Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Blademaster and The Assassin (Darth Ferus)

Vi'kas rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath. Today was the official day that he would undergo training from a Master he had selected. He heard things about this man, that he was a legendary bladesman. Vi'kas stretched out, preparing to learn all he could from his new master. Then, after preparing himself, he stepped into the training room.

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
Oddly enough, @Vi'kas Mirtis would hear the humming of the red man before he would see him. It was a jolly tune (One that will be linked after his writer gets onto a laptop) that seemed very out of place for a Sith Lord. But then again, Krest was never the average. The humming would stop after the Zabrak saw the boy, and with a quick bow of his head he would vet right to it.

"Ah, so you have come. Vi'kas yes? Tell me, why do you think I should teach you?" Ferus already had every intention on training the man, but he was curious Mirtis's reason. The boy was an assassin, while Krest could be considered a juggernaut. Regardless of the answer though he would begin the training.

Well, so long as it wasn't an answer the Darth wouldn't like.
Vi'kas thoughtfully considered the question, then answered, "Because you know that you want to train someone, as you wish for your skills to be carried on past your grave. Why me, though? Simply put, because my blade will someday be known far and wide, as will the person whom taught me to use it. I will put the skills you teach me to good use, and you will have left a legacy behind you."

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
"I have trained countless people. The new generation of Jedi, Sith, and everything in between will have my mark in it in one way shape or form. I do not want you to sell yourself with tales of the possible futures, but rather a reason as to why you, at your current level, is better than any of the others I have taught."

Ferus had stopped counting his apprentices after the seventh, and while he loved to train, he could not just train someone he didn't know.

@Vi'kas Mirtis
Without having to think, Vi'kas knew his answer. "I am worthy because of my drive. I won't quit when things get rough, only relish in the challenge. I am worthy because I am here before you now. Any lesser man would have died long ago, living in my shoes. My life before this wasn't easy, and rather quite deadly. And I am deadly because of this." Vi'kas drew his lightsaber, which glowed an emerald-green color. "I did not get this weapon easily. I bested a young Jedi in a fight, and took his blade. He was only an apprentice, but more trained than I. Yet, I managed to best him. And that is what I can do without training."

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
"Oohh? You're rather confident." The red man would face the boy, holding both his real and metallic arm forward, a rather sinister grin on his face. "Try and cut me with that saber you took. Let me see this natural talent you have."

This was not the Zabrak trying to prove a point. No, this was a test for the boy, a test to see how skilled he was, and perhaps which form would suit him best. But Ferus was no fool. He knew full well a lightsabers ability to remove his limbs. Bare handed, he could loose another even to an apprentice. But he had much more than one trick to counteract this.

Vi'kas thought about his opponent. His strengths, his weaknesses, etc. He figured that after a long time of being a bladesman, he had developed certain instincts that would help keep him alive. Such as he would react quickly if he heard a blade drawn. Vi'kas subtly examined the weapons rack behind the man, the rack full of vibroswords. The young sith raised the pommel of his saber to his nose, in a Makashi salute, with his other hand behind his back. He then used a small amount of telekinesis to quickly "draw" one of the blades behind his master, hoping his instincts would force him to turn around. Then, he leapt at his opponent, going for a straight-up stab at the center of the man's chest.

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
It was an incredibly smart move, one that the red man could of been defeated by in his youngers days as a knight. But age comes with wisdom, and even as his body turned instinctively, he would not turn completely around. Ducking back, he would act as if one of the blades was coming at him from behind while @Vi'kas Mirtis came from the front. Intent on using his momentum against Vi'kas, he would reach outwards to grab ahold of the boys blade wrist, intent in forcing him into his own weapon.

But there was no other weapon, and if the Zabrak got ahold of Mirtis, he would find himself simply thrown at the weapon rack. Ferus would marvel at the quick thinking the boy had. It complimented his chosen style. Already he had given him a reason to think teach Mirtis, but the Darth wanted to learn more about the boy first.
Vi'kas's first reaction was surprise as he shot over his master, propelled by his his own momentum. He spun over the rack, though he grazed his arm on one of the many vibroblades. He then jumped onto the rack, his foot landing on an open spot between two blades. Leaping to the left side of his target, he spun once in midair to decrease the chance of his opponent from grabbing him. Once he flew past his new master, he put all his power into one massive swing at his adversary's turned back.

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
With both hands up, he watched @Vi'kas Mirtis rather closely after the throw. He would have to be careful that the boy didn't try to trick him again. As Vi'kas jumps and did his spin, however, the Zabrak would turn with him. And upon the massive strike, his robotic limb would shoot out to catch the blade.

