Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Corrupted | CIS Invasion of NR-Held Kuat

Location: Exterior, Medical Facility - Kuat
Objective: Come Get Cha Girl!
Allies: [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Xobos Yakieer"] | Confederacy of Independant Systems
Enemies: New Republic

There were several long moments of silence as Shakti waited for her Master to respond to the video she was sending. The Magnaguard stood as a silent sentinel at her bank as the mute considered her options. There was obviously something strange happening inside of the medical facility if they were ushering New Republic members into the back of a security detail vehicle... Perhaps there had been some Confederacy members taken to the facility and the NR got out of hand? Though who would have ordered them taken into custody? She had a good number of questions, and standing on the street wasn't going to get her any answers. It was unlikely that Darth Malphas would want her to waste her time out here - she would enter and get him the answers he'd demanded earlier.

The redhead took several quick steps towards the vehicle that the NR troops were being loaded into when she felt it; that smooth flow of energy that she could so often feel around her, that warm rush that she knew now was the Force, was quivering. It felt strange... Alien almost. Her eyes were dragged away from the quietly complaining pair of men being muscled into the back of the vehicle and were pulled to a form that she recognized. Xobos knelt, leaning heavily against the spear that Shakti recognized from earlier - the one the girl had manifested from nothing. The Firrerreo quirked a brow curiously as she stopped and turned, able to sense the disturbance like a writhing force in the current that flowed around them.

Immediately she knew that there was something wrong. She could feel it along her skin like small ripples of electricity that were pouring from the girl, and she could easily see the heaving of the Miralukan's chest. She glanced once over her shoulder to signal the droids to follow and loped across the distance to the collapsed apprentice, dipping down onto one knee and glancing at the helmet that obscured the blind child's face. Her own eyes were narrowed a touch, searching as she attempted to sense what it was that had happened. In truth, the cause was of little matter however, as she heard more than felt an explosion in the distance.

Shakti's eyes darted back towards the capital building, her eyes scanning the horizon as billowing black smoke began to rise from the building... The Exarch.

Almost immediately she stood once more, using her hands to signal to the two Magnaguard to pick up the Miralukan. There was no more time to wonder about what was inside of this building or what had happened to put the girl into this state. They needed to get back to Exarch Malvern immediately, and she wasn't going to allow it to be a discussion. Once the child was tucked into the arms of the massive droid, the mute turned on her heels and sprinted back towards the ship they had been transported on, using the small haptic unit on her wrist to convey that fact to their Master.
S u p e r i o r
E s c a n o r _ R a g n o s

Objective | Evac Critically Wounded, Support Friendly Forces - Purge Hostiles
Location | Capital Building

Escanor's transports would circle the capital building as smoke billowed from it. The explosion wasn't large enough to destroy the building, but its structural integrity was definitely a point of concern and depending on the severity of the damage done, it was still possible for it to collapse. Escanor and his troops would need to work quickly and carefully if they were to evac wounded and not corpses. Escanor would have the transports get as close to the building as would be allowed as he began to bark orders over comms to his men while they disembarked from their transports. " Unit One, lock down the perimeter and deal with any hostile forces you encounter as you see fit. You're running security while Unit Two locates and evacs the critically wounded. If they can stand on two feet and fight, leave them be, our concern as of right now are the critically wounded of the CIS. We will deal with the New Republic how we deal with anyone else not on our contract; with lethal force. Now get moving! " Escanor's men would acknowledge as they began to move with purpose.

The first unit would begin by securing the area, clearing it of any civilians and setting up a defensive perimeter to prevent any further New Republic forces from entering. Since combat had already begun prior to their arrival, anyone armed was now considered an enemy combatant and thus free game. They would have to approach at their own risk and peril with the Sun Guard around. Escanor would accompany the second unit as his ability to heal would be more useful in this moment than anything else. From the comm chatter he was hearing over secure channels, things were not looking too good in the capital building. If there were still functional enemy combatants around, he would deal with them, but for now his priority was getting to the wounded. It would not look well on the Golden Company's reputation for them to have high-value allies dead on their watch. An announcement was made over secure CIS channels that the Golden Company was on site and attempting evac operations. If they were to be evacuated they would need to make their position known to them.

