Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The gateway [Hutt Cartel Dominion of Gos Hutta]

Daniel Tresk

A Most Lamentable Tragedy
Location: A bar, trying not to die.
Objective: C
Posts: Who's counting?

'Well, this escalated quickly.' Daniel thought as the battledroids stormed the bar. "Seems like you brought some heat. Were ya' thinkin' I was gonna turn on ya'?" He rhetorically asked with a grin that was unfitting for the situation. "I can handle myself as I brought some of my own 'quipment, but once these droids are finished, could ya' get some of your men to get me out? The crazy over the comms wasn't jokin' 'bout the whole 20 minutes thing, so I don't want to see what else he has up his sleeve. Plus, this would be doing me a big favor and might make me make a more favorable deal." Dan not so subtly hinted as he whipped out his SMG.

The bounty hunter flipped around and began erratically blasting at the droids. He wouldn't normally do this in a crowded bar, but seeing how most of the patrons were dead, he could make an exception this one time. Burnt metal and torn limbs flew onto the blood-covered floor as droids collapsed onto the ground, but more and more kept coming. It was going to be a long fight.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Hakora Vex"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Ka-Aver"]

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Space Station
Objective: D
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Daniel Tresk"]

As the fighting broke out, Vex smiled, he loved a little chaos. After they the room, Vex discreetly his a button on his wrist and a droid came out in the room they once were in and grabbed her bag and took the blaster out. He would then go the droid route to take her things to the ship. The hostages would soon notice the shot hostage was still breathing, just not unconscious. Nothing Vex had said or done to her was real, but an elaborate plan of fooling her to believing he was a lot darker than he was. He would kill, but never without his lord's permission.

They walked down the hall, stopping and hiding from the droids who had their weapons set to stun, but by all appearances they were being killed all around them. They made it to his ship and he took her in to his ship's cell. Next them the cell was her bag. He grabbed it and looked it over once more using the Force to search it and find any secrets. Once he found it safe he tossed it in the cell with her. He smirked at her, "If it eases your Jedi mind, the hostages and everyone else are alive, but alas you are captured. " He then pulled up a holocomm and called for @Sembra the Hutt. "My lord, I have Lady Kay, as your requested, where would you like me to take her?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Orbiting space station
Objective: F (Escape [member="Hakora Vex"] )
Posts: 7

A cell. But of course. She didn't expect anything less. Yet there it was! Her satchel! Sitting there beside the cell. Her eyes brightened and relief washed over her. Hakora looked it over and then tossed it in with her. The Ysalamiri on her arm made it harder for Kay to catch her satchel, but she got it just before it hit the floor. There were no secrets inside of it, no hidden pouches. It contained her datapad, food and water rations, spare clothes, small kettle and tea cups, pouch of sapir tea leaves, commlink and her lightsaber that her late husband gave her. She just didn't mention the entire list as it was a long list to tell him. But no doubt he would have had her lightsaber and commlink confiscated as well.

Kay sat down in the cell, already tired of the Ysalamiri being on her and relieved that everyone was safe. All except for her. "Well played, Vex...well played." Already she was thinking of her options for escape. It all depended on where she would go, on wherever [member="Sempra the Hutt"] wanted her to be. How did he know that she would be there? Or was it just a guess? Or maybe Hakora had been tracking her for longer than she had thought. In any case she could learn what Sempra had hoped to gain in his alliance with the Republic. And that was her goal all along in this mission. Yes sometimes you have to lose to win.
Location: Space Station
Objective: D: Saving the Hostages
Allies: [member="Daniel Tresk"]
Enemy: [member="Hakora Vex"]

Jaster men from the Conglomerate Security Force were covering Jaster and Daniel as they took cover, but the battle was winding down as his men were taking out the droids. They continued to take down the droids and take on casualties but they were succeeding.

Just then Jaster received a radio call from some officers, "Sir, this is Quazar Squad, we encountered a few droids in the civilian district just above you, we overwhelmed them and found the hostages with more droids inside, we can't engage as it seems there are bombs in the room, what are your orders?"

Jaster looked over to Daniel, "Well one could never be cautious when aboard a ship full of criminals, my men will escort you to your ships once the fighting here is done, you have my word," Jaster then got on the radio, "Set up some radio jammers around the room, I don't want the mad man to get trigger happy, then wait for EOD Specilist to arrive on scene."

