. Fancy dress, lots of jewellry, too much makeup.

"Who are you? One of his playthings?!" she shrieked. Sumiko decided that she could not blame Nozumu for cheating on her given how annoying the woman's voice was. "Why, Nozumu, because she's got larger breasts and has a stick figure?" she cried out, then finally her eyes fell upon the man himself. "Get off my husband. What has she done to you?" The mood swings were annoying as well.

Sumiko was having none of it. She had not been recovered fast enough to act when the door was opened, but now she did. Moving in what seemed like a blur she grabbed the woman by the neck, spinning her around arm tight around her neck. Her free hand went to her knife, which was held so very close to the woman's throat. "One wrong move, and she dies," she hissed. The woman futilely struggled in Sumiko's iron grip, but the former Inquisitor was unrelenting.

"W-what...please don't kill me!" she begged, voice filled with fear and terror. "Nozumu, what have you done? Why did you drag me into this?" she whined pathetically. "

"No worries, darling," Sumiko could not help saying. More and more guards were coming closer, but she sunk into the Force and reached out into their fragile minds, pulling at the threads to bend them to her will. Suddenly their perception was being warped, for in their minds they would suddenly find their view of who was who reversed. Sumiko vanished from sight and in her place they saw Nozumu's wife as her. In actuality the woman was kicked forward towards them.

"She murdered the Daimyo and stabbed his wife! Grab her!" A guard yelled and quickly grabbed the woman, knocking her to the floor and cuffing her.

" idiots? I'm his wife, the murderer is escaping. Shoot her! Or I'll have you flogged."

"Be silent, filthy assassin. When the Daimyo's son comes here, he'll punish you." The guard silenced the woman with a hard punch to the face, then with a ball gag to the mouth. As far as they could see, the body of their master's wife was lying there, bleeding. A medic quickly rushed to her to deliver emergency medical attention, but then the body...vanished. Then their vision cleared and they realised that they'd been arresting their boss' wife.

"What the feth? I'm so sorry, Mistress," a bodyguard declared, quickly pulling out the gag.

The woman gave him a hard slap across the face. "You fething idiot. You're fired! Guards, find and kill her!"

And where was the real Sumiko while all the commotion took place? Well, as a matter of fact she had grabbed her coat and escaped through the open window. Invisible to both organics and droid scanners she had jumped out of it and was now descending downward into the Coruscant night.

Was this suicide? Considering the fact that the fall would have taken...very long, it would have normally been, but as she fell she activated a miniaturised grappling hook hidden beneath her sleeve, managing to get solid purchase on the wall. The descent itself was slowed down and cushioned by her powers since the Force was bendy that way, before she finally had solid ground under her feet again. She took a few very deep, calmning breaths, hearing the sound of sirens coming closer, then she vanished into the night.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Little Phaedra might not know it, but she was taking her first step into a larger world. One of service to Archangel, the incarnation of the will of the Force. Coryth had never learned how to use a blaster, but her clone just might have the talent for it. Callisto dedicated a fraction of her processing power towards pondering the question whether Phaedra might one time show promise as a sniper. Obviously the HRD only understood the Force to a limited degree mostly based on observation, but she concluded that skills as an illusionist would be very useful for assassination purposes.

Of course, they would have first liberate the girl of her innocence and naivete. It would harsh, she would undoubtedly rebel and have to be disciplined, but eventually she would be as hard as polished durasteel. As for Enyo, time would tell whether she would manifest her counterpart's proficiency for telekinesis. The time would come when Archangel would need a battering ram, an avenging angel to smite its enemies and rain down destruction upon them.

That said, given the fact that Archangel pursued its agenda in secret it would probably be wise to steer her training less towards mass destruction and to something subtler. Then again, there was the example of Mirien Valdier. Yes, Archangel was learning a lot from the Inquisition.

"Good work, girls. You're both doing very well, especially for beginners. This is unfamiliar for you, you will make mistakes, but that's to be expected. In time these skills will become intuitive and you will no longer have to think. The next lesson will be a brief course in hand-to-hand," she stated. There was a note of pride in her voice.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Thanks, Phae," Enyo said cheerfully. However, she could not shake off the fact that she had felt...something. Not just felt, but seen. Those lines her eye had perceived were not normal. It felt as if they had been guiding her aim, directing her to where she should fire so that she could achieve the greatest impact.

It was not normal at all and she found it disconcerting. However, she did not mention it. Then Callisto gave some instructions and commentary and Enyo was quiet. Before the redhead brought up the next lesson. "Uh, that's kind of unfair to Phae, you know," she spoke up, then realised the little redhead could theoretically interpret this as her putting her down. "Not that I'm dissing you, dear," she added quickly, patting her on the shoulder. After all, Phaedra was the only friend she had next to Callisto. Madeline was very nice...but also the woman who poked her with needles sometimes. Moira she could not figure out. There seemed to be something...strange about her. Why Enyo was not sure, but it was the vibe she got from her.
Even Phae seemed dismayed at the news that hand to hand would be next. This certainly was not something she was looking forward to in the least. "You sure we can't do something else? Cause I know this is going to suck, no matter what we do."

She glanced to her fellow clone sister. "And Enyo's right, it is kind of unfair to me. I'll always be at a disadvantage with it." The redhead grumbled, clearly not wanting to do this. The idea she didn't like in the least. "And I know you're not. I understand, believe me."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"As much as I'd like to, no. It's important that you at least know the basics," Callisto replied. One of the advantages of being an HRD was almost timeless patience. This was useful when dealing with children who for some reason did not want to do what you told them to. "However, to make things fairer, you can keep your pistol."

