Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Clash of Ideals // NEO invasion of DE owned Ithor and Selnesh


Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Electra-12 Electra-12 Kalah Redra Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger

He observed one of the enemy's cruisers, the AGV Ira had decelerated, its shields were faltering, yet it still retained some capacity to fight back. Yet, he knew he had to keep pressing the attack. The sharp click of his comms snapped his focus to his next move. "Prepare to launch a comprehensive counteroffensive," he said after some time, knowing that Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen was relying on advanced weaponry to win the engagement but had forgotten that such weaponry was considerably power-hungry.

All he needed to do was get them to overload their own generators and the battle for Ithor would be over. However, he would not have the opportunity to relay such an order, as the tactical officer's voice cut in, announcing, "Incoming missile barrage from the Ira, along with turbolaser fire from the Avaritia and Luxuria. Scanners reveal that these are cluster missiles, accompanied by eighty NpKKV-C5 missiles, which pose a significant threat due to their nuclear payload. Total of one hundred and sixty missiles" Tarak's expression darkened, aware that these missiles could easily breach the armored hulls of the Pellaeon-class destroyers stationed to protect their flanks.

"Saxon, Barbarian, and Onslaught adjust course to port side and tighten formation to allow overlapping of shield systems. Activate all point-defense arrasys and deploy additional countermeasures to confuse the missile's payload targeting systems to strike non-critical areas of the hull to maintain operational abilities on the field." He said to the communication officer who relayed such orders to the Mandalorian Fleet Commanders, who simply nodded as the three Pellaeon IV-class Star Destroyer endured the full force of the missile assault, with their shields failing and hulls being breached as fires erupted.

The point-defense system operated relentlessly, attempting to mitigate the damage by targeting groups of missiles rather than engaging them individually with their targeting vectors. They would not stand idle as Mass-Driver Autocannons, Plasma Cannons, 'Assimilator' Cannon and Solar Ionization Cannons, and 100 Advanced Concussion Missiles, 70 Rhypalm Missiles returned fire on the AGV Ira, AGV Avaritia and AGV Luxuria for a total of 100 and seventy missiles.

Tarak then turned his attention to the starfighter screen. His earlier orders had ensured that the Sworn Vengeance's fighter squadrons, including the Umbaran Long-Range Starfighters and Skull Squadron underneath Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze , were still engaged with the enemy forces, but the Imperial Starfighters were mounting a coordinated push with the assistance of Electra-12 Electra-12 and Van Trask Van Trask to break through and damage the Flagship.

"Coordinate point-defense systems and target enemy squadrons within the screen including Electra-12 Electra-12 and Van Trask Van Trask with our 01x Point Defense Drivers and Point Defense Laser Array, introduce random variables in the targeting system and introduce firing-delay to make them break off from their current assault." He ordered as new data was put into the command terminals, introducing a random delay on some of the guns and scrambling the target systems just enough so that their shots could not be easily predicted by the starfighter's onboard systems.

At the same time, the tactical officer on the bridge relayed a new development. "We have a barrage of Mag-pulse torpedos and hypervelocity shots heading directly towards the three Pellaeon's within our formation. Additionally the Sularen's Revenge is pressing its attack and matching us in terms of firepower output." Tarak's expression remained unshaken as he quickly assessed the situation. He would not let the enemy dictate the pace of this battle. "Activate the particle shields and divert all power to the forward shield arrays" he ordered.

He could see the Wrath of Worlds and the Ancestor's Spirit nearby from the bridge, as they took the full force of the Cruise Missiles and Diamon Boron Missiles, a total of 200 Missiles per Ship targeted though their heavy armor and defense systems prevented them from sustaining enough damage that would render them operational.

"Return firepower on the Three Despot-Class Star Destroyers with our Pellaeon-IV Star Destroyers, use 100 Rhypalm Missiles for each Despot, and bring their Mass-Driver Autocannons, Plasma Cannons, 'Assimilator' Cannon and Solar Ionization Cannons into range." He said to the communication officer down below as the order was relayed through the encrypted channels towards the Field Commanders.

"Bring the Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds, next to the Sworn Vengance and have us link our tractor beams together. Grab several of their Diamon Boron Missiles as they come forward and send it back to target one of their Advanced Ionized Plasma Beam Cannons, they need a considerable amount of power to sustain energy beam and a single explosion could trigger a chain reaction. Keep up bombardment on the INV Harbinger and INV Regent's Fist with our Mass-Driver Cannons, Heavy Gun Batteries
and Long Gun Batteries" Tarak explained, as the three battleships entered into formation with one another and used their tractor beams to grab several Diamon Boron Missiles as they came close to impact.

Before firing them back with a Slingshot Move which would propel them with enough force towards INV Sularen's Revenge, to slip past any potential anti-missile defense systems and impact the side of the Plasma Beam Cannon which could potentially trigger a full scale chain reaction.

The Three Pellaeon IV-class Star Destroyer would fire Mass-Driver Autocannons, Plasma Cannons, 'Assimilator' Cannon and Solar Ionization Cannons, and 100 Advanced Concussion Missiles, 70 Rhypalm Missiles returned fire on the AGV Ira, AGV Avaritia and AGV Luxuria for a total of 100 and seventy missiles under the command of The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger .

The Three Pellaeon IV-class Star Destroyer would return fire on the Three Despot-Class Star Destroyers with 100 Rhypalm Missiles for each Despot for a total of 300 missiles, and bring their Mass-Driver Autocannons, Plasma Cannons, 'Assimilator' Cannon and Solar Ionization Cannons into range.

Electra-12 Electra-12 and Van Trask Van Trask are engaged by TXA IDCS-60 01x Point Defense Drivers and Point Defense Laser Array, to assist the Skull Squadron underneath Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze .

The three Shatual Class Heavy Battleship III the Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds, and the Sworn Vengeance would target both the INV Harbinger and INV Regent's Fist with Mass-Driver Cannons, Heavy Gun Batteries and Long Gun Batteries.

