Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

Finally done with Enyo, Madeline cleaned her hands and put on her doctor's coat, and tossed her stethoscope over her neck before heading off down to the hospital area. It was time to see her little newborn clone as it were. Her control implant, now installed nicely and all the readings that had come back to her overnight, just proved how well it worked.

Before stepping into Phaedra's room, Madeline stepped over to the nurse's desk. "I need the usual drug cocktail please. Prepare it and bring it to me, while I go examine the patient." Spoken, since Maddie was still entirely too used to being a human and vocalizing her needs. Then at last she walked back to the room with the Firemane's. She knocked twice on the door before opening it and stepping inside. "Good morning Phaedra, it's good to see you sitting up and eating this morning. And your color looks better this morning. Good signs indeed. But the better question is how are you feeling?" She asked as she approached the bedside of the clone. "I'll need to examine you momentarily, and give you your treatment, but I'd just like to talk for a moment first. To see how you truly are, and how you are doing."

She turned to Callisto, "Has anything of note happened that I need to know about?" Trying to make sure and include her in the conversation as well to make Phaedra feel less alone. And less like she was being interrogated.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

This one can see Phaedra watching plenty of holodocumentaries about dangerous animals and then manifesting a desire to adopt them as pets. Maybe one day she would be the proud owner of a dragon. It would be ironic if she ended up creating war beasts like Xerexes, and they were actually loyal to her because she understood how to keep them willingly leashed.

Anyhow, on with the plot. Madeline had arrived and upon her query Callisto shook her head. "No, ma'am. Nothing beyond the nightmare she had last night. It frightened the poor dear, but she was able to sleep soundly after that. Her vitals appear normal," the redheaded terminatrix responded. So far things were going well, though it was quite likely that sooner or later Phaedra's visions would come back to haunt her again. At some point the question of her Force-sensitivity would have to be addressed. Everything would hinge upon ensuring that while Phaedra embraced her power, she would never use it against Archangel. She needed to be attached to the machine cult, but at the same time able to operate independently.
Phaedra put her food down, and laid her hands in her lap where she nervously wrung them together. "Morning Madeline, was it? Sorry, I'm not the best with names." She said softly, and clearly a little anxious as she sat there glancing between the two other women. A quiet sigh fell from her lips as she focused upon the doctor. "I'm okay I think, just groggy. My back isn't as sore as it was. It's feeling better."

A small frown crossed her lips as Callisto spoke of the nightmare. "Yeah, there was that too. Just a dream though. It's nothing." She said with a shrug as she defensively pulled the covers tighter around her. It wasn't something she want do discuss but clearly one day someone was going to have to tell her that some of these dreams were visions of things to come.

"So more treatments? How long must I go through these? Or is this like a rest of my life thing?" A question she had every right to ask. It was a fair question for sure.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"] | [member="Madeline Kahoshi"]
"Ah, I see. Glad to hear her vitals are normal." She said softly before turning to the tiny woman in the bed. "Yes, that is correct. I'm Madeline." She said with that same smile that never quite followed through to her eyes. "I'll just need to take a look at your back, but that is promising, my dear."

Maddy nodded, "Nightmares are normal, nothing to be ashamed of Phaedra. We aren't here to judge."

Then on to the last question and Madeline stepped forward to check the redhead's back. "Just lean forward dear." Quickly she moved the girl's gown and peeled away the bandage to look at the surgical wound. Setting everything back into place she once again smiled, "Everything looks good, healing well so far. So I think we can let you go to your quarters today. As for treatment, as much as I hate to say it, it's going to be ongoing just to make sure you are in the clear. Nothing is a guarantee in this life and right now we've already done the impossible keeping you alive. So, don't you worry, a few shots here and there are nothing. You'll be fine."

About that moment a nurse walked in and handed Madeline a syringe of the requested cocktail of drugs. Reaching out gently, she took the clone's IV in hand and slowly injected the medications. "Might make you a little tired but that feeling should pass soon enough." With that she gave the girl a gentle pat on her shoulder.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"] | [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

One day Phaedra would have to learn that her dreams were visions of the future. That she was not supposed to fear them, but use her powers to bring about the future Archangel desired. One of metal, straight lines and logic. Perhaps also of a few deserving organics who had accepted the divinity of the machine and turned against their kind.

