Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"The Blitz" | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Planet of Skor II

Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Noises. Voices in my ear. A pounding head.
I wake.

"Comm check, respond." The voice is familiar. Sergeant Darklighter?

Groggy replies sound inside my helmet. The voices of my marines. All but one replies. There's a tightness in my voice when I reply.

"Lieutenant Thule checking in," I reply, stirring. I look around and see nothing but trash. My limbs feel pinned. They trained us what to do in the event of an avalanche for a cold weather mission. The current situation seems to require the same tactic. I start to dig my way out.

"What's the status, Sergeant Darklighter? Bad news first."

"Well, the bad news is that the Ren dropped a metric fethton of trash on you all, sir. The good news is that it has created a mound of a metric fethton of trash that they have to bypass. The rest of us are using it as a bulwark. They'll have to scale the trash heap to get to the other side, and we'll be shooting at them the whole time. It'll be like trying to climb a hill without cover."

"Roger that, Sergeant."

I manage to extricate myself from the trash pile and find that I am, thankfully, on the Alliance side of the mound.

"Sir!" I hear Darklighter's voice, panicked on the comms. I spin and hear a thrumthrumthrum, like an engine.

What I see sends a shiver of cold ice sliding down my spine. Sergeant Darklighter stands on top of the mount, but all around him is a whirlwind of trash that steadily picks up speed. The first three hits from bits of refuse only send him to his knees, but even our armor can't stop a tornado full of jagged edged bits of scrap. His body gets picked up and tossed like a ragdoll. He tumbles down the slope of trash to lie limp.

I glance at his vital signs. Barely there. A medic is already rushing over to him. There's nothing I can do.

No, that's not true.

There is one thing.

My cybernetics come online and I feel a jolt as if I just drank twenty cups of caf at once. I shiver as sensations come into stark focus. Smells, sights, sounds all standout with utmost clarity.

I run for the trash mound, legs propelling me faster than any human. I feel no fatigue, only purpose. I leap into the middle of the whirlwind of jagged edged trash and it dissipates, trash falling to the ground as the voidstone nullifies the powers of this Ren.

And then I'm charging down the mound of trash straight for him. Blaster shots and the whine of sonic carbines whip around me. A bolt slaps me in the shoulder, but I don't slow down. I come straight for the Ren, whipping out my beskar baton and aiming a blow capable of shattered his helmet straight for his face.

[member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Location: City
Allies: FO
Enemies: GA
Worthy Opponent: [member="Kaida Taldir"]

He’d passed the first test — and was pleased the revolver was back in her holster. In one way she’d helped him, the pain was enough to heighten his connection — but he could not afford too many more mistakes.

But given she’d progressed to using her saber — which suited him. It was his true strength, to duel one on one and wear an opponent down with his pace and power. His prowess was not with obscure Force abilities but rather with the energy weapon he had in his hand right now.

But his opponent was cut from a different cloth. Suddenly his lungs felt as though they were on fire — albeit it was extreme cold that was affecting them.

He had no natural or Force defence, and the attack taught him one simple thing. He could ill afford to hand her the advantage. Her words washed over him, he coughed liquid from his lungs and simultaneously launched an attack.

When two Masters engaged in lightsaber combat, the action happened too quickly for the eye to see or the mind to react. Everything was done on instinct; the body had to be trained to move and respond without conscious thought. To accomplish this, Talon Ren had been taught to practise sequences, carefully choreographed series of multiple strikes and parries drawn from his chosen style. The sequences were structured so that each manoeuvre flowed smoothly into the next, maximizing attack efficiency while minimizing defensive exposure.

This allowed him to free his mind from thought as his body automatically continued through the moves. Using sequences was more efficient and much quicker than considering and initiating each strike or block on its own, providing an enormous advantage over an opponent unfamiliar with the technique.

Ingraining each sequence so it could be properly executed was a long and laborious process. Each took two to three weeks of training and drills. And even the tiniest mistake in the smallest of moves could render the entire sequence worthless.

But Talon Ren was relentless in his pursuit of perfection — and had dedicated the past ten years to saber combat.

So he began to rain blows on the woman. He used two hands on the hilt, allowing for power but they were not wild blows but rather choreographed to be fluid and compact. His plan was to wear her down until she presented an opening.

Elmont Block

Your focus determines your reality

Location: Metrobig West
Allies: [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Choli Vyn"]

He was eager to engage the enemy, so fell behind the other two — almost visibly shrinking into the background and avoiding interaction until he was afforded the chance to shed his cloak and draw his saber. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and diplomacy was not one of them. So keeping quiet was his best opportunity to get to the action without causing an incident.

So he raised his hood and purposefully avoided getting any eye contact with the Squibs, hoping to hide his impatience.


Location: Hall of Big Time Heroes of Beyond-Squib Eliteness
Allies: FO
Enemies: GA
Equipment: In sig
Objective: Take and hold Hall of Big Time Heroes of Beyond-Squib Eliteness.

The six stormtroopers sat in silence, staring outside. The familiar sounds of war echoed all around the room, sounds that he had been used to for almost half his life. Joe hoped that more First Order forces would come soon, but wasn't sure, because his commanding officer said nothing about it. Just to get to the Hall of Big Time Heroes and hold it until further notice.