The three Shatual Class Heavy Battleship III the Ancestor's Spirit and the Wrath of Worlds, and the Sworn Vengeance would link their tractor beams together to grab several Diamon Boron Missiles fired at them and use the Slingshot Move to target Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's Advanced Ionized Plasma Beam Cannons to trigger a chain-reaction.

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Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon


LOCATION: Ithor, space
OBJECTIVE: Support the main Dark Imperial Fleet
IMPORTANT LINKS: Sword | Armor | Jewel | Ring | Necklace | DIII Gluttoneria | The guards | The Enforcer
TAG: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett | Stevru Klamat Stevru Klamat | Kalah Redra | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Tarrak Tarrak | Electra-12 Electra-12

"The Iron will of Hunger"

"Learn to hail a bogey properly, Superbia." Kalah answered patronisingly. "And if your scans can't give you the information you seek, then I see an uphill climb for you. Good day, Sir."

These words as uttered by the Foundation Admiral were relayed to the Gluttoneria, where the boldness of these words and the rude tone of voice made the Lord of Hunger chuckle with amusement. It was clear that this admiral had most likely already figured out that this was all but a way for the Armada Gluttoneria to find a reason to disrupt their actions, but with those harsh words, the admiral had in fact managed to turn that plan on its head, as without verification, they had to wait until either of them actually showed any sign of aggression towards the other. Credius wasn't planning on provoking the Foundation too much for now, as long as their actions did not impede his own progress in this defensive war, he would condone any vulgarity and disrespect from their side...for now.

"Their fleet seems to be seperating, with two frigates tailing the Superbia, do we intercept?" one of the ensigns aboard the Gluttoneria reported the current situation even though the Lord of Hunger could clearly see what was happening through the use of the holowall display in front of him at the center of the bridge.

"negative, for now have the Ira, Avaritia and Luxuria sync up their shields, I expect the Mandalorian fleet to retaliate any moment now," waving his armored hand over the holowall display, the focus was brought to the Superbia and the Gluttoneria. "They have yet to detect the Gluttoneria, allow the Foundation to tail the Superbia, we'll stay on course, half speed forwards, bring us above the two following frigates."

Once more, the space between the two fleets seemed to be filled with countless specs gradually growing larger and announcing the presence of incoming missile fire. from on his screen; the display making it quite clear, the incoming missiles were insanely numerous, while the Ira, the Avaritia and the Luxuria combined could match this number, they were currently reloading and priming their next volleys, meaning that Credius had to watch and see whether or not these three cruisers could handle the incoming fire.

The two forward cruisers immediately started to move closer to one another, shielding the Ira as best as they could, while their shields synced up, allowing for it to bear the brunt of the incomming swarm of missiles, strangely though it did seem that quite a lot of these missiles ended up being duds, with the Rhypalm Missiles either not going off to begin with, or fizzle out without any serious damage, a strange thing which forced the Lord of Hunger to see if he could find the specs of those missiles that have been used, wondering if the Mandalorian fleet was aware of this or not. After all, it could just have been a ploy to lull Credius into a fall sense of security.

The concussion missiles though, did do their work brilliantly, shocking not only the shields but also temporarily disrupting the sensors and making both the Avaritia and Luxuria wallow slightly, though the weakened Ira saw many of its systems shudder, while its electrical systems seemed to be faltering, forcing it to fall back and attempt to control the ship's declining functionality.
"Maintain course...Prime the Apollyons...I want those star destroyers out of commission immediately."

Slowly, the Gluttoneria would start the procedure to prime its massive forward facing apollyons, in the meantime, the Superbia would have hundreds of hatches along its sides opened up, with easily a thousand small drones emerging like a cloud of locusts, awaiting the next move made by the forward cruisers before actually being unleashed upon the enemy. The TIE/RTII starfighter squadrons from both the Avaritia and Luxuria deployed as well, syncing up with those who had emerged from the Ira earlier, as they tried to aid Electra-12 Electra-12 in order to retain or regain starfighter superiority.

"Fire away," Without warning, suddenly the Gluttoneria decloaked, revealing itself to be positioned behind the false flagship in the form of the Superbia, two very large energy signatures would now be detected, as within a moment's notice, two streaks of superheated, fused infinium plasma burst out of the two Apollyon's straight towards the group of Pelleaon class Star destroyers that had been targeted by the cruisers earlier, aiming to burn, rip and tear through the opposition. "Focus all turbolasers and light turbolasers on those star destroyers, overwhelm them, sow confusion and chaos... and prepare the Apollyons for their next shot."

post 1
  • Arrive in Ithor planetary system
  • set up forward tilted upright triangular formation with Tyrant IV class cruisers, false flagship in the center back , cloaked REAL flagship following overhead
  • sync up with Sularen's fleet
  • Contact Darth Imperius for possible air support
Post 2
  • Shift formation to arrowhead
  • prime AGV Superbia's drone compliment
  • position the Gluttoneria in between the SAO fleet and the upturned frigate in orbit
  • hail Kalah Redra
  • Unleash full Cluster missile volley from forward position AGV Ira towards flank of Mandalorian main fleet
Post 3:
  • Have the AGV Ira fall back
  • Let AGV avaritia and AGV Luxuria take point
  • Focus laser and turbolaser fire from the two forward cruisers on the Pelleaon star destroyer reponsible for the damage to the Ira
  • Unleash full volley of 80 NpKKV-C5 at the aforementioned Pelleaon Star destroyer
  • Deploy AGV Ira full TIE/RTII compliment in an attempt to balance the scales between the fleets' starfighter deployments
  • Unleash full volley of cluster missiles from both the Avaritia and Luxuria to keep the Tarrak Tarrak 's fleet's flank occupied
Current Post:
  • Cover the tailing frigates from the foundation fleet
  • Have the Ira, Avaritia and Luxuria sync up their shields
  • Pull the Ira further back in order to refresh its shields
  • Launch all drones from the Superbia, maintain proximity to the superbia.
  • Deploy all TIE/RTII starfighter squadrons from the Avaritia and Luxuria, syncing up with the Ira's squadrons in order to further harass the Mandalorian star destroyers brought to bear by Tarrak Tarrak
  • decloak the Gluttoneria, fire apollyons at the Pelleoan class star destroyers
  • Target the Pelleoan class star destroyers with all Light turbolasers and heavy turbolasers onboard of the Gluttoneria



Objective I : Jungle Fever


Sularen watched as the battle between the Imperial and Mandalorian Fleets raged on with warships exchanging fire and starfighters clashing in a great struggle for orbital supremacy above Ithor. It appeared that he had underestimated his enemy considering how so far, the Mandalorian Fleet had held it's ground which had undermined his initial projections of a clean sweep for the Empire mostly due to the fact that their Fleets weren't as significant or at least that was what Imperial Intelligence had reported to him.

