Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Corrupted | CIS Invasion of NR-Held Kuat

Objective: Ride the planet of Propaganda
Location: Capital Building
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] + CIS
Allies: Abigail Meredydd
Post: Four

-- The two knights that were following Gregor stood back to where they ordered by their Master. If things got a little too difficult they would jump in to help Gregor, but held their ground in case others approached from behind. A buffer of comfort to the Jedi Master as he could rely on them to watch his back. This planet was being besieged and the invaders could come from the ground for all he knew, this new era was still new to him, he could not let his guard down for a second.

-- He walked up beside [member="Abigail Meredydd"], his Lightsaber in his left hand and thumb on the ignition switch knowing that this would spiral in a second or two. Without breaking eye contact from the Armored women before him he knew now with serenity that this was a Dark Sider. "She must serve these Separatist you had spoke of Ms. Meredydd, I sense she is touched by the Son,"

-- The Jedi Master did not wait for her to take the first move. Using Force Speed he activated his lightsaber and brought the hilt of the blade just under his chin perfectly horizontal with the tip pointed at the armored women. His right hand free, extended at her as well, palm open and the armor slide on top of one another as the plates scratched like a faint nail dragged across a durasteel plate. The blade hilt was moved to behind Gregors head still pointed at her, where the gold blade lit up the helmet of the Templar. The gold gilded trim on the helmet glowed and hits of purple under the black paint could faintly be seen.

-- "Surrender now and your conversion to the Faith of Light will be painless," He paused for a second, "Resist and you will die a Heretics Death."
Objective: On my way to da knife fite!​
Location: Capital Building​
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Ephraim"] + CIS
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Gregor Yoor"]
Post: Five

OOC Note: This is Scherezade, but she appears as Madalena Antares anywhere data-relevant (Pathfinder Madalena Antares).

Scherezade was still leaning against the column. With the relaxed expression on her face, the only reason she did not look like an absolute curvaceous angel was the fact that so many of her weapons were openly shown.

The people she'd sensed were now in view; at least, two of them were. The woman spoke to her and Scherezade cocked her head ever so slightly, an amused expression on her features now. Did she truly look like a civilian? Even for a moment? Oh, this was going to be fun. The Republicans claimed that Kuat was not a Republican planet, yet they thought they had the jurisdiction to arrest her?

She supposed it did not truly matter. Even if they had full jurisdiction – there had been enough attempted arrests on Scherezade. She couldn't recall coming willingly to a single one of them. There were probably more than enough planets where her name, her real name, had the potential of appearing on wanted lists. However, if the Republicans before her would try to identify her, their records, should they show CIS personnel, would show Madalena Antares. The perfect soldier, she'd been called. Scherzade hated that the title had been given to her, considering the both of them operated nearly identically.

But anyway, now was not the time to break into a melodramatic inner monologuetm, especially since Goldilocks had decided to skip words and go into the offensive.

Lightsaber pointed at her, Scherezade did not yield. She remained standing firmly, not a single muscle twitching as she looked. It was a bold move on her part, yes; but since he felt like a lightsider, she supposed he wouldn't try to stab her in the heart without a word. And she was right. It was nice to get something right for a change.

"So die, or die?" she asked, eyes squinting, "you're doing this all wrong. You need to offer me eternal life, or a million credits, or whatever, if I surrender. Didn't they teach you Negotiations 101 in school?"

The Sithling sighed and shrugged. "The heart of the last Jedi that tried to kill me lays now in a jar, on a shelf, on my ship."

Looking at the two, there was no mistake in the look she gave them now. It was very far removed from looking anything human in appearance; if it wasn't for the human features, the two of them would be stared at by something that resembled a predator; ancient, strong, unyielding.

And within a heartbeat, thirteen blades lifted from her. Some were belted above her clothes, others slid from under, but by the end of the heartbeat, there were 13 of them in the air (10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail), spreading around her like a fan, all pointy bits aimed at the dude and the dudette.

Lightsaber hilts (Fire and Smoke) were in her hands, her thumbs hovering over their ignite buttons, but she still didn't turn them on.

"Mine's bigger than yours," Scherezade grinned.

Location: Streets of the Capital
Objective: Secure the area
Tags: [member="Alden Akaran"], [member="Shakti Sweet"], [member="Adron Malvern"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Allies: Follow the light presence
Mental state: Silent..but there's something else. Something..growing.


Along the way, sprinting toward where the command post would begin to set up, Xobos could feel a darkness slowly begin to intrude it’s way into her mind, unlike anything she had ever felt like before. It felt like it was effecting her very being, burying it’s way into her core, penetrating every movement and thought that she had had since she had begun running next to the droid commander. The Miraluka did her best to shake her head, clear it up somehow. It..hurt. hurt.

These thoughts were suddenly halted by the sudden new presence that the Miraluka could feel. It was different, really, than anything she had ever felt emanating from a human being. It was almost soft, light, and totally different than how her master felt in the force. So different, in fact, that they might be considered ying and yang.

Her eyes began to scan the area, trying to find the source of this feeling. The droid commander stopped ten meters away, turning back to look at the apprentice who had inexplicably stopped in the middle of the road. “Is there something wrong, commander? Do we need to set the command post here instead?” His robotic voice broke through her mind’s thoughts, even as the darkness still throbbed it’s way through her being.

She shook her head, waving the droid off with a flick of her hand. “No, no. Go start getting the command post set up. I need to….check on something.” With that, she gave a mock salute to the droid before turning down a side street and beginning down it, trying to find where the source of the mysterious presence was coming from. Even as her boots were hitting the cobblestone of the road, even as she got closer to whatever was drawing her closer, the darkness continued to grow and grow in her mind.

It almost felt like Xobos was running through a daze, the darkness and the light presence guiding her movements until she stopped in front a large looking, bustling medical center. She observed native Kuati being brought in and out of the center, with little to no New Republic presence seen. Yet, this is where the feeling had brought her. For that, Xobos reached up to the comm button on the side of her helmet, pressing it to key in her master.

“Master…master, there’s something here. I’m sending you my coordinates. It’s…a prensence. Completely opposite to your own..I don’t know how to describe it..” Her breathing, words felt labored, as the darkness continued to pound in her head. The voices didn’t speak either, just the darkness continuing to bury it’s way into her. It felt like it was taking her breath away, so much so that Xobos dropped to one knee, staring up at the medical center while leaning against her spear, awaiting..something, from her master. Anything..

Anything to break through the darkness.


