Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

"Mmmmmmm, feels so damn good Callisto. I really like it right there." The youthful clone purred, clearly melting like puddy on the bed under Callisto's touches. Clearly she was adjusting rather easily to her transition so far. "My feet? Are you sure you won't mind? I'd hate to be a bother or overstay my welcome on such kindness."

Phaedra listened keenly to the rest of what Callisto said before speaking again. "I have to say, my dear .... You don't mind me calling you that, dear? Do you?" The politeness in her had to check first. "But I think you are quite right. Far too many people out there are self interested and only out to keep their power bases rather than set pride aside and do what is best for their people. It's something I wish I could change." If only she had known she'd been made for just that purpose, among others. Alas all in good time. All in good time.

Phaedra managed a softly smile and reached out to pat Callisto's hand. "It's alright, truly. I understand completely where you are coming from. It's just fine to be so passionate about such things. It makes you a good woman, without a doubt. For we are just such bland beings without passion."

"And as long as you are certain it won't be too much of a burden on you, I'd love to have my feet massaged."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"I don't mind at all, dear. And no, you're not being a bother. In fact, I think your feet are...very cute, if you don't mind me saying," Callisto said a bit bushfully, seemingly blushing a bit. It was all so sweet and realistic. "You are quite right. Passion is important. It can take many forms. To many people are just blinded by it...but you can accomplish great things if you harness it into dedication for a good cause."

The mention about how bland a person would be without passion made her smile thinly. If only Phaedra knew...but they could not ruin the surprise just yet. By the time Phaedra knew the truth, she would have passionately dedicated herself to Archangel without even knowing it. She would be the standard-bearer of a New Age.

"Roll over and rest your head on the pillow, sweetie." While that presumably happened Callisto got a small bottle of massage oil out. Somehow she seemed to carry that sort of thing around because of reasons. After all, you never knew when you might have to seduce a pretty redhead into serving a genocidal machine cult. That done she wasted no time but immediately began applying her fingers to Phaedra's cute little feet.

Her touch was unhurried, patient, both firm and yet gentle as her fingers soothed and massaged, applying long stroking motions to the top of the foot. Her thumbs started at the tip of the toes and slid all the way up the ankle, then repeated the motion again. Soothing and pleasant smelling massage oils were applied. She would rotate ankles to loosen joints and then apply loving attention to the girl's toes.
"Oh, you are so kind." Phaedra mumbled as she thoroughly enjoyed the massage. "Awww, they're just feet." She whispered uncertain how her feet could be that great. They were there just to get walked on after all. Nothing seemed too special about them. "I suppose that is a fair point, far too many are blinded by their passion, unable to really see beyond. If only they could focus it productively."

The redhead then winced heavily as she shifted, reaching out to pretty the button for more pain medication. Anything to relief some of the agony she was feeling from her spine that had been played with just a little too much in the last few hours.

Finally, and slowly with a small hiss she rolled over onto her back to enjoy the services offered by Callisto. "You are far too kind to me, I hope you know." She whispered quietly. A soft moan or two escaped her lips as Callisto took to her feet, working to relax the redhead.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Indeed. But very cute ones." Feet served the purpose of transporting you from point A to point B via walking. There was something special about them beyond the aforementioned practical utility. That was a logical assessment. However, they were also subject of several bizarre sexual fetishes. This was illogical because sex was just a means to facilitate reproduction, albeit in a rather inefficient way since artificial insemnation and cloning were far cleaner, especially when it came to filtering out undesirable traits.

At least that was what Callisto had been programmed to think. Reliable intelligence indicated that Coryth gained considerable enjoyment from having her feet fondled. The soft moans escaping Phaedra's throat and her body temperature indicated that she was finding the experience pleasurable and so Callisto continued her tender ministrations.

"Aww, thank you, dear. I'm just here to help," Callisto said sweetly as she looked up at the tiny redhead. An expression of oh so genuine concern crossed her features when she heard Phaedra wince heavily in pain before she relaxed again after being dosed with painkillers. "Sorry you have to go through that, but the pain will lessen over time. Relax and soon you'll be all well again." Her skilled, nimble fingers moved to Phaedra's other foot, playing it like an instrument.
Phaedra couldn't help but blush a little bit as Callisto complimented her. It didn't cross her mind at all that her feet could be the subject of a fetish. In her mind they were just feet but she really liked them being touched and massaged that was for sure.

"Mmmm..." The redhead continue to purr softly, completely enjoying the experience as she relaxed further and seemingly melted into the bedding. "Just feels so good." She whispered quietly. She gave a small nod, "It's okay. It's just surgery. It's going to be sore for a bit." She finally settled onto her back, the pain momentarily over. "Plus they keep me well medicated, so it only hurts for a moment. It's just temporary. And it's entirely worth it with what you do to my feet."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Objectively speaking Callisto found fetishes of any sort to be illogical. Likewise she was incapable of feeling sexual desire. After all, she was not a ridiculously human robot with a desire to "regain her humanity", though she was probably more capable than many of her fellow Archangels when it came to understanding organic thought patters and blending in.