However the strength of the Mandalorians would not be the only thing to surprise him today, as Colonel Rackham soon received a notification on his data pad before relaying the information provided to him, to Sularen. "Uh sir, we might have a little problem." he began. "What type of problem?" Sularen inquired. "We've been boarded, by a single individual." Rackham said. "A single individual? Is it a Jedi?" Sularen asked, already familiar with enemy boarding parties on his flagship. "Hard to tell, but they just did use grenades to take out one of our gun crews, and they've already wiped out entire squads already through the use of ranged weapons"

"So a Mandalorian then." Sularen replied. "Most likely, the armor worn by the individual seems to match the usual patterns." Rackham confirmed. "Most likely an attempt by the Mandalorian Commander to break our fleet by either capturing you or taking you out." he added, theorizing on why the Mandalorian was on Sularen's. Upon being made aware of the threat within his ship and the affiliation of said threat, the Lord-Regent would turn to the mercenary he had hired Stevru Kalmat who throughout this entire time was standing on the bridge right next to Sularen, Evore and Rackham before addressing him.

"Well, Vasilias. Looks like it's your time to shine." Sularen began. "You know the drill, find the intruder, neutralize him and bring him back to me in cuffs." the Lord-Regent instructed. At this point, these boarding parties were starting to get annoying and he really needed to do something about that recurring problem. But that was something that could be addressed after the battle had concluded. Now the Lord-Regent had a Mandalorian Fleet to smash.


Tags [DE] | Stevru Klamat Stevru Klamat | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Tags [NEO/Foundation] | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji


Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett Careena Fett Careena Fett Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

Anguis lowered his carbine. The floor below was covered in piles of ash and armor plates reduced to molten slag, the result of his wrath. His chest heaved up and down.

This wasn't the first time he had acted out like this. When a portion of his terror group called the Crimson Guard questioned his rule, he had them all brutally and publicly executed to he would accept not a single challenge to his authority. He had been using the chaos of this prison break to assassinate the last few members of the Crimson Guard that had escaped his clutches. These vermin who dared to interrupt him had ruined his chance to acquire two fine specimens to add to his growing collection. But the chance wasn't lost yet. So long as this Mandalorian pair was still in the facility, he would not be denied.

"Do not allow them to escape!" he scowled at Jessen, ignoring her demand for an explanation as she hung off the walkway. "I have use of them—their brain stems at the very least. Brim them alive to me in chains, and you shall be rewarded handsomely. Disappoint me, and I will gut you like a fish."

Anguis turned back to the growing smoke and perused the Fetts. His sword and pistol now drawn, he fired a ruthless volley of three-round bursts of disruptor bolts into the smoke cloud where the pair had fled. It had been a while since he had taken to the field, but his former days as a Galactic Alliance Commando made sure he quickly shook off the rust. He heard another scream of pain. The soldier that Careena had liberated their weapon from violently disintegrated, leaving only burnt clothes and armour on the floor.

"Do you wish to know how your brothers and sisters screamed?" Anguis called out as he advanced into the smoke, activating his helmet's sensor suite and sweeping for any sign of the pair. "How they attempted to recite the words of their Mand'alor as I broke their minds? How they thought their dedication to the Resol'nare would save them as my surgical tools invaded their bodies? And how I managed to make them bow before me and renounce their disgusting diety, proclaiming me as their diety? You two are unique outliers. I wonder how much longer you will last?"


Ryorgak simply raised a brow inside his enclosed-helmet as Dyans Keto Dyans Keto struck at nothing but thin air as he was still using his Master-Grav Boots to sprint down the corridor as previously mentioned, distancing himself from the shattered illusions and the now-recognized Empress Keto.
The mission had shifted since his arrival, as the structural integrity of the Imperial Detention Center was in question from the blazes. Therefore, the most prudent course of action was to withdraw completely from the prison and abandon the idea of arming the inmates, having concluded that this effort had become futile.
"Fortunate they didn't call you Battlemaster Dyans Keto. Because that would be entirely wrong from your performance here." The Twi'lek remarked with a gentle smile, while continuing to fire the two ZV2 Compact Heavy Pistols in his hands, effectively silencing any further remarks the Empress may have intended to make.
He approached an access corridor where the control panel was in close proximity, making it susceptible to a precisely aimed shot that could disable the blast doors.
Adjusting his pistol slightly to the right, he fired at the panel just as the doors descended with a resounding thud, creating a barrier that further separated the two individuals.
Without hesitation, he sprinted toward the prison exit.


| Location | Space, Ithor Orbit
| Focus | Aerial Superiority

Flashes reflected off of Nel's visor as she kept a steady grip on her flightstick. She'd let the Umbaran starfighters handle the interceptor escorts so that she and her squadron could focus on the Destroyers, the long-range fighters having already peeled off from her own Beviin squadron. She had a sneaking suspicion she'd get more fun out of the encounter than anything else, as if something naturally drew her attention. <"Fangs out boys. Let's show them how we Mandalorian pilots say hello.">
For now though she'd keep them busy as far away from the Sworn Vengeance as she could to give the point defense systems ample time and opportunity to shoot down incoming threats. She pushed the throttle to its limit as she blasted off ahead to intercept the incoming Destroyers, the Beviins leading with an opening barrage of laser fire to break up their formation. The enemy responded in kind with a salvo of missiles.
<"Missiles, break! Try not to get zapped."> Nel breathed in sharply as she pulled firmly on her flightstick, her ship pulling sharply upwards, one pilot from her squadron trailing behind her while the rest split off in pairs. With the onboard missile jamming systems, the seismic missiles launched at them would have difficulty chasing them. The void between her erupted into a cacophony of seismic explosions, spreading out as the launched missiles submunitions detonated. She glanced over her shoulder as she eyed the formation, already rolling her ship to come back around to chase after the Destroyer hosting Electra and Van Trask while the rest of her squadron scattered to chase after their own targets.