Location: Blockade Around Kuat
Objective: Smash Republic Fleet, attack rings
Enemies: [member="Dracken Pryce"] and NR (new Arrived fleets)
Allies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]

Eternal Glory
Guardian 1-4
Swarm 1-3

Fighters: 42 Squadrons

Bombers: 11 Squadrons
Fighters: 15 Squadrons
Interceptors: 16 Squadrons


Anton smirked as his ship rocked from the continuous fire. His fighters exploded around the cruiser they attacked. However, none of them went down without doing damage. With their deaths they pointed their noses at the capital ships, their power and hyperspace generators overloading, along with their remaining payloads, exploding into glorious fireballs against the shields of the Bothan Cruiser. Against all logic, they didn't even seem to care about the incoming fire. They would move closer, hugging the hull of the assault cruiser as they could, simply so, every shot that didn't hit them from the fighters and other ships would damage it's shields too. The entire group moved closer now, fully within main cannon range. They then moved closer, and closer, they would keep approaching the fleet until they were point blank. They were not going to be having almost any range between them and the enemy fleet. However, they maneuvered the ships so that they were not in the way of their allies attacks on them. All ships in the fleet now turned it's attention on the Starchild. Every ship continued it's assault on the main ship.

The Eternal Glory was taking a pounding however, the shields were down to a good 75%, and Anton had to grasp reality. They were quickly being out numbered and overwhelmed. With reinforcements on both sides, it was difficult to know exactly what happened. However, he had his target, and so long as he got it, he would be happy. Death simply meant being reunited with his family in the force. What did he care? As for the Eternal Empire soldiers, they were suicidal by nature. Every last life would have to be snuffed out before they stopped fighting. He had sent his troops to entrench on the Ring. Make the Republic have to destroy the rings to get them off of it. His defeat at this point was inevitable. This was made even more abundantly clear when the massive Republic fleet entered the system.

However, there was no fear, and instead, a happy smirk. “Oh....they took the bait. How nice. This won't have been for nothing then. Eternal Glory, close venting ports! Begin charge of the main cannon!” The cool down had been accomplished, and now power flowed from the main generator into the beam weapon once more. It would take time, hopefully they could get off another shot into his opponent's ship.

The Adjudicator Star Destroyers took a beating, however, their shields held for now. As the fighters continued their assault on the Bothan cruiser, and the fighters, the battle continued on. With the A wings being forced to take more time, the flak frigates assault was doing exactly what it needed. Time, if Anton had time, Anton won this battle. If he didn't gain as much of it as he could however, he would fail. It was a razor's edge. One he was losing fast. However, with luck, he could turn this around.


One Squadron of bombers – Destroyed
Two Squadrons of Lance Fighters – Destroyed
One Squadron of TIE/S – Destroyed
(All destroyed slamming their hulls and exploding on an enemy capital ship, mostly the same Bothan Assault Cruiser)
Remaining fighters and bombers continuing attacking Bothan Assault Cruiser, not pulling away
Interceptors attacking X-Wings and bombers

Adjudicators attacked and shields weakening
Eternal Glory – Shields down to 3/4ths, quickly falling, recharging main gun
Flak Ships: Stalling A-Wings and destroying what they can – Taking minor damage to shields
All Capital Ships moved close to Starchild and it's fleet.
All Capital ships attacking Starchild with full weapons, sparing only defensive weapons to swat at missiles and fighters.
Location: Kuat Orbit, Above the orbital ring
Allies: Fiolette Raaf + CIS
Engaging: NR fighters from Starchild, (Dracken Pryce)
Post: 4

Kurayami had continued to engage squadrons of fighters, the battle having slowly made its way towards the ring shaped orbital dockyards. They were now relatively removed from the larger ships, which was a conscious decision. It was clear that Kurayami's ship was a bit worse for the wear in comparison to when he had shown up, made sense given how long he had been engaging these fighters with only intermittent support from other fighters from the CIS and TSE. The Sith Empire fighters were forming up near him and giving the enemy more targets which was never a bad idea. One ship seemed to stick with him moreso than the others. Or at least they did their best to keep up.

He had a feeling that this person was watching him for some reason, or they were actively hunting him and using this as an opportunity. The quandary deepened slightly when laser fire from the Sith fighter streaked past his port wing. Pulling into a quarter roll to starboard, he pulled back on the stick once he was at the desired AOA. He held this until he was heading back in the direction of the NR fighters. The Sith Air Marshall did all they could to stay with him, doing an admirable job of it, and seeing as no shots were taken at him by any Sith he figured that they were here to help. Good. He sent an quick transmission to the Sith squadron to utilize the Thach Weave whenever possible against the NR ships, making them deal with evading while trying to attack making getting any hits that much more difficult. Unfortunately he was running low with only one more salvo per cluster missile launcher.

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Location: Kuat Government Complex
Peps To Stab: [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Objective: Luaght, being shot is fun
Equipment: Rendili Battle Master Armor, ARGH, ACS-201, Vibro Knife

"Hit on two tangos, swapping mags", one of her comrades shouted over team speak as Chekita used a bacta syringe on herself, letting the pain slowly subside from the energy strike on her breast plate. "God shot, keep cover and don't do anything I would, we are on the defense here not need to give up our position". That was until they ran out of ammo, though the ACS was a good weapon, its rounds easily about to pen standard armor as per case with most slug weapons ammo count was a problem.

"MG get down"! Her concentration war broken as a wave of oncoming fire flew through the corridor, catching one of her squad mates in the hand, the man falling back behind cover clutching the burn limb, "they are suppressing us FF now", squad code words for Flash and Frag. Herself and the two active squad members pulled out their respective arms, the first throwing a flash out from cover, followed promptly by two frag grenades, one short the other long, trying to cover as much of the hall as possible.

For anyone on the receiving end, the blinding white light would come first, followed by two shrapnel flinging explosions, the hallway being a prime area to use such tactics, usually with quite the good effect on the enemy. Cheita would wait for the dust to settle before peaking out from cover, assault rifle pointed down range, looking for any targets to finish off.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle

Location: The Wastes​
Allies: CIS, [member="Lace Vi'dreya"], [member="Carbon"]​
Enemies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"], [member="Jade Solus Skirae"]​
Post: 3​
Aya sighed quietly as she knelt by one of the bodies, one of the few still mostly intact as far as the total skeleton went in that area. She mumbled a quiet prayer for them, as she let the moment settle quietly around herself. This state of disrepair, it was disgraceful for a nation to leave it's people in such a state. To be like this was one matter but, it was the duty of the top to provide for the bottom, and here there was no efforts made. It broke her heart to imagine someone trying to scrap together a life like this...

The voice on the coms broke her quiet thoughts, and alerted her to the presence of, hostiles? What confirmed the intent? She cussed in her head, and stood up, looking back for Lace. They were in no position to handle a fight if their enemies were.. Well more numerous than they. And when she looked back she only barely caught a glimpse of Lace preparing to rush.. which actually made that mental cussing verbal as she tried to stop her. "By the Goddess Lace do you want me to get killed? I'm counting well more than we have. You might not give a damn but I'm not intending to die today." She continued in a whisper just barely audible. "There's a building directly north on your right, it looks mostly intact. Just lure them there so they can't surround us or run if you must. Understood?"