Enyo raised an eyebrow at that. "She gets to shoot me?" she asked.

"Low-powered stun bolts, they won't cause any injury. At most you will feel numb for a bit. Or you could simply not get hit. Now, i shall explain the basics to you. I've prepared an instruction vid. From the Omega Pyre unit back when it actually accomplished things and was not a band of ineffectual mercenaries sitting on their laurels." And so she pressed a button on the remote control and the vid played. It was obviously very instructive.​
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

And so after a time skip during which they watched the very instructive holovid, they were facing one another on a matt. Phaedra was defending and holding a blaster pistol that was hopefully still set on stun, Enyo was supposed to be attacking. However, Enyo did not...feel very comfortable in this position. For one, she really did not want to risk hurting Phaedra. The bond between them was a little too strong and she could obviously not quite separate training from the real thing.

This was an innocence that Archangel would have to burn out of her. So she focused upon the more palatable task of removing the gun from Phaedra's hand. After all, she did not want to hit by a stun bolt if the redhead decided to fire, after all!

First step was moving out of the possible discharge line, so Enyo quickly broke into a sprint towards the firing side. With both her hands she sought to grasp the barrel of the gun from beneath, pushing up and then quickly pulling down. As she put pressure on Phaedra's wrist and tried to twist the gun sideways, she drove a kick towards the redhead's knee. It would not be a strong one because, again, Enyo did not really want to hurt her, but should disconnect her, while Enyo pulled the pistol into her grasp.
Truth be told, in no way was Phaedra ready for this particular challenge. Her size already left her at an extreme disadvantage. And sure she had the blaster, but certainly lacked any experience to back that up in a fight like this. Undoubtedly this would not go that well for her. Well, at least that was the redhead's thinking.

As Enyo made her move, Phae gave the trigger a quick squeeze. However, the woman had already moved out of her line of fire. She let out a gasp as the brunette managed to get her mitts on the blaster. A sharp pull up and then back down already greatly strained her wrist. Her ability to actually maintain her grip on it was slipping away. With the kick to her knee, Phae found herself tumbling backward as she finally lost her grip on the blaster.

With Enyo now in control, the redhead had no choice but to act and lunged for the woman's waist. Maybe not the wisest of moves, but she was more running on what her instincts said to do rather than thinking it through.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Well, that had gone well! Someone else might've felt a bit triumphant, but that was not a sentiment Enyo experienced. For one, she was very concerned about hurting Phaedra and the whole thing seemed a bit unfair to her. Nonetheless, Phae had been sent tumbling back and the blaster had fallen into the brunette's grasp.

This put Enyo in control. However, the redhead was clearly not giving up, as she lunged for her opponent's waist. Launching herself at Enyo might've not been the wisest move, but it was important in battle to gain the initiative rather than being purely reactive, and as such Phae's instincts weren't wrong. Moreover, truth be told the manoeuvre caught Enyo off-guard.

And so the redhead's strike hit home, as Enyo did not have the time to either intercept it or use her greater strength against Phaedra, and so she was pushed back. Fortunately, Phaedra's weaker strength meant that the punch hurt less than it otherwise would have. Something stirred inside Enyo, a more primal, aggressive feeling. Perhaps reminiscent of what her template felt in combat. Intent on gving Phaedra no time to launch another blow, she grabbed ahold of her arm and, bending over, she tried to pull it forward and flip the redhead over her hip and on to the mat. Ideally she would be dropped down from hip height before she could right herself and the ground would knock the wind out of her.

Of course, Enyo might have underestimated the awesome power of redhead rage.
Phaedra honestly wasn't thinking too much at this point. Nor had she really remembered the video to help instill some fine tactics into her. She was mostly running on instinct and the first thoughts that popped into her mind as events unfolded. Without the blaster she was at an extreme disadvantage. She didn't have the strength or weight behind her to really do a lot. Though she did have the force, to whatever degree she realized she had it.

The attack, Phae felt Enyo grip her arm tightly and using her own momentum threw the small woman over her hip. Unable to right herself in time, the redhead slammed into the mat hard. The wind knocked from her lungs, and Phae's eyes were wide with fear and a bit of pain as she gasped for air.
An unexpected rage rose up within the Firemane and soon she was unknowingly drawing on powers she knew little about. A Telekinetic wave would fly towards Enyo, and with some luck it would knock her back. Hopefully Phaedra would be able to recover by the time Enyo righted herself. Though undoubtedly the redhead would be quite shocked at such events as they unfolded, still not used to her abilities at all.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Ouch. Presumably at this point Enyo knew that Phaedra possessed weird space magic powers, but she had never seen them in action! Well, there was a first time for everything. Unsurprisingly, Enyo had no defence against the sudden, telekinetic onslaught.

However, perhaps she had felt something amiss. The wave hit her, but as it was about to smash she'd dived forward so that instead of tossing her through the air it slammed her into the ground like an invisible hammer. However, impact still hurt a hell of a lot! Her nose was bleeding when she raised her face from the floor, snarling. Likewise a rage rose inside her, one she could never recall feeling before. Little did she know that she possessed the same gifts as well, but now she would.

Suddenly, sparks of electricity crackled across her right palm, then bolts of blue-white lightning shrieked from it towards Phaedra. Enyo obviously had no experience in using the Force, so at this stage the lightning would not be life-threatening and, as a matter of fact, she was more likely to fry herself! Still, it would be unpleasant to be hit by it.

"Phae, Enyo, abort this now." The insistent, strangely authoritarian voice of Callisto made it herself heard over the cacophony of sound, commanding and unyielding. "You are not enemies. Stop before you hurt yourselves." Or before she had to hurt them.

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