Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Clash of Ideals // NEO invasion of DE owned Ithor and Selnesh


The Ashen Sun - Chapter 1

OBJECTIVE: Rescue the VIPs, Spread the words of the Foundation
ALLIES: Kalah Redra Kalah Redra | Mother Askani Mother Askani | Trent Perris Trent Perris | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | NEO
ENEMIES: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Kei Amadis Kei Amadis | Saltare Dothon Saltare Dothon | Sid Berik Sid Berik | DE

Mandalorians. A bunch of zealots, self-righteous people who love to justify their violence with their victim complex. Altan does not need to be reminded of the savagery these people are capable of; he was there helping Naboo rebuild after their attack, and the few Silver Jedi survivor at the Conclave didn’t have to be asked a second time to lament on the Mandalorian subjugation of Kashyyyk. Yet at the end of the day, these are Force-neutral people who in the grand scheme of things are not relevant in the war between Light and Dark. They might be savages who terrorize the civil world, but sometimes you have to weaponize them to damage the true enemy.

That is perhaps what separates Altan from most Jedi, even the rest of the Foundation. He is willing to cross an extra mile to fulfil his role in this universe. He might find solace in charity and humanitarian works, but his heart is in the destruction of the dark. That’s why in many nights he will ask himself, how far is far enough. That’s why he is travelling the stars, jumping from one ancient temple to another Force Nexus. That’s why he is so desperately trying to figure out how the Force works exactly, if he can ever detach himself from it, to fulfil his destiny as the blade who rid the galaxy of the dark, once and for all.

<Final check. We try not to split up, but it’s imperative that we get everyone in our check list of names. I’ll notify the admiral if we need extra hand for evac.> Altan check his comms for a direct link with Trent Perris Trent Perris . He is pretty sure that he would need an extra hand for evac, or to steal an Imperial corvette. He has an extra names outside of the official laundry list; SIA sleeper agents, Ashlan zealots, anti-Force extremists; all in the name of furthering his research.

<May the Force be with you,> he added, as the two breached the detention center, eliminating a couple of guards in the process. Altan would rather not directly engage anyone today, his main objective remained to secure the VIPs and spread the word of the Foundation. The Mandalorians should distract the majority of the Imperial forces after all. Yet there are those who is extremely hard to avoid; the darksiders and Imperial elites, waiting on the ominous hallways of the prison. But what surprised Altan most is what comes next; a facility-wide comms.

It’s a voice he is familiar with from the Conclave held just weeks ago. A Silver Jedi. <Careful, a Silver renegade,> he warned Trent. This could get ugly real quick. He would rather avoid him and let the Mandalorian deal with him, yet he’s seen the Truth. For the rebellion he is willing to kill another Jedi… no, not Jedi, heretics.



Location: Ithor, Imperial science facility
Enemies: Mandalorian Crusaders. Brent Warnel Brent Warnel
Allies: Dark Imperials
Equipment: The Ren Lightsaber, Detritus Orbalisk Armor

His senses were running rampant. From the moment he had detected a hint through the security holograms did Detritus move into action. There were many compounds spread across the jungle, each compound dedicated to different parts of the bio-weapons division. If even a single one, or all of them became compromised could it spell calamity for all of the Dark Empire. For the Imperial Councilor and Knight of Ren would Detritus not allow the Mandalorian Crusaders from taking what they came for. A hand still remained tightened to a fist, his steps were heavy in a purposeful stride as he walked through the dark and dimly lit hallways.

In the outside the stormtroopers were alerted of the unusual activity. Turrets were raised in hopes of keeping attackers out. However, Detritus knew the skill of Mandalorians. No matter what the defenses were on the outside, it wouldn’t stop the crusaders from making a way inside. Detritus knew this and decided to turn for the entrance. If they made it through the outside, on the inside they would have to contend with more stormtroopers, more turrets, and even different ray shield emplacements all over the facility. Any intruder would either be captured or eliminated, this also applied to the Mandalorians that were now attempting to break into the compound. The Dark Sider himself wouldn’t allow the attacking force of crusaders to dare enter the facility, for when they did they would find a lot more than they had originally bargained for.

The Ren Lightsaber pulled from his belt and kept firmly into his hand. He was ready to face any of the hostile intruders. Through the Force he sensed the guards being cut down, more and more Mando boots were stomping through the brush. He could sense bloodthirsty determination, the desire to plunder, to take glory. “How pathetic…” Detritus would scoff at the barbarism he had sensed through to the other side. Detritus had done his best to activate the defenses of the facility, but knew well that it would take more than shields, turrets, and stormtroopers to slow down this barbaric horde from taking what it desired. He couldn’t let them have access to the imperial research too important to let slip through enemy hands. He had expected the Alliance, even Rebels but Mandalorians were the last thing that the Master of Ren ever hoped to face here.

His pace quickened towards the first and direct entrance into the facility. There were many ways inside, but there was one clear path that one entered before splitting off into the maze of corridors and tunnels. His senses were overstimulated by the death he would sense from the outside. The crusaders were surrounding every corner, deadly intent was what he could sense through them. One by one did the turrets and the guards were either deactivated or destroyed.

Detritus would finally stop in front of the main entrance. He could hear them on the other side, feel them as they prepared to cut their way right into the compound. His fingers clasped tightly to his lightsaber, he was ready to unleash his blade and attack. His eyes narrowed as he watched them begin to cut through the entrance, but as Detritus stood ready to be a last line of defense, he didn’t know that the Mandalorians would flood from every entrance they would breach. It would be impossible for the Master of Ren to hold back all of the horde. If the worst came to pass would Detritus have to notify the others seeking to protect the work taking place in the jungle.




