Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cosmos: Is Star Wars Chaos Racist?!

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Why do I only write straight white males(unless they are alien)? Quite simply, I am one and I only write characters I relate to. Can I relate to a black guy? Of course. Can I relate to a woman? Pretty sure... kinda. So why don't I write them if I can relate to them. Because I relate to my characters in a way as I want to be them. I want to see myself doing what they are doing. I see this as an escape from real life. Its easier for me to visualize a white male because I am one.

Vulps is who I am. He is the epitome of who I want to be so his physical appearance in most any form looks fairly like myself. A brown haired white male who is not beefy or fat. (I've no body weight but of course I don want my character to be a twig because... well, I want to be better and more in shape than I am.

Zarro is who i want to be in terms of business and money, but other than that, he's hopefully me when I get to be old (older than him as hes only in his 50's, I just love his old man act). his fur is grey because my hair will likely be grey(hope I still have it.) He's also an amaran, so no race there unless you want to say grey.

Darius my unused sith... may or may not be an incredibly tanned white male. In any case, he is me on my worst days, wen i feel really dark. Calculating, ruthless, and evil. I've low muse for him because I can barely relate to him.

William Seraven... He's kinda like me right now, especially around my friends. Impish, hates work, and loves to get a bit active and to escape trouble.

Why would I write a black character or a woman? I'm neither and thus that's just a bit more effort to relate to them. Can I? Yes... just too lazy and I'm used to writing only Vulps, so my characters all resemble him in most ways.

Note, my ability to relate to a black, or asian, (I'm half mexican so that one don't really count) doesnt come from my mind as I know we've the same one. Its just a visual thing. I'm not any other race so I view myself as this one, and that reflects in my characters who are extensions of myself.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Dredge said:
it's certainly making Ashin look like our Obama.



Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Happy New Years! 2015!!!
I'm riding high on life right. Wide awake and wired chillin
the cosmos is star wars chaos racist?
Well I don't know what you all are but I'm pretty sure I'm just a human
To prove that I'm not an alien here is a random photo of me sober! SOBRIETY!

I'll start chucking force pillows at any one if ya can debunk that!
I'm roleplaying an Imperial faction which a character struggling to reconcile his past high human culture centrist view!
So I'm gonna be writing some like speciest stuff
Ethnic group?
I'm a Mutt, i'm like the genetic melting pot of SO MANY DIFFERENT CULTURES AND STUFF IT IS AWESOME!!!
Although just for fun I'm from this point on going to make this a statistic for some bureaucrat some where in the world to see one day
UNIVERSAL BROWN PERSON! = I'm writing that on every form from this point on in the alloted other category
Along with
Religion? = Nuh Uh you are a religion!
I'm a US Navy Reservist (totes have a beard in between my weekend warrior life style)
I also work my local county government
I love humanity
Talking about life is awesome, experiencing it together is great!!
I love all you guys and the musing we are forging!
Aaaand no one remembers the actor that played Vader, they just remember Jones' voice. Plus, with the new movie teaser, not much one can argue for racism or stereotypes, honestly.

Also... Why is this even an issue? o_O
I like all your points, super valid. You can tell by all the people taking it so very personally.

I stopped playing the one white character I have. which, makes sense, I'm not white, though I was raised by my mother's side(exclusively white) married and made a child(Not in that order) with a white woman. never met the black half of my genes, never wanted to but I still strongly identify with the fact I'm not white. not to analyze my own psychosis or anything, but I look for strong black role models or in this case try and create them and that is probably my way of looking for the father I claim to never want or need.

you can't fault people for playing what they see in the mirror and clearly that isn't what @[member="Dredge"] is doing. he is just saying, mix it up. or don't. but don't take an opinion personally.

Black Power​
I completely and totally do not resent the implication that I am taking anything personally. Fact is a didn't read 99% of the posts in the thread as I completely and totally do not care. I play the species that I do because they are the most flexible ones in terms of applying concepts to.

What I take personally is that people are publicly and purposely taking away from RP opportunities to propagating pointless OOC crap for kicks while threads are left without posts for days. I would much rather we all use the energy and effort for excellent RP.

/me chucks soapbox out window and goes back to being invisible.
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