Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Clash of Ideals // NEO invasion of DE owned Ithor and Selnesh


| Location | Space, Ithor Orbit
| Focus | Aerial Superiority

As The Indomitable exited hyperspace, Nel's Beviin was already lifting off from the hangar, peeling ahead as the fighter formations were deployed and forming up behind her. Mandalorian fighters dispersed into smaller formations as Nel took point, her gaze focused and on the lookout for the telltale signs of starfighter engines amongst the array of enemy ships orbiting Ithor's floating cities.
Curiously enough her gaze was drawn to the arrival of another fleet, one not comprised of Imperial ships but of those more akin to that of the Galactic Alliance's, unaware that it was rather The Foundation instead. She raised a brow from underneath her helmet. She opened up a channel to their fleet's commander, <"This is Switchblade, be advised I have eyes on potential bogeys. They look Alliance, but it looks like they're moving to engage the Imperial fleet.">
Her other ear buzzed with comm chatter from the other starfighter leads, <"What's the call here Switchblade?"> Nel bit her lower lip as she eyed them. While the idea of putting the Alliance on their ass again was amusing, they weren't their target today. <"They aren't our prey today. But if they start firing at us or the fleet, tear them apart. Keep your ears open for any updates from the fleetmaster."


Objective I : Jungle Fever



Main Fleet :
INV Sularen's Revenge [084|100]
INV Tyuk [100|100]
INV Imperium [100|100]
INV Dominance [100|100]
INV Inquisitor [100|100]
INV Harbinger [100|100]
INV Regent's Fist [100|100]
INV Malevolence [100|100]
INV Iron Vow [100|100]
Starfighter Compliment :
TIE/haB Brute
TIE/IAx Advanced Interceptor
TIE/HB Bruiser [Undeployed]
GAT-36 Imperial Blastboat [Undeployed]
TIE/DT Destroyer

"If the Galactic Alliance could not defeat us at Tython at our weakest point, then i doubt the Neo-Crusaders can make a significant dent in our Empire." Sularen said in response to Tristan Evore, who had barged into the bridge to speak to Sularen. There had been a time when Sularen considered the man a trusted partner although Credius's betrayal and Sularen's falling out with the Zweihander Union had broken that trust. But now decades later, Sularen and Credius stood on the same side once more within the Dark Empire and considering Evore's ties to the N&Z Umbrella Corporation and by extension Credius himself, maybe they could return back to those old times and finally accomplish what they had failed to do with the Directorate and Zweihander Union all those years ago. "You know Evore. I could have given you a fleet to help defend Ithor had you approached me earlier. A man of your talents would be best suited contributing to the defense of Ithor in a method." Sularen said.

"Sir, we're detecting enemy fleets jumping into the system!" one of the Sensor officers cried out just as the alarms of the bridge began to ring out, to indicate the arrival of new warships into the system. As Sularen looked at the battlefield displayed in front of him, he watched as a pair of fleets emerged from hyperspace, a smaller eight ship fleet that upon arrival began to move towards Ithor away from the ongoing space battle and a much larger fleet of around twenty ships from what the Lord-Regent could make out, which contrary to the first fleet began to advance towards the Imperials. "Rackham. Tell me what are we looking at." the Lord-Regent instructed to his trusted aide Colonel Rackham.

The ISB Colonel as always stood beside the Lord-Regent as he was seated on his command chair at the front of the bridge, a datapad in his hands containing active information regarding the battle relayed from the rest of the bridge crew to him to facilitate the delivery of new developments to the Lord-Regent. "Two Fleets, one currently unidentified but the other much larger one having been confirmed as a Mandalorian Fleet." Rackham relayed to Sularen. "What type of opposition are we facing from the Mandos?" the Lord-Regent inquired. "Three Battlecruisers, Three Star Destroyers, Ten Carriers, Three Cruisers and Five Frigates for a total of Twenty-Four Ships. The other fleet consisting of a single Cruiser, Three Frigates and Four Corvettes. Hardly a threat to our Fleet." Rackham answered.

Sularen stroked his beard as he contemplated his next move before giving his first set of instructions. "Have Lord Nargath divert part of his fleet to intercept the smaller fleet and get them to identify themselves. Should they prove to be hostile they are to be destroyed as soon as possible." Sularen ordered. Before Sularen could give further instructions though, it seemed that the Mandalorians had decided to make the first move as Rackham received a new notification from his datapad. "Seems like the Mandalorians are launching fighter screens around their fleet" Rackham said, informing Sularen of this new development.

However once again, as Sularen considered giving further instructions he was again interrupted as his Flagship was struck by a heavy bombardment from the Mandalorian Flagship with their Seismic Mass Driver Cannon and Hyper Velocity Cannon striking the shields of the Lord-Regent's Flagship, the impact causing the entire bridge to shake as a result. "The Enemy Flagship has opened fire at us with their Heavy Long-Range Weapons. Primary shields holding at Eighty-Four percent integrity" Rackham said. "That means our own Heavy Long-Range Weapons should be in range of the enemy fleet." Sularen retorted. "Send them our response, with our own Seismic Mass Driver Cannons. As for their Fighter Screen scramble our own Starfighters and Interceptors to punch through their lines while keeping the Bombers and Support Craft in reserve." the Lord-Regent further ordered.

It was clear that the Mandalorian Fleet was trying to overwhelm Sularen's Fleet with sheer firepower and it was most likely that they possessed an equal or larger amount of starfighters at their disposal. However the battle had just begun and it was too early to determine who had the upper-hand, although the outcome of this battle was most likely going to be determined by whoever could outmaneuver the other. As such, as Sularen mirrored his opponent's move he patiently waited for how the Mandalorian Commander might respond eager to see what sort of tactics he might try to utilize in order to attempt to defeat him today.

  • The INV Sularen's Revenge sustains moderate damage from the initial barrage from the Sworn Vengance and responds with it's own barrage from it's two pairs of Seismic Mass Driver Canons targeting the Sworn Vengance.
  • Credius Nargath is ordered to divert portions of his Fleet to intercept the Foundation Fleet and determine whether they are friendlies or foes along with further orders to destroy the Fleet should it prove to be hostile.
  • The First Fleet scrambles it's Starfighters and Interceptors to attack the Mandalorian Starfighter Screen and hopefully break through it.