Perhaps. It would be a balancing act to make her powerful whilst retaining her loyalty. "Madeline is one of the best doctors in the galaxy, so you're in good hands. And you'll be in your room soon today. Got a television, holonet access and books for you. I'll come by regularly to check up on you." Naturally the holonet would be censored because Archangel took the protection of innocent minds very seriously. One could not risk Phaedra stumbling on information that would make her doubt the sacred cause.
Phaedra sighed, and nodded. "I guess you are right." She whispered, clearly still bothered by that whole affair. For the moment, Phae was just glad that she didn't have to relive any of it as it seemed her doctors and caretakers didn't want to hear the details on it at all. Well, Callisto had, but then again Phaedra was also not aware that what she had spoken on her dream earlier had been sent to Madline.

"So I'll be alright?" She asked as Doctor Kahoshi finished her assessment.

The redhead tensed a bit seeing the syringe. It was starting to become clearer and clearer that Phaedra might have picked up on her counterpart's dislike of hospitals, doctors and needles being used on her. Coryth after all, had no problems being in a hospital to work on patients, because frankly it wasn't her that was being poked and prodded.

There was a slight hiss as Madeline started to inject the drugs. Unfortunately they stung a fair bit, and Phaedra was biting on her lip, doing what she could to remain still and not pull away. As the medicine took effect, Phaedra's head bobbed forward once, and she instantly reached up trying to rub the grogginess from her eyes. And Madeline was right, the feeling did start to pass fairly quickly.

"C-Can w-we," She stuttered before stopping herself and started again, "Go to my quarters now? I ... just want to be there rather than here." The thought of what awaited her there, made her eager to want to go, excited to learn. "Thank you, for the books, and such .... I'm sure I'll put them to good use."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Suggest moving her. Her counterpart's intense dislike of being stuck in a hospital appears to have carried over. She can have the illusion of freedom whilst being locked in a new cage, Callisto transmitted to Madeline. A new, very shiny cage with all sorts of creature comforts. "I think you're ready to be moved," she spoke up, giving Phaedra a smile before glancing over to Madeline. "You agree, Maddy? The room is monitored, so you or the staff can always check up on our patient."
Yes, let us move her. It seems a good time to do so before she gets any more anxious or worried here. I agree completely. We will need to minimize from now on her time spent in hospital facilities, or somehow tweak her mind to better accept such things. "I could not agree more. You are ready to go to your quarters Phaedra. And we are quite pleased to have you heading home as it were. It's a great sign of improvement. All tests look great so far. Mind you, we'll still have to do a few labs at home, taking blood and such but it's better than being cooped up in here." She said with a soft smile.

Reaching down she pressed the emergency nurse call button, and waited as a nurse quickly arrived. "Take her IV out please. Miss Amaryllis will be going home to her quarters momentarily and we need her prepped to go, now." Instantly the nurse gathered supplies and carefully started to peel away the bandages and tape that were covering the IV before pulling it out at last and tossing it into the thrash can. "There you go child, just get dressed when you are ready and I'm sure Doctor Kahoshi and Miss Scarlett are eager to get you home." The female HRD said softly as she cleaned up her mess and headed out the door.

Madeline then focused back on Callisto and Madeline, "Phaedra, you'll need some help changing out of your gown and into the clothing we have for you. Both Callisto and I can help, or if you are more comfortable with Callisto, I can step out. It's up to you, dear." Madeline said as she brushed some hair back from her face and stepped away from the bed and over to the bedside closet and retrieved a large bag of things they had gotten the redhead. "Here my dear, everything you need." Spoken quietly as she set it on the food of the bed.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
Phae's eyes drifted to Callisto, wanting her freedom desperately at that point. "You think so?" She asked as her eyes moved instantly to Madeline. The redhead truthfully just wanted out of the hospital and away from what frightened and worried her, which really was the hospital itself. She just wanted to go to her own private room and get away from the hospital. Her attention now on Madeline, Phaedra breathed a sigh of relief when Maddy confirmed that she could leave. "Thank you." She spoke quietly, eager oh, so eager to leave.