Jaster then jumped up and pointed his Duel Blaster Pistols and shoot at the droids, almost felt like a Tatooine Holovid.
Location: Space station
Objectives: Get back to Sempra
Allies: Hutt cartel
Enemies:Anybody who dares to oppose the cartel

The Mesage from sempra sings through his com "Oh kark, I'm supposed to be with Sempra" sliding off the bar stool "That was fun guys."He waves to Thraxis and Ka-aver "But duty calls." He exits the bar to make his way to Sempra's side where ever he is.

The engines light up the glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, the ship speeds towards the city. "R9 scan the systems to find the operation point of the speakers and we'll try and stop this fun maker."

R9 replies with beeps and boops and begins to scan the surface.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location: City Square
Objectives: Protect Sempra
Allies: Cartel
Enemies: Enemies to the Cartel

Ash surveyed the gathered crowd, her crystal blue eyes darting around as she searched for any suspicious activity. Everything was looking fine. Returning to Sempra's side, she scanned the crowd from there. Still nothing. Nodding slightly, she flinched when a new noise filled the air. It came over the loud speaker. When [member="Sempra the Hutt"] gave her the order, Ash gave one quick salute. "Yes, my lord," then she was off, going to find the prankster.

She headed around the crowd at a full sprint. The control panel to the audio was at the back of the crowd. One hand on her pistol, she hurried up to the platform. After questioning the tech crew there and ordering them to turn off the entire sound system, she waited. The intruding sound went silent as the speakers shut off. If the person behind it wasn't there, where were they?

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Location: Gos Hutta, City Square
Objective: F/A (Gain favor with Sempra the Hutt through manipulation of the homeless and now seeking to approach the Mogul.)
Allies: The Hutt Cartel & [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemies: Innocent Pack of Hobos
Posts: 3/20

Astoach was not yet simply God's granted buzzkill, with two feet hereby planted upon this earth to enact a sour poise and cut short all that he saw. He was an amorphous, amalgamate being of sheer sloppy behavior, indulging in not only his lecherous desires of eroticism -- a deed in which most of us would define as murder -- but also through sheer sloth. He was a slob, through and through, and such inconsistent disconcert with cleaning has often contributed to his own horrifying repute as a brutal, monstrous creature, who not only sought to assault and molest, but to defile. He would splatter gore about, in and out, through every open area that though victim should trek in, taking knick knacks and stuffing them into whatever open crevice her tore in the carrion. By the Force, he would even shift through the most minute crevices of home should he be attacking there, digging through closets and underwear drawers and smearing the clumped fists of blood across all that he saw as sacrilege, often not withholding the urge to dig through the victim's fridge, often preferring to bite from half-eaten leftovers rather than the fresh food. It was not about the act of righteousness that tickled his salaciousness, but the act of intense violation.

But that was in the past now, for Astoach no longer wandered without purpose. He had found his light in conquest and soon he would take upon himself the mantle of control, lead armies, and violate worlds! There would be no heaven above, no hell beneath, that would stop this Seraph, this Dark Comedy. It would be black humor through genocide. Yet, old habits are the hardest to shed, and in some cases, will never leave you, for they are who you truly are. Astoach no longer held wanton need to cull Force-Users, placing that beneath his tremendous task of compiling a military, but the act of violation remained his sole companion, his drive, his need. Thus, those who may stumble upon the Ghetto would find not streets clogged with rain, but with spewed cadavers, flyblown and bloated in stagnant, greasy rainwater, pink and red splayed through shattered windows, impaled upon fractured posts and columns, whereas skin would be stretched throughout the alleys and internal organs were torn free, flung to the rooftops and dangling like flesh streamers. Yet it was only a habit, Astoach was changed now.

