Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gathering [Silver Jedi/Iron Empire]

Ilum was so cold... Satyana never felt this cold before. Probably due to how she is so used to the savanna weather. But hey, at least the deadly laser that is called a "star" won't hurt her skin that much. The Stakeral jedi went towards one of the groups that might take her in as one of the many people whom were in the Silver Order in this traditional thing that the Jedi always did. It was like a pilgrimage for the Jedi. Satyana glanced at everyone of the people that were gathering. Not only people from the Silver Order were here, but there were also people from another faction here. Who was this "Iron Empire"? Whoever they were, they sound like they probably have some good intent in them.
Satyana did however, saw some weird people here. First, a red guy who called himself a "Sith"... what? What was a Sith doing serving the Jedi? That made no sense to her. Second, a Mandalorian whom was taller than she was, if not, stronger than she was. Maybe Satyana didn't really get everyone down, and information about Jedi whom came in all shapes and sizes. Or maybe it's just in the Stakeral's mind that she just happen to see some pretty strange people.
Either or, Satyana had one thing that was quite important to her, and one of her reasons why she was on Ilum. To seek a kyber crystal. There was just one particular one that was calling out to her. The current lightsaber she has is cracked, and the crystal seems to be pretty cracked itself. She had to get some kind of new one and build a new lightsaber which will function and is more safer for her.

[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Viathae Qarmast"] | [member="Caelag Vass"] (I guess) | [member="Jade Whisperwind"] | [member="Kaden"]
"Neffy, yousa must take yousa's youngling back to the Ilum system."
The words of Nefertari's old master echoed through her head as she entered the caves with her offspring, Articus Vael. Why Master Bari wanted her to bring Articus to Ilum again, Nef had no clue, but it was definitely something.

"Mommy, why are we here?"
"I have no idea, Arty."
The tiny human clung close to Nef; the crystal from their last outing to this icy world dangling around his neck.
Nef continued through the caves, letting the force guide her. Maybe she'd meet some new friends from the silver jedi order along the way.

[member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Viathae Qarmast"], [member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Satyania Rameshai"], @ Anybody else I forgot​
[SIZE=16pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.

The Great Walk, it is the Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories. - Theodosius Organa

[SIZE=16pt]The Gathering[/SIZE]
Location: Just inside of the cave entrance

The entrance was chilly, however it was warmer then outside of the cave. Howling winds, they blew pure white snow, just a few feet within the entrance. Dark azure blue ice clung to the walls of the entrance. Icy stalactites hung from the ceiling and stalagmites loosely covered the cave entrance floor. It was quite ordinary for a cave entrance in a winter wonderland.

Something shifted in the Living Force. Its vigor began to hum with activity. It resonated and began to increase in tempo. This influence; it was a peaceful influence, a harmony of the Living Force. This event carried a scent, the smell of lavender and honey. Images of spring time, the forest and warm blue lakes. The scents, warmth, and mental images made very little sense, giving the location.

Then the air produced static charge. There was a loud pop. Bright pink fruit petals filled the air. They flew around like confetti at a party! A man also appeared with the petals. Theo now stood there in the cave entrance. Carried here by the Living Force, Theo looked around at his new surroundings. Smiling he walked over to the cave wall. His staff made a small thunking sound on the icy rock floor. Taking his free hand he traced his finger tips down some ice. “Ilum”, his tone was happy. He did not understand fully why he was brought here. Theo held faith he would find out!

[member="Arisa Yune"] /// [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] /// [member="Ford Darkling"] /// [member="Tempest Yore"] /// [member="Jairdain"] ///
[member="Audren Sykes"] /// [member="Viathae Qarmast"] ///[member="Caelag Vass"] /// [member="Jakkor Kess"] /// [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] ///
[member="Kaden"] /// @Astor Rose Baelor /// [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] /// [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] ///
[member="Samara Galloway"] /// [member="Ronin Wendigo"] /// [member="Jade Whisperwind"] /// [member="Valae Kitra"] ///
@Stayania Rameshai /// [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Arisa had felt Vitha's displeasure at having her personal space invaded, but seemed to relax as she understood that Arisa was only trying to help.

