She gave a slow nod, her hooded form barely moving as she absorbed Admiral Kalah's words. Ithor was a world of peace--a world of harmony that should never have to see war. And yet, the drums of conquest beat on its doorstep. The Foundation had one chance to intervene before everything was lost.
"I will see to the civilians," she said, her voice calm despite the chaos ahead. "
Keep me in the know."
Askani spun on her heel and moved toward the lift, her dark earthly toned robes trailing behind her as she descended toward the hangar bay.
The moment the doors slid open, the hangar was alive with movement. Pilots hurried into their cockpits, engineers made last-minute checks, and Foundation soldiers gathered in formations, their armor lacking the rigid uniformity of the Galactic Alliance or the Empire. These were warriors bound not by orders, but by conviction. They were fighters who believed in something greater than conquest.
A young officer--approached Askani, helmet tucked under her arm.
"Mother Askani, the shuttles are prepped. We have five full transports ready to move with medical supplies and personnel. The Ithorian herd-ships are still in orbit, but we need to get to the surface before they decide to flee. The Council of Herds is reluctant to abandon their people."
Askani nodded, her expression warm but firm.
"Then let's move."
With that, she strode toward the nearest transport, climbing aboard as the other Foundation operatives followed suit. The shuttle's doors sealed with a hiss, and within moments, the ship lurched as it lifted from the hangar floor, joining the formation of humanitarian vessels descending upon the green, mist-laden world of Ithor. She had suggested these transports have their logo painted on them.
The descent was turbulent. Even through the reinforced hull of the shuttle, Askani could feel the distant tremors of battle. The Mandalorian fleet was emerging from hyperspace--soon, the skies of Ithor would be thick with warships and fire. But for now, the Foundation had a window. A chance. Albeit very very brief.
The comms crackled to life as the pilot's voice cut through the static.
"We've got Imperial patrol ships in the sector, but they're not engaging just yet. They're holding position. Either they're waiting for reinforcements or they don't want to get caught between us and the Mandos."
"Stay on course," Askani instructed.
"The longer they hesitate, the more work we can do before the fighting gets heavier."
The viewport revealed Ithor's breathtaking surface. Towering jungle canopies, vast winding rivers, and the floating herd-cities drifting lazily above it all. But fear gripped the planet. On the horizon, massive clouds of smoke signaled the first strikes—fires set by Mandalorian shock troops hitting planetary defenses. The invasion had begun.
The shuttle rocked as they entered the atmosphere, piercing through thick clouds before leveling out over one of the larger herd-cities. Below, Ithorians rushed through the streets, some desperately boarding small transports, others attempting to gather what little they could carry. The panic was spreading.
"Brace for landing!" the pilot called out.
The shuttle's repulsors kicked in, slowing its descent as it settled onto the platform of the city's central plaza. Before the ramp had fully extended, Askani was already moving, stepping onto the ground with a sense of purpose. Foundation operatives spilled out behind her, immediately directing civilians toward the safety of their transports.
An Ithorian elder approached, his eyes filled with worry but also recognition. He had noticed the Foundation insignia
"The Foundation… you came."
She took his hands in hers, squeezing gently.
"We abandon no one." She nodded, but it was a silent motion for him to get onboard.
Explosions thundered in the distance. The sky above them darkened as Mandalorian drop-pods streaked through the clouds. The mobilization of imperials couldn't felt through the ripples in the ground, their fighters screeching through the air. The storm was coming.
But the Foundation was here.
And they would hold the line.
"What have I sacrificed? Everything..."