C a r e e n a .F e t t
| Location | Selnesh, Prison
| Objective | Prison Break
The blaster pulled away as Careena heard Koda speak, already recognizing the distinct coldness and way he carried himself. There was no doubting this was the man she once knew, and that was all the affirmation she needed as she lowered her sidearm. Years had passed, yet he still remained the same as she remembered him, but she still respected him nonetheless. It still brought some surprise to her to see that he was still around, but perhaps he was not suited to living the retired life.​
She spoke in their native tongue, <"I have and always will look after our own, even one as distanced as yourself Koda. If it gets me killed, I die knowing that I died fighting for people worth fighting for. Perhaps you will find that someday too. You may have shirked your duties as Alor before me, but you are a Fett nonetheless.">​
Her gaze shifted as she heard footsteps approaching, already moving to level her sidearm at the newcomer. She was half tempted to pull the trigger the moment he began to monologue, but she was curious to see how unstable the Dark Empire might be to exploit a potential weakness in their crusades.​
Koda had summarized her thoughts with his usual candor, and she had nothing more to say to the man. It was slightly amusing that this individual attempted to bribe either of them - There was nothing an outsider could offer her that could ever cause her faith in her people and beliefs to waver; she already had and fought for everything she could ever need in her life. Her honor and loyalty remained true to her people. With that she shifted her aim directly upon Anguis, muzzle pointed right between where his eyes would be, ready to take a shot.​

Ryorgak was just about to hit a secondary shaft when apart of the main ventilation shaft began to twist and bend from a source not unfamiliar to Mandalorians. A force user was in proximity, specifically Dyans Keto Dyans Keto , and a powerful one at that, as they attempted to ensnare him within a metallic coffin.
However, destiny had other plans, and his mind raced with potential solutions to his predicament, aware that the beskar armor encasing his body would afford him some level of protection.
He did not require it to endure for long, merely enough time to maneuver his gauntlet from beside his body to in front of him, as the flamethrower ignited with a roar, filling the expansive tunnels ahead.
He understood that ventilation systems often harbor flammable materials and pockets of gas, and the introduction of an open flame could ignite the entire tunnel network, resulting in uncontrollable fires.
Such a scenario would compel the Imperials to evacuate the facility due to the imminent risk of sparking electrical explosions.
"Whomever this force user is, they clearly didn't think that far ahead." The Twi'lek murmured beneath the sealed helmet, utilizing his grav-boots to lower the tunnel slightly, thereby creating an opening in the shaft.
He then leaped down in front of Dyans Keto Dyans Keto as smoke and toxic fumes billowed from the newly opened section, beginning to permeate other parts of the corridor.
Hands were already on the triggers, as the two ZV2 Compact Heavy Pistols roared to life.

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| Location | Space, Ithor Orbit
| Focus | Aerial Superiority

It did not take long for the fleets and their starfighters to begin engaging one another. Nelliel was already in the thick of it with the opening wave of starfighters as laser fire and explosions dotted the void of space, a sign of the destruction she was leaving in her wake as she made short work of the mediocre pilots that attempted to claim her as their prize.
A chirp sounded off in her ear as orders from the fleet came through, orders from Fleetmaster Tarrak aboard the Sworn Vengeance. <"Roger Sworn Vengeance, moving to intercept."> She personally didn't like to play defense, but orders were orders. She had been tasked with playing keep away with the enemy starfighters inbound, her head swivelling and looking through her canopy as two squadrons of Umbaran fighters swiftly came around, their leads opening comms. <"Banshee and Vixus on you Switchblade.">
The young Kryze looked around as she scanned the battlefield, looking out for enemy formations that would attempt to strike at the fleet, spotting a formation of interceptors moving to escort another squadron. She clicked her comms as she opened a channel to the Umbaran starfighter squadrons, <"Interceptors are all yours Banshee and Vixus. I'm going after their escortee."> The lead pilots of both Umbaran squadrons pulled up on either side of her as they offered a thumbs up, <"Roger that. Happy hunting Switchblade.">
A simple acknowledgement as both squadrons rolled off in opposite directions, Nelliel speeding up with the rest of her own squadron behind her. This was their moment to seize, and if fate decided this was the end of the line for her, at least she would die at peace knowing it was from the comfort of her cockpit fighting.



There was a point to all of this. As Antipater spoke, he had inspected the room to view its layout. To know what was where. He was here for more than merely to fight—the Crusade always needed more warriors. How many, he wondered, would willingly join their cause with their liberation at hand?

There was a brief moment of thought upon the question, as steps slowly circled around the open floor of the control room. “Now? No.” Polearm lifted, the metallic footfalls audible as he paced across.

“A leader is nothing if not a servant of their people. My warriors wish to see the Alliance and the Sith bleed for what they did. In time past, Mandalorians and Imperial have worked in tandem—but only in the absence of the Sith. I would have nothing but my word I had given you the last we spoke, had they not been the issue. Alas, leeches they are, they have latched themselves far too deeply into this Empire.”

Amidst all this, he had spotted the true objective.

Antipater was standing in front of the controls of the prison. The ones he needed to make this process easier for his warriors, lest they intended to breach every cell one-by-one.

Perhaps the droid already knew what he aimed for. Nonetheless, he may as well speak truly whilst the opportunity presented.

For after this brief exchange, it was unlikely the droid would ever receive further explanation, lest their paths crossed again outside of the unfolding conflict.

“In a way, I am making good on your request on an Alliance—my people would see the Imperials be ridded of the Sith scourge. Utterly. Entirely. That is the only way to answer to them.”

Antipater Antipater
Machines Making Machines



As he expected. The Sith were a liability as ever. But would the Empire's long-term odds in war have been better or worse without the Ascendant Order's knights? Would survival even be desirable with Darth Imperius breathing down the Lord-Regent's neck?

A simulation for another time. The droid folded his arms across his chest. He was in no hurry. "I see. Then it would seem my inaction is to blame for this… Fiasco. A pity, but no matter."

