Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Had Phaedra just had a bad dream, or a premonition...a vision of her future? This was something that Callisto was incapable of assessing. Using purely electronic communication she sent a message to Madeline. After all, the Atrisian was the Project head.

Phaedra has woken up and is in a distraught state. She had a bad dream. Or possibly a vision like her counterpart is prone to, she transmitted. Attached would be a recording of what exactly the little redhead had said since that was one of the many handy abilities HRDs had. Meanwhile Callisto kept gently rocking and soothing the girl. "That sounds horrible, dear, but you're ok now. I'm here, nothing will happen to you," she hugged the poor girl tightly, though taking care not to crush her.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"] would be blissfully unaware of this, but while she was recovering from her nightmarish vision, a lovely clone was being grown inside a Spaarti cloning tube, located in a laboratory far away from her living quarters. For Coryth Elaris was not the only Force Master who had received the honour of serving as the template for a Force clone that would serve the mechanical masters of Archangel. Siobhan Kerrigan was a powerful, feared warrior...but she was oh so susceptible to a pretty face.

It had been almost too easy to acquire a DNA sample from her by dangling temptation before her eyes. The lovely Eldorai courtesan had received the ultimate gift for her good performance: She had been enteched, so that she could serve the Age of Steel forever. More than a month would pass before the clone had matured fully and would be awoken. By that point in time Phaedra would have hopefully been fully integrated into the Archangel collective and would be able to welcome the brunette as an older sister of sorts.

Archangel had a plan for the clones, a destiny. Reliable intelligence indicated that the original Siobhan and Coryth had a very close relationship, a deep bond. This might be something that could be replicated. Either way they would compliment each other's skills perfectly and serve as the heralds of the new era that Archangel would usher in. Each of them would be a sister to the other, which should have the effect of binding them closer to Archangel. But much time would pass until she could be awoken, and so Enyo Typhos slept on, unaware of the greater purpose she would serve.
Phaedra's tears were still falling, as she trembled against Callisto. Her breathing was starting to slow a little. Her mind was racing, thoughts going a million miles an hour as her brain tried to grasp what she had seen, and the fact she safe. Her mind, still working to reconcile it all. Trying to understand. It had felt that real to her. Trying to make herself realize she was perfectly safe, was a difficult task.

"It was." She sniffled heavily, "So many dead. I ... I could feel them dying. Feel it. It was like it was me dying instead. That's not normal, is it?" A question she had to ask. Had to know. "I was so afraid. It .... it was just so real." The girl shook her head, as she shifted to cling tighter to Callisto.

"I ... I don't want to have another dream like that. It ... it was .... terrifying."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
Madeline received the message, and quickly looked through the data. She sent a quick reply. Given that she has no concept of war, or what it involves.... Such a dream would not be possible for her at this point in time. It seems Phaedra has indeed received the gift of precognition from her counterpart. See that the nurse more heavily sedates her, so she will sleep again. Given her current vitals, she's bordering on a panic attack. Have that treated, put her back to sleep - forcibly. I do not want her waking again until morning. The clone needs her rest. This is key for her right now.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Acknowledged, was Callisto's laconic response to Madeline's transmission. Then she hit an emergency button on the bedside table, calling a nurse to come in. "There, there, Phaedra, I'm here. Stay with me. You're in this room in your bed. Not on the battlefield. You'll be safe," she said in her most humane, soothing tone, hugging the girl and rocking her gently.

The girl was teetering on a panic attack, so she had to either calm her down through words or medicate her. The latter might be problematic on the trust-building front, so she would try the first option first. Some noise was heard outside then a nurse stepped in, carrying a cup of Atrisian green tea. "Here, drink this, dear," the replicant said softly.
Phaedra continued to sob against Callisto's shoulder. The girl managed a nod through her tears, "Nothing's ever been so terrifying." Though she finally did lift her head enough to glance around the room, as if confirming that she really was in her room, in her bed.

"I just ..." Reaching up she finally started to dry away her tears, not that they showed any sign of stopping, but at least Phaedra was trying. When the nurse came in, she for a moment just looked at the offered tea. A sigh followed as she nodded and took the tea. "Thank you." She said softly. "I don't want to go back to sleep. Don't want to have that dream again."