Location: Ithor High Orbit
Mission Objective: Destroy Heavy Weapon Systems on the Mandalorian Flagship Sworn Vengeance
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Squadron: Orca Squadron
Allies: Van Trask Van Trask Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Tristan Evore Tristan Evore The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger
Enemies: Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze Kalah Redra Kalah Redra Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett Tarrak Tarrak

Electra-12 nodded as she worked the controls, her HUD coming alight before her eyes as she pored over the data feed. “Copy that,” she answered in response to Trask’s report, before switching the line to control. “We are all systems green. Pilot and co-pilot reporting full operational status.” The Chiss announced. “Ready on green, over.” She added.

“You are green for take-off, Nacheria Seven.” Came the feminine voice at the other end of the comm.

Electra-12 slammed it. The TIE’s engines sang a loud, primal howl as the craft took off from its rack, traversing the force field separating the hangar bay from the void in the blink of an eye. It was only then that the strand-cast could take in the expansive, colorful battlespace arrayed before the Sularen’s Revenge. Through her electro-optics, she observed the large Mandalorian fleet which had only just emerged from hyperspace. Then, she spotted another fleet which she did not immediately recognize, but was composed of vessels that superficially resembled Republic or Alliance-style capital ships. She saw small craft of various makes and models being disgorged from the hangars of both fleets. The Mandalorian starfighters formed a tight screen around their host vessels, while the other fleet launched shuttles that made a beeline towards Ithor's orbit.

Moments later, Electra-12 registered alerts in her HUD. Energy readings spiking. Weapons lighting up with charge.

“Shunt power to engines! Brace for evasive maneuvers!” Electra called out to her co-pilot as she drove her TIE into a sharp dive in an effort to create as much separation as possible between her TIE and the Sularen’s Revenge.

“TIE Destroyer squadron Orca, your tasking is as follows.” Control’s voice rang out over comms as Electra grunted and pulled on the control yoke, steepening her dive. “You are to destroy select heavy weapon emplacements on the Mandalorian flagship Sworn Vengeance. Two squadrons of interceptors will escort you to the objective. How copy, over?”

“Read and understood!”

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Tags: Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett


The Mandalorians came in force. Iron-clad warriors descending like a plague upon the verdant world of Ithor, their engines screaming defiance as they sought to carve their will into Imperial flesh. A bold strategy.

A foolish one.

High above the battlefield, aboard the Imperial Harrower-class Dreadnought Tenebris Invicta, Darth Callidus watched the chaos unfold, her crimson gaze gleaming in the dim light of the bridge. The voices whispered, shrieking their amusement in the recesses of her mind. War. Glorious war. The Mandalorians were ever the same—predictable in their hunger for battle, their arrogance masquerading as honor.

She exhaled sharply, lips curling into a smirk.

"Open a channel," she murmured, fingers trailing idly across the hilt of one of her twin sabers. "Let's see if these iron-clad brutes are as entertaining as they claim to be."

The holoprojector flickered to life, casting the image of the Mandalorian fleet commander into the gloom of her war room. The famed Field Marshal. Fett. She had no particular regard for their names—only their capabilities, though this one was known by appearance alone thanks to the Dark Empires intelligence networks.

"Ah," she began, her voice smooth, rich, laced with something that could have been mockery or intrigue. "The hounds of war have come scratching at our gates. How quaint."

She leaned forward slightly, her head tilting as if listening to something unseen. The voices cackled. Break them. Bleed them. Show them true suffering.

"You think Ithor will bend so easily? That the Dark Empire has grown soft while the Mandalorians have... endured?" A quiet chuckle. "How charming. But I wonder—do you truly believe this? Or are you simply following the will of a self-styled Mand'alor, blindly charging into the jaws of something you do not yet comprehend?"

She let the silence stretch for a moment before continuing, her words sliding like a blade beneath the skin.

"There is a saying, you know." Her eyes gleamed, sharp as a durasteel edge. "A blade that does not adapt will break in time. Tell me, Mandalorian—"

Her voice lowered, a whisper of anticipation.

"—will you bend, or will you break?"

Even as her words echoed through the transmission, Callidus was already moving. She strode toward the hangar, her long cloak billowing behind her like a living shadow. A squad of Imperial troopers scrambled to attention, but she paid them no mind. The Tenebris Invicta's dropship was waiting, engines thrumming, hungry to descend into the firestorm below. Callidus stepped aboard, the doors hissing shut behind her. Soon, she would stand face to face with the Mandalorian war machine.

And she would show them the cost of daring to challenge the Sith.



TAGS: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Electra-12 Electra-12 | Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze | Kalah Redra Kalah Redra | Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett | Tarrak Tarrak

He had heard the Lord-Regent's quip—If the Galactic Alliance could not defeat us at Tython at our weakest point, then I doubt the Neo‑Crusaders can make a significant dent in our Empire—and found it as predictable as a poorly rehearsed aria. Nonetheless, Tristan scoffed at the very idea of personally directing a naval squadron. "My dear Marlon," he murmured in a tone dripping with sardonic charm, "I haven't manned a fleet like a common admiral in decades. I fear I am a bit out of practice."

He stepped forward and allowed his eyes to wander over the chaotic brilliance of the battle unfolding on the holographic displays. The Imperial War Machine was in full motion—nine warships in tight formation, while enemy fleets pirouetted into hyperspace with their own crude bravado. Tristan's mind raced with a thousand possibilities, each more deliciously anarchic than the last.

He resolved to direct his attention to the strategic nitty‑gritty—adjusting battle protocols, calibrating the sensor arrays, and even tweaking the energy distributions of his prized warships. His role was not that of a mere fleet admiral but the architect of a grand design, ensuring that every investment under his shadow would yield the returns of victory.

Tristan's dark eyes flicked to the datapad in Colonel Rackham's hands as the Imperial sensors relayed the latest figures—two enemy fleets, one small and the other a Mandalorian juggernaut, were now intermingling with the chaos of battle. He chuckled softly, a sound filled with both amusement and scorn. "They come to play their little games, oblivious to the fact that we are the masters of the field," he mused, his tone light but laced with unyielding determination. "Let them scramble their fighter screens and parade their outdated ships. Adjust accordingly."