Astoach had learned from his past defeat, there was no strength in isolation. He had been turned upon, his shame consuming him and grown manifest in combat. He had fallen, perhaps he had even died. But the dead may never die and after years of obscurity within the whirlwinds of time, Astoach had returned. He approached the growing crowd on the horizon, situated beneath a great ornate statue of a golden hutt. He cared not for the slight trail of crimson liquid that pooled in a train behind, it was simply a matter of symbolism. The blood would represent the bond, chaining from his act of allegiance to the moment of spindled friendship, like a timeline wrought in spilled life. In his hand he held a sack, bulbous and soaked in dark scarlet, taught in tattered burlap. It swung to and fro with either step as Astoach gingerly approached the congregation centered around the Hutts, slapping against his leg in squishy splendor, squelching with each soaking slap against the black-clad shin. These were his trophies and as such hallowed objects, they would be presented as a gift, served upon the platter of dishonesty, certainly, but in good intentions. Regardless of what he did, he proved that it could be done, would be done, and that, in his eyes, was all that mattered.

He shoved through the crowd stiffly, not one to cave in by the bodies of others, and with the subtlety of a rancor he breached the body of men and women alike, some of which skittered away to avoid the soaking web of splattered blood that trailed across his body, briefly edging onto his mask in a thin trail of red. He had reached the edge of the crowd, bare and nude metaphorically before the party before him in his dark, bloodborne presence, his etiquette, and his purpose. A cyborg, hutts, guards, bodyguards, it was so exciting, it was like streaking, or perhaps voyeurism that he should stand here and expose his purpose. Yet, his sharp grin, that wicked expression, remained buried beneath the that new face of false-flesh, the black mask, his Polyp, and he showed little emotion through his puckered vision of black, streaked with white. Instead, he silenced himself, watching the gathering with such intensity so he might instinctively gather attention, as if it weren't already his provided his near-assault upon the crowd. He provided no words, only giving the sack a light toss, and from its depths rolled the head of a young man, face caked in dirt and jaw lined with a faint beard, though too drenched in blood to discern immediately.

Astoach followed the action with a kneel, his head bowed, shrouded in the locks of grimy hair. Both hands clasped the end of his sopping, black knee, and subsequent his formal grace he spoke with a chilly voice, one that was smooth and controlled, but beneath the surface, to the instinctive ear, they would hear the grating of malevolence in his tone, like metal upon metal, sparking violently and hotly. "O Great Sempra the Hutt, Mogul of the Hutt Cartel, I have come from afar to seek an audience and, as my gift to you, I have brought you the head of dissenters who sought to rile against you from the depraved holes in which they crawled."

Objective A
Location Gos hutta square
Post 12/20

Sempra looked around the square watching everyone get to work, either to track the defiler who somehow had hacked the speaker system or by openly trying to change the oppinion of the crowd in Sempra's favour. All the while Sempra held a dignified yet dramatcly hurt expression.
He had by now allowed enough time to pass and he therefore made hos way back to the stage where he would adress Gos Hutta once more.
Half way there he was interrupted by a sack being tossed his way, a head hitting the ground rolling out from it. Sempra stopped and looked at [member="Astoach"] who now became a centerpiece of the cartel guards surrounding the hutt. He switched his gaze from the man and the head a few times before he realised what just had happened.
Then he burst out a loud chuckle.

"This pleases me greatly, the enemies of Gos hutta behold what the future hold for you. Tremble and beg, because the enemies of Gos hutta is the enemy of the hutt cartel." Sempra voiced. His intention again to make it appear as if it was the honor of Gos hutta that ws being attacked and the hutt cartel was the only entity that managed to defend it.

He motioned to the kneeling man.
"Arise. Your service has been noted and for that I am willing to hear you."

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] [member="Ser Reginald Poppington"] [member="Tsukikaneko Nozomi"] [member="Isaias Kehoe"] [member="Ioka Farnen"] [member="Ursa the Hutt"] [member="Ashalah Ky"][/quote] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Astoach"]
Location: Gos Hutta, City Square
Objective: A.
Allies: The Hutt Cartel & [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemies: N/A
Posts: 4/20

Sempra the Hutt said:
"Arise. Your service has been noted and for that I am willing to hear you."
With these words, boomed from the terrifically wide lips of the Hutt, Astoach rose, cascading rags of dark apparel, writing and shifting from his willowy form as he ascended from a stooping kneel to an erect stand. His poise was stiffened, standing in a very orthodox posture with hands clasped, resting along his abdomen and his shoulders straightened, with head held high in conservative grace, regardless of the foul garb, tainted by blood, and that mask, whose curdling embrace seethed upon the face of Astoach, sucking in the light of midday and, through the sensations of the weak, would exhume a chilling malevolence, pouring convulsions of ghostly chills down their spines.