The golden armor that Escanor wore would shimmer as flames danced around him, making his way carefully through the dust and rubble as he switched to the second unit's channel, " Spread out and scour the wreckage; if you come into contact with hostiles, call for backup or deal with them. " Escanor would step over some rubble as he checked his scanner for friendly signals. He would see one show up as he made his way over to find an unconscious Priesse on the ground, kneeling next to her as he checked the unconscious woman's pulse. It was weak, but there, and she was knocked out cold and trapped underneath a pillar. Escanor would take a step back as he took his spear, the tip of it shifting as it turned into a two-pronged weapon that began to glow and pointed it a safe distance to the side of the pillar. A bright beam of light would shoot out as he began to cut his way through the pillar, repeating the action to the opposite end, cutting a section of the pillar off that could be removed. While he was physically strong the block was going to be difficult to remove even after being separated from a majority of the pillar. He would hold out his hand as he focused himself, reaching out with the Force as he strained slightly to lift the duracrete block before pushing it away far enough where Priesse's legs would be freed. He'd grunt as he let go, letting the heavy object drop with a thud before kneeling down to scoop the unconscious Auxilia off the ground, starting to carry her back to the transport.


[member="Priesse Brinari"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Sankt Yora"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Chekīta Awaud"]

Location: Kuat City - Kuat
Objective: Fight the darkness
Tags: [member="Alden Akaran"], [member="Shakti Sweet"], [member="Adron Malvern"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Allies: Master Adron and (Competition) other apprentice Shakti
Mental state: Taking over..


Xobos was losing.

She was losing the darkness. More and more she could feel the darkness creeping in on her mind. It was slowly drowning her, so much so that her vision was becoming more and more blurry. She could feel herself leaning against the spear as the darkness, which somehow felt alive, began to take control.

Vaguely, she could feel someone looking at her, then picking her up and begin jogging toward what she thought to be an explosion in the distance. As the group got farther and farther from the light presence, the darkness began to recede. Somewhere, deep in her mind, she could hear the voices say something that she couldn’t make it out.

As they got closer the capital building, xobos came to realize she was being carried by one of the magnaguards. At this point, she practically felt like nothing had ever happened, left only with the hazy memories of the minutes before. The Miraluka tapped the droid on the shoulder, indicating to let her down, before quickly falling in step with the other apprentice. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Xobos didn’t know what would have happened at the medical center if Shakti hadn’t gotten her out of there. “Thank you. I appreciate the help. I do.” She said, quietly, while nodding in her general direction. They weren’t partners yet, and Xobos surely didn’t know if she could trust her yet, but perhaps Shakti wasn’t as bad as she had seemed.

The retreat had been called, but the ships under his command surged forward. Eternal Empire ships collided with his own, their overlapping shields warpping and colliding with one another. It was pure chaos. Whatever plan Pryce had come up with, it didn't matter. The Eternal Glory's weapon charged, much quicker than the last time, and discharged into the Starchild's forward shields. Or what was left of them. The prow of the Starchild took the brunt of the attack, but as the large vessel clumsily attempted to shift out of the beam's way, the energy snaked along its belly and finally to its engines. A rumble shook the entire ship as the drive core began to spin out of control and shook Pryce to the ground.

"Status report!!" They didn't even have time to recover from the blast. Evasive maneuvers and the drive core explosion had shifted the Starchild perpendicular to the Eternal Glory. The outlook was grim.

The sound of metal on metal shrieked through the air as the Eternal Glory plowed into the Starchild's starboard hull. The two ships T-boned, throwing everyone around despite the inertial dampners working in overtime. The hyperdrive was dead, the engines were dead, and thousands upon thousands of crew were dead.

