Never Say No to Bacta.


Location: V’shar, Planet’s Capital City, V’shar Planetary Defense Force Headquarters, Briefing Room
Local Time: 20:37
Primary Objective: Secure Precious Cargo
Secondary Objective: Eliminate Terrorist Group’s Leader (Optional)
Equipment: Loadout 1 (Minus the ECM 598 Backpack) + The Goran’s Stand (Greatsword’s Sheath lies over his left pistol holster on his Kama)


The base was busy like a beehive at the time. The guard posts were manned, with sentries on guard duty, watching their assigned sectors in vigilance. Several night patrols were dispatched to keep the perimeter secure. Platoons upon platoons of troopers were gathered around the assembly area, preparing to move out. Trucks of various sizes were ferrying the wounded to the base and loading up fresh squads, ammunition and other necessary supplies to the frontlines.
Walking past the troopers on guard duty at the entrance of the Headquarters, Kranak moved towards the base entrance at a brisk pace; his long black Kama fluttered softly as he walked, in harmony with the Supercommando’s motion. Distant explosions flashed before the giant’s visor, with colorful blaster tracer fire lighting up the night sky. Violent clashes were ongoing between government forces and the insurgents on multiple fronts. The government was attempting to retake several parts of the capital city to first keep what little foothold they had remaining on the city before eventually pushing deeper into insurgent territory.
The insurgents on the other hand, were doing their best to retain the momentum of their unexpected offensive that had sparked up a week ago, pushing out the government troops out of the capital completely, all the while strengthening the defense of the territory they gained.
Somewhat zoned out as he walked but still very much aware and vigilant of his surroundings, the Vizsla was running the mission scenario in his mind for probably the fortieth time as he made his way to the base’s entrance. He hated leaving anything to chance. As much as he planned, though, he would have to account for a bunch of unexpected, unforeseeable scenarios when he and his team were out in the thick of it. There were just way too many parameters to truly account for everything, especially in an urban setting such as this. You couldn’t plan for everything.
But he still felt ready for the task ahead. He had his vode he could always trust. The Kandosii would get the job done, no matter what they would encounter.
The giant crossed his arms as he leaned his back against a large durasteel barricade while he waited for his squad to run through their last minute equipment checks. They would exit the Headquarters any minute now. He wouldn’t be waiting without some company, though. Save for the troopers on their guard posts by the base entrance, there was another person in close proximity to him. That much was obvious, he had spotted the hulking silhouette before he made it to the gate entrance, but had dismissed the silhouette unintentionally as his thoughts were focused on the mission scenario. The giant turned his glimmering white visor at the tall silhouette to his right.
He would lay eyes on a hulking being, taller than the giant himself; He was as tall as a wookie, and equally as strong. The silhouette belonged to a Yuzzem. The Ori’ramikad wasn’t used to feeling short among other beings. He usually towered well over most beings. As he looked up at the giant of a Yuzzem, Kranak would take a few seconds to scan him from head to toe. It didn’t take long to spot the warbelt the Yuzzem wore. It had the insignia of the Galactic Alliance Defence Force. The Jetiise that would be accompanying them on this mission were also from the Galactic Alliance. The Yuzzem was also armed with a two handed great axe and an IB series blaster, holstered at his hip.
But what was the Yuzzem here for? He wasn’t made aware that more Galactic Alliance personnel would join them for this mission. There was only one way to find out why he was here. <”What is your assignment?”> The Mandalorian Ori’ramikad curiously inquired as he stood up and turned towards the massive Yuzzem; his hands were on his hips as he looked up at the massive Yuzzem as Kranak inquired.
Upon hearing the Yuzzem was also assigned to their mission, the giant would speak again after listening to the massive warrior’s answer. <”You’re late for the briefing, but you came just in time. We’re leaving in,”> the giant paused for a brief moment as he checked the local time in his heads-up display before continuing. <”Three minutes.”> The giant would then give the Yuzzem Pathfinder a quick summary of their objectives, but he would leave the details for his second, to Shai, once they were beyond the wire.
<<Strike Team, Priest to Strike Team. Functions check. Come again. Functions chek.>>
It was then he heard an unfamiliar voice over the commlink in the squad net. He knew the distinct tones and pitches of his fellow squadmates by heart. The masculine voice didn’t belong to any of them, as well as the Jetiise that would be coming along with them into this mission. Turning away from Gorth’alon for a moment, the giant spoke into his commlink, responding to the functions check over the commlink.
<”Go for Kandosii Actual. I read you loud and clear, Priest. Over”>
<Priest..> The Supercommando repeated the callsign in his mind as he tried to accurately recall the list of assets and units dispatched to for the Operation Lightbringer. <Ah, I see.> The giant thought to himself as he swiftly remembered the callsigns of the units dispatched for the mission. Priest was one of the few reconnaissance operatives that were dispatched into enemy territory in the planet’s capital, risking life and limb to acquire accurate intel for the mission planning. Their line of work was just as dangerous as that of the Si’kahya’s, perhaps even more so.
Operatives such as Priest were what made smooth missions possible, though. Acquiring accurate reconnaissance data was no easy task. The Supercommando was grateful for vode like him. He wasn't made aware of these operatives still operating in the area though, but he welcomed it. If chit hits the fan, another fellow vod with a rifle joining them would never hurt.

