It was an incredibly smart move, one that the red man could of been defeated by in his youngers days as a knight. But age comes with wisdom, and even as his body turned instinctively, he would not turn completely around. Ducking back, he would act as if one of the blades was coming at him from behind while @Vi'kas Mirtis came from the front. Intent on using his momentum against Vi'kas, he would reach outwards to grab ahold of the boys blade wrist, intent in forcing him into his own weapon.
But there was no other weapon, and if the Zabrak got ahold of Mirtis, he would find himself simply thrown at the weapon rack. Ferus would marvel at the quick thinking the boy had. It complimented his chosen style. Already he had given him a reason to think teach Mirtis, but the Darth wanted to learn more about the boy first.