Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine

Culas Vile


NIV Squalor
Coruscant Orbit
Operation: Iron Throne
New Imperials: Karlist Rax | Gallius Orcana | Captain Albrecht Herlock
Galactic Alliance: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Qellene Tyliame
Maw: Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

The stars in the vacuum of space above Coruscant were quickly drowned out by the symphony of starship fire as the mighty war fleet of the Maw showed itself against the defenders of the jewel of the Core. Vile watched on, awaiting further orders. The sight of the World Devastator's especially caught his eye. These behemoth of ships barreling down towards the surface was very alarming, to say the least.

That was when his new orders came in.

"Sir, the Fleet Admiral wants us to assist in stopping the ships headed for the surface." called out a comms officer.

"Very well. Not a single one will reach the ground in one piece. Get me in contact with the Alliance." the lieutenant responded.

At the Lieutenants command, the Squalor, along with the pack of Warrior-IIs, moved to intercept the coming Devastators. "Am I patched in with the Alliance, yet? Ensure the line is secure. Triple check it before I speak on it."

"You are clear, sir."

"Commodore Oliva. You will have my support in this operation. I will personally see to it that Coruscant only be littered with the flaming debris of these dogs vessels. You have my word."

As Vile's task force came in closer, turbolaser fire rained down upon the closest Devastator, concentrated on taking out one at a time as swiftly as possible. Missiles were launched upon lock on the Devastator. The Hand of Moridin was Lt Vile's primary target at the moment. The Devastators were incredibly durable, Vile noted silently. Nothing was impenetrable, however. "Keep focusing fire in one spot until we punch through. We'll bring the bastards down with our entire armory if we must." Vile barked.

Fleet | Actions
NIV Squalor - Praefect-class SD
Gurkha 1
Gurkha 2
Gurkha 3
Gurkha 4
Gurkha 5

1. Moved task force to engage World Devastators w/ Commodore Oliva.
2. Focusing fire on Hand of Moridin
She Left Behind A Legacy


Our worst fears realized...
...A terrible truth.



True to her nature and warriors alike, she was running toward the melee, no matter how much concussive force she'd taken to the head or no thought to who was winning or losing. Jade had already decided after Jakku that she would chase him to the core of the planet if that was what it would take to apprehend him.

With her jacket gone, her upper chest up to just beneath her clavicle were exposed and branded with bruises and marks that told the narrative of how her encounter with Solipsis during the destruction of the Jakku Enclave went down. The very thought caused her to grow cold inside.

She potted the snake disappearing around the curvature of a high wall, and she vaulted with her next step, stretching her stride. He ran with the speed and stealth of an executor, she could hardly hear his footfall; she honed in on the crunching of the durasteel tiling as she cleared the curve.

She trailed with the others on a chase that was as labyrinthine as the tracings of a Rishi eel.

But it seemed as though he was heading for where they needed him, she just kept the chase so he remained as steadfast in his desire to elude them as she was calm but coldly fixed on her prey -- keep him on track.

When they came to the Grand Concourse, she filled in with the others as they collected themselves for the confrontation.

Auteme said:
she gave a glance to Romi, searching. "He can't escape," she said. "We can't let him."

Looking over in response.

Blatantly, she leaned in as blonde locs fell, "And we won't." She nodded in reassurance, "We got this alright?"

To the group "We have him where we need him." She beckoned them forth, "I'll enter after you guys so I can activate the trap. Once we're in...there's no ins or outs, not until this is finished." She held up the crystal.

She step back and walked a few steps around them so she was at the end.

A beat.

When the door slid open to their presence, she slowly traced their steps until she stood in entryway. Kneeling, she planted the crystal, spun it into its proper placement and it glowed in response turning her sweat into an iridescent sheen -- it was reacting with the others. She could feel the current of power surge and nip at the air around her before collapsing into itself in chaotic fashion.

The trap had been activated.

She touched it in curiosity only to get shocked, but she knew the density was solid.


"'s solid."

She joined the other, nodding to Auteme.


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Vaxis: Holy Juror of the Ashlan Crusade

Location: Jedi Temple

Engaging: Darth Vinaze

Allies: Isla Draellix, Geiseric Geiseric , Greer Caimbeulaich, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair , AC, Jedi

Enemies: BotM, Sith


Vaxis continued his meditation, allowing his presence to pulsate outward in a series of waves. With each pulse, he could feel the strange, dark presence becoming more prominent, eventually reaching a plateau of dark energy strong enough to snap him out of his trance. His head calmly looked forward, setting his gaze upon the blackened, writhing mass of tentacles and eyes that was his opponent. The creature looked at him in an almost inquisitive nature, as if he didn't understand the calm resolve present within the Juror. Vaxis stood up in silence, listening to the creature as it questioned his motivation.