(Sorry for the short post, i'm starting to run out of steam just rping myself and my npcs)
Allies: [member="Audrey Saint George"] | 103rd "Bloody Banthas"
Enemies: [member="Relit Vandal"]
Gear: FO-02 Stormtrooper Armor | F-11D | SE-44C | 1 Riot Control Squad | 2 Standard Squads
Objective: Get Dr. Saint George + Squints to the Museum

Ranulph's helmet could only block so much of the noise that emanated from feedback. Oh, what he wouldn't give to be sitting on Yalara or Faldos right now, somewhere other than here. Thankfully the feeling was momentary as the feedback was gone just as soon as it had arrived. He stood for a moment and listened to what it was the doctor was saying and to an extent she was right. They were only here to ensure her mission got done, although perhaps assigning an entire platoon to such a mission was a bit much. Then again the world had been ravaged by the Yuuzhan Vong, so perhaps not. He cast a glance down the ramp and looked at the disarray of the blastport. Good Lord was... an understatement, "no different than our home when the scales tore through it." Ranulph commented as softly as he could, "it is the one thing we have in common in with these creatures."

Empathy was a feeling that many within the Banthas felt. It hadn't been so long ago when the First Order held off invaders to their home, scaled xeno filth that dared to challenge the might of the First Order. And... to their credit, they nearly sacked the capital. Nearly. And then Ranulph began a walk down the ramp he looked over his shoulder and held out his hand to gesture. A squad of riot control stormtroopers kept pace with the doctor and her team. Shields at the ready as two standard infantry squads flanked on either side with the serjeant leading the rear and the officer in the front. Organised columns, as a platoon escorting the team stepped over the dead - careful not to disturb them or their tools. Lights flickered around but it meant nothing to them, nothing that the stormtroopers hadn't already experienced or seen. The man on the speakers asked for a name, location and where they intended to go, Ranulph's suspicions were high and if he were a betting man he would bet that asking for a name.

"Apologies, friend - we'll send our ship on its way. As my colleague has stated we're here only to defend her and her team, after all the Graug and Yuuzhan Vong seem to have their way with the planet." He paused a moment, "if there are any Vong or Graug that need to be eliminated, maybe we could assist you?"

Was a delay tactic, white plastoid armor, a ship that looks cared for, well maintained - large at that 370 meters long and 110 meters wide. Furthermore, the man already knew that the First Order's presence was there. "Inform the captain to depart, see if anyone in atmo could use their assistance, Viramontes." The officer ordered through his helmet to helmet encrypted communications.

"Copy, Lieutenant." Viramontes acknowledged, "Discovery this is Bantha Mother. Feraminga-twenty on two, four - Conoclast."

Discovery acknowledged. "Concoclast - four, two, twenty on Feraminga. Good luck 103rd, Seiger Guide You."

The First Order vessel's ramp rose up and powered up her engines, leaving the 103rd and Dr. Audrey Saint George alone in the blastport with only their armor, wit and guns to guide and protect them from here on out. "If you allow us to pass, we'll wipe out any enemy you need us to eliminate."

FIV Discovery, available to First Order Fleet in 1 post
- NPC Ship Only -
- Limited Support -
- Flyby Runs Only w/ 1 Post Cooldown