"It's quite alright," she replied focusing on
Vitha, again. "That's why I'm here to help. Took me a few times to get the hang of construction."

What she didn't say is that she almost blew her hand off the very first time she had activated a misaligned lightsaber, but
Vitha didn't need to hear that and begin to doubt the competency of her master. (And said master didn't want to embarrass herself among all the Padawan who were sure to have much more success than she at the time.)

Viathae admitted that she had come with no Padawan for the Gathering Ceremony, but had come for a Kyber crystal for something. After her experiences with Mandalorians over the years, she wasn't crazy about one of them running around with such powerful crystals that could be used to construct weapons of mass destruction.

"In any case, I'm still glad to have you along. I've never been to this particular cave, so it'll be much of a surprise for me, as well."

Kaden was polite as always but seemed apprehensive about entering the cave due to his Sith heritage.

"I would like that! And don't worry about the cave. If it gives you trouble, I'll be sure to keep you safe."

A little joke, but he raised an interesting point, and she was now actually quite curious on how he would fare during the ceremony. It was said that the crystal picked the user. Would that be the case for him?

There was a familiar twangy voice that caught Arisa's ear, and she quickly twisted around to see none other than
Valae walking up.

"Vee!" she squealed in glee, bounding right up to her friend to close the distance for a hug. "What a welcome surprise! I'm happy you could make it out here!"

The pair had become fast friends on Klatooine, and since then,
Valae almost measured up to the same importance as Sorel in her life.

"You hanging in there?" she asked, knowing that
Valae hailed from much warmer parts than this one. If she knew that she had been coming along, she would have made another band. Vitha probably wasn't going to share her new found warmth, either.

There would be a few other people to show up to the caves, either stopping with Arisa's group (
Satyania) or passing through on their way inside. (Theodosious, Nefertari) All of them were free to join Arisa's group as they finally made their way inside the caves.

"Alright, time to stop standing around and looking pretty, let's do this!"

She waved for the group to follow her inside the cave so that they may begin the process. There was a significant incline, so each member would have to watch their step, lest they want some sore bums from slipping. The light of the surface would give way to the darkness of the caves, light only initially coming from some lamps set up by Kiribian survey teams before. Deeper inside, and then they would finally see their first crystal formations.


There were no lamps needed here, as the whole space glittered with the lights of countless crystals like stars. Arisa would find herself basking in the positive auras collectively produced by the crystals, leaving her with a sensation of warmth despite the biting cold. She strolled up right to a formation, running the tip of a gloved figure over the glowing emerald crystal. Not hers, but it felt nice all the same.

[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Satyania Rameshai"], [member="Nefertari Sovint"], [member="Theodosius Organa"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"]


Well-Known Member
Arisa Yune | Vitha Sat-thuron | Ford Darkling | Tempest Yore | Jairdain | Audren Sykes | Viathae Qarmast | Caelag Vass | Jakkor Kess | Yuroic Xeraic |Kaden |Astor Rose Baelor | Kurayami Bloodborn | Josh DragonsFlame | Samara Galloway | Jade Whisperwind|Valae Kitra |Stayania Rameshai | Nefertari Sovint |[member="Theodosius Organa"]

It was then on his own away from the prying eyes of other in the group as far he knew Ronin trudged on. Take moment to take a deep breath before a step back into the depth of the cavern entrance of the Illum cave. And that as he did so old memories of a prior trip here came to mind one which he could only chuckle now remembering it. Of how seem bored out his wits having do clean up chores in the temple hangar Ronin sort slip off. Seeing a chance to sneak into one the nearby transport ship he unwittingly ended up here in Illum. After which after few mishaps and misadventures alongside a few another apprentice, he found himself in possession of a crystal. Which by all accounts left him with the dilemma of leaving it or take it in which case he chose to leave it thinking it was not time yet. Thought to seen since that day he could not help but think about that day as he works on repair the sabers in his possession. A remnant of days or past lost to him that he only recently seem slow but surely come back to light. Mostly thanks in part to what bit of aid or assistance he could gain for himself since coming back.

