Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Council of First Knowledge

Maybe add one more position and responsibility to your Circle? How about since you will also be taking care of artifacts, you set up a museum to house them and therefore a curator will be required. Another position to offer too ..
Aaaaalright. Here is my one question. If we already have a Jedi Council why would the council of first knowledge have its hands in so many pots. Why would it have members from the Exploration Corps and whatnot? (do not read this as me not liking it, this is purely looking to figure out the reasoning)

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
I guess it could be a way to avoid having to run to the council for everything. By having reps from the other corps CoFK wouldn't need to beg for permission to do something in those areas.

Just my take on things.
Well, I'm not against that really, I just question the real need for it. It kind of supplants the importance of the Jedi Council I think. And while I love the idea of having a circle of Jedi who are focused on teaching and healing and whatnot, what I do not want to see is Jedi Council light for those who aren't in the Jedi Council know what I'm saying?
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Think of it as delegation. The Council of First Knowledge takes the decisions and rulings of the Jedi Council for this sphere and puts them into effect. As Phylis is on the Council she reports what has happened with this area. Any decisions the Jedi Council makes is then delegated for her to put into effect.
Your basic management structure I guess. Phylis is the VP of First Knowledge I suppose.

Thank you to everyone who's worked on getting this going. :)
@[member="Karen Roberts"] @[member="Selena Halcyon"] @[member="Rasu Gan"]

Cannon suggests that the First Council reports to the Jedi Council. The first circle seems to be the one all the circles report to and they have a connection with the all. However, we don't have to do this, we can have the circles, with their leaders and the circles report to the Jedi Council only. We don't have to follow it to the letter.

It makes sense that the Seers will be connected to the first circle cause they both acquire knowledge, but I think only that they connect ... but each circle report to the High council.

That make sense?
I agree with Iella and Aika, the CoFK answers to the High Council however separate groups just use it to skip a lot of the more time consuming, tedious debates. We're like the back up crew of the High Council.
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Sorry I understand where you're coming from. Our reach isn't as far as the High Councils and if it seems that members of the Council are pushing the boundaries then I will see to it that they are kicked off the Council.
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
@[member="Iella E`ron"]
Here's an idea, share the wealth (the men). Just saying.

@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
I don't see us playing out every single report to the council, nor is it gonna become like some radical sleeper cell trying to debunk the High Council, like Rasu said. Though that would be a cool thing to see...
Anyway! it's like you said. Another way to encourage more activity.

@[member="Karen Roberts"]
About getting assigned to it.. I'd think one of three ways.
A) Assigned to it by the High Council
2(Because C with a parenthesis becomes a smiley) Personally assigned to it by the VP of Operations (aka Phylis)
C) Recommendation by Director of Operations (aka Rasu), with approval by High Council

At least, that's my take on things.

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