Another swathe of realities darkened. New branches appeared. Smaller and more focused. Yes, an ending was crystallizing. Antipater only needed to reach out and seize it.

Very soon, he most certainly would.

"I respect your candor. Not many who lead are cognizant of the chains that still bind them. My next question: once you have razed Carlac and put an end to this Empire, what will you do?"

The room shuddered faintly, and a short gust of flame sputtered through some of the vents before dying down. Antipater did not appear to notice the phenomenon. This structure and the rank dissidents it held prisoner were so far beneath his consideration.




Sid, covering the opposite end of the hallway from Saltare Dothon Saltare Dothon , was engaged in his own combat. The Mandalorians were pushing on them from multiple angles, forcing them into cover. Alarms blared throughout, the fire suppression alarm going. While it hadn't reached this corridor yet, Sid knew it was a matter of time. And the pair had yet to reach the armory, though they were getting closer and closer.

Blaster fire burnt out the wall he was hiding behind, Sid screaming in frustration as he pivoted on his foot, aiming down the barrel of his stolen Mandalorian rifle. The rifle barked twice, felling another Mandalorian conscript- recruit? He wasn't sure of the term. However, in the process of reloading the charge pack, Sid turned to observe the incoming enemy-

Only to barely dodge the incoming axe swing. The Beskar axe stuck in the wall, and Sid was faced with not a regular recruit, but one of their Rally Masters, clad in Red Armor. The axe was quickly forgotten, and Sid was grabbed by the shoulder, and he screamed as the crushgaunts dug into his skin. Sid pushed the barrel into the Mandalorian's knee, firing off two shots. The first shot bounced off the armor with a tell-tale TING, but the second burnt into his flightsuit underneath, and caused the Mandalorian to scream a gurgled, auditory scream. The scream was juxtaposed by the audio processors in his helmet, causing him to sound more demonic than he actually was.

The Mandalorian reached back to grab the axe, ripping it off the wall and swinging again. Sid braced the rifle against his forearm, struggling under the weight and strength of the Mandalorian. The stories really were true. Sid looked down at his legs. Grappling was never an ideal option, but with limited options, and his comrade dealing with his own problems, Sid dropped the rifle, letting the axe fall down to his right. He grabbed the Mandalorian by the waist, screaming in rage.

He lifted, turned his hips, and slammed the Mandalorian face-first into the ground, hip-tossing the Mandalorian over his back. The Mandalorian grunted, immediately going for the axe, the beskar axe buried in the duracrete and durasteel floor. Sid avoided him reaching back, grabbing at his face and arm again. Pushed on the back of his neck with his left hand, while his right fumbled around the Mandalorian's belt, going for the small knife he carried on his back. Sid managed to jimmy it out of it's sheath, the Mandalorian, at the same time, grabbing the axe.

He managed to bring the axe up, cutting deeply into Sid's upper arm. He screamed again, but the knife went into the exposed elbow of the Mandalorian that cut him. The Mandalorian screamed again. Sid held the Mandalorian's head up, and jammed the knife into the Mandalorian's neck, cutting across. The Mandalorian went limp, and the spark on his wrist told him that he was going to try and use the flamethrower in desperation. Sid had probably escaped death by just a few seconds, if not half-seconds.

He breathed deeply, taking the Mandalorian's knife and axe. A Mandalorian was gunning for his partner, Saltare. The recruit raised his rifle, aiming in- but the axe went flying through the air, impaling it into the Mandalorian's chest, causing him to launch off of his feet. Sid picked up the rifle and some more charge packs from the dead warrior, breathing heavily, bleeding from his arm wound. In a few minutes, without treatment, his arm would probably be out of the fight, and more importantly, him.

"The fire's spreading! We gotta get to the armory!"




"All squads converge on your entrance. Blow the doors and push in, sow chaos. Squad Aaray and Stone, to me, we breach the front."

Brent and the squads with him pushed to the main entrance, picking off a few guards forming a final line of defense before the entrance. As they formed up at the entrance, Brent heard distant explosions as other squads penetrated the facility from multiple areas. The whole plan relied on having his men in so many different places that the infiltration squad could probe deep without facing the bulk of the enemy. Brent hoped by the time the Empire figured out his gamble, it would be too late.

The Mandalorians around him worked quickly, cutting into the large blast doors to gain access to the facility. "Blow it in case they have a surprise for us on the other side," Brent ordered.

The Vod continued to cut into the door to weaken the structure before placing detonating charges on it before the final push. Brent and the men around him took cover as the breaching squad finished placing the charges.

"Fire in the hole!"

A muffled explosion erupted from the door, blowing it inward like a deformed fruit. Smoke swirled from the entrance, and a hallway was barely seen beyond. Darkness emanated from it, inviting them in, the smoke taunting them as it danced around the destroyed door, unwilling to spill the secrets it knew lay beyond.

"All squads, Phase III has begun," Brent said as his men flowed into the entrance.


Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Location: Ithor High Orbit
Mission Objective: Destroy Heavy Weapon Systems on the Mandalorian Flagship Sworn Vengeance
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Squadron: Orca Squadron
Allies: Van Trask Van Trask Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger
Enemies: Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze Tarrak Tarrak

Electra-12 pulled out of her dive after reaching a safe distance from the Sularen’s Revenge, before slotting into formation with Orca squadron and its interceptor escort. The squadron set off towards the Sworn Vengeance without delay, the advanced interceptors of the escort squadrons leading off in a screen formation as the larger, more heavily armed TIE Destroyers followed close behind.

“Is there anything on the Sworn Vengence’s point-defenses?” Electra asked, after Trask gave his report on the battleship’s capabilities. His mention of the black market caused the Chiss to roll her eyes, but she swallowed any thoughts she might have verbalized on the matter. Not once in her career had she ever considered the black market beyond whatever she needed to know in order to more quickly shoot down pirates. And more often than not, Imperial TIEs were far more advanced than whatever criminals and various assorted scum could scrouge up.