Tristan moved to the central holomap, his long, graceful fingers dancing over the controls with the fluidity of a seasoned virtuoso. With a series of swift commands through the Warspite Network's QPNA, he reallocated power reserves to the defensive arrays and fine-tuned the targeting algorithms of the Despot‑class vessels. "Send our response orders immediately," he declared in a voice that brooked no argument. "The Lord Regent, I assume, wants to demonstrate that even at our so-called weakest point, the Empire remains unassailable."

As the bridge fell into a tense hush, Tristan allowed himself a moment of reflective irony. He recalled the old days when he and Sularen had once shared dreams of greatness, only to be torn apart by betrayal and the bitter taste of lost alliances. Now, decades later, despite the fractured past, they found themselves reluctantly united by mutual interest. Life was unpredictable like that, he supposed.

With a nod of allyship to Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Tristan fixed his steely gaze on the unfolding chaos. "Let them come," he pronounced, his tone a blend of theatrical bravado and strategic acumen. "Tonight, we remind the galaxy that the Dark Empire is not merely a relic of stagnation, but a force of wild, unbridled genius—one that will crush any who dare defy its will. End heroic speech." He paused as if waiting for applause before tilting his head sideways sarcastically at a line officer, "What are you doing? Kill the enemy!"
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Post: 1
Location: Imperial Detention, Selnesh
Theme: Victory
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: NEO-Crusaders
Tags: Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw

The question the arose was why was the deep core regent here on selnesh, a prison world of no consequence to her endeavors. A dry dead rock where they sent their political rivals and criminals of a more rebellious nature. It didn't seem like a place a Empress would ever frequent and she wouldn't. However, it's close proximity to Carlac and rising tensions with the Mandalorians brought her here. She herself wanted to use Selnesh as one of possible other staging points to go after Dathomir in the future.

Unknown to most the Empress had extended family on the world of Dathomir and it was where she wanted to bury her children as it was the world they had been born on. So, as she scouted this as a possible location for a future strike, the Mandalorian struck. Several guards came up to her wanting to usher her to a safe location but her own guards six of them dressed in grey Mandalorian crusader armor stopped them.

She looked at the prison guards with curiosity as they told her what was going on. "Do we have any Mandalorian prisoners here?" She asked the guards point blank. They looked at her and then confirmed there were a few.

"Good show my men here where they are." With that she turned to the Mandalorian armor wearing guards. "Go get the prisoners, we are going to go out the front doors and give them a good old imperial execution in front of their mates." One of the Mandalorian armor wearing soldiers spoke up.

"What about the other Prisoners?"

"Kill them, that is the easiest way to stop rebellion from forming." Dyans spoke with out an ounce of remorse, they were criminals after all. "In fact I would suggest we start a full prisoner purge, it will show the Empire does not put up with dissidents."

"Once you have the prisoners though bring them to me I will heading for the front doors. The Mandalorians want a fight we will give it to them."
She then looked to one of the prison guards. "Purge protocols put make sure they are in place, even if we lose this incident can be contained. Also put in a call the Deadly Sinn, have admiral Max Sinn Max Sinn on the ready to bring in reinforcements. I have a few dozen krath Crusaders on board her ship and we can see how the mandalorians like fighting other Mandalorians."

Like always Dyans headed towards the fight even as an empress she never just ran away. Not anymore, she no longer had anything to lose. As her guards went to gather up Mandalorian prisoners and the other prison guards went to tell whom ever was in charge she requested a purge protocol she began her determined march towards the front doors.


F i e l d - M a r s h a l

Cassus fett the most wanted man in the galaxy after the Mandalorian Wars. :  r/Mandalorian
Vreegan's gaze remained fixed on the viewscreen within his helmet as a stream of reports flooded in, some trivial while others carried significant importance, particularly as sentry posts were dismantled and Imperials were forced to retreat from the Mandalorian Advance.
He harbored doubts about their ability to overcome the Dark Empire solely through sheer determination or resolve, especially given their previous demonstration of such qualities when they repelled the Galactic Alliance on Tython. Success would necessitate careful planning and rapid action, leaving little room for personal accolades.
They needed to secure the facilities below, and the opportunity presented by Fleetmaster Tarrak Tarrak was gradually diminishing as the fleets engaged in intense firefights across the screen.
His hand never left the Basilisk War Droid, as it navigated from one herdship to another, striving to obtain a clearer understanding of the situation unfolding below.
However, his concentration was disrupted by a bothersome noise on the transmission frequency. A loud, boastful voice from Darth Callidus Darth Callidus , replete with clichéd rhetoric, surged into his ears like an unwelcome tide.
While the Field Marshal could only manage a single word "Silence" through the transmission device, disregarding the interruption entirely as the communication between them was cut as his droid battle-mount descended down towards the surface to assist with the assault on another biochemical plant.

Ryorgak recognized that infiltrating the Imperial Detention Center would require a degree of improvisation. The presence of mechanized locks, the alteraction of codes, and the rotation of guardsman assigned to protect high-value prisoners created a limited opportunity to arm as many inmates as possible, to stage a large-scale uprising.
While Mandalorians are often portrayed as highly skilled commandos, they are not invulnerable, despite popular belief. He would have to rely on mucn more than beskar armor to see him through the battle ahead.
The dual pistols within his hand cracked with raw energy as they dispatched several stormtroopers sent to the front entrance to investigate the commotion.
"Well this is certainly some welcoming party though it does smell better than a Hutt Prison." He said, peering cautiously from behind a shipping crate, his sharp eyes caught sight of a small hatch slightly ajar in the vents above him.
"There it is - my window of opportunity." With a swift, calculated movement, he darted from his hiding spot, his heart pounding in rhythm with the echoing footsteps of the guards nearby.
Just as one turned the corner, he lunged forward with his repulsor boots, grasping the edge of the hatch and hoisting himself up just in time to evade detection from the forces of Dyans Keto Dyans Keto as the Mandalorian Shuttle had long left for resupply on the Flagship Sworn Vengeance.
The metallic clang of his boots against the vent echoed in the stillness, but he pressed on, adrenaline surging as he crawled into the darkness, seeking a way inside to Cellblock A through B.