"I'm not your type."

Koda's voice carried through the smoke, flat and dismissive. His fingers moved across the controls on his vambrace with practiced ease, each press met with a soft beep that barely registered over the distant echoes of battle. Concealed within the thick cover of Careena's smoke, he remained still - patient. Blaster bolts seared through the fog, streaks of red and blue punching glowing holes in the haze, but none found their mark. The air reeked of burned carbon and ionized particles, the tension thick enough to suffocate.

"Not interested," came another dull response.

Koda ignited his jetpack. The roar of the thrusters cut through the chaos as he surged forward, splitting the smoke like a blade. His silhouette emerged in a blur of motion, a hunter descending upon his prey. Then came the fire. From his gauntlet, a stream of searing orange flames erupted, casting violent light against the darkened battlefield. The blaze surged toward Anguis in a relentless arc, licking at the air as if hungry for flesh. The heat warped the space between them, turning shadows into shifting mirages.



C a r e e n a .F e t t
| Location | Selnesh, Prison
| Objective | Prison Break
Contrary to what Anguis might have been hoping for with his little speech, Careena nor Koda were the types to be provoked or swayed by words. They were the types to let their actions speak for themselves. Hearts of iron, and steeled minds.​
Careena merely spoke in a sarcastic tone at the blunt response from Koda, <"I'm flattered you know me so well."> The response still provoked a smirk from beneath her helmet. Careena grimaced as a round from Tibera flew through the smoke, a glancing hit to her shoulder pauldron as her torso twisted with the hit. Getting hit with one of those dead on would be a problem.​
Careena dropped down as she watched Koda's form fly through the smoke screen in the direction that the ranting individual was, moving through the smoke as she made her way to one of the cell's access panels, firing shots in Tibera's general direction through the smoke to draw their attention, the haze belching blue bolts out. She was drawing Tibera and her troops and focus away so they didn't end up getting a lucky shot off on Koda from behind. One of the prisoners called out to her, calling out in their native tongue, <"Vod! Over here!">​
The Alor slipped a security key that she had pilfered from one of the guards earlier as the rayshield soon collapsed. She tossed the stolen pistol and rifle to the Mandalorian prisoners in the cell before speaking curtly, <"Time to go home. Stay low and take them by surprise if you can, I'll draw as much of their fire as possible. I need you to salvage what weapons you can find and start freeing the rest."> The two Mandalorians nodded. They looked beaten and bruised, but what flame still remained had now reignited. At least now they would have the chance to die on their feet as warriors. Even without their armor, they were still a threat.​
Careena moved as she skidded out of the smoke to draw further attention away from the fact that she had released and armed a few prisoners, a pistol in each hand as she opened fire to continue drawing attention away from her fellow Mandalorians.​


Ithor | Tafanda Bay
Dark Empire
  • Objective: I. Operation Skyrim
    • Defend the Floating Cities
    • Secure any research
  • Tags:
    • Allied: Open to Ground / CAS
    • Adversary: Feydrik Munin | Open to Ground / CAS
  • Theme: Dawn of War
The garrison and militia of Ithor proved to be little match for the onslaught of Mandalorians. Their outer defences were overwhelmed, they were outmaneuvered and outgunned by the sons and daughters of Mand'alor. Yet they bought the forces of the Imperius valuable time. With every meter they held, with every bulkhead and building they defended, with every blaster bolt they fired and with every last breath they spent, they slowed down the advance. Not only on Tafanda Bay, but also on the other floating cities that they targeted. It was everything but an even match.

But it was not meant to be one.

It was when the Neo-Crusader encountered the forces of the Ascendant Order for the first time that they actually met their match. While they lacked the speed and resourcefulness of the Mandalorians, the Ascendant Legionaries were drilled and trained to work as a single minded entity. Discipline and devotion were what no warrior culture could hope to match, for these were soldiers. Zealous, stalwart soldiers, not committed to a creed or philosophy but to duty and orders. Their tactical expertise was remarkable.

When the Neo-Crusaders used speed and momentum to roll up defences, the Ascendant Legion used flexibility to find a better spot to defend. When the attackers viciously pressed to engage them in hand to hand, they countered by creating local firepower superiority. Losses were afforded, victory was the ultimate goal. The Mandalorians were the most inspiring warriors of history, but the Ascendant Order aimed to procure the most disciplined soldiers the Galaxy currently could bring to the field.

And they were aided by the Nemesis Cohorts and Knights Tenebrus. Instead of spreading out and trying to cover as many angles as possible, they fought in force. The Nemesis combined the soldierism of the Ascendant Legion with the warrior culture of the Mandalorians, offering a direct match to the Supercommandoes they encountered. The Knights though, slaughtered the attackers. Helpless to defend against the Force and suddenly encountering Force users who utilised tactics and equipment, the battle become vicious and brutal.

Darth Imperius was in the thick of it. He did not regard the Neo Crusaders as the real enemy, nor would he have chosen to fight them if he could. Their narrow and single minded addiction to the past was moronic, only second to the Jedi's dogma. They had every opportunity to grow beyond the childish bearing of grudges and understand that, from warrior to warrior, they could be useful for each other. But alas, many of the pawns had to be sacrificed before the Kings and Queens would realise that it was not worth it.