Of which thought a large chunk of it seemed just beyond his reach for now, for the most part, it was back in a way. Enough that he eventually was able to earn his way to knighthood. And come full circle with part his journey....enough so that he felt it was time....time that at the very least he'd come back here. And if fortune favors him he would find a crystal to house in one or maybe both his saber..... And so with each tentative steps, he continued onward. Unaware of what the other he'd started on this journey were or of the new arrival that just happens to appear not too long ago after he'd enter. As his mind was all but focused on the voice speak in the wind.....seem silent at first but slowly growing loud much like the roar of gale storm. Lead him onward till eventually he come find himself in a seem familiar cavern,

And before him a appear imperfect crystal jolting out of a wall just ahead of him, aglow in a deep shade of blue.To which he felt a strange kinship to. As it somehow appears to call to him to which raise a hand motion to grab it the crystal break from the wall and comes to hover just inches from his hand. Where it floated as he seem drawn to admire it for but a moment as with his other free hand pulls out one of the two saber free from its hidden location beneath the folds of his tunic. As he soon began to try work the process of joining the saber & crystal as one......brings to full circle a part of the life he once knew back. Setting him to somehow begin anew the journey to regain himself from the shadows.....
Valae offered a friendly smile to the group at large as she joined them. Her chestnut eyes flickered to each person briefly, but stopped as [member="Arisa Yune"] approached with a hug. She gave her friend’s back a quick pat, and nodded in answer to her question.

“Don’t worry about me,” She said with a chuckle, “I’ll be fine.”

She shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat; the cold touched them even with her gloves on. But she tried to hide the fact that she was cold by bouncing slightly on the spot. Her attention shifted as some additional arrivals made their presence known at the entrance of the cave; it seemed that they had quite a turn out for their expedition.

Valae followed along as the group started to file into the cave system. It was dim, but their way had been illuminated with lights. Her boots slipped every now and then, but she caught herself against the cave wall before she could tumble to the ground. By the time the tunnel opened up into a wide cavern, Valae was drawing breaths quickly – athletic activities weren’t her strongest suit.

Her eyes grew wide as she looked around the cave.

There were shimmering crystals all around them, and each seemed to have its own unique voice.

“My, my…” Valae trailed off quietly, standing in awe.

[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Satyania Rameshai"], [member="Nefertari Sovint"], [member="Theodosius Organa"], [member="Viathae Qarmast"]
Talons hooked into the ice, that was one thing she didn't need to worry about. With so much strength focused into such narrow points the talons made holes in the hard ice leaving a clear path behind her. She eyed the crystals around her, the glow from them seemed to be amplified by the ice. Stretching out with the force she felt the light side strongly in this place. "Should I just cut out some of the crystals from this ice?"

[member="Arisa Yune"]
Jairdain allowed herself to be carried away by Yuroic to a deeper part of the caverns. The entire time, the butterflies kept spinning, flipping and doing somersaults in her stomach. The kiss continued and grew deeper. They became lost in each other and time didn't matter. It could have hours or days, but eventually reality settled back in.

They laid together, keeping warm and he stroked her hair. Jairdain felt his eyes on her as he looked at her, she would appear to be looking at him. Caressing his face and hair, she let out a sigh before he spoke. When he did speak, she smiled at him. She felt his love and returned it to him.

"As do I."

After today, nothing would be the same between them. Their relationship was on a whole new level now and she wouldn't change a thing. These were the lines of her thoughts when she felt Yuroic move and take out his crystal.

"What color is it? We should also probably consider going back before they think we got lost and bring a search party."