"That's what Antipater Antipater suggested based on some classified intel we saw," Saltare replied to Sid Berik Sid Berik as he took the offered weapon. "It appears these mongrels have turned on us just like they turn on each other. It's worthless trying to engage in diplomacy with a culture like theirs. Let's move up, bound, and cover."

There were a thousand ways to conduct CQB, room-clearing, and stairwell movements, but Saltare needed weapons and armor fast, so he chose the most direct approach. One individual would bound forward to the stairs and cover the flight above them, allowing the following individual to run past and do the same for the next flight. It worked better in a large stack of soldiers, but they would have to make do with two.

Saltare leaped frogged the steps, taking them two at a time and as he made the landing he spun and covered the flight above, allowing Sid to run past and do the same for him.

"Four flights up Sid," Saltare said between breaths as he continued up the stairs, "Take landing Alpha and head right. Inferno will meet us there."

"Logan, Beth, Berik and I are en route to the upper levels, track my location and meet me at Alpha Block Armory."

"Copy Salt, we're putting down these rabid dogs but it's taking us longer than we'd like." Saltare could hear the sounds of blaster fire and explosions coming from Beth's comms as she replied to him.

"Good. Burn 'em."

Sid and Saltare continued up the steps towards Alpha block until they reached the landing that led into that portion of the prison.

"I'm 1, your 2," Saltare told him, holding up his hands and pointing at himself and then Sid to emphasize. When Sid popped the door Saltare flowed into the hallway and took cover in an adjacent doorway. As he got set he immediately started receiving fire from further down the hallway, but luckily in the opposite direction of the armory. A small squad of Mandalorians were maneuvering toward him, weapons free.

"Sid, you're up!" Saltare yelled above the blaster fire. "Armory is down the hallway, get some gear and meet Inferno. I'll cover you while I can."

Saltare didn't wait for an answer before exploding from the doorway and pushing towards the Mandalorians, his accurate fire making them pause. Saltare watched as his rounds impacted them, noting the damage done. These weren't Beskar wearing, hardened Crusaders, they were newer members and still wore decent, but not hyper effective armor. While they may be used to torturing innocents and fighting amateur rebel groups on the backwater worlds they called home, he was a veteran member of Inferno Squad, and he was anything but Amateur.

His stolen blaster barked, dropping the first Mandalorian with a gut shot. Saltare lept from cover and on the move engaged the second, hammering them with a half dozen shots from his blaster, overwhelming their durasteel armor as he slid into another doorway entrance.

Blaster bolts chased him as he found cover, destroying portions of his doorway and littering the hall with debris. A quick peek showed him at least 4 more Mandalorians coming down the hall toward him.

Shoulder swapping his blaster and kneeling in the doorway, he leaned out and fired a full auto burst, dropping the first Mandalorian and causing the others to find cover, negating their numbers advantage. Again he from cover, ever forward towards the threat, engaging his enemies in the name of the Empire.

Lean, shoot, readjust, maneuver into cover. In the name of the Empire.

Leap from cover into hand to hand, a parried knife, a counter thrust. In the name of the Empire.

A death gurgle, an advanced step, returning fire. Pain. In the name of the Empire.

A contact shot, a body dropping, a rifle butt to his head, his vision fading. In the name of the Empire.

Trent Perris Trent Perris


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Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon


LOCATION: Ithor, space
OBJECTIVE: Support the main Dark Imperial Fleet
IMPORTANT LINKS: Sword | Armor | Jewel | Ring | Necklace | DIII Gluttoneria | The guards | The Enforcer
TAG: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett | Stevru Klamat Stevru Klamat | Kalah Redra Kalah Redra | Yuri Maji | Tarrak Tarrak | Electra-12 Electra-12

"Watch out for the little one"

The request had been received onboard the AGV Superbia and transmitted through a secret subroutine towards the Gluttoneria; the Lord-Regent had asked for Credius' fleet to focus its attention onto the non-mandalorian fleet which was acting somewhat as a fly in the ointment, an interloper which while small, could be a hassle to the current main fleet under command of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . A response had been drawn up by Credius' communications officers and rerouted towards the AGV Superbia before it was sent back to the Lord-Regent's command ship. It was all a bit of a roundabout way to communicate, but it did keep up the illusion that the Gluttoneria was not present, allowing it to be the necessary trump card in an emergency.

"Have the triangular formation slide into an arrowhead formation and change course to remain at the flanks of the Imperial fleet," From the bridge of the cloaked Gluttoneria, the Lord of Hunger directed the small visible fleet, carefully coordinating the movement of the small fleet from the currently invisible fortress that was his Dictator III - Class battle cruiser. Thus upon his command, the small fleet began to speed up, shifting its axis as it skimmed over the planetary stratosphere of Ithor, utilizing its gravity to easily calibrate the ships in a path straight towards Kalah Redra Kalah Redra and her seemingly underwhelming primary fleet. However, as the Lord of Hunger banked on appearing small and harmless, he knew this small, seemingly insignificant fleet could have a similar set up. "Prime the QB control modules aboard the AGV Superbia... have its drones ready to launch upon my orders. Bring the Gluttoneria down in orbit, engage thrusters to ensure stability."

if the foundation was here purely to be a humanitarian faction, even the Lord of Hunger could accept their presence, but the ships they utilized, even if smaller than what he or the Lord Regent were fielding, were still formidable warships nonetheless. "Set up a communication with that fleet, I want to know their intentions. Otherwise, we will bleed the very planet below with the carcasses of their own vessels."

"Fleet belonging to the Foundation, I repeat...Foundation Fleet," The communications' officer of the AGV Superbia hailed the upturned, belly-up cruiser within the planet's atmosphere, hoping to just get a good reponse so they'd be able to focus on their main task. "State your objectives and intent. Any sign of hostility will be responded to according to the Naval Laws of engagement. State your rank, name and intent of presence."

While this was going on, the Lord of Hunger could see the streaks, the telltale signs of weapons being unleashed with devastating aim and power. The residual of these massive blasts seemed to even slightly distort the shields of the AGV Ira which stayed at the front of the arrowhead formation which was now slinging aside from the Imperial fleet, aiming to protect its flank, while the Gluttoneria remained in orbit to act as a barrier between the two allied fleets and the Foundation fleet.