Naturally, Electra did not consider that one of said scum (or more aptly ex-scum) could quite possibly be inside the cockpit with her at that precise moment.

“We’re closing into the weapons' range with the starfighter screen!” Electra called out, as her viewport lit up with incoming fire. Nevertheless, the Chiss held her course, trusting in her craft’s shields and the capability of the escorts to defend her against the threats.

However, she had no intention of letting the Mandalorian fire go unanswered.

“Ready cluster seismic missiles and fire at will! Marking targets now!” Electra growled, her fingers darting over the holoscreen as she picked out her targets. There were the swarms of vulture droids and then there were the Umbaran starfighters, which were led by a squadron of Beviins. “We’ll engage while they’re still in close formation!”

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Objective II: Prison Break
Location: Imperial Detention Center, Selnesh
Tag: Careena Fett Careena Fett , Koda Fett Koda Fett , Anguis Dux Anguis Dux

Even after her beating at the hands of the last Mandalorian she fought, Tibera pressed on to her objective. She was determined to see this job through, to survive the battle with the galaxy's most elite warriors. Though, she acknowledged that she couldn't win this fight just with her fists. She'd need to gather up some others and hopefully fight this thing out.

Luckily, a group of pinned down riot guards were willing to tag along after Tibera explained the situation. It was a small group, with mostly less-than-lethal armaments, but it would have to do. The six of them marched alongside the corporal before they got to the maximum security wing, this was the main battleground it seemed, and chaos reigned there...

Without too much thought, the mercenary gripped her handcannon as she weighed her limited options. This was no time for overthinking, better to just waste the metal armored bastards than give them a chance to fight back. Maybe it was cowardly, but what other choice did she have?

"Dust that witch there! Don't stop until your barrels glow!" Tibera shouted, ordering the squad to take aim at Careena with their sidearms.

From the vantage they had on the second level of the cell block, it was a bit of an easier shot, but Tibera had a bit of an issue actually seeing her target. Her nearsighted eyes meant that fine aiming was not really possible. Instead, she would have to rely on her squad, and the luck she'd already been pushing!

The shatter darts that Tibs had loaded were of a very special variety, that being APBCHE (Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped High Explosive) rounds, a variety of dart that would break through the armor, then detonate an explosive a set time after penetration. The idea being they could penetrate just deep enough into the Beskar, to explode inside their target's softer sections. If the round itself didn't strike home, the shrapnel would.

These glowing orange darts would stand out amongst the red blaster bolts of the stormtroopers! Apparently surprising some of the Imperial Commandos that were set up around Careena and Koda, whoever the other imperials were, they didn't look like standard troops. She'd do her best to avoid friendly fire, but at this range, who knew what might happen...
"I have every choice."

The Dark Troopers sought to target the Mandalorians' jetpacks as they launched from their shielded positions. The Mandalorian shift to the slugthrowing Rippers was hardly surprising as a response, and more dents and dings were added to the droid soldiers' armor as they sought to weather the fire, some ducking further into cover. Onrai merely watched with a bemused smirk as the Mandalorian warship began to fire on her own form, seemingly disintegrated by the blaster fire along with severe damage to a number of the Dark Troopers, whose systems were not prepared to handle bombardment of starfighter grade.


The voice of Onrai resonated around Saverok, the being's location made unclear as her form, or lack thereof, seemed unmanifested. The sound of something cracking transparisteel made itself known - Onrai was seated in the cockpit of the Krayt gunship, the vaguest trace of a smile on her lips once she had gotten the attention of Saverok himself. Malevolent hands rested on the command console of the ship and began to meld into the vessel's electronics, seeking to corrupt the ship and turn it against its operator. Having a shielded gunship on one side and Dark Troopers on the other would be an effectual way of hopefully finishing off this contingent of Mandalorians before they got too close to something they shouldn't have.

After all, dangerous things lurked within the fortifications.

Saverok watched with grim satisfaction as his Krayt gunship unleashed hell upon the battlefield. The Dark Troopers, no longer invincible behind their shimmering shields, buckled under the firestorm. Some were reduced to smoking heaps of metal, others scrambled for cover, their once-imposing forms dented and broken. The Mandalorians pressed forward, rippers barking, jetpacks roaring, their tactical shift paying off.

Then he heard it.

A voice, from nowhere and everywhere at once, whispered around him. His victory curdled into confusion. His helmet's audio sensors scrambled to pinpoint the source, but the battlefield's chaos masked everything. It wasn't until the shrieking whine of his own gunship's cannons reorienting that it hit him—

Something was wrong. His heads-up display flashed, red warning symbols flooding his vision. The Krayt had stopped firing at the enemy.

It had turned on him!

The first volley came instantly—ion cannons screeched, a wave of blue energy slamming into the Mandalorian forces, frying their HUDs, disabling their jetpacks mid-flight. Several dropped like stones, forced to recover as best they could while others barely managed to evade.

Then came the lasers.

The Krayt's heavy cannons tracked Saverok, his own ship now his executioner. The ground around him exploded, duracrete, durasteel and debris erupting like geysers as he moved—seemingly preternatural. Diagonal sprint. A sharp, unpredictable animalistic path, cutting through the volatile shower of energy. His beskar armor shifted, the dark grey plating warping, pulsing as it heated to a blinding orange. The sheer intensity of the heat distorted the air around him, waves of energy rippling off his frame.


A direct hit. A cannon blast struck him square in the arm, and in a single blinding instant—his limb was gone. Torn away and sent flying to the side with trails of smoke and a metal thud.