Not wanting the moment to end, but knowing it had to, Jairdain sat up in the chill air.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Jairdain allowed herself to be carried away by Yuroic to a deeper part of the caverns. The entire time, the butterflies kept spinning, flipping and doing somersaults in her stomach. The kiss continued and grew deeper. They became lost in each other and time didn't matter. It could have hours or days, but eventually reality settled back in.

They laid together, keeping warm and he stroked her hair. Jairdain felt his eyes on her as he looked at her, she would appear to be looking at him. Caressing his face and hair, she let out a sigh before he spoke. When he did speak, she smiled at him. She felt his love and returned it to him.

"As do I."

After today, nothing would be the same between them. Their relationship was on a whole new level now and she wouldn't change a thing. These were the lines of her thoughts when she felt Yuroic move and take out his crystal.

"What color is it? We should also probably consider going back before they think we got lost and bring a search party."

Not wanting the moment to end, but knowing it had to, Jairdain sat up in the chill air.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He watched as Jairdain rose to a sitting position and slowly kissed up her back till he reached her lips and gave a passionate kiss to her. His desire for the woman was still high and he wanted to spend even longer exploring her body and finding all the areas that gave her most pleasure. However, she was right, there disappearance would be noticed and so with one last passionate kiss and tickle to her sides he reluctantly dressed himself.

The crystal is golden colour, but it looks larger than other crystals I've seen around in holocrons and from other Jedi. He sent her an image of the large crystal to Jairdain so she could see the deep gold colour of the crystal and the two different sized crystals that were joined at the bottom. He was concerned about how their shape would affect his lightsaber, but he took a deep breath and decided that the Force would guide the design into something that best suited him.

He politely offered Jairdain her clothes so she could dress after he sent the image and then put his clothes on, the cold starting to finally snip at him as his breath condensed in the air before him.


Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
It would be natural not to trust a Mandalorian. Viathae couldn't blame her, though. Mandalorians were known to be violent and unpredictable. Considering the fact her own people would slaughter innocents in the most cowardly way, and have no sense of honour, in addition to honing to the Resol'nare.

The group had finally begun to move within the cave, and Viathae was about to see the beauties that was in it. She was quite surprised to actually see how the beauties of this world could offer. Viathae was extremey amazed... never in her life had she had witnessed such amazement and beauty. "Amazing..." she said to herself outloud observing her surroundings. Wayland wouldn't offer anything like this, maybe except for a shining vine snake that is ready to eat someone or a kremlin just hiding itself to look like two rubys in the dark. The cave itself lit something up within Viathae that had made her smile. The feeling of the serenity going into her body was a good feel. It matched well with herself, and just seemed like a wonderful place to meditate. The strong light side energies that surround it was something that could be beneficial to cleanse out the darkness that is within, or at least, balance it. "Back on my homeworld, you wouldn't see such marvels as this... I mean, there's caves but not cold and wonderful as this."

[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Jade Whisperwind"], [member="Satayania Rameshai"]
[SIZE=18pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung and is carried upon the wind. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give with all of my spirit. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, it is the Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories.-Theodosius Organa
[SIZE=18pt]The Gathering [/SIZE]​
Location: Just Inside the cave entrance
Moments after Theo touched the cave wall entrance, people moved into the cave entrance. People he believed he did not know. It was hard sometimes. Due to the great walk his memory was not serve him well sometimes. Not know names this is whom he seen. [member="Arisa Yune"] , [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] Was there other coming into the cave also?

It was then Theo felt familiar presence. It was the presence of another Guardian. Through the Force Theo felt the air about him? He took a breath then when he exhaled he spoke. The air stirred around [member="Ronin Wendigo"]. The gentle breeze of the wind, it spoke in a dialect very familiar to the Kashi. ”Let thee Breath carry your words and deeds my friend”, was the words the wind carried. Did this Kashi know the language of elements?

The group that entered, Theo watched them as they moved further into the cave system.