She already felt sick being forced into combat, she had hoped this would go off quietly. Find the transmission, get home safe. Now here she was fighting a fight she wasn't in the mood for, and her only real friend seeming not to care if making that fight would cost Aya more than she was prepared to give yet. Lace had a habit it seemed of forgetting Aya wasn't some Force god able to walk away from these fights with ease.

All that said, she could only hope LAce would be stunned, hearing Aya speak, and listen as she ran with the six droids into the building she'd described, what looked to be the remains of a hospital.

Location: Kuat Orbit, Above the orbital ring
Objective: Intercept New Republic Fighters
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems, [member='Kurayami Bloodborn']
Enemies: New Republic Fleet
Vessel: Moonbeam (Interceptor, see Signature Link)

Continued to hover near the command structure of The Dread Queen for quite some time, in complete silence, before he realized he was probably being ignored or so far below notice that they truly didn't even realize he existed "Fine then, hope something blows up." he muttered bitterly before zipping off in the Moonbeam towards a small engagement he had spotted above the orbital ring. He doubted that his help was needed but why not go and join in?

Cay-Yo's swift ship eventually reached the combat sight and announced his presence so that he wouldn't be mistaken for a third party or a Republic fighter "This is Cay-Yo! I'm on your side!" just then an enemy starfighter crossed his path and the Patitite swerved to avoid a collision before the Moonbeam made an almost ninety degree turn and came up above and behind the Republican fighter. The Moonbeam's Electric Sphere Projector (ESP) fired once then twice so that two orbs of electrical energy collided with the shields of the target ship. The shield decayed and fizzled away. The ESP was a powerful anti-electronics weapon, similar in concept to an Ion Blaster but made to do what an Ion Blaster did to droids except the droids were starfighters. This also meant that as the ESP was the Moonbeam's only weapon system that Cay-Yo really couldn't destroy his targets only disable them - and even then not permanently in some cases.

Cay-Yo tailed his target attempting to hit it with more ESP shots but it proved to be a little more difficult than he expected. It seemed that starfighter pilots tended to make erratic movements when being chased so a weapon that fired once per second or 60 shots per minute, were rather difficult to make use of. Several times Cay-Yo's interceptor flew past the starfighter only for it to attempt and duck Cay-Yo which saw the Moonbeam flip once again to continue pursuit. If Cay-Yo had more flight experience it would be unlikely that the Republican pilot would have been able to evade him so successfully.
Objective: Defeat the CIS lady, and don't get stabbed to death by a variety of knives
Allies: [member="Gregor Yoor"] , NR
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , CIS

Abigail didn't need to turn towards the master to see him coming, as she had been carefully watching her back using the Force. You couldn't be too cautious during times like these, not unless you wanted to end up with a knife in your back.

"Well", Abigail casually replied to the man beside her, "if that is the case, it's probably best if we detain her."

As the man ignited his saber and addressed the woman, Abigail had first taken a moment for the woman to respond. Perhaps the girl would be forced to act rationally now that she was outnumbered two to one. Although Abigail's hopes of that happening weren't very high.

"Now, let's not make any hasty assumptions. Perhaps our Dark sided friend sees that she is outnumbered and perhaps she will then go with us willingly."

But Abigail had barely spoken the words before the girl in front of them started ridiculing them

"Or perhaps not."

Abigail then turned her attention towards the woman as she made threats about Jedi she killed. If she had learned one thing though, humour helped ease the mind for some soldiers- and there was no harm in trying.

"Look, friend, I don't need to know what makes you feel all happy on the inside, especially when it's an actual heart. You've proven to us that you're weird, congratulations. Now, I'm giving you one last warn-"

But she wouldn't be allowed to finish her sentence as suddenly multiple mean looking knives floated up into the air.

"Right", Abigail mumbled to herself as she pressed a small button on her armour. Suddenly bits of the chest and back extended, forming a fully closed helmet on her head. After another second or two, the hud came online and Abigail could get to work.

"Alright, trying to get a lock", she mumbled after taking a moment to consider her next move. Then she tried to get somewhat of a lock on the floating knives, if that appeared to be possible. Something told Abigail that shooting the girl directly would be too easy for it to work, and everyone knew where those knives would be flying towards in a moment. She could only hope to maybe throw a few off course with her blaster and to dodge the rest.

She then momentarily shifted her attention towards the armed master beside her as she addressed him with a now more metallic voice. "I've got your back if you have mine."

And with that, Abigail set one step forward as a lengthy blade came out of her armour's left arm. She took a quick second to look at the newly constructed blade attached to her arm before she nodded.

"A field test it is."
Solar Caligati Priesse Brinari
Post 5
Equipment: VSA-01 “Auxilia” - Combat Suit, TTH/TPV-001 “Xiphos” - Pattern Plasmatic Vibrosword, TTH/SIR-001c “Helius” - Pattern Battle Rifle, Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol, 2 Class-A Thermal Detonators, Field Medkit, Liquid-Cable Launcher
Location: Capitol Building - Hallway directly outside of Conference Room, Kuat City
Allies: [member="Shakti Sweet"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Srina Talon"]
Enemies: [member="Chekīta Awaud"]

“Grenades, get down!” The Primus bellowed over the encrypted squad comm network as the three grenades were thrown towards the Auxilia. Priesse’s motion sensors pinged frantically as they detected the positions of the three grenades within close proximity, two of which were potentially lethal to her.

Acting on pure instinct, Priesse maneuvered with as much power and athleticism as her body could generate on short notice to reach and pick up the frag grenade which was closest to her position. She hurled the deadly explosive back across the seven meters between her position and that of the Praetorians with a fast and hard throw, aiming for the back side of the pillars which they were using as cover and where she perceived the enemy to be located based on the feedback from her sensors. In anticipation of the ensuing explosion, Priesse immediately threw herself back behind cover just as the flash grenade went off. There was an immediate and painful throbbing sensation within her skull as the bright flash of light concealed her vision. Priesse leaned against the pillar as her body lost all sense of balance, forcing her legs to collapse beneath her weight as her vision continued to swirl in a haze of bright color.

Her two squad mates had not been so lucky, having been impaled by pieces of deadly and fast-flying shrapnel from the other frag grenade, the blast radius of which was too small (and too far away) to harm Priesse. She had failed to hear the muttered curse over the encrypted comms just before her already-wounded commanding officer was cut down by the explosion from the.