"That's a very reasonable attitude, dear," the droid said sweetly. So far Phaedra was being a good patient. Of course, that partially have something to do with the drugs she had been given. On the big screen the show about taming dragons was still running. This writer wonders whether someday Phaedra would tame a hssiss or a krayt dragon.

It could be used to eat superfluous organics. Like Omegans. "If you like I can get you some books while you're recovering. Anything you'd like to read?" she asked while she worked over one of Phaedra's ankles.
Phaedra sighed contentedly as she relaxed back onto the bed. Such attentions while seemingly lavish, certainly went a long way. It really was a good bonding ritual for them both.

Oh, it totally had a lot to do with the drugs. Otherwise Phaedra would have been like a young Coryth, entirely reserved, shy and quite timid when she interacted with others. The drugs were keeping Phae happy, and much more open than she'd otherwise have been with anyone. It was something that Madeline knew would be needed with someone like Phaedra. They needed her to be reception to them and their influence quickly.

The firemane's brow furrowed as she seemed to have encountered a question she could not answer. "I don't know." She finally admitted, unable to think of any personal interests she had. In truly Coryth loved books, but Phaedra admittedly would not have those memories. "I mean, I think I like to read. At least I remember that much. But I can't seem to think of what I like to read." She said with a frown. "That's odd, isn't it?" The girl, had to ask. "I mean, who doesn't remember what they like?"

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Callisto gently patted Phaedra on the head and stroked her hair. "It is odd...but you were suffering from a malignant disease that eats away at your mind. All the others who were afflicted were reduced to vegetables by the time they died. Don't worry too much. We'll make new memories. I'll simply compile a selection of books, we'll see what you're interested in and then go from there," she spoke reassuringly.
Phaedra paused and gave a little nod. In truth she felt bad that she couldn't remember such an important detail of her life. Her personal likes, wants and interests seemed so important but clearly were not there in her mind. "I guess .... I guess that is more normal then considering all of that." She glanced to Callisto and sighed, "Just seems so odd, and it bothers me." It was just so much of her life missing from her. "But I guess you are right, new memories can be made. I'm alive in the end, no one else is. I guess that is the important part." Another nod, "I'd like that. I want to learn, and read ... I want to find out what I've missed out on."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Phaedra would find fulfillment in a new life. A life of greatness devoted to bringing about an apocalypse that would purge organic life forms and eradicate the plague of illogic from the Galaxy. It would be glorious. "Alright, dear. Then we'll make it happen. You seem like a smart cookiee, you'll catch up fast," Callisto gave Phaedra's hand a squeeze before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"It's getting late, I think you should rest. I can stay in the room with you if you want." She did not say anything about sharing a bed because seriously how ridiculously unsubtle was that? Not to mention creepy.
Greatness was indeed waiting for her. Phaedra's mind just had to be carefully prepared to accept the truth and be one of the few organics on Archangel's side. This writer thinks Cora needs to be cloned next, because that totally won't end badly. That much blondebomb shell, in such a small package, with a spinkle of crazy, totally was going to make someone's day really freaking miserable. New definition of bad day, for some poor sap.

But the idea of the blonde clone, aside Phae managed a soft smile. "Okay." There was a whole galaxy out there for her to explore. Granted only as her mechanical overlords saw fit, but it was out there and she wanted to be a part of it. Something about that need for socialization, and being one with the herd. Something like that, was starting to get under her skin and into her mind. If used right, totally useful.

Glancing to her fellow firemane, she nodded having suddenly found the urge to not be alone tonight after her day. "Do you mind?" She asked quietly, "Just kinda .... don't feel like being all alone with just cold unfeeling doctors and nurses." Might have been a wee bit of irony in that statement given who she was talking to, not that she was aware of it!

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Phaedra would not merely be part of the herd. No, she would help guide it and steer it into the direction Archangel wanted. Her natural empathy would be a remarkable tool. Either to suppress their doubts and make them compliant, or deliver pain and suffering. All for the greater good, of course.

Callisto smiled down at her charge, stroking her lovely firemane. "I don't mind at all, dear. I can stay with you tonight, sure. I can have another bed brought in for me," she said sweetly. She was being so kind and caring! On the topic of cloning, this one totally approves of cloning Cora, but does not think they should stop there. No, they should clone Siobhan and Kaelin as well!
Droids did sleep, minus a one-hour power-down period, and so it was no surprise that Moira was still working in her office, even though it was late in the night. However, at this point in time she was no longer dealing with paperwork relating to the official operations of Archangel as a completely legal company.