Well-Known Member
[member="Theodosius Organa"]

It then seemed like akin to a puzzle cube that things slowly crept to come into play. As with the crystal and the saber hanging ever so precariously before him that a faint clue of recollection came to mind. As with steady hand and precise movement as the words seem to play ever so strangely in the back his mind... a voice spoke gently as it was unmoving.

" .....The crystal is the heart of the blade.
The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.
The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.
The Force is the blade of the heart.
All are intertwined.....
The crystal, The blade, The Jedi.
You are one.
Remember this well as in time Ronin...
a saber you would need to assemble to conclude your training.....
And I....I may or may not here."
And before he knew it things proceed as if he knew it by heart as glimmer of the past. Ever so slowly bled into that moment by chance of fate no one could tell. As soon enough what was once broken was made whole again.....hand reached out grab hold of it before his eyes open wide. With his consciousness brought back to reality by another voice brought forth alongside a gust of wind. Cause the hovering saber before him drop if not for his open palm straight onto the cold earth beneath his feet.

”Let the Breath carry your words and deeds my friend”

At which time with saber in hand his grip around its hilt tighten and with a flick of finger ignited it as such. That it bathed the cavern he was in with strange blue hue from the saber blade. As he instinctively took a defensive stance for a moment as his gaze looks about the room trying to make sense where the voice was coming from. As it then in his mind overlaps with a flash of distant memory.....darkness of an ill-lit night.... cold biting winds nip at his face.....standing alone...looking ahead ....there they lay.....dead cause him to close his eyes....cause him to shake his head in an overwhelming feeling of guilt wash over him. And before he knew it Ronin open his eye he was back.....standing in the midst of the Ilum cavern with the saber in hand. Which he quickly disengage to deactivate and midway between slip it back into the folds of his tunic that he decided otherwise. Clip it to the side of his belt before he began to try to clear his thought as he reminded himself that it was....a figment of his imagination as he so read about happen to most initiate who venture deep within the Ilum cavern in search of crystals.

But was it he could not say for sure thought he rather not wish linger on that thought much longer. Having secured what he came here for Ronin began to make his way back to the surface as best he could. And as he did so once turn a corner to enter one of the chambers that he came upon to sense another presence ahead. One which from a certain point of view felt strangely familiar as it was foreign which perplex him so. But then driven by curiosity he soldier on till eventually, he could just make out the figure up ahead. Of another whom at best he could tell didn't quite recognize as being from the transport he came in.
Location: Just inside the sparkly chamber mentioned by [member="Arisa Yune"]​

The crystals sparkled, reflecting off of Articus' eyes as he stared in awe.
Neffy, find Mesa. All will be revealed there.
Master Bari's voice echoed through her mind again. Much as the old gungan had adored younglings, Nef doubted this was an elaborate scheme by her master to meet her son.
"Come along, Arty." Nef said taking her youngling's hand in hers.
Nefertari had considered making a training saber for Articus, but he'd seen a picture of her with a crystal pendant and immediately wanted one. Maybe that was why they were back on Ilum; maybe the kid was ready for training.
"Where we going?"
"To find an old friend of mine. The force will guide us."
"What's the force?" The curious youngling asked, walking alongside her
"It is an energy field that binds our universe together. Some people, like me and daddy, get special power from it."
"What about me?"
"In time, you can learn to use it. I sense that is part of why we are here."

The two walked together further into the caves, letting the force guide them toward their destination.