Pryce blacked out.
[member="Anton Delane"]
Objective: Perform one last act of defiance
Tags: [member="Dracken Pryce"]
Ships: Eternal Glory - Destroyed - Other ships now under control of [member="Darth Tacitus"]​

The eternal glory shook with each shot, fires began to rage across many decks as the shields buckled under the constant fire power of the enemy ships. His hand hovered over the evacuation button. As the war waged on around him, as his end loomed in sight, a final conclusion to this entire chapter, his mind drifted far away. For a brief moment, he relieved the past, and thought on what led him here.

They had fought for days. Once childhood friends, now bitter enemies. Once upon a time, he had sacrificed everything to protect her, but the torture broke him. And as they fought the two masters relearned everything about the other. At the end, exhausted, she collapsed to her knees. His saber was held to her throat, victory. However, it turned off, and dropped to the floor. Next to her, he slid to his knees and begged her to put him out of his misery. To stop him from taking another life. It had broken him so much, but he couldn't do it anymore, but he couldn't stop himself either.

Instead, she wrapped her arms around him, and dragged him out of there. They disappeared. That day Jedi and Sith vanished, and it didn't matter. She knew every evil thing he had done, and wiped away every tear. And he in turn held her, and made her feel safe. In time, rekindled friendship and comradere turned to love. And love created a miracle. When he had first held his daughter in his arms, he understood love, and everything good and right in the galaxy. He grasped why they needed to protect life, he truly understood it. She was everything. Together, they built a future on many planets, pushed back evil, and the family began to absolve him of his sins. He washed away the blood, and replaced it with mercy.

The joy, was so overwhelming. “DADDY! WATCH ME DADDY!” The beautiful little Sephi girl cried out, as she learned to lift things through the force. “I love you daddy so much! You are so strong!” They were everything to him. Amali and Elia, his wife and his child, they gave him so much purpose, so much hope for the future. All that darkness was pushed back and away. The Sith was dead, and replaced with the father, the husband, the protector. Their touch, their voices, their love, it sustained him in a way nothing else ever could. Power? Who needed it! Power was used to protect them, to build a future they could all be proud of! And they did. World after world joined the Union.

Then Roche came, a chance to stop a war.

“Go get them dear, we can do this. If you work hard, we can save so many lives.”

“You're so cool daddy! I'm so proud of you. Oh! I found this cool holovid daddy! When you get back let's watch it!”

He took a shuttle away from the asteroid they had stayed in, and moved towards a meeting hall. It's when the Republic and Sith went to war. He flew the shuttle with panic, towards his family. He dodged massive fire, and made his way to the asteroid. “Honey, get to the hanger. I'll be there in a moment! I have to get you both out of here, there is no more we can do here!”

“We will be there, love, be fast! I have a bad feeling.”

“It will be okay, Amali, I'm almost there! Just go!”

“I love you, I got Elia, just be safe Anton!”

As he approached the asteroid, a Sith frigate began to falter. It moved closer to the asteroids, trying to get away but even as it approached a residential area, the Republic fire did not die off. One of it's side engines was hit, and it went out of control. It nose dived through several asteroids. One would think the republic would cease fire, they were the protectors of the galaxy. They didn't. Instead, they finished it. The following explosion and the fire that tore through the ship slammed into the asteroid that held his family. Through the force he felt his daughter scream in pain and fear for him to save her.“DADDY! IT HURTS HELP ME! I'M SCARED.”

A brief touch of his wife's mind to his, an apology as they faded from existence. Their bodies blown into nothing shortly after as the frigates reactor went critical. That feeling, of having his world torn from him. So close and so helpless, unable to save the only things that mattered to him. Why had he even been there, trying to stop this battle? They should have been far away. They never should have went there. He screamed, and screamed, tears streaming down his face, as he was unable to grasp reality. He tried to find them, to at least recover their bodies, but there was nothing to be found.

