It would have been natural to scream. At least make a sound of surprise, if not agony, while she hurtled back from whence she came. But silence overtook her, preserving her lungs and the violent sloshing of the few droplets of sewage that had penetrated her mask. What had been curved walls, became just grey blurs. Friends and foes just oblong shadows.
Once again, her trajectory was cut short. While this time she wasn’t seeking a violent outcome, it was still incredibly jarring against her ribs when her ally stopped her mid flight, oddly able to cradle and defend.
Shame pushed itself through her body, tangling with her natural gag reflex from the sewage. Vitriolic repugnance bubbled and frothed within the little Atrisian. She wanted to push him away, scramble as far as possible and run back at the assailant once more. On her own. Cut down everyone else in the tunnels, prove herself again.
"I was not saving you, I was aiding you. There is no shame in succor,"
He released her, and she slid down to her knees, into the welcoming goop of the sewers.
She pulled the mask down from concealing the lower part of her face, and was immediately assaulted by the rancid pungency of the sewers, which only amplified the unsettled churning in her belly that raced up through her diaphragm and through her mouth. Embarrassment and the sting of the watercourse pulled at her cheeks before she spewed it out and back into the ankle-high mess.
“Sorry.” She squeaked, feeling the foreign word pass over her tongue and hating the weight of it. The apology slipped out before she could prevent it. Somehow, in a miscalculation (the number of arms was a new variable), she’d become a liability rather than an asset. And she had to apologize for that.
Hopefully, though, the crew of capable warriors would interpret the Padawan’s apology as abashment for adding to the spoils that floated around their feet.
Totally embarrassed, her cheeks burned more than her throat, and she shoved her mask back over her face, screwing her eyes shut and drawing in a deep, filtered breath. Gratefully, it was dark down here. There was still a chance to redeem herself. At least her ego could bolster itself on the small victory of taking one of the enemy’s legs.
Shame it was so rich with limbs.
– Thonn! We'll cover your advance! –
A pang of envy trilled through her, and Ishida grimaced beneath her mask and reactivated her sabre. Someone else was going in the advance? With Master Nobel? Not her?
Just short of letting out a childish whimper of jealousy, Ishida steeled herself and looked toward her two beast-born teammates. One was..incredibly large. The other, the jovial one from earlier, wounded.
<He’s almost bested.> She spoked through the modulator of her mask.
<I can lead you both in, closer, provide you cover from the front and we can push him down.
You won't have to conceal behind walls.
You're both good to press on? Finish this?>
To indicate what she was suggesting, she extended an arm. From it, a gossamer, translucent shimmer glowed against the muddied waters and darkened walls. An invisible Force barrier provided from the Padawan who was learning the importance of teamwork.
Kranak Vizsla
Valery Noble
Thonn Rokkal
Sasha Kryze
Shai Maji
Alora Vizsla
Vren Rook
Kranak Vizsla
Valery Noble
Sasha Kryze
Tarre Priest
Krek Libera