His lightsaber made short work of one of the Mandalorians, his steaming corps having been cooked by a barrage of lightning before. They thought themselves so invincible in their armors and with their gadgets. It was almost comedical. Their lack of understanding of the Force and the powers it could hold was one of the primary moronic traits these noble warriors wanted to adhere to, because their traditions wanted so. He crushed another ones windpipe, the helmet concealing how the eyes went wide, panic settling in as he could not breath anymore, slowly suffocating before earning the glory in combat his Alor or Rally Master demanded.

The outcry or scream that rang in the Dark Lords ears was unexpected. Another T-vizor but one with an agenda apparently stormed at him. He did not know the man, nor was he interested in his story. It was another petty attempt at seeking honor. Yet the ferocity the averagely sized man showed to reach him was remarkable. He would make a good Sith warrior if he were not as dull and numb as he was. Instead of entertaining the thought of eradicating the man from existence with a mere wave of his wrist, Darth Imperius chose to see how further the levels of anger and fury he had to offer.

With an open palm he send a powerful Force push to knock him backwards, more than apt to adjust for any quick jumps or firing of a jetpack.


Objective I : Jungle Fever



Main Fleet :
INV Sularen's Revenge [000|100]
INV Tyuk [100|100]
INV Imperium [087|100]
INV Dominance [086|100]
INV Inquisitor [089|100]
INV Harbinger [062|100]
INV Regent's Fist [066|100]
INV Malevolence [100|100]
INV Iron Vow [100|100]
Starfighter Compliment :
TIE/haB Brute
TIE/IAx Advanced Interceptor
TIE/HB Bruiser
GAT-36 Imperial Blastboat
TIE/DT Destroyer

Sularen watched as the attack on the Mandalorian Star Destroyers yielded some results taking down their shields and dealing considerable hull damage. "Well that's some good news." he remarked. Now the enemy Star Destroyers were vulnerable and with the majority of the Mandalorian starfighter screen and point defenses occupied with the attacking Starfighters and Interceptors there was an opportunity for the Imperial Fleet to deal a significant blow to the Mandalorians. "Their Star Destroyers are now vulnerable. Have the Despots and Valient's concentrate fire upon the Mandalorian Pellaeon-IVs and deploy all bombers and blastboats to begin targeting the Pellaeon-IVs following the standard formation with the blastboats protecting the bombers and the bombers focusing on the target." Sularen ordered.

At the same time though, the INV Harbinger and Regent's Fist were starting to take considerable hits from the enemy Battlecruisers who given enough time and more firepower could pierce through the shields and deal more damage upon them. In fact, the vast majority of Sularen's Fleet were starting to take hits and while the shields were holding it wouldn't be long before they would go down. Fortunately, the Mandalorian Commander had yet to capitalize on any apparent weakness within the Imperial Fleet so far so they still had a good fighting chance against their opponents. Although still if left unaddressed, the Harbinger and Regent's Fist could face potential destruction at the hands of the enemy fleet.

"It's time to bring out the big guns. Bring out the Psuedosonic Heavy Beam Cannon and lock onto one of their Battlecruisers." the Lord-Regent instructed. "Beginning the protraction process" Colonel Rackham said, just as a portion of the hull within the INV Sularen's Revenge's superstructure began to protract, with the hull opening up to reveal a large Heavy Beam Cannon that then began to elevate upwards before finally coming to rest once it had fully protracted. "We have a target lock on the Ancestor's Spirit. The Cannon is charging up" Rackham further added. "Good." Sularen remarked. Soon he would crack that Mandalorian Battlecruiser in two and begin the process of truly turning the tide of the battle.

However unfortunately, he would not be given such an opportunity as Rackham was notified of a new development from his datapad. "Uh, sir. It appears that the Mandalorians have somehow grabbed some of our Diamond Boron Missiles and redirected them towards us." he said. "Initiate Warhead Countermeasures to take them out." the Lord-Regent said. As instructed the INV Sularen's Revenge responded by deploying their Warhead countermeasures, firing flares and even using their missile deactivator transmitters which took out all of the Diamond Boron Missiles except for one, and one Missile was all the enemy needed to deal even the smallest significant blow to the Sularen's Revenge.

Just as the Imperial Flagship's Advanced Ionized Plasma Beam Cannons began charging up for another discharge of ion energy, the lone singular Diamond Boron Missile struck destroying one of the Plasma Beam Cannons and damaging two others causing an immediate chain reaction throughout the surviving five Plasma Beam Cannons that resulted in a massive ion discharge occurring prematurely turning the Plasma Beam Cannon against the INV Sularen's Revenge itself and immediately disabling the Warship with it's Shields, Engines and Weapons going down. "What the?" Sularen said, as all systems went dark and the bridge itself plunged into darkness.

"What happened?" he remarked, looking at Rackham. The ISB Colonel tried to see what had occurred through his datapad but the ion discharge was so significant that it had also temporarily fried it, preventing Rackham from knowing the cause of the power outage. "I don't know, but it seems that the entire Ship has been disabled." Rackham said. "Well try to bring the systems back online. We're sitting ducks here, and we can't communicate with the rest of the fleet." the Lord-Regent said. Immediately the bridge crew got to work, trying their best to get manually get the systems back online as the Lord-Regent stood up and walked towards the very front of the bridge near the viewports and stared at the Mandalorian Fleet. Both sides had suffered a major setback and now it was most likely that the outcome of the battle would be determined by the commander who would be able to exploit the misfortune of their opponent to the greatest extent.


Machines Making Machines



Rather than struggle, Carduul followed the momentum, and when the distance closed he swiped for the tether that bound them. Antipater brought up his forearm to block the blow. Beskar met beskar. The blade embedded itself right into the launcher, severing the thread and warping the mechanism.

Damage diagnostics scrolled across the bottom of his vision. Any deeper and it might have severed. He would not be repeating that trick, but the droid-moff hardly cared. This body was not his body. It was a vessel, to be used and discarded in service to the true Empire.