Within a few seconds, Priesse recovered from the explosions and pushed herself off of the ground, although feeling somewhat unbalanced due to the flashbang blast and the throbbing pains shooting up her left thigh. She quickly injected a fast-acting painkiller into the port on her left leg, before picking up her battle rifle as she rapidly scanned her sensors for enemy movement...
Aryn Teth

Kuat City Space Port, Kuat, Kuat Sector, The Core Worlds
Allies: The CIS, [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Sankt Yora"], [member="Voph"], [member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"]
Enemies: None Currently (But technically the NR)
Before Aryn could really even notice what he was doing, his arm had flung out to grasp Srina's wrist. It had been instinct, spurred on by the mere suggestion that she would wander back off into danger on her own - to recover those damned rabbit droids, no less. He went to speak, ready to insist that he go in her stead, when [member="Voph"] spoke up and seemed to pre-empt what Aryn had intended. Whether the man was simply logically making the suggestion on his own, or if he had correctly deduced Aryn's intention to do so anyway, it didn't matter. "He's right, you two are the highest priority." His voice carried with it a tone that he had used often with Srina, and that she had more often used with him - it was that kind of tone one often used with a spouse to indicate that whatever discussion was being had was at its end.

Aryn's gaze shifted back over to the Miraluka once more, and down to the flashbang he was offered by the man. He appreciated the gesture, being offered any kind of weapon before wandering into danger had a way of reassuring him, even when the man did not truly desire to use one. However, Aryn knew full well that he had more than enough in his arsenal without a blade or blaster that would allow him to get out of trouble that arose, ideally without the need of the Miraluka's equipment. "Keep it, with luck, I wouldn't need it anyway."

He was about to set off when the senator chose to speak up again, suggesting that they would either go together, or not at all. Mentally, he scolded himself as Aryn failed to prevent himself scoffing at the suggestion, before he quickly spoke up to try and recover any tact that he had left. "Respectfully, Senator - I am certainly the least important member of this meeting, the three of you would do much more good making your way into the bunker to continue your work, if I can't get back in, I'm sure I will have my hands full keeping the droids intact, regardless." He spoke plainly, in the kind of manner that indicated he was not going to be taking any argument, before he turned back to Srina as the senator moved off to make her statement to the people.

He leaned close, brushing his lips gently against Srina's cheek as a hand gripped her shoulder gently, in a reassuring manner. He chose to say nothing, he had slipped away from her time and time again in conflicts such as this, offering promises of his safety or return were no longer needed, as at this point he knew well enough that if he did not return safely, she would bring him back from the Netherworld to exact revenge upon him herself.

Before the Senator had finished with her broadcast, Aryn had already taken off down the hallway, back towards the banquet hall where he had felt the gentle thrum of his saber through the force. In a way, he was pleased to know that the droids had taken it, it meant that locating the rabbits was far easier than it might have been otherwise, though considering the sensations he had felt from his connection to the weapon, he was mildly concerned about the fact that they had evidently activated it.

Arriving at the banquet hall, he did not necessarily need that connection to locate them either. Approaching the still-smoking table in the hall, he raised a hand idly, allowing the force to flow upwards and lift the table up over the droids, revealing them from their hiding space while his free hand reached out, his lightsaber deactivating as the hilt of it slipped away from the droids and back onto his belt in a far safer spot. "Now then, time for you two to go back to your mistress."

Location: Kuat City Center [Banquet Hall - Under Table]
Tags: [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Sankt Yora"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Chekīta Awaud"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"][SIZE=11pt] | ANYONE ELSE IN THE CITY CENTER[/SIZE]​

“I can’t make it turn on again. I think you broke it.”

I broke it? It blew off my ear?!”

BNI-Bella sighed heavily through the speakers that were hidden just beneath where a chin might have been. The rabbit droids, among other things, lacked mouths from which to speak. Instead, their voices reached the world from their vocabulators in the most efficient way possible. There were no bells and whistles. Simply, the ability to speak. “You shouldn’t have thrown it.”

“It shouldn’t have blown my ear off.”

BNI-Leo was as stubborn as stubborn could be. He spent the next few moments patting the stub where his glorious ear had been and watched his partner with clear envy. Her ears were still whole. Now he felt all off balance and wimbly-wobbly without it. He was a grumpy-rude-rabbit now and there was nothing Bella was going to do about it. Unless, she somehow, figured out the force-forsaken secret of how to turn on a lightsaber. How was it that they could handle complex calculations in seconds, but this one, silly thing—entirely eluded them?

“Maybe [member="Aryn Teth"] locked it.”

“Locked it?”

BNI-Bella nodded her head, very serious, seriously, and her singular eye conveyed what she thought to be a grand conspiracy. “You know…Bunny-Proofed it.”

“…We kill him. Tonight.”



Just as they were about to give up and crawl out from under the table they were approached by a man that they recognized from the databases of the Confederacy. [member="Ephraim"]. They had never met him officially, considering, they rarely strayed far from [member="Srina Talon"] but neither felt any sense of urgency. There was nothing to fear from a fellow Confederate. They all worshiped the Mistress. They all bled purple, even if, it was only oil in the case of a droid. “Greetings—“

“—What do you want?”

Clearly, Leo was still grumpy and rude.

They got their answer soon enough and the rabbit droids looked at the present Ephraim offered them with wide singular eyes. A toy? A present? Something to make this horrible day just a little less boring? BNI-Bella took the cube eagerly and was already turning the sections of the cube to try and line up the colors correctly. There seemed to be something electronic in it, though, it was shielded from her sensors. It made the little droid all the more curious. What sort of surprise could be inside? How amazing!

“Thank—“, she started to say, as the Mistress liked when they utilized manners, but the man was already leaving just as soon as he had pat her on the head. BNI-Leo looked out from under the table cloth and then back at his counterpart. It was strange that someone would show up, hand them a toy, and leave—but people in the CIS gave Srina presents all the time. Dragons, ships, armor, you name it. Was this any different? “What a weirdo.”

“Yeah—It looked like he’d been punched in the face a few too many times. His nose was—“


“Yeah, karked.”

Regardless, they let the table cloth fall, and both began to try and figure out the tricky puzzle. Ephraim had suggested they go play somewhere else but the rabbit droids had never really been the best at doing what they were told. Too much simulated free will. This was a good game. Perhaps, their faux-mother would play with them later. There were so many combinations and they couldn’t help but try and figure it out in the interim. Neither stopped working until a familiar, and highly unwanted voice, interrupted their game. Suddenly their hideout was gone and the table they’d been hiding under had levitated away. “Go away, bad Jedi.”

Teth took his lightsaber back and both droids stared at him unnervingly, before, they went back to their puzzle. They were almost done. Almost all of the faces were the right colors on the cube.

“The Mistress said we could play. We don’t take orders from you.”