"Try to confuse the Mandalorian forward line, have the Ira fire off a single full volley of cluster missiles, reload with haste," Upon this order, the forward positioned AGV Ira would launch a full volley of nearly a hundred cluster missiles towards the forward battle lines of the Mandalorian fleet, attempting to distract it in order to grant the Imperial fleet a proper opening for a counter of its own. "Activate shields...we don't want to be caught up in too much of a mess if all hell breaks loose."

post 1
  • Arrive in Ithor planetary system
  • set up forward tilted upright triangular formation with Tyrant IV class cruisers, false flagship in the center back , cloaked REAL flagship following overhead
  • sync up with Sularen's fleet
  • Contact Darth Imperius for possible air support
Current Post:
  • Shift formation to arrowhead
  • prime AGV Superbia's drone compliment
  • position the Gluttoneria in between the SAO fleet and the upturned frigate in orbit
  • hail Kalah Redra Kalah Redra
  • Unleash full Cluster missile volley from forward position AGV Ira towards flank of Mandalorian main fleet


Alias⠀ Prodo Vasilias, Pro Imperial Mercenary, Veteran of the Mygeeto Raid
Uniform⠀ Beta-Plast Snow Trooper Armor (With Significant Modifications/Concealing Beskar)
Equipment⠀Rifle (With Underslung Shotgun) Side Arms (Matched Set)

Location⠀ Bridge, INV Sularen's Revenge, Ithor, Mid Rim
Objective 1⠀ Defend the Lord Regent

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tracking the exchange between the Lord Regent and this other man, the one he called Evore, his impassive features moved first from one, to the other, resting on the Colonel hurriedly relaying information to his superior. He felt the urge to interject, to make himself somehow useful in this situation. He was, alas and alack, a soldier on a starship, an infantryman in a naval game. There was little for him to do but wait.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The ship rocked under his feet. Rather than stumbling, he shifted with it, long honed spacer's reflexes causing him to again grip the back of the Lord Regent's command chair, knees bending with the impacts to keep him steady. After a moment to adjust, he released the chair, and pivoted slightly. Moving through the crowded bridge without a word, he bent, and leaned over an already occupied gunnery station. Without a word, he pointed to the targeting overlay on screen, then pointed again. Adjusting a knob slightly, he brought the guns more onto target, shifting fire to account for the behavior of small vessels within the microgravity of near orbit. Nodding, he stepped back from the station, turning to regard the main viewport before returning to the central tactical display.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀As the symbols that represented the interloper mystery fleet shifted, updated as Nargath's fleet positively identified them as Foundation ships, the commando's lips quirked in a frown beneath his mask. He'd seen those symbols before, heard that name. On Naboo. They were apparent allies of the Republic. Their intentions were as of yet unknown. But the fact that they had arrived now, in the company of the Neo-Crusaders... it was a disquieting thing. A dozen different models and projections shifted within the machinery of his head. The possibility that they were here to render humanitarian aid still remained, but the lack of engagement between themselves and the Mandalorian fleet rendered that possibility slim at best.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀War produced strange bedfellows. And his people were not the only ones in this vast galaxy who felt the ends justified the means. No matter the ends. No matter the means.

Tags [DE] | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Tags [NEO/Foundation] | Kalah Redra Kalah Redra | Yuri Maji | Tarrak Tarrak

INV Sularen's Revenge, Ithor


Van howled with laughter as the Destroyer roared out the hanger, it was just as he expected. The Bruisers Van was accustomed to flying felt like cargo shuttles in comparison. As soon as they were away from the ships artificial gravity and out in zero-G Trask let go of the handle he used to brace himself, his hands reaching back out to his controls as he got to work. It was not long at all before Electra barked out an order.

Please shunt power to engines.” He said with a big shit eating grin under his helmet.

Van’s hands were already working, dropping power from the rest of the starship and rerouting it all towards the engines. Out of the back viewport the Star Destroyer they had just exited shrunk as the Destroyer sped away.

Lemme know when you want it back to normal blue.

In the meantime he pulled up the sensor suite as orders came through from control. Their task was unsurprisingly to go for the flagship. Trask worked up a full scan of the battleship and quickly pulled up a list of known Mandalorian vessels, letting the TIE’s droidbrain trawl through the dossier until it found a match.

The Sworn Vengence, Shatul-class Heavy Battleship. Armed and armoured to the teeth, dunno what else you’d expect from the Mandies.” He said as he sorted through the information and routed only what was critical to Electra.

They got a whole menagerie of ships out there protecting it.” He continued as over a dozen different starships came up for its escorts and fighter compliment. Trask was reminded that the Mandalorians made excellent raiders, repurposing every ship they got their hands on into war vessels they could turn on their enemies.

Some real nice stuff as well, stuff that would fetch a pretty penny on the black market.” He said, thinking aloud.

He dismissed the threat with a wave of his armoured wrist.

"If someone kills me, they're welcome to the armour."

His vocoded voice carried a certain disinterest. Koda was not one for sentimentalities, that much was clear across the years since his emergence in the underworld. The Mandalorian states rose and fell, and while Fett partook in some degree of them, it was hardly ever more than contractual. Careena, however, was the bleeding heart that Koda never could be.

"An obligation such as that," Koda shrugged, "It might just get you killed - hardly worth it to me."

The T-Visor turned from the Mandalorian towards the latest arrival. He listened with a stance so lazy it could be considered nothing short of confidence, if not disrespect. He wronged many in his years.

"Not interested." He replied, "I already have a job to do."

Careena Fett Careena Fett Anguis Dux Anguis Dux

Fleetmaster Tarak observed the viewscreens on the bridge with heightened vigilance as a continuous stream of data inundated the terminals. Some information was trivial, such as the variations in power distribution to different weapon systems, while other alerts indicated the imminent threat of heavy fire directed at the Warfleet, which had recently established its position around the Sworn Vengeance.

As the AGV Ira unleashed its cluster missiles, a storm of destruction cascading toward his fleet, Tarak felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. "Reinforce the forward line!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the din of the command deck.

"Prepare to intercept those missiles with point-defense systems. Keep the shields at maximum power and brace for impact!" His orders were met with swift compliance as the crew sprang into action, a well-oiled machine as the Shatual Class's TXA Point Defense Driver and Point Defense Laser Array, and the Pellaeon's Particle Shielding worked overtime to counter some of the incoming missiles from, though the Mandalorian Fleet was soon struck by retaliatory fire from the Imperial Fleet.