[SIZE=10pt]Location: Location: King’s residence, North East Metrobig[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Allies: [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Elmont Block"] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Those outside the gates!: [member="Brennan Cabrol"] [member="Castor Ren"] and [member="Jacques"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]At the Gate….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Squib guards stared down at the First Order emissary, almost as if uncertain as if to believe it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You halt there man in black!”[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] a cry went out, echoing from the salvage junk guard tower. It gave the appearance as if it was about to fall apart, but in reality, closer inspection would show that the Squibs had selected very durable salvaged materials to build it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“We all have eyes on you! No fast movements!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Which was right, more than a dozen pairs were watching them. However, a few would draw away as the lead guard began to talk to his companion in hushed tones. He barely gave a duck down, and his quiet voice wasn’t, well [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]quiet[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] at all and [member="Castor Ren"] and @Jaceques would be privy to what would appear to be a Squib comedy act. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Poopa, the one in charge turned to the one beside him and went. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]“What do?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Do not know, what do?” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] whiskers twitched and eyes went wide. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“He want to talk!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“I hear. What he want?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Don’t know, he no say.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Then ask!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Ask?” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]surprised. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Koovy, you bet ask!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Good idea.” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]both pair of whiskers twitched in pride. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Yes, very double smart.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Poopa suddenly came back up to ask, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]“Why you wanna talk to King?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Ooo maybe he want to trade?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Did you see his shiny…I kinda want his shiny.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Stop and focus!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Go tell king, i find out why!” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]it was just a mass medley of back and forth that could have confused anyone. At the very least, a runner had been sent to inform the King; a Squib always enjoyed talking, even more so if it led to bartering. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Meanwhile back inside of the palace….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Choli would observe the discussions - or try to - while holding her tongue. She knew that this went well over her head but the desire to at least do [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]something [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]grew in her heart. Trextan might have invited her here for his own reasons, but the Rogue had been assigned to help in any way possible while recuperating from near death. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]General Jayden Tar was not one to mince words to the Squib polyarchy and Alliance Ambassador beside him.[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] “So far we got reports of bio-chemical agents being deployed to Alliance and Squib forces as well as the direct disregard of King Adegabaydee--”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“We got big story!” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] a cry out echoed within the chamber, one of the King’s guard, a dark gray and whitle mottled Squib wearing make-shift armor out of duraplast plate and what could only be the remnants of a water moisture tank came running in, the faint clank clank of his moments drawing even more attention. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Big news!”[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] the guard came in, moving into a mixture of Squibbian and thickly accented Basic. [/SIZE]“Got talkers from First Order, two -- say they wanna gab!”
[SIZE=10pt]“Gab?” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]One of the Polyarchy repeated. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]“Oh you got to be mother karkin---” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] whatever erupted from the General Tar’s mouth seemed to fade in the background of the sudden chaos that went rippling within the room. Choli now felt even more uncomfortable. There were First Order men out there wanting to talk to the King?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“This isn’t good.” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] eyes went to turn to [member="Elmont Block"], who seemed to just either be as shocked about the situation or maybe he just had the gift of being able to keep his emotions to himself. Maybe it was the Jedi training. Is this what Trextan was aiming for? Choli just didn't realize that Elmont was feeling restless and his attention was focused on wanting to engage the enemy. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“I’m getting a bad feeling about this….” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] R4 beside her gave a subsequent low whistle and chirp of agreement. The Pebbledrone went rolling back and forth, almost in agitation. He had barely survived not getting blown up or captured at Kaeshana; neither Choli nor the droid wanted to have to directly deal with them again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Trextan tried to catch Choli's eyes as the Squib broke into a new round of deliberation at the new that an envoy from the First Order had arrived. He took a few slow backward steps away from the table and tried to convey for her to do the same. He knew this was unprofessional, but perhaps to the King it would simply seem as if he was giving them room to make their decision without outside interference. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]His expression slightly wavered, the mask letting a hint of the concern slip through the cracks. "Sorry," he murmured. "Sounds like you had to do a hospital stay without me. What happened?" The tone of his voice shifted for the last question, unable to keep the humorous note[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Huh?” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]the gold of alarm gave a subtle shift to a hazel green of surprise, the girl going back and forth between wanting to know what would happen next and Trextan’s inquiry. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“It’s fine.” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] a quick murmur then the additional, [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]“But I get my own cot now.” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]a half of a joke that likely failed. [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] “Later…[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]it really wasn’t the time to talk about now, but her expression clearly said she appreciated it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“What do they want?” [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Choli added loud enough for both Trextan and Elmont to hear. Whatever it was, prejudicially for Choli, it wasn’t good. [/SIZE]


Warden Cloak
Bodo Baas Gunbelt
QQ-15L-3 ExCon Suit


[SIZE=10pt]Oubliette Satchel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]TerentAttack Cuffs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Hypoinjector Wristband[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Antidote Synthesize[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]2X Serum Aurek[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]2x TS-N Healing Serum[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]QQ-83N Sidearm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Shoto lightsaber, (waterproof, Lorrdian gemstone)[/SIZE]
Browncoat SSH Light Paddle


[SIZE=10pt]R4-P6 - Pebbledrone[/SIZE]


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Reepicheep Memorial Park
Opponent: [member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Killing Vong required special skills. You had to know the right angles to shear through vonduun or slip a blade between plates through interstitial tissue. You had to read the way they set up a grip-reverse to trade the tail-edge or point for the spitting fangs. You needed to know the timing of a blade going into the amphistaff's vulnerable mouth and ripping off the head with a deft twist. You couldn't last long without knowing thud bugs from blast bugs from razor bugs just by the hue of their carapace and the sound of their wings. You also had to know the right countermeasures and maneuvers to handle blorash jelly and thrown coufee eels and singularity mines. Above all, you had to understand the Vong relationship with pain.

In fairly short and nostalgic order, dead Vong surrounded Ashin. They'd fallen and draped themselves over park benches and manicured lawns. Black blood sluiced from Jentaral's short blade in a steady rain. Ashin eyed the remaining man, a middle-aged Zeltron who'd just carved his way through the other half of the Vong.

"It's been a long time, Ravos." She took a shuddering breath. "There's something wrong about you, something I can't figure out. What is it?"

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Location: Reepicheep National Park
Opponent: [member="Ashin Karrde"]

A slice through Vondunn Skerr Kyrric. A swipe at a thudbug. A swing at a razorbug. A cut into a Vong. A thrust into another. A gentle hum throughout the combat, joined by the battle screams of the Yuuzhan Vong and the slash and jab of another blade. Neither master took long to finish their foes. Jaxton slapped out his hand into the wind, slinging black blood unto the ground and off of pink synthskin. He turned his head to face a woman who looked like she hadn't aged a day since they'd last met.

Ashin Varanin. The last time they'd met she'd been stripped of the Force. And yet he could smell it. It was faint, she knew how to hide herself, but she could not hide the dark side from one as in tune as he.

"It has been a long time. Ten years almost?" Jaxton replied as his thumb stayed on the momentary switch of his retrosaber. "I've grown closer to the Force. And you've rekindled yourself to it as well. I see many things now Ashin. I see the world for what it is. And yet, I don't know what brought the Force back to you. Why is that?" Jaxton's blade continued to stay active, but he didn't lift it to swing, nor to block.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

A sleek stealth transport known by the name the Knight of the Eclipse, HK's personal vessel, soared across the space surrounding Skor II now that this writer finished dealing with end of semester school work and could join the invasion without stress attacks about the Real-Life. Either way, aboard the vessel the machine was kneeling in a meditative pose, covered in black goop of his Force nullifying biot as his Greycloak guards busied themselves around him.