His heart broke into a million pieces that day, and he could no longer control himself.

What was the purpose of life with them gone? Why couldn't he just end his life? Old commands put into his brain by his former master however kept him from being able to do so. Unable to live, unable to die and join his family in the force. Over the years, the loneliness was devastating, and the guilt overwhelmed him. The Republic, the damned Republic. They pretended to protect people. But in reality, they sacrificed civilians to get their goals. They hid their forces among civilians so they would be targeted. They never placed the lives of their citizens first. Even here, they had a chance. They could have handled it diplomatically, they could have pulled back, and tried to wait for cooler heads to prevail. But they couldn't. They took his family from him. They had to pay.

He struck at the Republic and every form it took, including the Galactic Alliance and the New Republic. However, it was when his trembling eyes first took in Darth Tacitus, a man who gave focus to the pain, who shared the same loss to the Republic, and to the rageful members of the Eternal Empire who felt identical to him, that he felt a small amount of peace. Together, they would bring this New Republic to it's knees. His crew members, each were someone who the Republic had torn their families from them as well. Each wished to die. Each wished for the embrace of their beloved, and couldn't ever have it.

There would be no rest for them, no peace, until they finally got to rest in eternal sleep.

Back in reality, many hands touched his back, and his second in command put his hand atop of Anton's and pushed down. Tears slid down Anton's face, as his heart broke once more. “Amali, Elia, I'm coming to join you soon. I'm sorry it's taken so long. Forgive me, please. For everything.” The man's voice cracked, as the evacuation klaxons went off. Escape pods launched from the ship to give as many a chance at survival as they could. However, to the man, everyone who was involved in this plot, the ones who had helped crew the fake republic patrol ships, the ones who had plotted out the routes of the ship they destroyed. They were here. Everyone faced their fate together. They would do their best to strike one more blow to the Republic – And finally end their own suffering.

“FOR THE EMPEROR!” The ship continued to lurch forward it's nose at the Battlecruiser, Starchild.


Anton fought his own mental conditioning, that told him to escape. His second placed a hand on his shoulder, and pinned him there, and the Sith relaxed in the command chair. “Thank you. I needed that.”

Regardless of it the battlecruiser managed to fully slam into the Starchild or if it was a glancing blow, the power generator went critical and sent out a massive wave of power, as it slammed into the ship and the front crumpled into the metal of the other ship. The wave blew the ship apart from inside out. The massive shockwave would slam into every ship nearby, and detonate several escape pods that had escaped to late. As his body was ripped into atomic particles, Anton's last conscious moment was one of relief, and shock, as he felt warm, at peace. He heard the laughter of his little one, and the took in the scent of his wife. As he faded into the force, he swore he could hear Elia say “This way daddy!”

I'm home....

Everything faded to nothing.

Invictus Plot: FIN
Listen to Unforgotten (Halo 2 Original Soundtrack Volume 2) Composed by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori by TopDollarPR #np on #SoundCloud

The two ships collided, the Eternal Glory's reactor explosion causing chain a reaction blowing apart most of the Starchild. Flame filled the halls turning them into pillars of heat and flame. Jerry-rigged, but effective, the compartmentalization of the ship began to run its course. Heavy duty blast doors shut one after another trying to keep the ship from venting all of it's atmosphere and trying to keep the damage of the explosion in check. The vessel cracked nearly down the middle, spilling unlaunched ships into space along with supplies, vehicles, and people into the cold blackness of space. The bridge pod sealed itself off, but all artificial gravity was shut off sending what remained of the living crew tumbling and floating around the circular bridge.

Pryce was still unconscious, and bleeding from a piece of shrapnel lodged in his back.

The Starchild had been sunk, and most of it's crew along with it.

Pryce - New Republic - Fin
Objective: On my way to da knife fite!​
Location: Capital Building​
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Ephraim"] + CIS
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Gregor Yoor"]
Post: Seven

OOC Note: This is Scherezade, but she appears as Madalena Antares anywhere data-relevant (Pathfinder Madalena Antares).