The giant would give the team a curt nod of the head once they regrouped with him at the gate as he held his blaster rifle in his hand, on a high carry position; The blaster rifle’s barrel was kept perfectly at a ninety degrees angle upwards. The blaster rifle’s stock was locked between Kranak’s elbow and his core, reducing unnecessary muscle fatigue and strain on his skeletal system.
The giant Ori’ramikad would quickly introduce their newest addition to the team -- Gorth’alon -- for the mission before they left the base through the main entrance. <”Alright, let’s get this over with, people. We’re moving out! Single column on me, three meters spacing.”> Kranak said enthusiastically as he shifted his blaster rifle to a low ready stance; The muzzle pointed at about thirty degrees downward angle, oriented toward his sector of observation -- to the front of the formation -- with the heel of the stock in the pocket of his right shoulder. His trigger finger was placed fairly high on the frame, above the hair trigger. <”Watch your sectors. Keep your heads on a swivel.”> He didn't need to say anything else. His vode knew what they were doing.
<”Shai, would you mind bringing Gorth’alon up to speed?”> Kranak said as he gave a glance over his left shoulder pauldron at the Shistavanen as he walked at a brisk pace towards the sewage maintenance access system, three blocks down to their east, about three hundred meters away. The giant highlighted the location of the sewage access to his fellow squadmate’s HUD’s as he walked. They would reach the insertion point into the sewers in the next five minutes or so, with a good pace.

Local Time: 20:49
<”Here we are.”>
The street their designated access to the sewers were located at was relatively empty. The stores and buildings were long evacuated. There were no civilians here. Speeder bikes and airspeeders were left deserted all around the street. It was in the territory under the control of the government forces. Though as they had left behind the base, the distant sounds of battle grew louder ever so slightly. The frontlines were nearer, now.
Kranak's blaster rifle was suspended over his chest almost vertically as he let go of its pistol grip and handguard while crouching down next to the large manhole leading to the sewer. Lucky for them -- and for Gorth'alon-- it was large enough to allow some maintenance equipment to be brought down into the tunnels. The giant then reached for a scramble key from one of his utility pouches and to bypass the manhole’s electronic locking mechanism a moment after crouching.
Connecting the scramble key to the small keypad beside the manhole, its electromagnetic lock was disengaged in a few seconds, thanks to the small device’s immense processing power. The giant successfully initiated a slicing maneuver.
Grasping the handle on the manhole cover, the giant lifted the lid to the side with ease. The foul, putrid stench hit him in the face and filled his nostrils as he inserted the scramble key back into his utility pocket on his warbelt. He wasn’t wrong about the smell, though. Coruscant’s sewers smelt worse. It didn’t have that refined, regurgitated, almost hundreds of years worth of chit and gunk in the smell. Coruscant was far worse than this.
<”Kandosii Actual to Priest. Be advised, we are at our designated sewer entrance. Our coms might go dark until we reach our insertion point, over.”> They would be at least a dozen feet under the surface. His broadcast antenna might not be strong enough for his signal to penetrate the dirty tunnels to get a comlink message out. Maybe their Tech specialist could boost their com signal if need be, the giant thought.
At least he would still be in broadcast range for the rest of his team.
<”Okay, team,”> Kranak sighed after notifying Priest. He wasn’t going to enjoy this, he was sure as hell his fellow vode and allies weren’t going to enjoy the smell either, but this was the only way to get to the compound without tipping off the enemy to their intentions from their movement. <”Down we go.”> He would be the first one going into the sewers. The giant put both his hands and feet on the outside of the ladder and let himself smoothly slide down. He reached the floor in a mere moment. As soon as his feet touched the dirty ground, he swiftly moved away from the ladder and raised his rifle while assuming a firing stance, starting to hold security as he waited for his teammates to drop down into the sewers before resuming their movement towards their insertion point through the sewers.

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