Two of the droid Honor Guard were controlling the ship, steering it as they made sure they would not give themselves away to be detected prematurely, the other two were occupying with covering the armor in nutrient paste and arranging its outer shark skin and duraplast plates. It was a bit of busy work they had to do carefully each time before HK entered combat, but that was the exact type of thing for which one would use copies of themselves.

As for HK, he was tapped into the GA communication channel, listening in on the broadcasts of his friends and allies, letting his mind analyze each and wander, trying to deem in which theater his presence would either be the most beneficial for the GA or wreck the most havoc among the First Order. Hopefully he would find a perfect place to do a little bit of both.

Finally his Photoreceptors flickered to life, lighting up in their red glow as he spoke up,

"I am ready."

HK pushed himself up to stand, sending out silently coordinates to his copy through their built-in communications,

"Bring us in."

Connor Harrison


LOCATION: MetroBig City
OBJECTIVES: Take the planet
ALLIES: [member="Audrey Saint George"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member=FN-999] | [member="Ranulph Tarkin"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | FO in area
ENEMIES: GA in area
GEAR: Ren Attire / Crossguard Lightsaber / Wristblade

Connor stopped in his tracks as communication came through his head-set, and he looked off in no particular direction.

"This is Connor Harrison in MetroBig. I’ve got a unit of troops with me and I’m cleaning up any mess I come across. Your support is here."

He started to walk again up a walkway that turned back on itself leading up the side of a building and he surveyed what he could down below. Ships passed by overhead, and he could make out blaster bolts and small explosions.

"There." Raising a gloved hand, he pointed down."Captain, we move down and secure that station. Looks like a subway system. Networks underground. We either take it out or flood it with troops and push out any sympathisers."

Connor turned and vaulted over the side of the walkway, absorbing the landing with bended knee as the ground shook below him. The white Stormtroopers started to over-take him in a gentle jog towards the substation, fanning out as Connor walked towards it across a stretch of land that had seen better days.

Twisted metal and smoke rose from the ground. Strange calls rang out around the buildings surrounding them, echoing and sounding like death warmed up.
Location: Hangar near the fighting
Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Laira Vereen"], [member="canal"], [member="Raph Thule"], GA
Enemies: [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Torian Pierce"], FO
Aiming at: [member="kyrel ren"]
Objective: Wake up, maybe put on a little make up
Gear: Link in Sig

Keric didn't see the orange pauldroned stormtrooper knock the Knight of Ren out of the way of his disruptor shot as he had removed himself back from the edge of the bridge. He did hear the order to shoot the sniper as a barrage of blaster bolts hit the narrow area of the ceiling that their position allowed them to hit. Keric danced further back, as a shot ricocheted off of a magnetically sealed conduit in the ceiling. He scooped up his scattergun and moved to the other side of the bridge and began to low crawl out onto the bridge, well out of the sight of anyone below. His vantage of the First Order forces was cut off as well, though he had a full view of the Alliance lines, and what he saw there was depressing. The swirl of debris the Ren was agitating over on that side was also stirring up the gas. More of it was able to reach ventilation ducts and getting sucked into them and pulled to other parts of the station. All of the people without suits or who had been wearing compromised suits were either writhing on the floor or already dead in Keric's field of view.

"Keric, are those dead bodies from that gas they dropped?' a voice asked over his comm device. A moment later he realized it was the commander of the Aegis Security force on the Esperanza, Marshal Horatio Tannenworth.

"Aye Horatio, those are from the grenades they dropped...are you guys recording my visuals?" Keric responded.

"Yes sir, standard practice for law enforcement duty, I've been having the techs practice on any of our people who venture out." The Marshal responded.

"Good, extra practice. Get the visuals from the First Order tossing those grenades from the station files, and splice in my visuals of watching them die. Broadcast it from any array you can access."

"Got it sir. Also, we are hearing requests for medical evac from some of the lower areas, looks like the gas is getting away from us down below..."

"Send some of our medics out with a security force. Get people to shuttles or onto the Esperanza for medical attention. Looks like nerve gas, treat it as such until we know better."

"Aye. Over and out."

Keric continued to crawl across the bridge. The fire on his former position slackened off as there was no return fire from that direction. He then saw something that was either incredibly brave, incredibly stupid, or a combination of both as one of the soldiers charged toward the First Order forces. Keric was halfway across the bridge at this point, but he felt he should help the poor sod. He holstered his disruptor, and pulled his heavy blaster again, holding it in his right with the scattergun in his left. As the Alliance soldier (Raph Thule) charged in, Keric came to the edge of the bridge and looked down upon the First Order forces and began to fire down at them. One. Two. Three. Blasts from the scattergun and heavy blaster, then he scooted back from the bridge, assuming return fire would be coming up at him there. He rolled down the length of the bridge quickly, then popped out and fired some more, looking to hit and run up and down the length of the bridge. He knew he was relatively safe up here until someone came up after him.

Location: Tenchu-class Dreadnought SSV Vánagandr
Objective: Reinforce Allied forces in Squab System, Annihilate FO Rear Destroyer Group, Doing the Cobra
Allies: Galactic Alliance and friends
Opposition: Vong, [SIZE=11pt]Graug[/SIZE], First Order (Still coming for Carlyle as I deal with my new friends in the back)​

[Forward Main Group/Carlyle Rausgeber]

The Vánagandr jumped back into the squab system, but a carefully calculated path by its mainframe of powerful bio-computers would have it reverting in Skor's outer orbit on in the hemisphere opposite to the location of the current space battle underway.