There was a sudden and audible click as the final face slid into place. The cube in their hands began to grow warm, and a steady, solid beeping noise began to emulate from it. One rabbit looked at the other. Red-eye met blue-eye. Then, turned to back to [member="Aryn Teth"]. The cube began to hum and BNI-Bella set it down on the floor and slowly began to back away. “…I think…I think this is not a surprise.”

“It looks like an explosive.”

“How can you tell?”

The red-hued rabbit would never get to answer, for, at that moment, the device went off. The rabbit-droids were right next to the tremendous amount of explosive power. There was no time to react or to run. They were there…And in a flash?

They were gone.

[BNI-9000 Status: Testing...Testing...Offline]
[BNI-9001 Status: Testing...Testing...Offline]
Yes, a decent sized bomb/explosive has gone off in this building in addition to the grenades being thrown in the duel with [member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Chekīta Awaud"]. It is stronger than the standard ordinance. Yes. The rabbit-droids are dead. Reminder: As always, the damage your character takes or lack of it is entirely up to you. This is not an auto-hit. The building should still be standing (as only one device was in play) though the parts closest to the detonation would have taken some heavy damage. It might also have lost some structural integrity if the boom boom was close enough to supports.
Location: Kuat City Center [Conference Room]
Accompanying: [member="Chekīta Awaud"] | [member="Sankt Yora"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Darth Metus"]....And possibly others?
Allies: CIS + Allies, etc..​

This was how a chance for peaceful resolution died.

By the word of the Vicelord the once quiet Conference Hall within the Kuati Governmental Complex erupted into instant chaos. Between the actions of the security of the former Senator [[member="Chekīta Awaud"]] and the more than capable reinforcements that had been provided by their Thyrsian associates [[member="Priesse Brinari"] & Co]—The Exarch could feel tensions rising. No doubt it would be like this all over Kuat City as Confederate personnel received their orders and member of the Republic railed against it. The fire that came from slugthrower assault weapons, not leveled in her direction, was nonetheless deafening. She raised her arm, briefly, prepared to raise a telekinetic wall if needed.

It was unnecessary. The two parties, regardless of her orders to take the fighting outside, decided to focus solely on each other. No matter the fact that the very people they were supposed to be protecting and or aiding were within spitting distance.

Was everyone going insane?

For the moment all she could do was try to manage the reports coming through on her holo-comm while everyone else lost their minds. There were so many threads that wove the tapestry of this mission that it was hard to grasp all the strings and weave them appropriately. If one slipped, just one, everything would fall out of alignment. [member="Voph"] was in the thought process that they should all get to safety but it truly left Srina feeling off-kilter. There was a fight going on, right here, but she could draw neither sword nor the Force against it.

Instead, she was caught in red tape and holo-comm transmissions. Bureaucratic nonsense. For any leader that didn’t want to see their people suffer, it was uncomfortable, but for an Echani? It was actually painful. Srina had come to Kuat in the essence of preserving life…And now? Now it seemed like the Confederacy was destined to go to war with the Republic no matter what. She could feel the decision of [member="Darth Metus"]. It boiled, burning deep, just beneath the surface.

As she turned to go collect her rabbit-droids, whom, where just outside of the Conference Hall in the Banquet area that Ms. Yora had set up she felt a strong hand wrap around her wrist. If it hadn’t belonged to the man that she cherished enough to marry, truthfully, she might have wrapped her free hand around the offending appendage and ripped it away. Whether or not it would have been broken after that would depend on how much the individual refused to let go. As it stood…Aryn’s touch stymied the violence and the wintry woman settled. “You know they won’t listen to you…”, she murmured, though, his kiss to her cheek drew a long-suffering sigh. He was right. [member="Voph"], was right.

The tone the Jedi used both with her and her green-hued companion left very little room for argument. Srina remained hesitant, but still, it wasn’t as if Aryn was going far. He would most definitely be able to catch up. While the bunker might have been a vault, they could leave it open, until everyone who was capable of coming found their way inside. Then they could shut the door. As long as they were there, prepared, and vigilant, they could make this work.

Briefly, they remained in the Conference Hall so that [member="Sankt Yora"] could address the people of Kuat. In the meantime, Srina watched the duel going on with [member="Priesse Brinari"] and [member="Chekīta Awaud"]. While they were far enough down the hall, outside of the room, that they were temporarily secure the Exarch didn’t trust it. She tried to reach out to her people. It was hard to do when the ground started shaking and dust fell down from the rafters. She knew the sound of a localized frag grenade…Chit. This was just getting worse and worse.

[member="Darth Tacitus"] chimed in with a report that, for now, his people were safe. Srina felt the smallest modicum of relief at that revelation. Despite the fact that he would hear literal frags going off in the background, Srina would also hear the waver in his tone, though she merely attributed it to worry for his people. She had always known him to take good care of those under his command. He told her to stay safe…Again, a grenade went off. “You too. Keep me updated.”

To [member="Daan Sarnova"] Srina confirmed receipt of her transmission. “I will request that the former Senator send a transmission with those details once we reach a safe destination. I’m not sure how much longer we can afford to stay where we are. I will do what I can…But we can’t promise much. Be careful.”

It was a relief to know that, at the very least, the supplies they had promised would make it to the Kuati people. With everything that was going on in space she couldn’t see Republic forces stopping to flag, inspect, or shoot down a group of non-military frigates and cargo ships. It would go against everything she had ever believed about the NR. Even though her faith was shaken, disturbed, she wanted to hold on to that…Desperately.

“We really should move—“

The young Exarch was interrupted by [member="Sankt Yora"]. She seemed to have other designs, at least for now, that involved imbibing a foul drink that signified the loss of negotiation. Srina could only stare at the glass she’d been handed while her shoulders tightened. Her head shook. “I can’t.”, she set the glass down on the long table and her stance firmed. “I won’t give up. I won’t admit that we failed when we still might be able to help. Words, may be too late, but if we can focus on putting out the fires that have started we might be able to turn back the clock long enough to make sense of all this.”

“We have soldiers fighting to death in the halls. The Confederate Armada will not stand down, which means, that if the Republic chooses to respond there will be no mercy. None.”

Again, she was interrupted. This time by a communication sent on old channels from [member="Solan Charr"]. It was a voice that she was surprised to hear, but moreover, shocked at the statement. Did he even know what was going on? That she’d been on the ground all this time trying to prevent what was slowly starting to happen? It was war. True, war. No matter the reason, no matter the candle that lit it, the hubris to assume that she would wish for unnecessary death caused her to close her eyes.

“[member="Solan Charr"]…I could say the same to you. I can't help but protect my people. I’ve been on the ground attempting to—“

Her transmission would cut out before she could finish her sentence. An explosion rocked that floor of the City Center and the static would echo across the line. It wouldn’t matter how many times someone tried to hail the Exarch from that point forward. There would be no response.


HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon [Strapped to Waist]
Lightsaber [White Blade/CrossGuard] [Hidden Under Cloak]
Icefang [Sword]
Holdin' Aces [Ring]
Ring of Aspiration [Ring]
Te'Kyr [Ring]


Heart of Cold
Terentatek Body Glove - Full resistance to standard telekinetics, pronounced resistance to advanced telekinetics.


SU-03 Hunter Cloaking Device - A lightweight, ion resistant cloaking field made and produced for agents in the field.
Holo-Comm [Communication Device]
The Ferocity [Ship]
Add'l Droid Support May be Added
Objective: Ride the planet of Propaganda
Location: Capital Building
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] + CIS
Allies: [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
Post: Five

-- Time froze for the Master Jedi, his thought process exceeded time itself as he thought this all out. As the knifes left the sheaths using the power of the armored women, he closed his open palm. He had been in this position more times then he cared to count, and he knew they were never one to let a good fight go unfinished. As such, when he closed his palm into a fist, a overwhelming power was crushed before his grip and entered his fingertips. From there an electrical current of power jumped from one nerve end to the next that started at his finger tips and ended towards his feet in a fraction of a second. The man could feel his muscles tighten around his bones, the vessels in his circulatory system widen, and his brain racing with increased reactions. He felt all his Enhanced Attribute that were granted to him through the Force Body that the Daughter had blessed him with.

-- In the blink of an eye his mind returned to real time, and he exhaled after holding his breath for what seemed like hours. He moved his now gripped hand over to the lightsaber hilt and moved his shoulder towards the opponent instead of showing his chest. Bending his knees slightly to give him a lower center of gravity, yet not low enough to be off balance. He made himself a smaller target and quick to dodge an incoming attack.

-- Gregor nodded slightly after listening to the small pokes at the Jedi's honor as she taunted about killing a Jedi. He did not know that Jedi and one who was killed in honorable combat with a Vial Heretic of the Light walked the path with the Goddess. His body and parts remained, but his soul was beside the Daughter, nothing to be missed. As for the comment about the length of his blade he did not react, instead with his increased mind processing, he focused on the crystal within his lightsaber. When he did this the blade tip decreased in size and became more like a Shoto, as his eyes were still glued to the women before him.

-- He looked to the Jedi beside him and answered her as she mentioned they work together, "Understood."

-- With those words leaving his mouth he used his lowered center of gravity and his increased abilities to leap the short distance between him and the Dark Sider Women before him. The short lightsaber blade allowed him to move quickly and get within close range of the women. He only hoped he was quicker then her reaction to his attack. She was truly powerful and he wanted to test her a little. With a quick movement of his blade he attempted to strike center mass of the chest.
S u p e r i o r
E s c a n o r _ R a g n o s

Objective | Reinforce and Support Friendly Forces - Purge Hostiles
Location | En Route to Capital Building | [member="Priesse Brinari"]

Escanor's foot tapped against the cold metal floor of the transport as it was dispatched from [member="Khonsu Amon"]'s flotilla of ships. Was he nervous? Yes, mostly due to the fact that he was trapped in a little metal bird that he equated to a flying coffin since he hated being in the air more than anything; except Mandalorians, but that was a tale for another place and time. No, he was tapping his foot more in anticipation for battle, where he felt the most peaceful and at home. His armor glimmered in the dim light of the transport's interior, illuminating over a dozen other golden clad warriors.

His troops or rather his brothers and sisters in arms were just as jumpy with anticipation as he was - he very much considered them as his own family, which made their battles together all the more memorable. He would stand before his men, his posture tall as he spoke with deep confidence. " Brothers and Sisters, we make for the battlefield, the front lines, and then the edge of death! Let them gaze upon our shining glory and burn them all to ash. Show them this commitment born from casting your life away. Offer every fiber of your being and come atop victorious! " It was not much of a speech considering the words carefully, but it was one that Escanor made frequently as a pre-battle pep talk. It was a simple concept-Go into battle expecting to die, and you will likely return alive. Fight like it was your last battle, and the suns of Thyrsus will shine upon you.

Escanor's dropships and fighter escort would make for their destination after forces had requested aid. Escanor would pick up his golden helmet as he stared at the visor briefly, reminiscing of something in the past before he turned it over in his hands and raised it to his head, sliding it down as it snuggly fit and sealed itself. He would grab his trusty weapon, the Divine Spear Aelius as he gripped it in one hand and keyed his comms over a friendly encrypted channel. " Sister we are en route to your position, hold out just a little longer. Reinforcements will arrive shortly. "

The Dawn has Arrived
Location: Kuat Blockade
Allies: NR, [member=Dracken Pryce],
Enemies: CiS, FO
Firing on: [member=Anton Delane]

“Captain!” The officers in charge of systems, Officer Riley, shouted in a coarse voice soaked in fear. “The invictus ship is blasting down the x-wings on arrival and shows no sign of slowing down. It’s on a direct course for Pryce’s Starchild.”

Before Anyone could respond a second voice shouted above the rest. “Incoming transmission from the enemy!”

A buzz sounded off and the transmission began. The man that spoke sounded to Katia like he had been drunk on his own self righteousness for far too long. The First Order were like rabies, turning feral anyone it bit and he was no different. No doubt the Jedi of old would try to save this boy but to those aboard the Majesty there was only one solution. He was a sick dog too far gone, he needed to be put down.

Toward the end of the transmission a hissing white noise started to pick up, louder and louder until it consumed the entire frequency.

“Comms are jamming up like a sandwich Captain!” Scary words that only threw them off guard for what would happen next.

“Activate the ship’s targeting system and start taking lock on the invictus where the transmission came from. We need comms online, get looking for a low-band we can talk to our ships on.” A round of silent hurried nods and computer clicking went around the bridge as Katia spoke. Her mind races hoping a solution would pop up into her head.

Suddenly eruptions began breaking out on the Majesty’s shields and damage control was too busy panicking to set in. Torpedos from [member=Darth Tacitus]’s smashed into the Majesty, rattling it’s defenses and crewmen. Katia looked to the radar on the screen, seeing the enemy but knowing there were to far off still for a full assault. She could move forward but there would be no aid from Pryce which made it a dangerous move in her mind.

“Captain! Look!” Before she could give off the order, a hopeful officer Riley was up out of his chair pointing frantically into space, cutting off his commander before she recklessly pushed the Majesty into open space. “More republic flotillas!”

Hordes of ships began phasing into the Republic side, their arrival muffled by the CiS ships blasting away at the Starchild. For a second Katia believed she was in for the stand down of her life but then she noticed, far into space, Solan’s flotilla. She had figured he had come to lead the ships into battle and readied her men.

“We need a way through to them, look for a frequency that isn’t jammed by the independents.” She commanded, sweat starting to form on her hairline.

