"Keep it burning, and spread it where you need to." Could he control the uncontrollable? Would a Jedi try? Pushing now, the obvious facility exits were locked down in
incendiary gel. They didn't have an infinite amount, but a few breaches could be plugged if they met no serious resistance.
Ryorgak Saor'daw
That gas was a problem, but also one being fixed by yet more fire from someone else. Strangely, this actually helped Kei's plan twofold. Breathing through their rebreathers, the Dark Jedi were kitted out well, but some Wookiees, already raging, nearly lost themselves to madness before clear oxygen stabilized them.
Fire from the vents choked out an obvious escape route. With Mandalorian resistance crumbling, he had his pick of strategies. Wookiees roared their vengeance, hacking crusaders to pieces. The toxin coursing through their blood wasn't helping their control.
Even with the main exits sealed, the prison remained a war zone. Blaster fire rattled through the corridors, distant screams carried over alarms, and the Mandalorians still held key positions. Some prisoners were breaking for improvised escape routes—blowing through walls, hijacking security overrides, finding ways Kei hadn't yet sealed.
There was a choice to make. A lot of people were freeing prisoners
. Even if they couldn't escape easily, they could still blow their way out. Did he really do it—kill them all, could he cross that bridge? Stun grenades from the strike team took down several fleeing prisoners, and stun techniques from the Dark Jedi knocked more unconscious.
Trent Perris
Sid Berik
? |
Saltare Dothon
For now, no one had stopped him. But that might not last. Kei's presence had been broadcast facility-wide, and those who opposed him—whether Resistance or Mandalorian—could track him. He could feel the weight of their decisions pressing against the Force, a few dying to his weapon, others deciding whether to challenge him at all. Somewhere in the prison, Jedi or resistance fighters were making their own call, and Mandalorian's weren't budging easily.
Under the main cell blocks, he was out of time.
A burst of Force energy and a bolter shot tore through one of the main floors. Kei surged upward through the gap, no 'hello there' Kenobi moment for those who saw.
"Do whatever you have to." Amadis's voice was as grim as his actions, but there was a chance they wouldn't need to die. Reaching deep into the Force, a
mass stasis field went up—his other mainstay. Prisoners' nervous systems overloaded, their bodies seizing as they froze in place
. Once a technique used for peace, this was the apex of his lifelong stun training. But this time, the technique felt colder—emotion in the grip, twisted the action to be less calm or controlled for those held.
He wouldn't hold it for long or
if interrupted, it was a difficult thing to pull off.
"Take them down." Holding to his goal, Kei gritted his teeth as bound prisoners were one by one stunned by the strike team, using more traditional means, each easing the burden on the Dark Jedi Master.
There was hope for a better outcome than burning them all alive—but not much time left to find it. One of the Dark Jedi hesitated, raising his saber...