"Have Barbarian, Saxon and Onslaught return fire, full barrage of 150 Rhypalm Missiles towards the center-mass of the AGV Ira." Tarak added, watching as the missiles were ejected from the missile launch pods on the three Pellaeon IV-class Star Destroyer towards the fleet of The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger , these missiles were the most effective tool of the New Imperial Order in naval combat and they would be used just as well during the Battle for Ithor.

The Sworn Vengeance shuddered violently, the heavy bombardment from Sularen's counter battery fire striking center mass. Alarms blared, and the bridge crew exchanged glances, but Tarak remained calm as panic would not save them from destruction.

"Status report!" he commanded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the damage. "Shields holding at seventy percent," came the reply, punctuated by the crackle of static. "Minor hull breaches reported in sections three and five, but structural integrity remains stable."

"Good, dispatch repair droids to those sections to seal them in case of Imperial boarding parties." Tarak replied, the corners of his mouth displaying a soft frown as sensors reported that a starfighter squadron Electra-12 Electra-12 and Van Trask Van Trask was heading directly towards the flagship, as they entered into the Starfighter Screens along with Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's own starfighter compliment.

His mind raced as he formulated his next move, aware that any slight miscalculation would put him at a disadvantage. "Imperial Technology is always advancing but they can't compare to raw piloting skills - open a channel to Skull Squadron. Send them a priority orange alert, disregard all previous battlefield objectives and engagements." He communicated with the communication officer stationed on the deck, utilizing an encrypted message conveyed through an ancient Mandalorian ballad, which the Imperials would probably not recognize. However, for a Crusader, interpreting the datastream would be instinctive.

"Command Station Sworn Vengeance here, Ver'Alor Kryze you are to intercept Enemy Squadron as they enter into Flagship range. Keep them away from the engine blocks and the power relays scattered on the upper hull to prevent a compromise of offensive firepower. You have been given command of two squadrons of Umbaran Long-Range Starfighter's, use them well. Bridge out." The officer communicated via the terminal to Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze as the two squadrons prepared to launch from one of the Mandalorian Carriers within the fleet formation.

These were newly developed starfighters that had recently become available on the open market, and the Mandalorians intended to deploy them during the engagement to catch the Imperial Fleet off guard.

"Keep the Imperial Starfighters bogged down with our own Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Vulture Droid Starfighter in the screen and away from our carriers for the moment. Send an alert to the Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds, tell them to give a full barrage of 100 Disruptor Torpedoes on the INV Harbinger and INV Regent's Fist, 50 for each vessel to keep them occupied and maintain counter battery fire on the INV Sularen's Revenge." Tarak explained, wanting to use the mostly rabble droid starfighters to bog down the Imperial Squadrons within the Starfighter Screen which would allow the Mandalorian fleet to conserve resources for bombing runs on the surface of Ithor.

The Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds would launch their Disruptor Torpedoes towards the INV Harbinger and INV Regent's Fist, while the Flagship would carry on its previous assignment of trying to crack through the shielding of the Imperial Flagship, using their TXA SMD Cannon and HVC-369 Cannons.

The Mandalorian Warfleet maintains its offensive formation.

The Three Pellaeon IV-class Star Destroyer would fire 150 Rhypalm Missiles in total towards the center-mass of the AGV Ira in The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger 's fleet.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Starfighters are engaged by Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Vulture Droid Starfighter within the Starfighter Screen in an attempt to keep them away from their more vulnerable carriers in the back.

Sent a transmissions to Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze to intercept both Electra-12 Electra-12 and Van Trask Van Trask , giving them two full squadrons of Umbaran Long-Range Starfighter's to use as they see fit to keep them away from engines and power relays.

The two Shatual Class Heavy Battleship III the Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds would launch 100 Disruptor Torpedoes towards the INV Harbinger and INV Regent's Fist.

Concentrating Firepower on INV Sularen's Revenge, using TXA Starbreaker-class Seismic Mass Driver Cannon and HVC-369 "Covenant" Class Hyper Velocity Cannon from the Shatual Class Heavy Battleship III.

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Machines Making Machines



Inevitable indeed. Not unexpected, but far ahead of schedule.

"Go on, then. Ask. Perhaps I shall humor you, however briefly, before my weapon tastes steel."

A threat, but also an affirmative. Delightful. Entire networks of possible futures winked out of Antipater's consideration. Possibilities that had been ruled out. The winnowing was only just commencing.

Antipater watched Carduul's polearm with caution, just as he had in orbit of Ithor. The droid drew himself up as if preparing to withstand an onslaught. An unnecessary gesture made out of courtesy.

His weapons were integrated. He was always ready.

"My first question is this: If I had been successful in expelling and destroying the Sith, would your crusade still have now fallen upon the Empire?"


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Objective 1
Tag: Saverok Saverok

"I have every choice."

The Dark Troopers sought to target the Mandalorians' jetpacks as they launched from their shielded positions. The Mandalorian shift to the slugthrowing Rippers was hardly surprising as a response, and more dents and dings were added to the droid soldiers' armor as they sought to weather the fire, some ducking further into cover. Onrai merely watched with a bemused smirk as the Mandalorian warship began to fire on her own form, seemingly disintegrated by the blaster fire along with severe damage to a number of the Dark Troopers, whose systems were not prepared to handle bombardment of starfighter grade.


The voice of Onrai resonated around Saverok, the being's location made unclear as her form, or lack thereof, seemed unmanifested. The sound of something cracking transparisteel made itself known - Onrai was seated in the cockpit of the Krayt gunship, the vaguest trace of a smile on her lips once she had gotten the attention of Saverok himself. Malevolent hands rested on the command console of the ship and began to meld into the vessel's electronics, seeking to corrupt the ship and turn it against its operator. Having a shielded gunship on one side and Dark Troopers on the other would be an effectual way of hopefully finishing off this contingent of Mandalorians before they got too close to something they shouldn't have.

After all, dangerous things lurked within the fortifications.