Another holler rang through the air. “Enemy has fighters out Captain, were getting hit there too.”

It all became a overwhelming. Her men were dying on her orders and enemy fire was still pouring onto the Starchild. It was time to pull back or move in full force. She wondered on it, maybe too long, as more of her fighters flew about the void between the blockade and CiS ships trying to dish out as much pain as they were getting. Finally her thoughts landed on Dracken and the men under his command.

Riley again brought her to reality, announcing “Solan’s fighter’s are at the Starchild Captain but they’re not actively pushing out just yet.”

Katia took this as a confirmation that battle was imminent. There would be a heavy toll to pay for it but she would be karked before letting a republic ship be downed without a fight.

With a tap of a finger she began transmitting on a local low-band frequency that she hoped would connect her to her flotilla. She spoke shortly to her crew, her eyes and mind still glued to the battle. “Carriers are to move behind the Majesty in a defensive formation. I need all fighter squadrons to fall back onto the Starchild and surrounding flotillas. Frigates, move forward and take aim at the flak ships targeting A-wings. Everyone else hit the invictus.”

With a click she ended the transmission and turned her attention to the officers on her bridge. “Have a recording of those orders going out every two minutes on the minute, switching frequencies till it hits.” Katia hoped that even if it wouldn’t save the Starchild she could buy enough time to get the soldiers off the ship.

At that moment a marine burst open through the main doors to the bridge. “Captain! We’ve had a pilot drop by from the Starchild with some vital information.” He kept a firm salute the entire time he gave out the good news.

“Perfect, send him in.” Katia was relieved to finally make some contact but it was washed away in a second.

“Cant do, Captain. He’s taken off planet bound. Dropped off a holotape, told me Pryce said it was important.”

“Well, what are you waiting for soldier?” Katia leaped out her seat and bound toward the marine. Giving him hardly enough time to take the recording from his pocket before she snatched it out of his hands.

“Someone get this playing ASAP!”

Majesty taking long range torpedo fire and comm jams from Darth Tacitus

2 Lightbringers and 2 Hellfires firing on Eternal Glory
Mothers Majesty using advanced targeting system to fire on Eternal Glory
3 Frigates moving forward and attacking Antone’s Flak ships
Empty carriers moving into defensive position by the Majesty

All ships besides the Majesty are moving a little slower to follow orders as they aren't receiving communications on time and having to resort to catching them on switching local low-band frequencies

Fighter Squadrons : 42

Two squadrons lost to battle (40 remaining)
Currently disengaging and moving to defend Starchild

Pilot arrived from the Starchild and dropped off a recording of Anton’s speech to Pryce.

Ooc: Posting this off my phone. Been super busy but didn’t want to miss out. I’m going to edit this with colour and links to make it more readable. Fleet list on first post will be added as well.
Blueberry flavored Sith
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Entering Kuat [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Land forces[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]NR and allies[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]CIS and allies[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Even as warships began to funnel into orbit of the world, Keva had remained calm. Rather than boredly lounging in her command throne, she had now leaned forward with hands clasped between her legs. She could [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]feel [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]the impending carnage, she could only imagine how many people would die today: thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions? She gave the thought mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And like a droid, cold and calculating, she decided it didn’t matter. It was the demands of progress, a regrettable fact but it meant that with the blood and bolts that would christen this world once again. The Galaxy would go a step closer to eventual prosperity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While the Chiss woman stayed mentally monologuing in silence, her T-series Tactical Droid approached her. The glorified translator and secretary droid carrying a datapad in it’s hands, standing next to the Command Throne and showing the pad with it’s orders to the young and ambitious Major.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Major, High Command has ordered us to land. The battle goes to the ground.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Finally. Things were getting interesting. Nodding her head, Keva rose from the throne with a renewed vigor, throwing out her hand with a shouted command in Cheunh.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Lat ch'an’ciuh to bin'bi, nah tin'bi can to isb!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With that, the “young” Major turned on her heel and began to make her way to the landing decks of the “Ardent Flame”, as she named her not so precious little frigate. Her place would not be commanding this vessel in the void: no, it would be shredded in no time. She would finally fulfill her purpose within the Confederacy, under her command the Droid Army would land on Kuat, and the insolent incompetents of the Republic would see what sin they had truly committed.But this was just a portion of the might the Confederacy could bring to bare, and as she had sat there, watching fleets strong enough to cleanse entire systems of life with ease appear above this lost legend of a rock, something had dawned on her, like any good Chiss:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She wanted more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]On her way, Keva had passed what in essence had become her “gift” from High Command, the mighty and powerful droid [member="UBD-028"], the droid she had discovered in essence had been assigned as a bodyguard unit to reward her for the butchery she had commited against the Jen’ari. She slightly turned her head to the droid as she passed, it was hard to hide just how eager she she was to actually go and fight the enemy: boredom was the worst form of torture.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Kaz! We’re landing.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She stuck to basic, regrettably she had not installed or taught the droid the far more comfortable Cheunh, but in time it would happen. If the droid survived, that is. Though she doubted he would die so easily, the massive thing towered over the relatively unimposing Chiss woman: of course, that meant she had some mobile cover with her at all times if she actually decided she was running through the muck like a regular trooper today.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The landing bay was already bustling with activity, the armor under Keva’s command slowly humming it’s way into the Landing Craft while mighty Droid Walkers thudded their way into the singular craft that was ferrying down the might of the Droid Army. Always a shame just how small the forces under her command were, maybe the blood of progress could become the blood of promotions as well…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With arms crossed over her chest, Keva nodded her head in approval before making her way to join the Droids within the landing craft. Her relatively meager weapons hooked onto her belt and her personal Command AAT ready to be deployed and lead the forces of the CDF down to bring the Republic Interlopers to their knees.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And while the massive durasteel doors closed, she couldn’t help but breath out a small sigh of relief. This was the life. And she wouldn’t have had any other position.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Army Composition:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]112 B-1 Battle Droids, ferried in MTT[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]48 B2 Battle Droids, ferried in 4 HMPs (12 droids per craft)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]14 AATs [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]8 Octuptarra combat tri-droids[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]6 Octuptarra magna tri-droids[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]12 MAFs[/SIZE]

Chekīta Kaie

I'm smiling, this should scare you
Location: Kuat Government Complex
Peps To Stab: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Objective: Luaght, being shot is fun
Equipment: Rendili Battle Master Armor, ARGH, ACS-201, Vibro Knife

Upon leaning around the corner and checking the damage she had not expected one of the remaining Golden Company members to hot potato the explosive device, Chekita diving out from her own cover and away from the blast as it resonated out from behind her position. Unfortunately she was not left unscathed, the blast sending splintering metal all around, and though her armor was top quality some of the shrapnel managed to weave it's way into the armor gaps, sending needle like pain through her limbs.