[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Satyania Rameshai"], [member="Theodosius Organa"]​
[SIZE=18pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung and is carried upon the wind. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give with all of my spirit. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, it is the Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories.-Theodosius Organa
[SIZE=18pt]The Gathering[/SIZE]
Location: Just Inside the cave entrance
By now Theo had spent some time up in the entrance. He was not idle. The Kashi was exploring. There was many fascinating things in there entrance. Well the wonders of nature always fascinated him. Even here there was life to be found if you knew how to look. There were these little things. They were the size of a small bug. The outer shell was more like a rock. What the bug like thing looked under the rock Theo did not know. What it some sort of flesh? Or was it like a solid rock all the way through. It was fun to speculate. After watching some for a while, he noticed something. They ate rock. A rock like bug that could live in cold and ate rock. It was strange, but absolutely amazing. Other observations he noticed? Their Force signature, it was tiny because of their size. However it was odd. They had a subtle presence. The way its presence rippled with the current of the Living Force. It was in tune with the cave’s presence. It fluctuated with the energy of the cave. Did this little creature somehow play a part in the vision people have in this cave system? It was very possible. The Force was, well it was amazing and did crazy wondrous things. It made Theo think how this little creature has in relation to the crystals in this cave. Speaking of the crystals, Theo picked up several for study later on or to use then crafting Force Imbued items.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"] came back into the cave entrance. Sensing the presence of another Theo looked up and over. “Greetings” Theo walked a little bit closer. Theo appeared very cheerful. He was. He just learned some very interesting things about this cave. That and he was in the presence of another Kashi. “I hope you’ve had an interesting time down in the cave. Did you find anything useful”, Theo was not just implying that maybe Ron found physical items such as a crystal. There was other things you could find in this cave that was not physical in nature.


Well-Known Member
[member="Theodosius Organa"]

It was then just as he slowly began to exit the cave and came close to where the individual stood that he heard and could make out his form as spoke.


The figure spoke to which he instinctively reply back in response while in the back his mind. He did so earnestly to try recall if or when he could have met him. For at best he could not seem sense any misgiving about him and that part him seem know of him rather than anything else.

"Greeting to you as well....."

At which time it would seem the closer he approaches him that he couldn't help sense a fair amount of familiarity to the individual. Although for the life of him Ronin could not quite recall. Though he had to admit he had not yet recovered all his memory so he judging from the smile on his face that maybe. He'd been an acquaintance or some person of interest to him. At which time the stranger then seem oblivious to the debate running in his mind came to add soon after.

“I hope you’ve had an interesting time down in the cave. Did you find anything useful

To which he on his part nod in response soon as he did so speak.

"Well, you might say I did.....found me a crystal for one my sabers. How about you? Though I have say didn't quite notice you in the transport earlier......and I hope you might not think it strange if I ask how was it you arrived here? Are you part the current group I came here with?"
[SIZE=14pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung and is carried upon the wind. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give with all of my spirit. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, it is the Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories. -Theodosius Organa
[SIZE=14pt]The Gathering[/SIZE]
Location: Just Inside the cave entrance
“How did I, indeed”, Theo rolled his wrist. Fingers outstretched with his palm coming to an upright position. When his hand moved, the Force moved. A small handful of snow upon the ground lifted into the air. It had floated rather quickly and then hovered over the palm of his hand.

“You’re a Guardian of the Breath and have not heard of The Great Walk”, Theo asked his fellow Kashi.

“When the Living Force requires aid it asks and then sends for me. It opens a portal through time and space. It leads me to where a balance needs to be reset. Any Guardian is capable of this my friend. No this. You could take The Great Walk to, at the price I the temporary loss of memories. What is gained? You gain the chance to set things right.”


Well-Known Member
[member="Theodosius Organa"]

It was then sensed no apparent hostility from the stranger thought at the same time an underlying familiarity with him Ronin stood down and listen him speak. Hear him initiate the talk by starting things off quite simply......

“How did I, indeed”,

At which time after a brief pause then continued on say....

“You’re a Guardian of the Breath and have not heard of The Great Walk”

To which at best elicited a faint shake his head as with a slight perplex look on his face that he replied back.

" Guardian of the what? Great Walk..... What do you mean? And if you don't mind me asking what you mean? Seeing I know there quite a few gaps in my memory I don't know why but as far be able to piece together I was a Jedi? That as far I've read pop out like you did is well nothing I've seen nor know of?"

At which time with a calm demeanor the stranger then came forth reply.