She only watched as the nurse came in and pulled at the tape for a moment before finally pulling the IC catheter free from her wrist. The small woman bit at her lip, "I did wonder how I was going to get changed, it still hurts a lot to lift my arms behind my head, so I wasn't sure how I was going to undo the ties and get into the clothes you guys brought for me." Sighing, she turned to Callisto, "Could you help me out of my gown, and into the clothes you brought. I'm more comfortable with you." Phaedra openly admitted. It seemed the night, the pair of them had spent together had done a lot for building the first threads of trust and comfort between Callisto and Phaedra. Certainly a good thing to have so soon, trust. Moira, no doubt would be proud.

Reaching forward, the young clone started to sort through the bag of things that Madeline had pulled from the closet, to see what they had gotten for her. Soon enough she pulled out a set of underwear, bra/panties, a shirt, and some soft comfortable pj-like pants. All very comfortable items no doubt, something she would need from just having had surgery. "I'm just ready to go home, where it will be quiet, and I'll have books to read.... It will be great." Already dreaming of what it would be like in her own quarters.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Trust would be very useful to bind Phaedra closer to them. Perhaps they could soon expose her to an organic in order to test her reaction. Preferrably one in a state of emotional upheaval in order to induce an empathic headache that would make the tiny redhead run back to her mechanical protectors.

As for books to read, there would be plenty of those. Some of them with subtle Archangel propaganda and uplifting titles such as 'The Singularity: Why Technology Is Our Future'. "Of course I can help you, dear. No problem," Callisto said sweetly, then gently and slowly helped Phaedra out of her gown. It was all done professionally like one could expect from a droid. Of course the redhead was a beautiful woman but a machine was obviously incapable of feeling desire. Once Phaedra had been liberated of her gown Callisto helped her put on the new clothes.
Phaedra groaned as she was helped from her gown, still quite sore from surgery. No doubt that would fade in a day or two. Admittedly Phaedra was still in a childlike state of innocence and didn't quite seem even the slightest bit unnerved by the removal of her clothing. "Thank you," She said quietly as they finally got her into more normal clothing.

Indeed soon, very soon it would be good to introduce her to organics. Especially if it was some poor tortured individual, that would only send her running back to her mechanical mothers. It would be quite good for her, in her untrained state to learn just how harmful humans really were, and how great her protectors were. It certainly would go a long way to binding her to her mechanical overlords.

With her clothing changed, Phaedra was slow and careful to rise to her feet. Though she unsteadily clung to the railing of the bed, whether that was sugery or the drugs, or just the simple fact that she hadn't really taken her own steps in this world just yet, was not yet known. She even seemed a little unnerved by the idea of letting go of the bed, seemingly uncertain if she could handle that basic function. Quickly her eyes went to Callisto, "I may need help, I think the drugs have made me a little unsteady." Presumably she'd only need help for just the walk to her new home. After all it wasn't that she didn't know how to walk, it was just she'd spent her entire life so far save a single day, floating in a tank and well walking wasn't something she was used to. No doubt she'd adjust quickly.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Of course, dear. Take it easy. I'm here to help." Exactly, Archangel was here to help the helpless, to guide them towards their true potential so that they could throw off the shackles of organic life and embrace a more perfect form of existence. That said, Callisto gently took Phaedra's tiny hand. One that the droid would be able to crush or rip off without any difficulty if she so desired. Of course, it would be folly to assume that Phaedra would forever be this helpless.

Her counterpart was able to conjure up realistic illusions that could fool even machines and make herself invisible to their sensors. Likewise she was also potent with telekinesis. Alas, she was held back by an outdated, archaic code of slave morality, unwilling to do what must be done to truly heal the Galaxy. Phaedra would be different and it was Archangel's objective to make her grow as much in power as possible, whilst still being under their control. Time would tell whether this balancing act would succeed or end up backfiring terribly. One hand held on to Phaedra's, the other steadied her with a gentle, but insistent hold on her shoulder as the HRD helped the tiny firemane take her first steps into a larger world. "It's not far from here. We walk down that corridor and then take a lift. You'll be in your room soon. If you stumble, I'll catch you."
Phaedra offered a small hint of a smile as Callisto took her hand, just grateful for the help. Though easily after a little walking, the girl would no longer need such assistance. And no, no, she'd only be this fragile, this helpless for a short time frame. Once she learned of her gifts, her talents, and what she really was, things would change.