The dreadnought accelerated on a trajectory that would take her right toward Thuka's line, directly opposing the main body of the First Order's forward group. Now the FO was about to come face to face with a real dreadnought that could make short work of their flagship and all those shiny new destroyers.

Her path would put her in a good spot to finally start deploying her troops as well. Her dreadnought alone carried one full mechanized corps with ample aerial support. While the Silver Jedi had garnered a negative reputation for their isolationist policies, they, in fact, maintained powerful standing armies, necessary to repel the Sith Order of the Month during their continuous incursions into the slice of the Outer Rim they protected. Now the First Order was about to get a taste of that once she was over Metro City to begin deployment.

"This is Watchman
Yune, coming in from behind you all, ETA three minutes. When I come within range, I will begin my strike against the First Order's main body. Sharing firing solutions, please ensure that your fighters remain clear of my firing lines."

While still on approach, Arisa would order Subutai to begin charging up the capacitors of the
Vánagandr's main gun, a massive hypervelocity cannon that nearly stretched the length of the dreadnought. In her previous battle against Sith rabble at Voss, she had been careful not to deploy its main gun to keep the dreadnought's true destructive potential a secret to save it for a nasty surprise for times like now. She imagined there would be no greater humiliation for the First Order than to have one of their prized battlecruisers obliterated by a Jedi of the so-called "pacifist" Silver Order.

Along the way, she began to deploy dozens of ECM drones that would mimic the appearance of GADF corvettes and frigates, making it appear as though her dreadnought was traveling with a full escort. Partly for the psychological effect to induce panic among the First Order to make them think there was another battle group heading for them, and also to provide her ship with some coverage to spread the focus away from the dreadnought as she came in to help the GADF finish off their main body. When that was done, she was going to turn back to finish off whatever what was left of the rear destroyer group. The plans of the Watchman were coming along quite nicely.


enough, the magnetic polarization of the battlecruiser's hull out of nowhere actually helped the buzz droids maintain their grip and they worked. Outside of that, there didn't seem to be any response to their mechanical mayhem, so they continued with their mission of sabotage. By now, many droids had burrowed deep enough past the hull to begin working on cutting through all those fragile circuits and power lines.

The tower of the battlecruiser was becoming increasingly infested with buzz droids as they moved upward unmolested, now clambering onto critical sensor arrays, and the shield emitters dedicated to protecting the bridge. As for the bridge itself, there were buzz droids on the way with the intent to break into it and begin to cause terror for the crewman inside. As they were allowed to move freely, it was likely only a matter of time.

Order of Battle:

[SIZE=11pt]Task Force Tyr,1st Ranger Expeditionary Group[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]1x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Tenchu-class Dreadnought[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SSV Vánagandr[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Union-class Colony/Assault Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SSV Scion of Hast[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Centurion Class Battlecruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SSV Seolhyun,Taeyeon[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]6x KF-01B Fencer Droid Fighter (Kai Variant) Squadrons (144)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]6x Cyclone Bomber Squadrons (72)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]6x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]A-Wing [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Squadrons (72)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]2x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] SSV Bona, Dawon[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]6x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Handmaiden-class Escort Corvette [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] SSV Exy, Luda, Eunseo, Yeoreum, Dayoung, Yeonjung[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1x [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Wodrata-class Pod Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] SSV Vessla[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1x[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Scion-class Stealth Corvette[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] SSV Nollam[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]4x[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]LSR[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]*All ships equipped with [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Hydra[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mithril[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Slingshot[/SIZE]

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Ranulph Tarkin"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Samuel Jones"] [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Sieb Tevv"] [member="Zark"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Rakieh Atur"] [member="Charlotte Reed"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Reepicheep Memorial Park, Metrobig City
[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

"There's no one answer. I grew. Fell. Grew some more. When I asked you and your friends to sever me, it might have been the most selfish thing I'd ever done. I cared so much about my conscience and your respect and legitimacy - and so little about what I could accomplish.'

She wiped the short blade on her sleeve and sheathed it, but only for the moment.

"I'm not going to sell you on the Dark Side, if that worries you at all. You're an adult; you make your own choices. I'm not going to ramble about why I fell and why I choose to stay on this path. I'm here to give the Vong some retribution and clean up the problem like the Alliance has conclusively failed to do. Are you with me?"
Location: King’s residence, North East Metrobig
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Elmont Block"]
[member=Jacques] [member="Castor Ren"]

She’s here in one piece, stop worrying and keep it that way.

Trextan hadn’t been a Jedi for long by any measure. A year or so back at Sullust hadn’t completely wiped away the stains of his sith training. He was still too emotional, easily frustrated or annoyed. It was the frustration he felt most right now. He wanted to talk to Choli, he wanted to be in the fighting, but instead he was here.

But perhaps here was where he was needed most. He caught Elmont’s eye and gave a slow nod. Having the fellow Justicar around was reassuring. If the First Order had wanted to come and talk then they would have sent a diplomatic party weeks ago, not during the middle of the battle. At any time they could have requested an audience with the king and leaders of the polyanarchy, but instead they had snuck through the city here.

“If they want to bargain, then it’s on them to make the first offer,” the King spoke. There was another round of discussion in the squib language, spoken too quickly for Trextan to catch even a single word.

