A chime rang out through the cockpit of the B-wing. Not a warning klaxon alerting Chaar to his impending death, but rather a pleasant alert emanating from his navicomputer. He reached forward and pulled back on the hyperdrive control lever, his starfighter decanting to realspace a moment later alongside the rest of Revenant Squadron.
The momentous nature of the moment was not lost of the commander - that was the first hyperspace jump the squadron had completed all day.
He flicked a number of switches on his console to recalculate the jump vector they’d just followed and confirm it with the flight computers of the other eleven Revenant ships. Sure enough, they’d blind jumped along a stable hyperspace lane toward the edge of the neighbouring Seeratter Sector. Now the lane didn’t go anywhere at the moment and wasn’t long by any stretch of the imagination.
But it was a start. If they could chain together a few more jumps they might have a viable hyperlane through the messy Iskadrell sector on their hands. He could already see the meritorious service citation which would be awaiting Revevant Squadron on their return to Coruscant.
“Beacon out,” he declared as he deployed a hyperspace beacon to mark their location. The Alliance astronavigators would need to come along and certify the route for safe use. Until then, the Revenant could always jump back to the beacon if they got lost or stuck and know they had a way back out of here.
“Spread out, scan for vectors,” Chaar orders. He swung his B-wing along and drifted away from the beacon, directing his gravitation sensors to try and find a clearing between the mess of stellar objects and mass shadows.

Revenant Squadron: Five:

Cadence Air Group:

Mandalorian Enclave: Open
Brotherhood of the Maw: