Wind of the Force
Following behind her master Vitha stayed mostly quiet even through the speech. She was trying to figure out a way out of this. She'd been miserable on Midvinter, the action and battle had been a good distraction but she highly doubted a war would break out. Sighing the Avogwi turned to Arisa and, balancing on one leg, adjusted the saberstaff strapped just above her left foot with a talon.
"No chance of combat I suppose or anything dangerous? I'm going to get very bored otherwise." as she said this the bird started scanning over the others in the hanger. Mostly padawans, flight crews, and pilots. No serious military presence, no lizards to bother either. Her master clearly wasn't expecting a fight. "Also do they have proper food?"
"No chance of combat I suppose or anything dangerous? I'm going to get very bored otherwise." as she said this the bird started scanning over the others in the hanger. Mostly padawans, flight crews, and pilots. No serious military presence, no lizards to bother either. Her master clearly wasn't expecting a fight. "Also do they have proper food?"