"Not all battles are fought on the front line, creature. I can save more lives by bringing you to heel."

He reached for his side, reaching for his sword. Drawing the ancient, Force-imbued blade from its scabbard, he said a silent prayer before taking a defensive stance. Vaxis did what he could to analyze his opponent, though it yielded little results. Caution would be key to this fight, and there would be little room for error.

"As for fear, well... fear is the way of the Bogan. I do not fear such darkness, for I am a harbinger of Light."

One foot stepped forward, followed by another.

"I will give you one chance, beast. Leave this place now, and never return. This will be my final offer of mercy. I suggest you take me up on it."

It was only then that he noticed the message from the Ashlan padawan. He wanted to reply, but it looked like it would have to wait. Luckily, Brother Ambrose would be there to guide her through this chaos.


Brother Ambrose: Holy Juror of the Ashlan Crusade

Ambrose exited the shuttle just in time to deflect a multitude of blaster bolts, maintaining his position long enough to meet with Greer. Fortunately, Ashla had granted him the foresight to find the correct place to land, as Greer soon found herself alongside him on the rooftop. As she exited her ship, she too was met with a volley of blastfire, although the padawan was able to block the incoming bolts. Ambrose quickly rushed to her side, sending bolt after bolt back to their points of origin.

"Ashla be praised, it is good to see you, padawan. I regret to inform you that there has been no word from our comrades, save for yourself. We are hoping to hear from our people within the senate building, though I wouldn't hold your breath. The city is crawling with the Maw."

As if it were on cue, two Mawites came out into the open, charging at the duo with all of the ferocity they could muster. Ambrose quickly held his hand out, pushing the two back with a sudden blast of Force energy, sending them over the edge of the building to the vast depths of the city below.

"We need to make our way to the temple. Brother Vaxis is attempting to put a stop to a dark presence that has been affecting the effectiveness of our comrades. It is up to us to aid those within the temple itself. I'm not sure how many Sith are there, but it may be more than the NJO can handle alone."

The screams of another Mawite notified the Juror of his presence, causing him to turn just in time to catch the man's blade with his own. The twisted, scarred face of the raider snarled at him in defiance as Ambrose parried the attack. He didn't give his foe a chance to attempt another. With a quick flick of his wrist, Ambrose threw a quick riposte, cutting the Mawite down.

"Stay close, and move fast. Rely on your training, and have faith in Ashla. We will get through this."



Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

The resonate shockwave from the explosion shattered the windows of the three closest levels of the tower, opening his path at last. Eager boots darted cross the piping, thrusting him down upon the broken glass windowsill to roll within the confines of the building on a level which had seen occupants evacuated already. He paused in his prone stance, dead eyes fluttering about the darkness of the office space, where only the wailing klaxons and flashing lights goading evacuation served as strobing signals. A hound in the darkness, Chimera tasted the air, nosing between useless breaths to draw the terror of his act into his senses. The general air reeked with fetid fear, the everyday employees of this building suffering beneath unyielding terror as the nightmare only escalated. It was not what he sought, no.

That arrived upon his palate from the level above.

It was a distinctive spike thrust through the frontal lobe of his brain, dawning recognition he may have sympathized with in ages long past: despair. Perhaps the most potent of the human potion, that effervescent cocktail of hope's swell careening in a nosedive straight into loss. Grief. Remorse. It called to him from beyond his Presence, squealing like a wounded animal in the darkness. And unlike his ilk, he would not give it the opportunity to escape his trap. Be it his quarry or her beloved, he did not know outright, but it was inconsequential to him all the same. Both must die. Both must be extinguished so that the Galactic Alliance was made to kneel and bleed even grander from its very heart. He was to shorten the lifespan with surgical precision.

Flames still lapping at his figure, Chimera bounded forth between the rows of cubicles with inhuman speed, his desires stoked on by the sole thrill of the hunt.

Ahead, illuminated by emergency lights, protruded a sign indicating the stairwell. Whatever gauntlet he was to climb to reach his quarry would be short-lived, as would any who stood in his path. The steel door was flung open and the Chimera unleashed upon the echoing chamber. Silently, he raced upward, vaulting over the curving rails to ascend. Above, too close for comfort, another door flung open. Rushed footfalls, much heavier than he anticipated from mere office staff crashed through the soundscape. Company.

The assassin dropped low, tucking himself behind the curving rail between flights, allowing the tension to mount within the dead tissue of his legs.