It was a good thing she had taken those bacta shots but a few minutes ago, but even still her body did not respond well, proper medical assistance would be needed after such a bout, for both sides, if anyone remained alive. Staggering up straight the Mando's gaze fell upon the Golden Company merc, the expression behind her helmet hardening, "you are quite the persistent fighter, I kind of like that"! as she yelled out to the other fighter her knife being drawn from it's sheath, Chekita more then eager to end the fight her way and get this place locked down, but no fight came.

Before either party was able to react in time a defending explosion ripped through the building, once again herself been thrown to the floor, dust covering her vision as a massive shock wave ripped along the buildings length. Silence soon following....

Slowly consciousness came back, ears ringing uncontrollably sight slowly coming back but in a haze, rubble seeming to be covering her body, a decent sized slab pinning her left arm to the ground. At lest the building wasn;t coming down, but for now she was stuck, "well, kark".
Location: Kuat Orbit
Enemies: [member="Anton Delane"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Fiolette Raaf"]
Allies: [member="Freza Mercur"] [member="Katia Voltaire"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Solan Charr"]

[*]NRV Great Wind
[*]Lightbringer-class Star Defender [5]
  • NRV Arkanian Whisper
  • NRV Starchaser
  • LB-Reinforce 1-3

[*]Bothan Assault Cruiser [8]
  • Escort 1-6
  • Reinforce 1-2

[*]Ire-Class Patrol Corvette [6]
[*]Billite-Class Cruiser [3]

"Sir, massive fleet exiting hyperspace. More Republic ships!" He was relieved sure, because he wasn't going to be able to fight off this system-spanning armada on his own, but he would have tried to enter the system's edge or another one of the Kuat system's worlds. Either way, it was good news. The command terminal he'd been watching from the start of the battle made a strange blip...for the second time. His finger pressed against the screen as the signal began to fade and he swiped up to view the signal as a holgram. He raised his hand to his upper lip in thought.

Pryce called over his shoulder to a Mon Cal com officer, "Gamdaa, take note of this signal...It keeps blinking in and out...I think these are the signatures of the stealth ships. I can't be sure with all this interference but keep an eye on it." Pryce crossed his arms and walked around the command console, watching the fleet movements and taking note of several warnings and calls from the bridge crew.

"A weapon is charging from the CIS battlegroup's flagship!"

"Sir, downed fighters are attempting to ram our cruisers!"

"Eternal Glor shields down to 75%!"

These CIS fighters...were they suicidal?

"Sir, we've broken through the jamming!" a com officer said excitedly, "At least We've gotten a message from the Skyfall! He wants us to retreat" Retreat?! This was a full on invasion of Kuat...And he wanted to retreat? His bridge crew looked to him now, silent save for the muffled explosions and turbolaser blasts from the battle in the void.

His hands tightened into fists. He would regret this decision, but they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. Interdictors were cutting off most of the known hyperspace routes and their vessels were blocking off the other egress points. The only way out...was through.

"Too many have died for us to turn around and be blown to bits now," the ship rocked slightly as it took a blow from the Sith Super Star Destroyer.

"Starboard shields down to 45%!" He cursed under his breath. The back up shields would kick in soon, but they weren't nearly as powerful as their main shields...How much longer could they really hold under this much focus fire, even if they did turn tail? And with that proton beam cannon on the Eternal Glory...they would just be asking for destruction.
"This Corellian doesn't know how to pull out," he said loudly, "Do we still have coms?"

"No, but it looks like tight-beam will work."

"Get me a Bothan Heavy Cruiser....I have an idea."

  • Receives Orders to Retreat
  • Doesn't Retreat
  • Takes Hit from TSE SSD
  • Makes note of stealth ship hyperpsace signature


Location: Entering Kuat
NR and allies
Allies: CIS and allies

The ride was of course no different then any other ride to the droid. Having been implemented with many battle protocols he knew what was going to happen, or so he thought, running the plan over in his head as he sat inactive against the wall, of course he was suppose to be with Keva at all times he needed to make sure diagnostics were doing fine and his weapons. His factory painting held a dark green hue, he held it for a rather long time the paint had started to chip very lightly at the sides of his chassis. It's wide spray plasma cannons sat dormant at his side. Some dust had collected in the inner barrels, it was true the droid hadn't been in full combat situations as of yet, but this would prove his chance he could fight-..or rather guard someone. Kaz had never failed a task before, and he was wishing this wasn't the start, if that was the tale then he'd be saying sorry when he was being deactivated. His photoceptor lens was dimmed, the red almost being black, the diagnostics were going rather fine, even the density projector had been doing fine throughout all its test, which-..was weird nonetheless. He hope these diagnostics held up in a real situation. Being jolted from the wall a bit as the ship experienced some turbulence. The droid leaned forward using the momentum to simply disengaged from the docking station.

Sure the droid was a killing machine but in this matter he had been assigned to guard her, not to be a frontline unit. As Keva passed his torso angled downwards to watch her pass, taking in her stature, he was almost-..reading her, the droid was exceptionally talented at observing, almost better then his own Jedi killing. Watching her he tilted his head (torso???) at her as she walked off, his secure weight holding him down to the ship floor as it jutted around. Moving forward to go to the deck he was called out by Keva, "Kaz! We're landing!" Called his current master, lumbering over to where she last was, as the ship landed and the durasteel ship ramp slid out to the landing bay. The droid walked down the ramp with the Chiss the ramp threatening to crumple in on itself due to the sheer weight of the droid, though its relative weight was nigh of a tanks, he still maintained a speed high enough to keep up with most attack that the Jedi supplied him with, afterall the UBD units were able to make quick work of Jedi, though that was back in the clone wars, was it really that easy now. Letting out a mechanical huff, Kaz looked around to spot his droid brethren getting ready to be slaughtered, he knew the outcomes they'd meet, it was such a shame how uselessly these droids were being used, though he wasn't in charge, he couldn't do much about it.

The large towering droid simply looked around the hanger, practically staying glued to her, his overload attachment that was inherited from his former chassis, was meant to shoot a plethora of bolts rather then singular at a time, though in the droids mean time he had learned how to practically make his bolts automatic rather then relying on his plasma cannons for support, he had timed each few seconds between bolts and made sure to abuse the time inbetween, though with this he could just let loose. The droid broke out of its trance his mechanical joints sat at his side dormant as he looked down at Marshal Keva, sure he didn't like her that much but afterall she was his job, and he had to protect her, if he had let that slip he'd become someones new blaster. Shaking that thought off he decided to start conversation. "Marshal-..Keva..what are your-..predictions on this battle?" The droid asked, his unnerving and deep voice rattling deep within his chassis.


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