Now Carduul's weapon was immobilized - however temporarily - and he was exactly as close to Antipater as desired. Rockets flared from the droid's back and feet, and Antipater launched forward to take the Mandalore in a brutal tackle - his in-built propulsion systems carried him like a bullet.

It would be force enough to smash them through the flimsy guardrails on the catwalk and send them plummeting a full story below, into the maddened violence.


The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Location: Ithor (Research Facilities)
In Sig
Mother Askani

There were two types of warring Sith. The first, those that crave war and death, seeking glory to add to their legendary status among their confidants, killing without remorse, killing relentlessly, collecting little war memorabilia along the way to showcase to their peers like little children on show-and-tell day. The second, those that plotted a strategy to unveil when the time was right, calculating through statistical data from past battles; to unleash chaos and havoc among the ranks of their enemy, standing tall with proud banners flapping in the wind of their achievements.

And then there was me, the deceitful one, the twisted one, the one who loved to manifest surprises to unwilling participants; I am Lady Death for a reason.

I stood watching, my poker face staunch as ever, as I watched the Ithorians being loaded into the rescue shuttles, women and children alike. The Mandos and the Jedi, who themselves have a rich and bloody history as rivals, possessed two common factors; they were easily fooled and careless. In their haste to paly heroes, they ushered the refugees quickly on to the shuttle without spending time to check the individuals as they boarded. And it will cost them preciously.

Within seconds of lift-off, the shuttle exploded in a fiery hailstorm, killing all on board. Deception, that is how you master it. On board that ruined shuttle was one Ithorian who had suffered in the past by the hands of the Mandalorians, and it took less time to manipulate him into exacting his revenge upon the ones that robbed him of all that he loved. Under his tunics, I convinced him to strap to himself several thermal detonators, and for his sacrifice I would honor his memory in the halls of the Sith; and he actually believed I would. Deceitful I am.

"Not all needed saving as you can see," I said emerging, playing my role as Grim Reaper to perfection through the splitting stench of the foliage.
"And my condolences for your loss," I added derisively, glancing briefly at the wreckage, basking in morbid delight as I did. "And the deaths of those Mandos on that vessel, that's for my Sisters back on Dathomir, who are forced to endure false freedoms under that rusty iron grip of you Mandalorians!"

Alias⠀ Prodo Vasilias, Pro Imperial Mercenary, Veteran of the Mygeeto Raid
Uniform⠀ Beta-Plast Snow Trooper Armor (With Significant Modifications/Concealing Beskar)
Equipment⠀Rifle (With Underslung Shotgun) Side Arms (Matched Set)

Location⠀ Bridge, INV Sularen's Revenge, Ithor, Mid Rim
Objective 1⠀ Defend the Lord Regent

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Only his eyes moved as the Lord Regent spoke. Leaned over the central tactical display, he reached out, and began manipulating a segment of it without so much as asking for the Regent's leave. Absorbing the spoken information even as his eyes slid over the display, he highlighted several points within the schematic of the ship.

"I need blast doors secured here, here, and here. Funnel them to this hangar bay on the port side."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The mercenary was already in motion when the Regent spoke his name, he paused, turning in the doorway of the bridge to study his current commander.

"Alive is extra. We can negotiate when I return."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The armored figure cut a swath through the chaos of the ship's corridors, every single bit of him pointing forward, body, mind, and spirit. He felt good. Strangely good. Muscles warm and supple as though he'd recently stretched, flesh alive with a feeling of potency, mind running on overdrive. What fell magic clung to his form he couldn't begin to divine.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀And if it helped him kill the enemy. He found that in this moment he didn't care.

"You, you, and you. On me. You. Round up anyone you can and rendezvous with us here."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Palm up, he projected a hologram for the benefit of the gathered stormtroopers, the simplistic projector producing a legible if not grainy image.

"E-Webs in these junction points. Eliminate dead space where possible. Use explosives if you have to. I'll be taking a squad of volunteers here."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He indicated the fighter bay.

"If we fail. Vent the bay."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀And so the lone commando stood with a grim cadre of stormtroopers within the hangar bay. As the squad came to a halt, the ship shook violently. The floor developed a detectable slant as the vessel listed to one side, the lights mounted in the ceiling cutting out, leaving the space stained with dull crimson.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The dozen or so troopers fanned out around him, taking cover behind crates and what remaining craft remained in the bay. Only one remained in the open. Despite the strange mix of armor the soldier wore, he looked like just another stormtrooper.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But the crimson light that splashed across the singular figure in the center of the trap had the right of it.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This 'stormtrooper'.

Was absolutely covered in blood.

Tags [DE] | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Tags [NEO/Foundation] | Kalah Redra | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Tarrak Tarrak
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Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Saverok Saverok

The illusion dissipated, fading amongst the flames, the sliver of what had been disappearing from his mind. Saverok had looked for the shadow that had sent him into such a state, and soon enough she made herself known. A dark, ink-black hand wrapped itself snugly around his throat, in place less to choke him and more to keep him secured on the ground. "The Taung failed and fell into worship of their champions. My people slayed them. History repeats itself - submit to the one true god. Submit to Via." With a sudden motion, the shadow moved forward, as if to make a kiss, only to dissolve into nothingness, shadow fully encumbering whatever trace of vision could yet be protected by the damaged helmet. Darkness seeped into the cracks and attempted to force itself into Saverok's lungs and gullet, an attempt to choke the unknowingly unchokeable being as the entity's essence sought to shove itself down his throat.

Hopefully the comm still worked so others could hear him scream.