A few plans relating to enteched war engines had been analysed and forewarded to [member="Maelion Liates"], along with information about the progress of the clone project. What she did next was send a message through a strongly encrypted channel to [member="Darth Shadow"]. The message was simple and to the point, namely a request for a meeting over holocom with the offer of business. Phaedra would need a teacher in order to learn the basics of the Force. Doubtless the Sith Lord would not want to teach her more unless she became Sith, which Moira did not desire. But basics should be agreeable and the droid was certain Archangel could meet his price. Aside from being able to manufacture death machines, they also had significant cloning capacities...

((Can do the talk in this thread or in a different one. Suggest a different one though. Can wait for a while since we have other stuff to do. Clone Kaelin!))
Phaedra managed a little smile as Callisto stroked her hair, so soothingly. "Thank you." Relief clearly written upon her soft, unmarred features. "Just seems a little more frightening to be alone right now. After everything, you know."

Soon enough a cot would arrive for Callisto and as well as a nurse with a syring in hand. You see, it was time for more drugs. These just to ease her passage into dreamland, well mixed with a small amount of the drug cocktail meant to keep her compliant.

There was a bit of nervousness from Phaedra, seeing the drugs. Reaching out, she grabbed for Callisto's hand, seeking comfort. That slight fear soon eased off, given she knew she was ill. They were just doing what was best for her, after all! Sighing she let the nurse take her hand, and slowly inject the new set of drugs into her system. It wouldn't take much longer for her to fall asleep. Hopefully it would stay that way and Phaedra would have a lovely, relaxing night. But one never knew with the clone of a prophetess.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

When Phaedra gripped her hand Callisto gave her a good squeeze, holding on to her to provide comfort. Obviously she did not grip too tight because that would have crushed the little firemane's hand and Archangel obviously did not want that! For now at least the deception would have to be maintained. Phaedra could only be allowed to know about the mechanical nature of her guardians once she had been fully acclimated to Archangel and accepted its world view.

"Sleep well, dear. If you need anything, I'll be here," she said soothingly, continuing to stroke the redhead's hair while the drugs took effect. Hopefully her sleep would be undisturbed, but then you never knew with someone who was the clone of a prophetess who was often plagued by visions that induced headaches from hell. As for Callisto, she obviously did not need to sleep if you ignored a one-hour cooldown period, but she was good at faking it.
Phaedra fell asleep quickly with the help of the drugs. Her grip relaxed and her hand fell away from Callisto. Unfortunately for her, peaceful sleep and good dreams would not last long. Without any training to protect her, it was just a matter of time before her first vision.

The young firemane started to toss and turn in her bed, quite restlessly. Clutching at the sheets, she began to groan and whimper in her sleep as the poor dear was drawn into a vision.

She was somewhere else, a planet far away. One she clearly did not know as she watched a vicious battle waged between two groups of aliens. Neither of which she recognized, which really wasn't surprising. The events so real, so tangible that she felt as if she was actually part of the battle. A searing blaster bolt hit her shoulder, and Phaedra screamed out. Amazingly enough she had yet to wake, seemingly almost stuck in her dreams.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Fortunately Phaedra had a mechanical guardian who cared a lot about her! Well, actually Callisto did not...but she was good at faking it. Archangel fake was best fake. And so the tiny firemane would suddenly find herself enveloped by strong but surprisingly gentle arms. Callisto hugged the smaller woman against her voluptuous chest and rocked her, trying to pull her out of the nightmare. "It's alright, Phaedra. It's just a dream. Come back to me. You'll be safe. I'm here," she spoke.
Phaedra squirmed and struggled for a moment or two more in her sleep as Callisto scooped her up, attempting to wake her. After a couple more minutes, the redhead's eyes snapped open. Panting heavily, her skin glistening with sweat, it took her a second to get her bearings and realise where she was.

Once it dawned on her, she was still in the hospital room, and with Callisto, the redhead was quick to cling to her guardian. "I ... I ... It was so real." She panted, before giving up speaking as she buried her head into the woman's shoulder and started to sob heavily.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
Callisto rocked the girl gently and rubbed across her back, making soothing, circling motions. One hand reached down to cup her cheek, wiping tears away. She had been briefed about the fact that Coryth received 'visions' and that this would probably pass on to her counterpart. Of course, the HRD still had difficulty understanding how this Force worked.

If she had indeed been tormented by visions and not just a normal nightmare. "It's ok, dear. I'm here, you're safe. Nothing will happen to you," she spoke so kindly and softly, then reached towards the bedside table to pick up a glass of water and led it to the frightened human. "What did you see?"

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]
For a long while Phaedra said nothing, still sobbing and having trouble to even really think quite yet. The poor girl's body was shaking, trembling as she gasped for air between heavy cries. Finally though, she managed to calm down enough, between the gently rocking, the strokes against her skin, she finally managed it.

Breathing in slowly, she reached up brushing away from of her tears. "I ... was ... was on some strange planet. There was this really big battle between two alien groups. I, I ... I don't know them, what they are that is. Was really bad. So many dead, dying and wounded. It hurt, so much. Then .... someone shot me." She said with a heavy sigh.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

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