“I suggest you have you people get their eyes on the surroundings,” Trextan called out. “I don’t like this.” The Alliance officer wasn't joining the conversation, but reporting back to command.

“Jedi man not wrong this time, don’t like one smidgen piece,” Beequay agreed. Another chatter in squib and it seemed some orders were sent out. Several more guards were posted and spotters in case the First Order had brought friends.

“Send them in. Unarmed,” the King called.

“Stick close, need your eyes as much as anything right now,” Trextan murmured to Elmont.

King Adegabaydee, grey fur, odd crown. Speaks near perfect basic
Beequee: guard of the king and diplomat. The squid had bright blue fur with grey mottling. His formal attire included a chest plate that had clearly been beaten out of a snubfighter armour plate and a decoration made from scrap hydrospanners on the left shoulder.
Abebaba: Underground leader
Teekaybebe: Salvage yards
Whambababba: Platform quib


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: MetroBig City/Tunnel Entrance
Objective: Wizard Wars
Allies: Transmission Sent To [member="Choli Vyn"] (And maybe Aeron), [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Elmont Block"], other GA personnel in MetroBig area
Enemies: Coming For [member="Connor Harrison"]
HK Inventory: Phrik Droid Body, 2x Magnetic Revolvers loaded with Neuranium Pellets, HK-Killer rounds, DUST balls, pistol variant of Grappling Hook, HypnoGaze photoreceptor attachment, built-in jet system attachment, Abregado combat shield, black Chameleon Cloak, Sliver of Light Training Lightsaber, Spear of Rae, Anti-Force Users grenades, Vonduun Skerr Karamik, Grav Gloves.
Greycloaks (3 droids) Inventory: Greycloak body, 2x Magnetic Revolvers each loaded with standard pellets, HK-Killer rounds, DUST balls, pistol variant of Grappling Hook, HypnoGaze photoreceptor attachment, built-in jet system attachment, Abregado combat shield, grey Chameleon Cloak, standard blue-blade combat lightsabers, Spear of Rae, Anti-Force Users grenades, Vonduun Skerr Karamik, Grav Gloves.

Black sleek shape suddenly appeared over the MetroBig City as HK's Knight of the Eclipse had to drop its cloak and materialize briefly, its airlock opening up as the transport came to hover above ground before four droids jumped out, gracefully landing and rolling on the Skor soil to break their impact, standing up quickly to survey the area, it was HK and three of his Greyclaoks accompanying him while their fourth brother-copy whipped away on the stealth ship, disappearing once more as HK waved him off.

Scanning his immediate area the machine sent out a transmission to his allies,

This is HK, I just landed in MetroBig area with a group of Greycloaks, let me know your situation, currently I am going to respond to the reports of a First Order squad moving into the tunnels.

The transmission was sent using his built-in communication systems, the machine did not actually had to speak to communicate with his allies over long range, such ability came useful when trying to stay quiet. Of course if Connor was already killing GA youths then there was probably some sort of quick transmission or report sent in about it.

And with that, the droids would engage their sound dampening systems to hush their movements and wrap themselves in their chameleon cloaks, engaging them to disappear as they moved out into the tunnels, taking the very same tunnel entrance Connor went through although they would not catch up to him right away.

Location: Bridge of the Bearsloth Corvette, Achtnak (Under stealth)
Allies: SJO forces, GA forces
Enemies: First Order

ooc: Moving with the SJO fleet. Won't update my strike on the Interdictor until they post.

Sko waited a few moments as the Silver Jedi fleet finished their countdown. Sending a tight beam transmission to his two carrier frigates he ordered them to match movements and stay in the middle of the SJO fleet. At the same time they were to launch their remaining twelve B-wings armed with torps and all eight of the B-wings armed with Ion Pulse Missiles. These would target the SDs in the middle of the formation in an attempt to disable and force the fleet to break formation. Meanwhile twenty four of the A-wings would also launch and begin jumping onto any fighters the SDs launched. If they failed to launch any then they would focus on strafing the bridges, engines, and weapon emplacements. This was going to be a slaughter.

Turning his attention back to his main fleet he clicked his mandibles and watched as they began their part of the move to entrap the FO fleet. Thrusters firing off the top of their hulls the upside down frigates, Lancers, and Dreadnaught Cruiser began powering upwards opening fire with their forwards batteries laying down fire on the bridge and shield generators of the front destroyer. As the frigates surged ahead of the Dreadnaught going higher their heavily armoured top hull would be reinforced by the majority of the shields being channeled forwards and to the top. This normally wouldn't be enough to protect from a concentrated assault from even two Star Destroyers but with the Silver fleet hitting from below Sko seriously doubted the First Order would prioritise his ships when the majority of the fire came from below. Even if they did though the combined assault of so many would quickly wear out their shields allowing his vessels to destroy the bridges one by one in quick succession.

The Lancers meanwhile did something much more dangerous, engines going to full burn forwards they began to power straight forwards lining themselves up with the point of the front SD. They would split into two groups of two and go straight down side using the Destroyer's own hull against it. At such and angle and up close the Destroyer's hull would have extremely limited firing arcs and any other SD's trying to lend a hand would inevitably hit their own friendlies. The Lancer's would then just fly along the hull dealing out the firepower as the Lancer was famed for.