Location: Imperial Detention, Cell Block C
Post Actions: Cell Block D Subdued. Offering Cell Block C possible immunity for cooperation. Wookies and Inferno Hold the Entranceways. Communication Sent to Imperial Reinforcements
NPCs: Dark Jedi Strike Team: Dral'Haran | Various Bloodclaw Wookiees.
Enemies: Ninurta Slaabur'r | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw | Trent Perris | Koda Fett Koda Fett
Allies: Antipater Antipater | Saltare Dothon | Sid Berik | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Crane Baxa | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto | Darth Veyriss | Anguis Dux Anguis Dux | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

"No." Kei pulled back the other Dark Jedi's arm from the brink of execution. He stopped to catch his breath, drawing on the Force. His difficult technique had been uninterrupted—anything else would have stopped him. Most of the prisoners in Cell Block D lay stunned and down. The strike team moved on to Cell Block C, advancing in tight formation with the other Dark Jedi, clearing the path and leaving the fallen where they lay. At least his actions had saved lives from execution, which, in some twisted fashion, made all this easier to bear.

Until… he saw another from Clan Kryze, and something inside him snapped back to his reason for being here. His burning home, dead family, and her in his arms.

Before he could think, he was already moving, crashing into his opponent as they both smashed through the cell block C's door, armored bodies denting on impact. Brutal headbutts. Jabs. Knees. Elbows. They pounded at each other for what seemed like hours but it was minutes or seconds, cracking plating and bone with every strike.

Then came the dagger, the widow's fang.

Kei drove it deep into the Kryze warrior's gut—thrust up, and twist. The incendiary gel cap detonated, igniting from inside his opponent's body. The Kryze burned from within, eyes alight with horror and flames.

Standing over the corpse, breathing heavily, he watched what he'd done.

"All of them deserve this." The words loomed harsh, cold and judgemental.

But did anyone deserve that?

Careena Fett Careena Fett
Any unarmed prisoners fleeing toward the exits were running into a deathtrap. Fire. Fury and more importantly Wookiees! Those who tried to escape blindly were probably set alight, their bodies consumed by the inferno waiting at the entrance. The blood-red Wookiees, already lost to rage, rained death upon them, bowcasters, blaster fire, grenades tearing through the panicked mob.

It had been a good idea to arm them from Careena Fett Careena Fett , hers had a chance, but anyone else running might need a plan too!

Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
"Sir, the Imperials have more forces moving into the perimeter."

Kei exhaled slowly, steadying his breath; his voice regained some of his calm.

"Strike team Dral'Haran to incoming imperial forces. Prisoners at the main exits are already as good as dead. Suggest focusing on breaching points we can't see, or they'll slip through."

He didn't have the authority to command anyone, but he could make sure they didn't waste time walking into the inferno, burn their feet, or end up in a shooting match with each other for that matter.

Dyans Keto Dyans Keto
Amadis couldn't miss feeling the mass slaughter going on in Cell Block A. There was one chance the commanders there wouldn't take more serious action. Finding a comms panel, Kei patched himself through to the prisoners in Cell Block C.

"Surrender now, or die like the corpses in Cell Block A. The only thing waiting for you out there is the imperials' execution. I am your one and only chance at making it through this."

And in truth, he probably was. A reward for cooperation could be their survival, maybe even their usefulness as future soldiers against the Mandalorians. The Imperials might find some dark humor in that. Or they could bust in here and kill everyone, him included, but that was the risk of being here at all in this mess.

Armor: Triple Warden AFU
Bossy-Rbos1 Rebreather
Beskar Gauntlets and Wristblades: Haran's Grasp | Poison Charon Venom


MK6 Prototype Regular Sized Bolter: Elara's Fire.
Back: Jet Black Beskar Two-handed Doubleaxe: Haran's Executioner
Hips: MK2-Jackknife x1 | Revolving Door Magnum x1 | Saber
Belt: Coated Incendiary Gel tipped Daggers x 3/4 Widow's Fangs | Harris Grace Personal Medkit | 5/7 Grenades Mixed
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Tag: Onrai Onrai
A dark, ink-black hand coiled around his throat, a grip not meant to choke but to hold him in place like some wounded beast pinned for slaughter. He growled low, his form twitching under the unseen pressure. His mind was still unstable, flickering between now and then, yet Onrai's words cut through the haze.
"The Taung failed and fell into worship of their champions. My people slayed them. History repeats itself - submit to the one true god. Submit to Via."

Her voice dripped with certainty, with power, but Saverok's response came as a ragged, hate-filled scream, something primal and raw:

"SUBMIT MY ARSE, SCHUTTA!" Pain crackled through his body, but it wasn't from any wound. The shadow seeped into his armor, into the cracks of his ruined helmet, forcing its way towards his mouth, his throat, trying to choke lungs that did not exist. It was an alien discomfort, something new, something utterly wrong. His mind, already unhinged, snapped completely.

A deep, guttural roar ripped from his being, his body convulsing as pure instinct took over. Gone was the barely sane warrior, the tactician—only the beast remained. His biomass, all that he was, unleashed. Flesh twisted, muscles swelled, tendons writhed under broken armor, reshaping him into something monstrous. His visage, once humanoid, contorted, shifting in ways that should not be possible. His very essence fought back, pushing against the darkness, breaking free. And then he opened.

His chest cavity split apart, jagged sinew and raw nerve, a maw of writhing tendrils threatening to consume whatever was left of Onrai's form. His body would twisted again, muscle retracting, sinew pulling tight, reforming into the shape of a giant man and crush whatever was left of the shadowed witch.

But something inside him mental and form felt off. It felt wrong....
Location: Ithor High Orbit
Mission Objective: Destroy Heavy Weapon Systems on the Mandalorian Flagship Sworn Vengeance
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Squadron: Orca Squadron
Allies: Van Trask Van Trask Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Enemies: Nelliel Kryze Nelliel Kryze Tarrak Tarrak

“We have one coming towards our tail!” Electra grunted in a frantic tone, her attention committed to multiple streams at once as she drove her fighter towards the Sworn Vengeance. With the incoming fire from the flagship’s point-defenses, she narrowed her eyes and took reactive action as the lasers streamed towards her—a series of hard jinks, rolls, and skids executed in an effort to change the profile of her fighter. While the Destroyer was not nearly the most agile craft she had ever flown, it was impressively maneuverable given its heavy, robust armament.