Post: 2
Location: Imperial Detention, Selnesh
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Dark Empire
Enemies: NEO-Crusaders
Tags: Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw

Dyans stopped dead in her tracks as she felt it that silent ripple in the force behind her. Her head slightly turned looking over her cybernetic left shoulder with a side glance behind her. She hadn't seen it, but she could now hear it clanging in the vents above. Her side eye looked up towards the vents.

It left her alone in the corridors as her men and prison guards had headed to the cell blocks to begin the hunt for Mandalorian prisoners and a purge of the rest. She continued to eye the vents for a few seconds longer. Her mind contemplating for a moment what the outcome of her actions might be.

Then she reached up with her right hand open then slowly began to close it into a fist. As she did, the metal of the of the vents began to creak and groan under the strain of force crush. Then as her fist got closer to closing the vents began to crumble under the strain rivets began to pop and like a snake the vents began to constrict and tighten as the metal collapsed completely crushing in on itself.

Like a candy twist wrap the vents began twist and crush together on both sides as Dyans turned fully in the direction she heard the clanging. Whatever was inside would either come out or be twisted in metal. Dyans kept her focus on the vents as she crushed them, waiting to see what would happen next.

She sent a telepathic message to her her personal guard. "No time wait for for permission from the warden they have breached the walls, kill all the prisoners except the Mandalorian ones we will make an example out of them."




Objective I : Jungle Fever



Main Fleet :
INV Sularen's Revenge [077|100]
INV Tyuk [100|100]
INV Imperium [100|100]
INV Dominance [100|100]
INV Inquisitor [100|100]
INV Harbinger [077|100]
INV Regent's Fist [083|100]
INV Malevolence [100|100]
INV Iron Vow [100|100]
Starfighter Compliment :
TIE/haB Brute
TIE/IAx Advanced Interceptor
TIE/HB Bruiser [Undeployed]
GAT-36 Imperial Blastboat [Undeployed]
TIE/DT Destroyer

As the Battle raged on, the Mandalorians maintained their formation and pressed their offensive moving to apply more pressure against the Imperial and Ascendant Fleet. In addition to the exchange of heavy bombardment between the Sularen's Revenge and the Sworn Vengance, the Mandalorians had launched additional strikes against one of the Cruisers of the Ascendant Fleet along with two of the Heavy Cruisers of the Imperial Fleet. It was clear that the Mandalorians were trying to take out the smaller ships of the Imperial Fleet, slowly drain it's strength by depriving the main capital ships of their support before finishing their fleet off with overwhelming firepower although it would take far more then their current assault to achieve decisive results.

"The Harbinger and Regent's Fist are taking considerable damage to their Shield Integrity. They're both down to Seventy-Seven and Eighty-Three percent respectively" Rackham informed Sularen. "What about our Shields?" Sularen inquired, trying to get an assessment on the extent of the damage inflicted by the latest Mandalorian move. "Down to Seventy-Seven percent Shield integrity." Rackham further reported. Not a bad figure especially since it was still early into the battle, although the Empire needed to respond with a greater amount of force to the Mandalorian attack especially now that they had committed their entire main fleet into the battle while the Imperials themselves still had a few ships that were remaining idle having yet to fire a single shot.

"Have the Imperium, Dominance and Inquisitor open fire on their Star Destroyers with a full barrage from the Hypervelocity Cannons and Railguns along with additional barrage of 150 Mag-Pulse Torpedoes for each enemy Star Destroyer." Sularen ordered in response to the three Mandalorian's Star Destroyer's attack on the Ascendant Cruiser, hoping to divert attention from the Cruiser and deal more damage to the Mandalorian Fleet. Furthermore, through such an attack, Sularen hoped to be able to deal damage to the shields of the enemy Star Destroyers while also reducing the efficiency of their weapons systems in order to further give the Empire an advantage on that front.

Meanwhile on the dogfighting front, the enemy had committed their Droid Starfighters to engage the bulk of the attacking Imperial Starfighter Force while moving forth to reinforce the defense of their flagship from the attack of Electra-12 and Van Trask's TIE Destroyer squadron along with their two supporting TIE Advanced Interceptor Squadrons. While their Droid Starfighters were most certainly inferior to the Empire's own Starfighters and Interceptors they made up for their weaknesses through sheer numbers which could be a threat especially if the Mandalorians were holding back more manned Starfighter squadrons in reserve.

However the attack on the flagship would give the Empire the opportunity to force the enemy starfighters on the defensive preventing them from making full use of the potential offensive capabilities of their starfighter screen. "Send an additional two squadrons of TIE Advanced Interceptors to reinforce Orca Squadron and their supporting squadrons against any attempt to disrupt their attack. As we place more pressure on their capital ships, they won't be able to attack us directly." the Lord-Regent ordered.

Finally, at last was the issue of the main capital ships of the Mandalorian Fleet in the form of their Heavy Battlecruisers, two of which unleashed Disruptor Torpedo barrages that had dealt significant damage to the shields of both of their targets. However for every attack the Mandalorians launched, Sularen would mirror it and return it back to them with twice as much firepower. "Maintain our bombardment of the enemy flagship with our Seismic Mass Drivers while launching additional fire from the Advanced Ionized Plasma Beam Cannons to further deplete their shields. As for their other two Battlecruisers, have both the Sularen's Revenge and the Tyuk launch a barrage of Cruise Missiles and Diamon Boron Missiles, 100 for each Battlecruiser."

As the Battle progressed, Sularen observed the battlefield watching as his many orders were being executed with careful precision from the crews of the warships within his fleet and the many pilots within the starfighters and interceptors fielded by his warships. So far neither the Imperials or the Mandalorians held a distinct advantage over one another as the Lord-Regent was simply mirroring the Mandalorian commander's every move keeping the battle in a stalemate until his enemy made a blunder which he could exploit. Until such a moment occurred, Sularen would remain in his current position waging a battle of attrition against the Mandalorian Fleet, confident that his ships could outlast their Mandalorian counterparts.