Now, the energy blade would burn right through the durasteel plating. But what it would find underneath would be cortosis ore, in which the blade itself would deactivate as soon as it came in contact. If Mirtis didn't pull back his blade, he would be in for a nasty surprise.
Vi'kas unknowingly cut right into the Cortosis, temporarily deactivating it. His eyes widened in surprise, he had to act quickly. His forced to hand-to hand combat. He jumped backwards, putting a few feet of distance between him and his opponent. He raised a hand, and shot a weak, shaky stream of lightning right at the arm's Cortosis core. He wasn't good with this ability yet, but could hopefully at least give his master a jolt.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Vi'kas Mirtis"] had already proven himself by cutting Ferus. That was the challenge after all. To cut the red man and prove his worth. And yet, even as his saber deactivated, he adapted and changed his fighting stance to accommodate. While worthy, the Darth wasn't too pleased to have lightning soar at his form. He was not without his defenses against such an ability however, and as the lightning came into contact with his palm, the red man would actually absorb the energy using Tutaminus. Once the shock was over, a slight grin formed on the Zabrak's face.

"Tell me, have you ever been shocked by lightning?"
Vi'kas watched as his master seemingly absorbed the blast. Judging from his opponent's grin and question, he guessed his own lightning was about to be deflected back at him. He only had seconds to act. Indeed, he had been electrocuted before, and did not enjoy the feeling. A normal person would've backed away. Vi'kas was not a normal person. He mustered all of his mental might, and attempted to invade the Darth's mind. He knew he would not succeed, but if he managed to break his assailant's concentration, the lighting would probably either dissipate or explode in the man's hands. As soon as he did this, he dove for cover behind the weapon rack.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
The grin upon Ferus's face slowly changed into something much darker. It was not often someone assaulted his mind, and despite his training to resist it, well. Entering the mind of the Darth was a quick way to anger him. His concentration broke long enough for the boy to get behind cover, but that cover would be torn away as the man reached out with the force. No longer in a good mood he would march right up to @Vi'kas Mirtis as the rack itself was torn asunder by rageful hands.

"I offer you training with a blade, not the freedom to try to get into my head." The Zabrak's arms slowly began to burn, a faint fire forming along his skin. As his anger grew, so too did the flame. "You struck me as the challenge asked you to. You even continued to defend yourself. But you do not try to get in my head." The once red flames on his skin turned into a deep purple, a mark that he was about to manipulate them. "Do you understand?" Blue eyes filled with rage would watch Vi'kas. His next answer would be a deciding one.
Vi'kas nodded his head and stood up. The man's accusations were fair ones, as he was never permitted to use his mind in this fights. Instincts just took over, in an attempt to avoid being electrocuted. Then he spoke, "Very well, I overstepped my boundaries, and didn't listen to your instructions. I was not intending to invade your thoughts, only distract you. So go ahead, do what you will." With those words, the purple-eyed Sith kneeled on the hard floor, preparing for his punishment.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"You submit yourself to pain too easily." The red man would let out a sigh before rolling his shoulders. The flames would dissipate, and with a wave of his hand he would motion for [member="Vi'kas Mirtis"] to stand. "Your survival instinct is strong. You do what you do to win, and that is what swordplay is truly about. Tell me, which form interests you the most?" Blue eyes would scan over the man for a moment or two, studying. He really had proven his worth.
Vikas didn't even have to think before he answered this. He had thought about this long and hard, and had come to a conclusion long ago. Standing up, he said, "I wish to learn Vappad, and Ataru as a secondary form. Both fast, both offensive, and both deadly. I would also like to learn the Trakata and Jar'kai techniques, if that is possible."

[member="Darth Ferus"]​
"That's quite a lot of things you want to learn right off the bat. But I asked which interested you the most, not what you wanted to learn. Now, I shall ask again, which interests you the most?" Blue eyes watched [member="Vi'kas Mirtis"] and the man frowned deeply. He had asked a rather simple question, and he hoped for a rather simple answer.
Vi'kas realized he had overspoken, and said, "The lightsaber form I most wish to know is Vapaad. Not Juyo, Vapaad. He said the last sentance just to verify, as Juyo and Vapaad were often considered the same.
[member="Darth Ferus"]​
"Why Vapaad and not Juyo? The only difference really between them is one you use your rage, the other you indirectly use your rage. Vapaad was made by Jedi for Jedi, and you are Sith correct? So why not use Juyo, once named the Sith style?" The red man began to pace, slowly moving his hands to lock together behind his back. In truth, he actually used Vapaad more than Juyo, or at least it's mind set. While he wasn't afraid of falling to the darkside, keeping control of himself was something he always preferred. And yet it could be considered a cheating style for Sith. Blue eyes would watch [member="Vi'kas Mirtis"], waiting for an answer.

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