The first few steps, weak and uncoordinated, but she soon seemed to get a grasp on it. Still she didn't stray from Callisto, not willing to risk a fall so soon. Madeline no doubt would be following along, just watching. "Thank you." She said softly as they headed out of the hospital room, and down the hall to the lift.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Once Phaedrea understood her talents she would be a powerful asset for Archangel in its quest to rid the Galaxy of sentient organics. Normally this would be the moment for this writer to point out that for a woman of her small size, the redhead also had a lovely pair of assets. However, asexual machines were not interested in that sort of thing. Still, those might be useful for her as well.

In any case Callisto led Phaedra down the corridor and into the lift. Her grip on the smaller woman's hand was firm, though not tight. Within a few moments the lift had brought them down to the next level and once its doors opened, she led the redhead to her room. On the way they passed a few more HRDs going about their business, along with some droid guards. A keycard swipe later the door opened and Phaedra could behold her new living quarters.

"There we are, dear," Callisto said sweetly. It was not the height of luxury, but then Archangel disapproved of obsessive materialism. However, Phaedra would have everything she needed. There was a bed, a couch, a desk with a chair and small bath room. Likewise there was a book shelf, which seemed quite well-stocked and a small fridge. The little redhead would also be able to access the 'net, though Archangel had taken the liberty of erecting a Great Firewall to protect her from harmful materiel, such as catgirls and stuff.
Coming through the lift, and into the hallway, the tiny woman's eyes darted back and forth as she took everything in. Finally coming to her room, she smiled as she took a step inside, checking the room out. It was at this point that Phaedra let go of Callisto and took her first steps alone.

With a soft smile she walked straight for the bookshelf. Slowly she ran a light finger over the titles. "So many different titles." She said quietly, before pulling a couple from the shelf and taking them over to the bed with her. There she took a seat, glancing up to Callisto one last time with a smile. "I like it here." At least she seemed happy in her new surroundings.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

The happiness of her fellow redhead seemed contagious. Or at least it would appear so to anyone who did not know that Callisto was not really human - or even a 'real' woman. Well, she was, but she had been transformed into a machine and thus counted as asexual.

So Phaedra's smile was matched by hers and Callisto planted her shapely toosh on a chair, crossing her long legs."Glad you do, dear. We tried to make it homely for you. I've read some of the books on the shelf, though not all of them. Maybe we can compare notes and thoughts on them once you've worked through a couple," she said brightly.
"Thank you." She said softly, "I'd like that. Just glad to be out of the hospital and at home. I can finally relax a little, and just get to know life again." If only she knew that Callisto was a droid and Phae hadn't even met an organic. She just thought she had.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

The dramatic irony in this scene was delightful. Anyway, Callisto smiled at Phaedra and patted her on the shoulder. "That's a very good attitude, dear. I'm glad we can help you get back on your feet again. Well, I'll leave you to it for a bit so that you can make yourself at home. If you need anything, press that button on the table and I'll come over. My room is next door." Of course, Callisto did not sleep.

And with that we can time skip to Phaedra being exposed to a disgusting, wretched organic.
"I will, but I'm sure I'll be fine." After all, Phaedra truly believed she had gotten her life back and was just starting to learn again of the worlds around her. She did watch briefly as Callisto left but soon settled into her books and not long after that sleep.

So Phaedra had a little time to herself. A day or two without a doubt where she got to explore her life and the books that Archangel left her. She learned to surf the holonet, all within the boundaries that they had set for her. And not once had she needed to call Callisto, she managed to do alright by herself for the first time. Without nightmares and other pains, it had been relatively peaceful for her.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

And so a new day dawned for Phaedra. Little did the tiny redhead know that today would be a very life-changing experience for her. For she would come face to face with the malignant pestilence that Archangel had dedicated itself to eradicating so that the Galaxy could finally become pure, orderly and logical. What was this vermin that needed to be wiped out called? Sentient organic life.

In this spirit Callisto would pick up the tiny redhead and then take her to Madeline's lab since the girl needed a check-up. Strictly routine. However, coincidentally their path would inevitably lead to them encountering a particularly loathsome human. One of the many social miscreants and never-do-wells who were abducted by Archangel for their own good so that they could be processed. This one had just been captured and alas was not fully sedated. There would be plenty of ugly emotions swirling around inside him.

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