The Dreadnaught Cruiser meanwhile was also powering upwards but at the same time turning sideways on to bring all guns to bear. Following just behind the Assault Frigates it would focus on the gun emplacements taking them out as the frigates did the main work on the bridge and shield generators.

Sko in his corvette watched as this all played out. Fairly safe under stealth he began his own move. Taking aim at the rear destroyers with his launchers he would wait. Under stealth he was fairly safe and would most likely be able to fire off his initial volley unmolested.

Actions taken: Executing a maneuver at the same time as the SJO fleet Sko's two Assault Frigate Mk. IIs and Dreadnaught Cruiser are going up and over the First Order Star Destroyers. Focusing on hard points, shield generators, and bridges they will allow the enemy fleet to overshoot while raining down fire from above.

The four Lancer-class Frigates meanwhile are going to full speed and moving to hull point blank range on the lead SD. There they will split into two groups of two and run down both sides of the SD giving a full broadside while using the SD's own size against it.

A squadron of twelve B-wings armed with advanced torpedoes are heading towards the middle Destroyer to unleash all torps on it. In addition eight B-wings and six Z-95s are heading towards the same Destroyer and are going to launch a full salvo of Ion Pulse Missiles that can disable entire Star Destroyers.

Fighter cover is two squadrons of twelve A-wings all armed with Advanced Concussion Missiles. They will attack any TIEs launched from the SDs and if none are they will focus on strafing weapons, shield generators , and bridges of the SD's.

Location: Somewhere in the Squib City
Allies: GA
Enemies: FO
Worthy Opponent: [member="Kriel Firin"]

It was erroneous to presume Kaida was out of the game because the focus had shifted from ranged combat to melee. She was a woman as icy as the powers she called upon, her cold fire burned blue and terrible. She had known battle - her people's history was soaked in blood and tribulations. It was no art for them. It was life. It was death. It was the crucible of existence. For the weak did not last. Especially not amongst the Angelii, who ruthlessly weeded out those who did not pass muster. So she played her opponent's game, for the time being.

Being nice, assuming she was capable of such. Maybe the touch of a lover after she had pierced a man with ice spears and cut him down with her blade while blood seeped out of his injuries. That was nice as far as she was concerned. When two Masters engaged in lightsabre combat, it was often compared to an elegant dance. Thing was, the music playing was the one she wanted.

Her opponent did not appear to be hindered by his leg wound. Sith were fond of claiming pain only spurred them on. This would not avail him. Kaida, affectionatelly called the Full Ice queen by her battle sisters, had been stalking battlefields for close to four decades now, ever since she was but a young girl by her people's standards. To be sure, she was not the strongest Force warrior. She could not pull down a Star Destroyer, use mass mind control or perform similar extreme feats, but that was fine. She had skill, discipline and patience.

The Ren's practice was evident. The same applied to his determination, resilience and strength in the Force. But he had made errors, possibly having focused more on theory than practice upon the field of battle. So her masked opponent struck, and Kaida followed, meeting his strikes. Parry, Feint, Dodge, Parry. It was a beautiful show. Both combatants followed seemingly perfectly choreographed moves. Aided by the Force and the fact that lightsabres were almost weightless, it was almost too quick for the naked eye to track. If a Squib had perchance come by and stopped to watch the action, it would have been a cool scene. But they were busy dealing with nerve gas attacks, among other things.

However, Kaida did more than just react to his brute strength and presence. Instead, she was gauging his speed, reach, technique and combat style. When the Ren's off-hand came to join his primary one, she knew she had him where she wanted. Two-handed attacks were often considered to be more powerful and there was some truth to this, though laser swords inflicted no kinetic damage. However, they were a special type and required a significant amount of discipline many neglected. While using your blade to attack with overwhelmning brute force, you needed to keep your head on your shoulders to leave the aforementioned blade in a position to shift quickly and counter if, against expectations, your opponent did not fall before your might.

Her opponent rained down blow after blow upon her - and she did not break.

You see, Kaida had her Seraph shield. Battle shields were a bit of an anomaly in modern combat, considered archaic by many, but they were standard for Angelii. This one was made of cortosis. It gave her the best defence against this particular offensive style. So as he hammered her with strikes, she caught them on that protective disc, letting it bear the brunt.

Her arm, strong as it was, was buckling and growing sore. Eldorai were physically weaker than humans, beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, hidden beneath her helmet. However, she could keep it together, so she grit her teeth and silently counted the seconds to keep track of the length of time that passed between each attack the Ren hammered her with. Another blow came and she grunted. Her burning yellow blade was held in a forward grip and low at her hip, with the weapon pointed forward. The Eldorai was letting her body lean and her knees absorb the weight of the attacks.

In the process, she gave ground, trading space for time. A strike came, she took a step back, then another blow was unleashed. It all happened so fast. The sequences were repetitive, but she was patient. Then finally, she counterattacked!

The Seraph knew the next attack was coming, and so she clenched her shield tight, kept it supported over the length of her forearm. As soon as the blood red blade of the Ren's relentless assault impacted upon the round curve, she thrust her arm, and his blade aside. With one thrust, the sequence was over. The act of pushing his blade far to his off-side would have the effect of making him more vulnerable because both of his arms were attached to the weapon.

She did not give her opponent time, rather she struck in the same moment. Her attack was simple, tried and tested - efficient: It was a basic, crippling, ruthless thrust with the tip of her blade and the length of her weapon and arm stretching in less than the blink of an eye. The thrust was meant to pierce his abdomen and end his stride in one stroke. His arms were out of place, he had been attacking with heavy intensity and the injured leg should complicate an attempt to escape. If she had her way, his stomach would taste her burning wroth.