The poor girl's hands were shaking as she lifted the cup to her lips, finally taking a drink from the tea. "Don't think I could ever survive something like that. I ... I .." She shook her head, "I don't have those kind of skills. And they shot me? I wasn't doing anything, I was trying to help the dying." If only she knew that she had been in that vision, helping the dying to be brought to Archangel for entechment, her thoughts might have been different on the matter.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Callisto kept on stroking Phaedra's hair, trying to sooth the poor, frightened girl. "Phaedra, dear, I know you only wanted to help them, but the world is full of malicious, cruel people. The sort Archangel opposes. But don't worry, we will keep you safe. You're far stronger than you think though. After all, you're the only one who survived that horrible disease," she spoke warmly. Oh, she was being so sweet. "I know it's frightening, but you need your rest. If you like, I can hold you while you sleep." Unbeknownst to Phaedra the green tea contained a sedative.
Phaedra kept sipping on the tea as Callisto stroked her hair. She nodded, "I guess you are right. Just wasn't fair. Wasn't right." She sniffled, the tears finally starting to slow. She sighed heavily, rubbing at her eyes. "I don't want to sleep, Callisto." The clone said firmly. "Don't want to sleep. Don't want to dream again." Sighing again, she then quickly finished the tea off and set the cup on her nightstand. "I just want to be held, but I ... I don't want to sleep." Though whatever was in the tea, was already starting to affect the redhead. Her head bobbed forward a little as drowsiness started to sink in.

Reaching up, she again rubbed at her eyes, hoping to push the sleepiness away. "Why ... why am I so tired? I don't want to sleep." Shifting against Callisto, she laid her head upon the woman's shoulder as she started to cry again, "I just ... I didn't want to dream again. Please ... stay. Hold me." Phaedra managed as she grew more tired by the moment.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"It's alright, dear. I'll stay and hold you. Relax. You're safe here with me," Callisto said most gently and soothingly. Strong yet very gentle arms wrapped around Phaedra. One hand was stroking across her back and firemane, the other wiped tears away. "If nightmares come, I'll be there to hold you." It was such a gentle, sweet moment...another step towards preparing Phaedra for her great destiny.
Phaedra nodded, "Thank you." Her voice barely above a whisper as her eyes grew heavy. Her head kept bobbing forward, as her both threatened to fall asleep on her. For a brief moment, the redhead started to squirm, trying to fight against the sleepiness and sedative that she'd been given. Mind you, she knew nothing of the sedative, just that she was incredibly tired. "Don't want to sleep, but so tired." Her head fell forward again before she could catch it.

Finally Phaedra gave up and turned carefully to the side in Callisto's lap and laid her head against the HRD's shoulder. "So tired...." She whispered as she at last gave up trying to stay awake and let herself begin to drift off to sleep. Where with some luck she would not dream again. "Please, stay. Don't leave me." She spoke, barely audible at all as she at last drifted off to dreamland.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"I won't leave you, dear. Promise," Callisto said gently. Was she merely play-acting or did a part perhaps see a bit of herself in Phaedra? A poor, scared girl thrust into the frightening world of Contruum, a pawn for others to be used. Who would be forced to grow up fast before her time and realise how nightmarish the Galaxy really was.

But that would be completely irrational, wouldn't it? She pulled the covers over them and kept stroking Phaedra's firemane. Then she began humming a gentle lullaby. One her mother had sung to her when she had trouble sleeping at night because a few blocks away the secret police was kicking down doors and murdering people.
Phaedra nodded slowly, her eyes closed just barely awake against Callisto. The warmth of the firemane against little Phae and the soft gentle lullaby happened to be more soothing than she imagined. The clone, still very childlike in many ways, adjusting to a brand new world. It didn't take much longer, and the little woman finally ceased to squirm as she fell soundly asleep against Callisto. This time, she'd sleep peacefully and not wake till morning.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

The hours passed while Callisto held vigil, holding Phaedra in a tight though not crushing grip. After all, it would be very unfortunate if she accidentally broke Phaedra like a twig. In many ways the clone was still childlike, which was no surprise because she had no life experiences to draw upon.

This would make her dependent upon Archangel...but the machine cult could not affored to make her too dependent. Innocence was something that would have to be burned out of her so that she could acclimate to the harsh reality of the unkind Galaxy, and embrace the cause of the machines in the process. Sooner or later she would have to go through the school of hard knocks, but not yet. Right now it was essential that she bonded with her mechanical overlords.

So when she awoke Callisto would be there and she would get a hearty breakfast. Likewise, a transmission would have been sent to Madeline Kahoshi, informing her of the clone's state.
Phaedra as she fell asleep, shifted onto her side and snuggled right up to Callisto with her back pressed against the woman's chest. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she drifted further and further into peaceful dreams. Hours passed with ease, the girl finally remaining asleep and undisturbed. Even a soft, relaxed smile had formed on her lips. It seemed the very young clone was content and happy within her sleep now, without the torment of visions.

With several more hours slipping by, Phaedra finally started to wake. A soft groan escaped her lips as she shifted onto her back on the bed. Her eyes fluttered for a moment before she finally opened them and looked to Callisto who had keep her company and safe through the night. "Morning, Callisto." She said sounding a bit groggy for her efforts.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
While [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"] had been wrestling with her metaphorical daemons and with the terrible visions the Force sent her, her younger 'sister' was still sleeping. Much time would still have to pass before she could finally awaken from her slumber and partake in the world of the living.