The blaster shots sent by [member="Abigail Meredydd"] did indeed not hit the blade that was piercing through the air in the attempt to knock her backwards, it was the rubble that did it. While under normal circumstances a stone tossed at such a magnificent blade would do little more than potentially scratch it, it as the combination of getting that exact perfect small spot and Scherzade's broken focus because of the bomb going off that did it, and Copero's Wail dropped to the ground, rendered at least temporarily to being just that – a blade.

She wanted to respond to the little Republican, to tell her that her eyes were open and that all she saw was a corrupt government who was not above killing civilians for political gain despite claiming otherwise. She wanted to tell her that there was virtually no difference between the New Repblic and the Mandalorian Empire, but she could not – for despite the shaking of the building, the very short pause in the fight, [member="Gregor Yoor"] was still on her, and not getting killed because she was making the snarkiest comments was not a good priority to have.

Oh, he was fast.

Scherezade laughed, wishing they could have met under better circumstances so that they could have a little race, see who could complete ten miles first. As it so happened though, his ability now to match her own speed, something she often prided herself on, put her in direct danger from his blades.

As he came to hit her in the chest, Scherezade moved her blades away, allowing him to do so. The scream that came of her throat was strong and loud, but her armor held; she feel the bruises beginning to form, but there was no pain of ribs breaking, so she supposed she was fine in that regard, at least for now.

But that fine would not hold for long; while her armor was resistant, it was not immune, and she knew that if she let him have enough hits on it, the armor would eventually come apart.

However, they were not so close up to each other. Scherezade's left hand twirled, the blade now pointing away from the Jedi man, and two of her fingers came up. Smiling, the Force Spark that shot out of them aimed directly towards his helmet, but in the microsecond that they left her fingers she turned around, moving away towards the shadows.

Shadows were always a Sith's friend.

As she moved, her blades regained their position in the air, half of them moving towards the Jedi's back while the other half aimed themselves at turning [member="Abigail Meredydd"] into a blood fountain.
Objective: Defeat the CIS lady, and don't get stabbed to death by a variety of knives
Allies: [member="Gregor Yoor"] , NR
Enemies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , CIS

Abigail's eyes momentarily looked at the knife that had fallen out of the air after she'd hit it with the rubble.

"Good. Now stay down", she said before instantly realising how stupid it was to say that to a blade.

As she turned towards their opponent, she noticed a lot more blades starting to take positions in the air, both aimed towards her and her friend. "Oh no, we're not doing this again", she mumbled as she tried to get a lock on the girl. Unfortunately, it was starting to look like the annoyingly slow system wouldn't be able to lock on to the girl. At least not before the knives would undoubtedly attack her.
"Screw it", she said as she disabled the locking mechanism, straightened her arm and took a deep breath. She'd been firing weapons all her life, so she should be able to hit the woman. Her top seemed to be too well armoured, but her legs looked less well protected.

Hoping to get a few good hits, she unleased a volley of blaster bolts towards her opponent. Not a second after she was finished the blades that had been directing themselves towards her came to life, dashing through the air at a dangerous speed. Abigail called out to the Force to attempt to keep the blades at bay, but there were too many to realistically keep them away. The first knife hit her armour at a relatively slow speed, although it still made a dent. Then the next came, and the next, each chipping away at her armour. The fourth knife hit a weak spot, causing a small disruption in her armour which made Abigail lose focus for a split second. Immediately blade after blade regained speed and tore into her armour, taking bits clean off.

After the small shock, Abigail regained her strength and was able to keep the remaining blades at bay, pushing them away. Her eyes hastily scanned the sky for more incoming attacks, but she couldn't find any. Her armour had taken most of the hits, although pieces of it had come off. A part of her helmet lied on the floor, which caused one of her brown eyes to be exposed for the world to see.

She hoped her friend had managed to deal with the knives a bit better.

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