Astoach was evil, his very appearance called claim to this fact, for he was the prophet of mania, a walking trap of madness, glistening with the fetters of rosy body fluid and his mask, wiped in milky chalk, stared out from the dead sea of void. His sunken leather eyes betrayed little, save for the soft glitter of coal-like eyes, dead and void of humanity, of empathy, of love and passion. There was only the remnant of intensity, the wicked ghost of some dead man, trapped within this hollow husk, and screaming to break free. There was just the humor, the malicious glimmer of some silent laughter in his eyes. It was just the Dark Comedy of it all.

“O Great Sempra,” he began, his voice suave and polished, yet that very faint hint of malignancy tainted his tone. “I am Astoach, born of the dead. I have come to offer my services.” His hands released their fastened grip, extending behind his filthy head and unsnap the leather straps which bound his Polyp to the pale face, the smooth skin, and ultimately intertwined the flesh and blood of Astoach – in his mind – with the divine prowess of such a Polyp. “I have come to you not as a man, nor subordinate-“ he paused to release the mask, allowing the shackle of divinity to strip away, skinned from his flesh with the sickly, near palpable squelch of sweaty skin pulled away, and let it fall away, sinking to the ground below for what, to Astoach, seemed like a millennia, time slowing in his visage to ease past, unknown. He never removed such a mask, for, in his eyes, it was truly his face, for the expression beneath the Polyp was that of a dead man, one who had lost his heart long ago and one corpse who should never retain the right to see the light of day again.

His face was handsome, pale, a bit shiny from the greasy sweat accumulated beneath the hot mask, and red from where it had pressed upon him. A firm jaw, a slender nose, high cheekbones, and all the traits of attractiveness, all except for those dead eyes. They were black, round, wide, like a dead fish, or perhaps a shark, absent of compassion, and filled with the thirst for blood. His gaze was so undeniably absent of all but that vile humor, which creeped along the deepest recesses of whatever he had that potentially retained similarity to the consciousness of a human being, rather than that of an animal, it appeared to those whose appearance he imbibed that he in fact was not looking at them at all. He was just there, absent-minded, half-vegetated, likely not even conscious and just gorging upon some unseen world which ensnared him.

He broke his own elongated, perhaps even awkward silence as he continued, “But I have come to you as a gift. I have come as a humble servant, not as an employee, a subordinate, but as an ally to your cause. My motives are naught but absent, for I have come as a simple way of the world. If you want something done, if you would ever will it that an action be taken – or prevented – I will take it upon myself to see your will is made manifest in reality.” He knelt again, yet rather out of respect, he snatched the mask, intertwining his slender fingers, tipped by black talons caked in years of unbathed blood and soil, and levitated it before him. “Out of exaltation of your unrelenting might, I give you my face, the one I carved my brother’s cloak consequent his death by my own hand. My greatest possession is now yours in tribute.” He stepped forward, extending his hand and, in turn, his mask to Sempra in offering. “If you have any discrepancies with the intent of my allegiance, may it rest assured that there is not ulterior mission, for I only seek your favor, a precious gift only the select few may obtain.”
Objective A
Location Gos hutta square
Post 13/20


Sempra did not really understand this display of traditional "face giving" but there were lot of cultures and rites of the various species in the outer rim that he had yet to fully comprehend. Many of them shared ttheir voew on hutts as rulers and sometimes even gods which made Sempra fairly certain about how to act around [member="Astoach"]

"I accept your face as a precious gift and token of your future loyalty toward me and my court. You will be a valued servant and ally for in exchange those who serve the hutt cartel are handsomely rewarded. What I require for now is simply that you attend this festive time on Gos Hutta to display the grandeur of the Hutt cartel and its never ending will to protect these worlds."

He then beckoned for a slave to fetch the head who picked it up and sealed it in its bag once more.

Sempra was about to continue his speech as another slave approached him whispering into the side of his large head. A com device was brought forth and the message from [member="Hakora Vex"] was displayed.

"My lord, I have Lady Kay, as your requested, where would you like me to take her?"

A cruel grin spread across the hutts face.

"Well done Mr Vex. This marks your skills beoynd previous hunts and will be a platform for us to discuss your position as we mentioned earlier. Bring the prisoner to my Slave camp on Sriluur. I will decide upon her faith in due time."