Location: Imperial Detention, Lower Floors.
Post Actions: The main entrance is now an inferno and guarded by raging bloodred wookies, other exits or breaches, may be secured without any counter. Dark Jedi strike team en route to cellblocks. Charges. Charges. Charges Ticking.
NPCs: Dark Jedi Strike Team: Dral'Haran | Various Bloodclaw Wookiees.
Enemies: Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw | Trent Perris Trent Perris | Koda Fett Koda Fett
Allies: Antipater Antipater | Saltare Dothon Saltare Dothon | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Crane Baxa Crane Baxa | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto | Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss | Anguis Dux Anguis Dux
Direct Tags: Open

Dyans Keto Dyans Keto | Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss

Knowing exactly what the Mandalorians were doing here. Same thing he would have done as a resistance fighter. He couldn't let them grow stronger. To let world after world fall undet their boot. He could feel the prisoners being executed, their lives snuffed out without hesitation. The madness had set in, some descending into a psychotic state he couldn't understand. The whole situation ate at him. Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss

"No Mandalorian or prisoner gets out." Amadis's voice cold, cutting through the chaos of slugs and blaster fire exchanged at the doors, wookiees holding their position. He moved forward through it all, each swing of his saber like a hammer driving nails into a coffin. Another Mandalorian fell beneath his blade, slumping into a heap.

Charges were laid at the entrance and, if left unchallenged, at the exits. Bloodclaws fortified the corridors, setting up blockades at key chokepoints, wielding bowcasters, heavy slugthrowers, and brutal melee weapons. The small Dark Jedi strike team pushed forward alongside him, carving a devastating path through the Mandalorian rear. They had brought stun grenades and nonlethal measures, but this was a no-matter-the-cost mission. The Mandalorian push had to end here. And those prisoners… some of them had turned into something else. Lost to madness.

Amadis preferred to subdue them rather than kill them—but he would do both if he was forced to. For the soulless, there would be no mercy.

"Coat the floors in fire."

Incendiary gel spilt across the entranceway, ready to burn for an hour, like the tree's on Kashyyyk in his mind around his home. They needed to lock down the smaller exits, but the main entrance remained largely unchallenged. Seizing the moment to fortify their hold. Never give an Amadis time to setup.

Trent Perris Trent Perris
Was clever enough to avoid the entranceway entirely, they felt a small explosion, "was that external?" One of the stirke team called; they'd need to seal any usable escape route for this to work.

Ahead, two Mandalorians, Fett, by the clan symbol, or he could feel it, all he could think about!
The name ignited vengence, he saw her face again, felt her cold hands. A clan that needed to be eradicated. His emotions surged, unleashing a telekinetic shockwave. A thundering force ripped along the ground, shredding metal and denting the floor, to slam into the wall behind them.

Knock. Knock.

The impact rang through the facility like a war drum, rupturing nearby eardrums and scattering his foes. As they staggered, he raised his bolter and fired, leaving bloody craters where they had stood moments before. They never should have released all those Kerrigan holomovies.

Facility wide Comms To: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto | Anguis Dux Anguis Dux | Darth Veyriss Darth Veyriss | Antipater Antipater | @All Friendlies and Hostiles

Striding forward over the bodies, searching for targets of importance. A wildcard. Any one of them could call for his aid now. He patched into the facility's communication system, prying a dead hand from the bloody controls.

"To every soulless Dar'manda, you will burn here, or you will run. To the Empire, point us where you want them dead."

They could call openly, he didn't care if an ambush lay ahead, or signal silently if they were cunning. He broadcast his comm frequency for all to see. Let them track him; it was easier than hunting them down. If no orders came, he'd head for the largest cell block, or beneath it, forsaking vengeance to crush their hopes of rebellion. The hardest sacrifice, smartest move, and most bloody.

Tightening his grip on the saber, his fist like stone, Amadis took a deep breath, his actions eating at him.


Triple Warden AFU
Bossy-Rbos1 Rebreather
Beskar Gauntlets and Wristblades: Haran's Grasp | Poison Charon Venom


MK6 Prototype Regular Sized Bolter: Elara's Fire.
Back: Jet Black Beskar Two-handed Doubleaxe: Haran's Executioner
Hips: MK2-Jackknife x1 | Revolving Door Magnum x1 | Saber
Belt: Coated Incendiary Gel tipped Daggers x 4/4 Widow's Fangs | Harris Grace Personal Medkit | 7/7 Grenades Mixed
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Location: Hills of Nemorandi, Deep Jungle
Goals: Sacrifices to the Maw. Darkside Rituals. Tombs for Keth
Current Potential Boons for Allies or Curses for Enemies: Minor, barely noticeable. Growing
Tag: Open

Two more prisoners lay upon the altar, their lifeless bodies bleeding out, the axe and blade sealing the pact in downward thrusts as the light left their eyes. The Sith Lord now among them looked pleased, watching as more Mandalorian helmets were added to the pile, spikes adorning the site in a barbaric display. Another of Keth's tombs, growing in the bones of the earth, was bitten into by the Maw.

Together, the tombkeepers locked their shields, four of their arriving kin following suit. A new oath for the kethenite conflicts to come carried through the force, their chanting rising in unison. Magnets sealed them together—six Mawites, one impenetrable wall. As hoped, the fire and ritual calls had drawn a small traat'aliit toward them—a Mandalorian squad sweeping the area for their lost vode.

Their quarry swept high into the air, jetpacks igniting, blaster fire raining down upon the shields. The wall held, taking glancing blows as more of the Mandalorian squad closed in. They were outnumbered but they held firm to their conviction.

Crimson torches flared around the ritual site and the light around them seem to dim further. They were all part of the sacrifice. To come.

A High Sith Chant in march and time came from all that could.

"Qorit kiaan, tsawak riros!
Blood spills, the weak perish!

Midwan naara, burun jiaas!
Power rises, fire devours!

Tah zinot, tsosûtu azin!
All chains break, shadows feast!

Kots aranar, midwan jiaas!
Death reigns, darkness endures!​

Their voices thundered in unison, each line punctuated by the heavy stomp of their marching advance, rhythmic, like a drum beat. For savages it wasn't a bad rendition. Althenea rose above the shield wall, hurling the first explosive javelin. The sonic concussion screamed across the battlefield.

The chant never faltered.

The shield wall pressed forward, bound by their oath, moving as one under its weighty grasp. Every so often, a warrior risked exposure—hurling a barbaric but explosive weapon, or firing a brutal but unrelenting shot.

The Maw consumes all.

A barely noticeable potential boon for their allies, and curse for their enemies started, emanating outward, but left unchecked might grow.


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