Pain surged through his nervous system like a wave, but he did not stop. He did not scream. He refused to give his enemy that satisfaction, going even to the extent to bite into his own tongue. He staggered, his footing breaking for just a second, but then his momentum returned. The gunship lurched, its shields still active, its repulsors straining to hold position as it fought against him—but Saverok wasn't stopping. With a final, thunderous leap, he slammed into the side of the M-22 Krayt, his remaining arm gripping the hull, crushgaunts digging into the durasteel hull. The impact sent a jolt through the ship, ionic energy crackling across his form and into its shielding, sending a wave of feedback spiraling through its systems. Static buzzed in his helmet. His muscles burned, his blood boiled, but he grinned beneath his visor. A wicked bloodthirsty smile and out from his carbon scored torso a large mass of tightly bound hulking muscles erupted forth in the form of a new arm with a large tendril like hand. Taking hold of the the Krayt gunships wing and attempting to pull the front end of the ship, its cockpit, toward the floor to eat the backlash of explosive yield laser cannon fire point blank.

" Slanar! hiibir echoy na gagitagr! Slanar planetside jii gar karking ahar! Slanar! Butahya!"
(("GO! take the research facilities! Go planetside now you karking maggots! GO! RALLY!"))

Onrai Onrai
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The crackle of blaster fire and the screams of dying men were nothing new to Ninurta. War was the constant—everything else was just a variable. But as he moved through the blood-soaked halls of the prison facility, his HUD flared red. AIRBORNE TOXIN DETECTED. A chemical breakdown flickered across his visor, analyzing the unknown substance dispersing from the vents. Neural stimulant. Hallucinogenic. Fear-inducing. His grip on his amphistaff tightened. He had fought in plenty of hellholes before, but gas was a different beast.

Then came the real problem.

A low, guttural growl echoed from behind him. Vexer, his Maalraa, was shifting uneasily, his scaled hide rippling like a disturbed pool of ink. The beast's usual disciplined stillness was gone—his form wavered, his eyes darting at shadows that weren't there. A snarl rattled from his throat, deep and feral, but it wasn't directed at an enemy. He was fighting something in his own mind.

Ninurta cursed under his breath. His Maalraa was a predator, an apex beast—fear wasn't in his nature. But whatever Sith toxin filled the air had slipped past instinct and buried itself in something deeper. Vexer flinched at something unseen, claws clicking against the durasteel floor as he crouched low, ready to attack… something. Ninurta stepped forward carefully, raising a hand. Pheromones deployed. His Falleen biology worked fast, flooding the immediate area with a counteragent of his own making—soothing, grounding, overriding raw panic with something closer to control. Vexer growled again, but this time it was questioning, uncertain. Not lost. The beast's massive head turned toward Ninurta, nostrils flaring.

"Easy, vod," Ninurta murmured in a low, even tone, his free hand resting against the Maalraa's trembling hide. "This isn't real." Vexer exhaled sharply, his muscles untensing just a fraction. Not cured, but not lost to the frenzy.

Next the banging started.

The blast door leading back to the prisoner levels shook violently, each impact bending the metal outward in warping dents. The sound of screeching durasteel grated against his ears, and through the helmet's audio filters, Ninurta picked up the distinct hum of lightsabers cutting—not through the door, but through the wall.


His HUD tagged the motion through layers of construction—small frame, erratic movement, a Chadra-Fan? His attention flicked back to the spectrum of transparent walls and gas-logged corridors, the prisoners behind those doors shrieking and clawing at unseen horrors. He had planned to use his pheromones to manipulate them, turn their frenzy into a weapon against the Empire, but there was no telling how deeply the gas had already taken hold. This was a stampede, not a battle. A decision had to be made—fast. Ninurta turned back to Vexer, kneeling low and locking eyes with the beast. He let his pheromones roll off him again, slow and steady. "Hunt, but only on my mark," he commanded, voice firm. The Maalraa's pupils dilated, muscles coiling. He was still on edge, but the command was clear. He would listen. Ninurta rose to his full height, facing the weakening wall where the lightsabers had just punctured through. His grip shifted around his amphistaff, and he spoke loud enough to be heard over the chaos.

"Either cut your way out faster or stop wasting my time, di'kut." His wrist bent and from his bracer launched several whistling projectiles into the air and one by one found their place in the general area where the lightsabers were cutting away.

Enemy Tags: Crane Baxa Crane Baxa Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Objective 1
Tags: Saverok Saverok

Onrai smiled as the corrupted gunship blasted away at the Mandalorians. The blast of Saverok's arm made her smile, even as the gunship was shifted away courtesy of the leverage he had on the armor in question. Her milky white eyes stayed fixated on the being even as his arm regenerated. So, he was a Gen'dai? The front end of the ship crashed into the dirt, flipping forward as though to fall on top of the Mandalorian who had flown it before crashing and detonating in a ball of fire. Flames and smoke occupied one hundred percent of the vision of Saverok and wherever, or whatever, had happened to Onrai.


When the smoke and flames had died down substantially, the landscape had changed. No longer was Saverok among the jungles of Ithor. Instead, he looked out over a smoldering cityscape. Vaguely familiarly armored soldiers charged into battle with crude slugthrowers and blades clashed against unfamiliar soldiery, the former speaking a language similar to his own Mandalorian cant, yet noticeably cruder and more archaic. The sky was thick with ash from a great volcano, a cityscape half-buried on its slopes with debris and magma.

"Welcome to a fragment of the truth."

A familiar yet different voice spoke, a green woman wearing an equally green dress floating onto the battlefield. "The Zhell have prayed to me, and so I shall grant them beneficence." She said. Turning to the volcano, a hand raised, a clot of frigid debris beginning to congeal upon the top of the volcano itself. With a blow from her lips, the cloud of ash began to dissipate. A cheer came from the unusually armored soldiers as they began to advance - it became clear as they grew closer that these were humans of some sort, primitive in comparison to the present galaxy. The near-Mandalorian armored figures became a bit clearer as the forms of the Taung. Whatever this was, this was a pivotal moment in Mandalorian history.

this was the end of Dha Werda Verda.