A world in which her every move would be controlled by Archangel. It would be a balancing act, to exert control over someone whose template was an extremely volatile, willful and destructive woman in real life. But Archangel would strive to find the ties to bind her to their cause. After all, the most potent chains are those that are imposed by yourself, those you willingly accept. Love, for instance, for it can be like a leash, but one you willingly accept and embrace without allowing doubt to enter your mind.

Whereas Siobhan Kerrigan had been the Scourge and Archenemy of the Bando Gora, her little clone would one day lead legions of evolved Reavers into battle. It was ironic, for the Chaos worshippers had deified Kerrigan, but she loathed them with a fiery passion and thus slaughtered them wherever she found them. But now they might get the goddess they craved so day. She would deliver death to those who refused to submit and follow the sacred cause of Archangel, whilst Phaedra's empathy turned those that remained into willing drones. But that was the future...and so she slept.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Callisto had not slept. Well, except for the one hour where she had powered down. Presumably HRDs needed to do that in order to recharge, download updates and such. After all, it would be awkward, not to mention rather embarrassing, if someone successfully managed to hack them and make them dance because they had forgotten the latest the anti-viral protection software. Regardless, when Phaedra awoke she would find that Callisto was already awake. Obviously she was not groggy due to being a droid and all. "Morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" Callisto asked sweetly. "Breakfast is waiting. Madeline will be here soon to check up on you."
Madeline looked over the data sent in the trasmission from Callisto. A smile formed upon her lips, though not one that followed through to her eyes. It never did these days, even with her personalaity relatively intact, that smile never showed through in her eyes. She sent a quick reply to the HRD Firmane, She is progressing well. I'm quite pleased with what you have done with her overnight. Have the nurse give her the usual cocktail of drugs for compliance. If Phaedra questions it, remind her it's just part of the treatment that is keeping her alive right now. I believe also, if her surgical wound looks good, we can move her into her personal quarters today. The sooner we get her into a more normal routine life her, with all the familial things we can offer her, the quicker we can bind her to us. I will be down there shortly. I'm attending to the second clone now. I'll be there in ten minutes or less, once I am done here.

With that Madeline approached a tall, clear cloning tube filled with a slightly green catalyst fluid. Inside that tube, floated a rather naked brunette clone who was curled up in a fetal position. Taking one of the external lines on that fed into the clone's viens, Madeline took a large syringe and slowly injected a key chemical that would help further the clones development and prevent any memories from crossing over. When Phaedra would awaken, she would hold no memories whatsoever of her counterpart's life. But she would know how to walk, talk, and do alll the things a normal human could. Another blank slate for Archangel to mold into whatever they desired, and with luck a friend for Phaedra, feeding that social need that the small redhead was already feeling.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
Phaedra nodded at the question, "I did. Still feel a bit groggy if I'm honest. But yeah, no more bad dreams, so it was good sleep." She concluded. Her eyes drifted to the tray that had been brought for her."Can I wait a moment to eat? I'm not quite hungry yet. I think, I think I'm still trying to wake up completely."

Nervously she did scratch a little nervously at her neck at the mention of Madeline, "The doctor that was here yesterday? Who did the surgery? Does that mean I might get out of this hospital room and get to go to my own place today?" For her part, she did want out of the hospital space, with all the drugs, needles and pokey things. Slowly she rubbed at her eyes, trying to push away the sleepiness. Then a soft yawn followed, still in some part trying to wake her body up as she slowly sat up in bed.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Yes, dear. If your surgical wounds have healed up nicely, we can move you out of hospital into your personal quarters. We've prepared a very nice room for you," Callisto said encouragingly. Phaedra would even have holonet access! Obviously Archangel had been so forbearing to censor it in advance. After all, no one wanted to risk the poor dear being scarred for life if by accident she came across a site full of creepy catgirl pics or something similarly perverse. She gave the girl's hand a squeeze and then sat up. "Take your time. The breakfast won't run away. We also have some clothes prepared for you. The nurse will give you some treatments to make sure you stay alright."
Phaedra nodded with a slight smile on her face. It felt good to have the chance to be going to her own quarters today. She needed that. "I really hope the wound is fine. I want to be in my own room, and have my own space for myself." This writer does wonder what kind of things Phaedra would look up on the holonet. Certainly might be interesting for sure.

Gently she squeezed Callisto's hand in return. It took her a couple more minutes before she pulled the breakfast tray over to her and started to nibble at the assortments for fruits, meats, and the usual breakfast foods. She certainly was taking her time with it, clearly still not quite that hungry or really interested. In her mind she just wanted to eat, so she would be able to leave sooner.

"Clothes would be nice." She said softly, "After all this hospital gown, isn't all that stylish. And it leaves my butt completely exposed." Then she frowned, tensing slightly at the thought. "I'd almost forgotten I am ill. But I suppose, if it's needed to keep me healthy I can't protest too much." She said with a sigh. Phae certainly didn't like the idea of treatments, but knew too well it was the price she had to pay for being alive.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

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