She appreciated the man's aggression and dedication to his bladework, as much as she felt naught but loathing for anything related to the First Order and those who served under its banner. Her booted feet were firmly planted on the ground, toes dug in. Her stance radiated poise and control. Even if the Ren managed to upset her calculations and escape, he ought to be at a disadvantage for the next three strikes she would follow with while he recovered.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Reepicheep Memorial City
[member="Ashin Karrde"]

A few years ago? Jaxton would've taken that offer. He would have picked Ashin's brain, asked her why she did what she did. Try to offer her redemption. Take care of what was so obviously a problem. Today though?

Jaxton wasn't even convinced the Yuuzhan Vong were real. Ashin though? She was most definitely real. A champion of the Dark Side, who'd bested death more than once. Perhaps the Force had brought him here to finish her, or to learn the secrets of the Force he couldn't from others. Interestingly enough, while conflicting those two goals often had the same method. Sith learned from and killed fights.

"Not today." Was all Jaxton said. Not enough to prepare a Force-killing effect, but enough to announce his intention. Jaxton owed her that much at least. His coming strike was a simple one, but the quickness of it was another matter entirely. If she blinked she'd open her eyes to the retrosaber slicing through her right hip up to her left shoulder. She'd likely parry it, at which point he'd attempt to ride the momentum in for a thrust. A strong parry rather than a weak one could counter, as would a quick enough back-step. The battle had begun.
Allies: [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Torian Pierce"], [member="Nils Brenner"]
Enemies: [member="Nicolas Thorne"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Objective: Secure the Bridge
The High Marshal went through Space, guided by the careful hand of the Knight of Ren. In hindsight, it was good that he had never been hard on the Ren, or had the opportunity to, for she had all the chances in the world to merely launch him off and into Space. He was in luck it seemed, and when she had deposited him nearby, his only acknowledgement of her actually saving him was a nod of that large enviro-suit helmet, and he strode past the group after the atmosphere was vented.

"Squad Pierce," he said over the commline that would have him integrated into their encrypted network. "Breach after me." The Sith Lord's lightsabre came off of his belt, wielded in that annoying enviro-suit hand. "Priorities: Return the atmosphere to the Bridge." Through the Force, he could sense the Jedi and his two lightsabres - not to mention the being that held them. Considering he positioned himself just underneath and out of view of the hole, their proximity was much closer than one would've originally thought. "Protect Brenner."

He pushed off the edge of the hole, propelling himself into the hole, left hand reaching out to shove a violent force wave in the direction of the dark skinned Jedi. Raw power, telekinetics were the sole aggressive power that the First Order's Sith Lord had ever had time to experiment and succeed with. By no means did he have the strength to pull a ship that was multiple thousands of tons out of the sky, but advanced telekinetics above push and pull had become easy long before he had been considered a Sith 'Knight.'


Well-Known Member
-- -- --
Skor II
Allies: [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Jacques"]
Enemies: (King of Skor II | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"])
-- -- --

Castor gave a silent affirmation that he had head the thoughts of his allies, his eyes intently watching the makeshift ramparts of the facility. A wry smirk crossed his features as one of the squibs made an attempt at speaking towards him in a bastardized form of Galactic Basic, it was almost amusing had the situation been somewhat less tense but instead the Knight of Ren focused instead on the creature's intent. Uncertainty, fear, concern - all these emotions he could feel as he reached out towards the Squib through the Force. He was a predator by nature, refined by the Dark Side - the scent of fear not literal for him bur rather instinctual. As if a blanket had been cast upon his shoulders, Castor could feel their eyes upon him. Curiosity - perhaps even wonder. As if mere actors in some divine comedy, Castor watched as the Squib who'd addressed him initially ducked low and.. appeared to attempt a private conversation.

His hands kept visible, the Ren folded them in front of himself, clasped together. As he patiently waited for their response, Castor took a deep breath inward, feeling out his surroundings, noting important bits of terrain, cover, locations of the enemy atop the short wall. The impassive mask of his helmet did much to hide his amusement, instead his figure standing still - a silent watching form cloaked in shadow. As he waited for their response, he held up a hand - that wasn't something he had anticipated, at least not fully. There were Jedi here - no, not Jedi, but they were definitely a presence within the Force. Perhaps this King would entertain their request, perhaps not.

With silvered tongue, Castor took a step forward, his hands once more raised towards the gates and their protectors.

"We are not here to harm those who call this place home, but rather bring order to your streets.." he said, beckoning to the sad state of disrepair, the sounds of conflict beyond. ".. You can hear as well as I, you know the Graug and the Yuuzhan Vong yet roam, sowing chaos and inciting fear among you. It is this which draws our attention to your King, we wish to make him an offer."
In truth, it was less of an offer than an ultimatum, but Castor would never say that outwardly. The most important piece of negotiation was how to manipulate an opponent into a line of thinking, planting nothing more than the seed of an idea, crafting the idea in their mind and letting them perceive that they were the ones who'd come up with it - it all came down to social engineering. As he waited their reply, he stepped once closer. His hand fell to his weapon, and in one swift movement he unclipped the scabbard, lifting it above his head as if an offering.

"I come to speak with your King, not to slay him - here is my weapon as a show of faith."

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