Post: 3
Location: Imperial Detention, Selnesh
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Antipater Antipater | Saltare Dothon Saltare Dothon | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Crane Baxa Crane Baxa | Kei Amadis Kei Amadis | Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss | Anguis Dux Anguis Dux
Enemies: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Altan Altan | Trent Perris Trent Perris
Tags: Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw

Gas began to pore into the corridors and cell blocks as the ventilation system crumbled and then flames began to burst forth as the gas was ignited. Alarms started to go off across the entire prison alerting all personnel of a fire breaking out. The closest cell blocks to the corridor began to systematically open their cells. As a automated voice came over the intercom for those cell blocks telling the prisoners to move in an orderly fashion to the cell block exits. Automated turrets dropped from the celling to ensure the prisoners would comply with the order.

Dyans six personal guards in crusader silver armor moved to the cell blocks ignoring the alarms even though their Empress was behind them were the initial explosion occurred, they had their orders and would not deviate. As they reached the entrance and exit for Cell block A and the prisoners lining up to be led out in orderly fashion. The leader of the protective guard called out. "Any Mandalorian's to the front of the line." The prisoners looked at them confused by such order. "Now or we will cut you all down." The prisoners in this block sure exactly what was going on looked at them wide eyed but soon after some murmurs started to push the couple of Mandalorian prisoners in the block forward.

Shrapnel from the explosion of metal of the vents violently slammed into the duracrete walls as the air filled with gas and spouts of flames shot out of the broken ventilation shaft igniting the escaping gas. The corridor had been made into a hell inferno of spitting flames in a matter of seconds.

The shards of metal shrapnel pinged off of her as the force shield around her shimmered. However, the force of the explosion had knocked her into a nearby wall making her lose her focus and her force shield dropping. Through the haze Dyans saw a shadowy figure drop into the corridor and draw a weapon. Her right hand dropped down to her side and she pulled her krath sword from her belt. As the shadowy figure in the haze opened fire on her.

The first shot flew into the duracrete wall just as she pushed herself off it just mere milliseconds from hitting her. There was going to be no talking with this one she thought to herself as she gripped her sword tightly. She began to move forward as a second shot landed in her left shoulder cutting through her armor but dispersing on the metal of her cybernetic armor underneath. She didn't even glance at the hole in the shoulder of her armor as she didn't feel it hit. A third shot came as she continued to move forward towards her target, she had to be careful with the vents spitting flame so she couldn't just charge forward like she wanted to a blinding speed. A third shot came for her chest as her sword came up unlike a saber, she could deflect it back at the figure shooting at her but her sword like a sith sword could absorb the energy.

"Are you Mandalorian or a coward? I thought your kind liked to test their strength?" She taunted him in her regal arrogant voice. Yet as she said it two silent figures appeared behind him like ghosts out of the gas haze. Exact replicas of the woman of the woman walking towards him, Dopplegänger illusions that could cause harm. As she moved cautiously closer the illusions struck out with their swords.

One went low and the other went high, One struck with a straight jab for the back of the knee where the leg plates of his armor had a soft spot for the joint. If it the hit landed the wound wouldn't bleed but would feel like a real sword tore into the knee and was ripping into the joint.

The second Dopplegänger struck for the back of the elbow holding the blaster attempting to do the same thing, inflict pain that would feel like a sword ripping into flesh. With both blows there would be force behind the blows, Dyans could have them cause real wounds, but her intent was to distract the figure and cause him pain until she could get close enough to him. Him shooting at her and her having to deflect was causing her approach to have to be extra cautious in this hellscape she had created.



Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett Careena Fett Careena Fett Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

The figure made a cold chuckle as it continued to advance slowly down the suspended walkway, its blade drawn.

"A man and woman of conviction. I can respect that. A lot of your Supercommando friends were the same." The vibrosword's shivering tip glanced off some of the metal railing, effortlessly shearing through. "They screamed and chanted their creeds—a noble but futile effort. But my Mind Flayers ultimately convinced them of my organization's merits. I was even able to keep their brain damage to a minimum, though I had to euthanize one or two of your brothers and sisters I deemed too far gone. You're fine specimens. I wonder how long the two of you would las-"

Suddenly, a blaster bolt slammed into his side, knocking the figure several steps back. Whatever it was wearing seemed to negate the strike. Its helmeted head jerked upwards at the newcomers. Another armoured woman flanked by prison guards was now firing onto the walkway with reckless abandon. Another stray bolt glanced the side of his helmet.

"YOU INTERRUPTED ME," Anguis Dux bellowed, his cold voice replaced by petulant fury. He drew his Disruptor Pistol and fired at the trooper who had struck him. The prison guard's agonised wailing drowned out the sound of his body being ripped apart at a molecular level until it was a pile of smoking flesh and bone on the floor. "NOBODY INTERRUPTS VIPER COMMANDER!"

He produced another gun, a carbine that had been hidden under his cloak, and unleashed brutal full-auto salvos of disruptor bolts onto the worthless bugs on the walkway that had dared, dared to interfere with his business. He heard more screams of pain. If one could spy under his chrome helmet, they would see a grin stretching from ear to ear.

The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Location: Ithor (Research Facilities)
In Sig
Mother Askani Mother Askani

The darkened taint of murder crept its color across my pale, and slightly crimson shaded lips, at the sounds of the first explosion in the distance like rolling thunder. The enemy had arrived in an opening scene theatric, earning no applause from my silent audience, the corpses of tiny insects and a ruined snake lying at my feet. They did, however, grab my attention; and that's an audience they did not wish to appease.