The hutt turned around facing [member="Jemba Jurga Vara"] - "Let us not be hindered by these minor obstacles. Have the feast commence and spare no expenses!"

Taking the arm of [member="Ursa the Hutt"] he made sure their guards were around and giving [member="Astoach"] an appreciative look he contiued.

"Do you have any further requests at this time?"

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Ashalah Ky"]
Location: On The Surface, In His Restaurant.
Objective: A.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Hunger And Anyone Who Oppose The Cartel.
NPC: 2 Body Guards, 10 Kitchen Staff.
Posts: 6/20

Jemba nodded as he recived the order from [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. "As you wish my Supreme Mogul." Jemba said with a bow.

He then turned to [member="Ser Reginald Poppington"]. "Get the feast ready, Reginald. Make sure Sempra has a large supply of the Chuba stew." He said as he clicked his lips at the thought of it. "Offer everyone the the mufkins." The Hutt's eyes searched the crowd, in his mind he began to count the portions that would be needed to feed the guests and the larger members of the crowd. With a sigh he looked back to his chefs. "Prepare the pizza's!" He barked the order back to them.
Location: City
Objective: find the hacker
Allies: the cartel
Enemies: yet to be found
Post 3/20

R9's scan picks up the irregularities in the PA system pin pointing the position of the Hacker via scanning into the local network relays and back searches where and how the network is being entered On the system. R9 sends the cordinates to Tiali's information visor, that's good Tiali thinks to himself.

Tiali quickly jumps from his seat "R9 take over." He moves quickly into the ship to arrive at the air lock door. Opening the door Tiali slides his helmet onto his head, leaning forward he allows gravity to take him falling towards the surface.

The ground appears into tiali's view through the clouds getting larger and larger, closer and closer. Tiali readies himself and his jet pack for a quick Landing. Igniting his jet pack with a sudden burst, he slows himself down enough to land softly on the ground planting his feet with a solid "thump."

His information visor system begins to mark out and signal the direction to go find the hacker. Tiali in a jog begins to follow the directions.

[member="Tsukikaneko Nozomi"]

Junkie John

The Greatest Junkie of them all
Location: On The Surface, In His Restaurant.
Objective: A.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Hunger And Anyone Who Oppose The Cartel.
NPC: 2 Body Guards, 10 Kitchen Staff.
Posts: 2/20

Rege takes a bow to Jemba "yes my lord it will be done." He turns to the others clapping his hands together "chop chop get the pizza ready and presentable for eating straight away."

Entering into the kitchen rege takes hold of a large couldron of Chuba stew. Slowly and steadily he takes the Couldron out to sempra placing it near him. "Here you go m'lord some perfectly made Chuba stew for you made by perfect chef and food creator lord Jemba. Is there anything else I can get you if your not to busy to answer m'lord." He bows his head awaiting an answer if nothing is heard he begins to walk away heading for the kitchen once again.

[member="Jemba Jurga Vara"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Location: Gos Hutta gardens
Allies: Cartel
Enemies: Enemies to the Cartel

As Ash was leaving the tech station, she heard the sound of a jetpack overhead. She stopped, her hand moving up to block the sun as she watched the man land before breaking into a sprint. He seemed very familiar. Wasting no time, Ash broke into her own sprint, chasing after him. After closing the gap, she pulled up next to him and glanced over. A smile broke across her face when she saw the familiar mask of [member="Tiali Orazio"]

"Hey!" She called out, never breaking her stride. "You on this manhunt too?" If he answered yes, she would give a short laugh. "Well it's no taking me out for drinks, but I could use the help."
Objective: drinking at the cantina
Location: space station
Post 14/20

Ka-Aver watched @tiali ozario stand up and hurry off. He shook his head and downed another pint.

"Darnz, that man iz zo important he dont evenz have time for drinkz. Maybe we should take care of the one he left behind..." he muttered and reached for the glass left on the table.