“When the Living Force requires aid it asks and then sends for me. It opens a portal through time and space. It leads me to where a balance needs to be reset. Any Guardian is capable of this my friend. No this. You could take The Great Walk to, at the price I the temporary loss of memories. What is gained? You gain the chance to set things right.”

To which he then take in what he'd been told off by the stranger made somewhat some sense so he replied back.

"Maybe let say I do believe you....just happen to be here because the force leads you here. But still, can't believe could do that ......just pop in or out somewhere....and have said for whatever reason I can't help feel some familiarity about you thought not of you which could be. As you said a price this...Great walk....and maybe it right something wrong been gain........but what wrong?"
[SIZE=18pt]The Great Walk[/SIZE]
I hear the Breath speak, a gentle whisper that is sung and is carried upon the wind. It guides me, it nurtures me. I tend to its celestial gardens. This symbiosis with The Living Force, it is a binding contract, one that I so freely give with all of my spirit. This trust I give, it is unrestrained, an unconditional act of love and respect.
The Great Walk, it is the Kashi Pilgrimage. It is a long quest, a crusade to aid the Living Force. One may journey this path for atonement. Another may just walk this path to seek to reconnect. Any Kashi may take the walk. To do so, it takes unconditional faith and the price of memories. -Theodosius Organa
[SIZE=18pt]The Gathering[/SIZE]
Location: Just Inside the cave entrance
Theo shook his head. It had seemed his fellow Kashi here not only lost his memory but faith as well. Theo slowly walked forward closer to [member="Ronin Wendigo"]. Each footfall the crunching of snow could be heard through the entrance of the cave.

“Is seeing believing”, Theo said then he vanished from plan sight. Left in the wake of where he was standing was purple flower pedals slowly falling to the ground.

Several feet to Ronin right Theo had reappeared. When he had reappeared purple flower pedals fell to the ground around him. Theo had teleported from one location in the cave to another part and it took less than a second. “The Force is filled with many mysterious my friend. As you just witnessed one can travel from location to another just with a thought. You’re a Kashi. What is a Kashi, a race of people that have mostly died out? There are few of us left. The Force using order of our race is called The Guardians of the Breath. The Breath is the Force. Do you have any more questions?”


Well-Known Member
[member="Theodosius Organa"]

It was then soon after he spoke that the stranger before him seem shook his head with every heavy footfall echo thru the cavern. As he came seem ever so close to him as he spoke. Which both perplexed and intrigued him in quite contemplation as to what would happen next.... as he listens to him while turning his head to come face his direction.

“Is seeing believing”,

The stranger then said as he all but came inches from him with no hesitation nor inclination to stop. That when he was but a hair breath from him that part his conscious thought panic and all but push will him away. Anticipating collide with the stranger and yet enthralled to listen what he about said he stood his ground listening. Though no bit less skeptical of what he assumes would happen soon enough that it caught him off guard.

“The Force is filled with much mysterious my friend. As you just witnessed one can travel from location to another just with a thought. You’re a Kashi. What is a Kashi, a race of people that have mostly died out? There are few of us left. The Force-using order of our race is called The Guardians of the Breath. The Breath is the Force.Do you have any more questions?”

But then just as their path would have collided that the stranger disappears and came reappear on the opposite side him. And he then left dumbfounded for a moment came forth reply. But stop as a stabbing pain from his side radiated along with a hazy feeling as his mind like an ebbing tide slightly brush and trickle to his consciousness of a place. So cold that he remember the faint sound his chattering teeth then came to the harsh heat. As he somehow remembers the desolate planet he eventually found himself in collapsing in utter exhaustion with the ring screams still echo in the background.

" ...i....thought it seems hazy like a dream or a nightmare.....I can seem recall ....thought nothing less than bits or pieces.....of the bitter cold then wake to find....standing on the desolate that what it was then? The thought is it what it could be then? draw to flee from the void had I really travel in such a manner.....that it would not have been either my imagination nor anything of that sorts....that it could be this great walk you speak that had been the root or partly the reason for the empty void?"

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