Her maneuvers combination with the ECM which Trask had already activated, the accuracy of the incoming point-defense fire was somewhat compromised. Still, a pair of laser bolts came through to strike the shields, causing red warning indicators to pulse within Electra’s HUD.

All the while, with the Mandalorian point-defences were in range of hitting her, Electra was also well within weapons’ range of her targets. She only needed to get closer in order to maximize her chances of success.

“Status report on shields!” Electra called out to Trask, as she glanced at the sensor readout and the profile indicator of the quickly approaching Mandalorian starfighter...



Post: 5
Location: Imperial Detention, Selnesh
Equipment: Krath Holy Battle Suit | Krath blood blade(Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto Knives
Allies: Antipater Antipater | Saltare Dothon | Sid Berik | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Crane Baxa | Kei Amadis Kei Amadis | Darth Veyriss | Anguis Dux Anguis Dux
Enemies: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Ninurta Slaabur'r | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Altan | Trent Perris | Ryorgak Saor'daw Ryorgak Saor'daw
Tags: Open

She stopped as she saw the coward run away and just shrugged his words meaning nothing. As he collapsed more of the structure she just watched for a moment as she felt him fleeing for the nearest exit. There was no point in following if he was in retreat and so she went in the opposite direction since the one before her was blocked off.

Cautiously through the fire and debris putting up her force shield again so she could move faster. Thinking to herself the Mandalorian's were not what they were made out to be in the historical records. Their resolve seemed to have weakened over the generations, probably from picking up riff raff to adopt into their culture.

It mattered little, if they wanted to retreat let them. Let this prison burn and fall she thought to herself. As she sent a telepathic message to her men once. "Have Max send down a lander, we are done here. Kill the prisoners you took captive."

With out a single word back to their Empress, the soldiers heading for the cell block b stopped and drew their side arms shooting the two Mandalorian prisoners in the back of the head. Then turned to move for an exit themselves.


Objective II: Prison Break
Location: Imperial Detention Center, Selnesh
Tag: Careena Fett Careena Fett Koda Fett Koda Fett Anguis Dux Anguis Dux

A few blaster bolts came Tibera's way, they moved too fast for her to react, and she'd take one square in her chest. While her armored shell still held, it was completely scorched. The once white padding now melted and blackened, another hit like that and she'd be dead! It was a sobering thought, not anywhere near a sobering as the sight of fire. Koda's flamethrower sent a shock through Tibera's system. The smell of burning fuel and sizzling flames filled her nose, taking her right back to the night the Zygerian ex-champion set her alight.

While bacta and therapy had eased the burns on her body, the wounds on her mind were as fresh as ever! Her hands clutched her head as her pistol dropped to the ground. She let out an ear-shattering scream, babbling and sobbing as her mind raced with the memories of pain and fury. The guard troopers that still lived rushed to form a defense around their mentally compromised commander.

Tears streaked down Tibera's hidden face, her helmet visor clouding with her sobs. Yes, she was still in a fight, and even as her breaths came out raggedly she'd continue that fight. Even if it meant tasting the flames again, she'd finish off this Mandalorian and the prisoners she'd rallies.

Once again the mercenary rose, grasping a durasteel-plated shield from one of the dead guards. If she couldn't win a blaster duel with this woman, she'd bring things up close and personal! Like a woman possessed Jessen broke into a sprint, gripping the shield for dear life. She put every pound of her bulky frame into her charge, aiming to ram that shield right into the mandalorian's faceplate. It was a near suicidal idea, but it was clear that it was necessary to gain the advantage.

Her hope was to exploit the shoulder that the other woman seemed to favor. One that might have been injured by one of Tibera's darts... Either way, they'd have to see who was the better brawler now!


Location: Imperial Facility, Jungle Floor
Allies : Dark Imperials
Enemies: Mandalorian Crusaders Brent Warnel Brent Warnel (Engaging)

A burning blade swung wildly amid the hail of blaster bolts that tried to slow down the Master of the Knights of Ren. Raging fury flowed freely through his veins, as Detritus would quickly find himself giving into his bloodlust as he went right for the Mandalorians. Screams only seemed to delight the dark sider as he kept pushing through the ranks of the Mandalorians. Every time that he was pushing forward, they were moving back only drawing Detritus right towards them, though Detritus was too distracted by his need for victory, the urge to crush his enemies by his own hand was a demanding one.

The Orbalisks that provided both protection and power absorbed bolt after bolt, for the Ren felt invincible compared to the numerical superiority that the bucketheads had over him. Each time his blade slashed right through a beskar bound warrior, he often timed his strikes right just to pierce through the joints of anyone unlucky to cross him. The rage flowed freely as a waterfall, while Detritus would harness the pain, the consuming rage as his fuel against the warriors before him. Even as it felt as if the tunnels were closing in around him the Mandalorians were from his front now to his back, and everywhere inbetween. A thought began to occur to him that the Mandalorians were baiting him.

The bolts kept coming and the blood started flowing. Detritus with each roar came the crackling of his lightsaber, even as he was shot at from all sides would this monster not stop his onslaught. The only thought in his mind was to prolong the Mandalorians, to stop them from stealing secrets valuable to only the Empire. He roared defiantly as he soon faced nothing but angry Mandos all around him. He was buried up to his neck with beskar bound warriors.

Then Detritus could hear the roar of a jetpack. His furious gaze snapped open in shock as he stared towards one warrior coming right for him. Ren’s saber hand motioned to cut the man down, but before he could commit to an attack was a detonator thrown his way. His senses prepared him for the explosion, but on instinct did Ren catch the grenade with the Force, it hung suspended in mid air before it exploded right in front of him.

However, not all appeared to be as Detritus kept the grenade held by the Force, he could feel the pressure threaten to be released. He gritted his teeth as he tried to keep the explosive together, focusing the energy to wrap around the grenade. The Mandalorians all stared at him as if waiting for the explosive to go off in any second. He didn’t no how much longer he could keep it together, for he felt one wrong move and the explosive would unleash itself right in front of his face.


The Ren’s resolve would only hold out for so long.


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