"Iz thingz under control her bozz? There waz zome zhooting? Maybe youz need to check it out?" he grinned at [member="Cadan Tazi"] and raised his glass at him and [member="Thraxis"]
Location:Space Station
Objective: Get drunk
Enemies: Alcohol Poisoning
Posts: 3/20
Thraxis eyes looked to Tiali as he scurried off, going to do more of the Hutts handiwork it seems. But soon Thraxis eyes began to stray as he looked at the cup of grog that was left behind, he saw a glimmer in Ka-Aver as well. "Meh, you can take it, Novanion Grog ain't my favorite beverage anyway." he exclaimed to Ka-Aver, having no real interest in getting into a one-on-one slobberknocker match with his freind.

Thraxis then turned his attention to Cadan, Thraxis heard the shooting though had no reason to really worry. He was in Hutt presence, and surely with them around their was little to worry about. "Barkeep, another round of grog for the lot of us!" he exclaimed, trying his best to make his friends not worry about the fighting, he didn't really want to be left alone drinking while the rest were off on some hair-brain scheme to fight the gunfire.
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Space Station
Objective: D
Allies: Hutt Cartel
Enemies: [member="Lady Kay"]

Vex took a cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth without lighting it. Having it there seemed to calm his nerves, everything was going to flawless for his own comfort. He looked at his prisoner as Sembra talked and nodded in response. As he left a few IG-100 MagnaGuards entered the room with electrostaffs to guard her. He went to the cockpit and began the to prep the ship and unhook from the station docking bay. He typed in the coordinates for the prison she was going to and flew off into space without entering hyperdrive as his ship needed to warm up before such a long jump.

As his ship prepared, he set it to auto pilot and returned to her pulling up a chair and lighting his cigarette finally. He inhailed deep before speaking letting the smoke go into his lungs and out. "I am sure you have many questions on how and why this all went down, within reason I will answer to pass time."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: [member="Hakora Vex"] 's ship
Objective: F (Get my 'get out of jail free' card)
Posts: 8

She watched Vex as he put the cigarette in his mouth, studying him as he studied her. The bit of fear that she had of him was now gone, for everything he had done was just a ruse. It was a brilliant scheme that obviously worked. For now. As Vex left and the guards came in, Kay removed the Ysalamiri from her arm and let it cling to one of the bars from her cell. The poor thing was probably hungry, yet there didn't appear to be any of the nutrient rich trees here that they loved so much. At least they didn't feed off of people.

As Vex returned, Kay dug through the remaining items in her satchel and brought out her water, tea cup and pouch of tea leaves. She prepared herself a cold cup of tea and let the leaves stoop in the water for a while to flavour it.

Earlier Vex had exclaimed that he would kill her if she had kept talking, but that too was probably just part of the game that he played, for now he was letting her speak. "I have plenty of questions. For instance, how long have you been tracking me? How did Sempra know that I would be there when his appearance here had nothing to do with the slave trade?" She tested her cold tea to see if it was ready. Not quite yet. "Thank you, by the way, for keeping your word and not killing the hostages. Yet what about the explosives that you put on them? Were they fake?" More and more questions presented themselves and more would follow, depending on his answers.

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Location: Vex ship
Objective: D
Enemy: [member="Lady Kay"]
Post: 8

Vex took a drag as he regretted allowing her to speak. Her questions seemed endless and trivial to him. He released the smoke from his lungs. "How long? I haven't been, I was sent there with a tip that a bounty of the Hurts was seen on my station. Seeing as the Hurts have only one major bounty it was an educated guess. I am also only sent in when Force user must be taken out. The explosives were real, but hollow. Do not be mistaken, I still don't care if you live or die or if they die, you are just a job."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: [member="Hakora Vex"] 's ship
Objective: F (Get my 'get out of jail free' card)
Posts: 9

So someone has been spying on her. Just as it was suggested, there are eyes everywhere tracking her movements, no matter how sporadic they were. She'll have to keep more vigilant.

Kay tried another sip of her cold tea. It was ready. So she took an even bigger sip. For who knew how long it would be before she could take the time to make some tea. She had no idea what the slave camp was like, nor how long she would be kept there. But that was if she had even gotten there at all.

"I have many powerful friends, so I don't think that I'll be here long. Once word gets out that I've been caught, they will come. The better that you treat me, than the better it will be for you." Of course she risked angering him with her veiled threat, but she needed more info from him and he had said that he would give it.

"How long until we get there?" She hoped that her commlink had a tracker device planted within it. It was the one [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] gave her and he tended to pop up wherever she went to, so a tracking device on it made sense. Either that or it was just pure luck.

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