Overhead, and slightly off kilter to my position, came tumbling from the sky like fallen angels in numerous pods were the armored sons and daughters of Mandalore; in hopes of playing role of savior, to bring salvation to the populace. Yet, they would only find death upon this fertile planet, where their corpses would wither to rot, feeding the soil with its broken-down nutrients; all in the name of preservation.

I gathered my wits, the twisted versions, and openly waited for the arrival of the metal children to come, tossing another rescue line to those inside. But I beheld a secret, a dark one in fact. Inside that facility, so majestically erect with flourishing ideas and potent concepts locked away from greedy fingers, was void of bi-engineering designs and formulas; all destroyed and strewn about as a child enthralled in a fit of tantrums cleaned house. What was of importance long since been ushered out, saved for its own salvation of future endeavors.

And the bodies. Broken, dissected, mauled, and laid to ruin by yours truly. Those loyal to the Empire, like the digital copies mentioned earlier, where safely tucked away and those not loyal, would not see conservation or deliverance from evil by the forthcoming redeemers. Instead, these polished, armored chevaliers would find my little house of horrors; and I do hope they appreciate all the effort I put into this extravagant gala of the dead.

Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon


LOCATION: Ithor, space
OBJECTIVE: Support the main Dark Imperial Fleet
IMPORTANT LINKS: Sword | Armor | Jewel | Ring | Necklace | DIII Gluttoneria | The guards | The Enforcer
TAG: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett | Stevru Klamat | Kalah Redra Kalah Redra | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Tarrak Tarrak | Electra-12 Electra-12

"Watch out for the little one"

It was going as expected, while the Ira's missile launch had been quite a success, the expected retaliation coming from the mandalorian fleet was perhaps of a much larger scale than even the Lord of Hunger had thought to foresee. As soon as it became apparent that there was a volley of missiles nearly twice as numerous as the one made by the Ira was approaching the cruiser rapidly, it's alarms and sensors blared aloud in a mad cacaphony within the vessel. Commands by the captain and the chain of command through the lieutenants on board were nearly overwhelmed by the noise of the alarms and as all hands on deck rushed to prepare for the immediate impact, trying to veer the ship downwards to avoid the missiles hitting most of the critical systems, the first impacts had begun to pepper the outer layers of the multilayered shield formation surrounding the Ira.

Explosions rocked the ship, but despite it all the shields seemed to have taken most of the brunt, still with the last explosions managing to reach the final layer and the shielding type having been set specifically to deal with the ordinance itself and not the explosions that came after, some residual damage was to be expected...

"Hangar bay Three, five and six have been compromised, the blastdoors have been damaged and can't be opened," The reports came through the comms, with the captain of the Ira relaying the information on a secure channel to the Gluttoneria.

"Have the Ira slow down its speed, engage reverse thrusters to allow it to pull back, have the Avaritia and Luxuria take point," The orders from the Lord of Hunger were executed quite hurriedly, the Ira seemed to wallow a bit as it slowed itself down and allowed the Avaritia and the Luxuria to pass it. "Launch retaliatory volley of Cluster missiles from the Ira towards that Pelleaon star destroyer, engage all forward turbolaser batteries on the Avaritia and Luxuria, focus fire on the Pelleaon star destroyer."

As soon as the larger weapons on the two cruisers started to unleash their green colored streaks through the spatial distance between the fleets, the majority of the Ira's missile ring pods launched a new volley of missiles, though this time with a less broad range, targeting mainly the Pelleaon star destroyer which had been the cause of its own current condition. Like the whistling birds the Mandalorians knew so well, a full barrage of eighty NpKKV-C5 missiles were launched towards their target with reckless abandon.

"Have the Ira deploy all its starfighter and raider squadrons, with the hangar bays compromised, these can be sent to aid Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's fleet," Slamming his fist on the large panel which held the holographic display of the current battle and the surrounding system, Credius made it clear that he was at the very least somewhat ticked off. The foundation ships had not responded yet, the tiny fleet apparently brave or foolish enough to remain ignorant. And the mandalorians had shown quite the strength of character... holding their own with little effort. "I want a wide strafing of the Mandalorian fleet's flank...have the Avaritia and Luxuria launch their own volleys of cluster missiles...keep the mandalorians on edge..."

No sooner had this command been sent through the comms, or the two forward cruisers' missile rings shuddered and were covered briefly in a thin layer of smoke, when the two full volleys, a total of one hundred and sixty cluster missiles began to slither rapidly through the empty space, heading towards the flank of the mandalorian fleet once more, trying to thin out the smaller vessels that acted as support to the main battle cruisers, harassing the mandalorians as much as they could...

post 1
  • Arrive in Ithor planetary system
  • set up forward tilted upright triangular formation with Tyrant IV class cruisers, false flagship in the center back , cloaked REAL flagship following overhead
  • sync up with Sularen's fleet
  • Contact Darth Imperius for possible air support
Post 2
  • Shift formation to arrowhead
  • prime AGV Superbia's drone compliment
  • position the Gluttoneria in between the SAO fleet and the upturned frigate in orbit
  • hail Kalah Redra Kalah Redra
  • Unleash full Cluster missile volley from forward position AGV Ira towards flank of Mandalorian main fleet
Current Post:
  • Have the AGV Ira fall back
  • Let AGV avaritia and AGV Luxuria take point
  • Focus laser and turbolaser fire from the two forward cruisers on the Pelleaon star destroyer reponsible for the damage to the Ira
  • Unleash full volley of 80 NpKKV-C5 at the aforementioned Pelleaon Star destroyer
  • Deploy AGV Ira full TIE/RTII compliment in an attempt to balance the scales between the fleets' starfighter deployments
  • Unleash full volley of cluster missiles from both the Avaritia and Luxuria to keep the Tarrak Tarrak 's fleet's flank occupied


Equipment: Lightsabers of Greed
Emergency Equipment!: Nun-Nix Zero Armor, Nun-Nix Transfer Transformer
Tags: Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
Crane Will Remember This Tag: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

The cutting through the walls around the Blast Door were going far further than expected. Sliding to the left, he would hear whistling like noises as the dreaded Whistling Birds would come through the holes in the wall. Trying to move a hand to conduct Mechu-Deru, that all would be for naught as a sudden inferno of an explosion would instantly, knock the Chadra-Fan completely out cold. Everything would go black as the small creature would drop to the floor with the lightsabers deactivating with a loud THUD noise.

"Remember your training, shows on the Holonet are just that...shows."

"I know, I just like watching it. A Champion of Justice!"

"Justice is usually as blind as the man who wields it. Just know I will protect you, even if what I do...would not be considered Justice."

Slowly the Chadra-Fan would reawaken after half a minute as he felt strangely cold. Glancing downward, he would notice something...bad, seeing his legs...not be there. Breathing inward as he felt an insane amount of pain, he resisted screeching out as the Whistling Birds had to have hit near the legs...or the explosion took them. The fur on the Chadra-Fan was singed, burnt with his visor partly cracked as the smell of burnt meat filled the nostrils with groans escaping and pained screams throughout the holding area.

The Chadra-Fans head fell onto the durasteel floor as the pain was immense...but he knew the way to control it. Pain was familiar, his Father taught him how to minimalize the pain, to not be knocked out in combat. But this was immense...he was no medical person, he knew what happened to him was beyond pain, it was potential death. Leaning up, the Chadra-Fan tried to think while using the Force to push away the pain, the echoes of greed trying to seduce him but with all the pain, it was quiet for the first time in weeks.

Opening his jacket, he tried to fumble out objects as he started to remember what devices he had to use. Dataspikes, credit sticks, strings of small jewelry, his blaster pistol and then...there it was, the Nun-Nix Transfer Transformer that he made almost a century ago when his name was changed to not be found again. Fumbling it in his right hand, the other hand would search deep into the pockets till he snagged upon his small fingers a Phrik key that was emitting a very low, strange noise as it was hovered near the Transformer. It has been many would have to map out his body was going to hurt...a lot. But it was this or crawl out with no legs. Upon the two, he would take the pain and if possible, the Vengeance, Justice and Truth!

Putting the key into the transformer, he would twist it as the old Nanomachines would start to pour out, crawling all over the damaged body of the Chadra-Fan as it began to map, pricking at his body with sharp needles. It felt horrendous, even more so as it struck the exposed nerves of the recently blown off legs of the Chadra-Fan. Digging into the flesh, it would create from there a new set of legs, increasing the height and width of the Chadra-Fan, closer to that of a regular human as he finally could not help the voice, screeching out in full pain as the nanomachines crawled over the broken visor and overlayed onto the rodent.

With only half a minute passing, the damaged areas were compressed, the pain feeling reduced as the helmet started to provide a readout of his current situation. Feeling the armor producing itself legs, the Chadra-Fan started to stand back up as pain started to shoot through his body but the nanomachines started to compress the area further, allowing the rodent to walk without much further pain. Staring at the blast door as it had been severely damaged, the Chadra-Fan would pick up both lightsabers and pushing the two together, would once again form a singular lightsaber and with it, he shifted his weight and gave an extremely uncontrolled Force Push.

On the other side, the Blast Door would bend outward violently and rip itself a third of the way open. With soft sparks of electricity, the newly armored Chadra-Fan would walk through the door, now the size of a human with the lightsaber singular in his left hand. Giving a flourish, he would with almost no hesitation of getting shot, spoke out in a strange...heroic kind of voice.


"You may taken what I once was...but I have become much more. With this blade, I will right all wrongs!"

Spinning the lightsabers hilt, the blade following in another swirl for a moment, he would start taking steps at the Mandalorians in possibly what they considered, ridiculous. A literal life size moment of people who grew up watching something akin to a kids Holonet show was walking towards them!


“End?” He queried, almost with a touch of amusement to his voice. A low chuckle elicited, as steps deliberately and slowly paced across to the side of the control room. “You misunderstand me. I do this to aid you. Fret not—your Empire will be stronger for this. It is our way. One of us will rise from the ashes, stronger, and the other will fall. The one who falls will either join with us, or scatter to forge themselves anew.”

He could glimpse from the corner of his eye the chaos below, warriors and troopers fighting amidst flame and prisoners.

The helm tilted, almost in a coy manner, as he peered upon the form of the dark trooper.

“You strike me as a being solely of logic, Antipater. You are aware of the failures the Sith induce to any Empire they have manipulated. Here, there will still be a chance. The Imperials may yet join us, in our shared Crusade. Aid us in ousting the Sith from among them. Many will, merely because circumstances will serve mutual interests best. Governor's best left to their own devices bar tributes. Cultures with useful technologies and practices. Manufacturers eager to supply the next war machine.”

Then, with a sudden shift, his hand lunged to press down upon the control room’s console.

His aim was the trigger to open the cells, before whomever remained was scorched alive. It would make the task of his warriors ferrying those worthy of their cause far easier.

Whether he had been intercepted or not, the polearm flourished with a tilt forwards. A defensive stance, with his footing adjusting accordingly. “The Dark Empire, like a bloodletting, attached a leech to itself thinking it would aid its condition. Radical action was needed to halt the spread. The Mando’ade will breath unto it new life, as vassals to our Crusade, as the Sons of Mandalore once were to the Empire long ago. Do you not see the boon I offer, compared to hounding after countless allies who would sooner see you puppets on strings?”

Grip tightened. There were no more words to be had, he felt. Carduul had said his peace.

“Wiping out an Empire is far too costly. I will cleanse it, so that it may be worthy of the stars once more. ”

Antipater Antipater

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