Two blockades descended the stairs to his left, clad in robes of cerulean nobility. Armor lay beneath it, he had no doubt.

Entertaining company.

In silence the assassin lunged, pouncing from his shadowy lurk with unnatural speed. Halfway through his leap, the blade tucked in sheath nestled against the small of his back rasped to action, summoned by lightning reflex. The first Senate Security officer died the most mercifully. An ambush, the predator slamming onto his prey with the element of surprise to guard his intention. The wicked blade of his, crafted for the sole purpose of a clean kill, penetrated deep through the bodyglove betwixt jaw and collarbone, where the armor was its softest. Gurgled cries of surprise and horror bubbled from the masked lips of the man, yet before he could retaliate, Chimera wrenched the killing weapon from its nest, sealing the deal.

The second officer, however, chose the wise route- adrenaline fueling the training engrained into a disciplined mind to act with swift retribution for the loss of their comrade. Backward, up the stairs, the soldier trounced, bringing the slugthrower clutched between their hands to bear. They would backtrack, maintaining the high ground in order to keep the advantage against the melee combatant they were to engage with. Smoldering embers fixated on the motions with hawkish intensity, the assassin countering the sudden bursts of slug round in his direction by swinging himself about and using the christened corpse as a shield. An undignified tactic, something he would have condemned had he any other option. Ears ringing, the pyrokinetic rushed upward, able to carry the body with bolstered strength, guarding his form against the barrage lain downward.

Realizing quickly the rounds were not penetrating the body of the fallen, the officer switched weapons then, swiftly drawing the vibroblade from its nest upon their thigh to wield instead. Going toe-to-toe with an unknown assassin was a gamble, but one that could prove well worth it.

<"Get Archangel to office, now! Assassin in the stair-"> before the soldier could utter the words, a flash of white-hot light blinded him. His helmeted head bounced down the stairs, leaving behind a crimson waterfall in its wake. The crownless corpse slid forward, chasing after it with dull thuds until it came to a halt against its brother.

Turning to look over his shoulder, Chimera sheathed the sword carried upon his hip, its edge hissing with the steaming blood created by conductive material. Boiling ichor sullied his dead senses and with curiosity, he tilted his head and called the severed helmet to his grip with a gesture, rolling it over in between his hands. Blood soaked his armored frame, though he cared little about such things, now. With his dying breath, he had cried out in desperation, confirming his team's worst fears.

With a rough shake, the fleshy remnants of a life were discarded from the armor itself and kicked back down the stairs out of his way, and sullied fingers fished along the interior of the helmet for the socketed device. When he found it, it was tucked into his own ear beneath his cowl, and he paused momentarily to listen to the chatter.

<"Bravo-Twelve, come in! Do you copy?!">

He said nothing.


He said nothing.

<"Move! Let's go!"> the urgency in the crackling voice decried its steadiness.

Taking to action thusly, Chimera bounded up the remaining stairs and thrust himself into the hallway awaiting him, just in time to catch the fluttering robes of the Chancellor herself vanish around the corner, heralded by a sea of swarming blue. It was her husband he had slain. Some part of him, still living, found delight in that realization, even as her despair had started to wane in the face of dutiful precedence. It mattered little, he had her in his sights now. The assassin barreled down the decimated hallway, flames blistering beneath the milky lenses of his eyes.

The chase was on.

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Libertas quae sera tamen


O P E R A T I O N : K N I G H T F A L L
The Aegis of Woe | Ace | Lightsaber

Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor

The scream of pain rupturing Zark's lips went unnoticed. He felt his talons take hold, plunging through the Jedi Master's psyche to inflict agony, he needn't the confirmation- nor did he require the validation of his peers. He pressed upon the wounded Master, focusing his efforts there until the sizzle of flesh and the accompanying burning filled his senses. As much was enough to encourage his backpedal, relieving the pressure on Zark temporarily as Cotan swooped in to engage.

He was swift, yet Cotan was faster.

Ages of sorcery had dealt untold damage to his hands, condemning them to quiver beyond his control, the nerve damage wreaking havoc upon his reflexes. Crimson spewed from the gouge sundered through his armor, the plate withstanding the greater force of the blade's edge, resisting until it could endure no further punishment, and exposed his flesh to its bite. He grimaced beneath his veneer, fingers spasming briefly around the electrum-plated hilt of his lightsaber, the traumatized tendons shocked by the sudden wound dealt unto them. He maintained his grip, refusing to release the punishing blade he clutched, however.

Through the disquiet unleashed within his skull and bent to plunge upon his interconnected foes, a voice called. The siren's song, a gleaming lighthouse in the maelstrom of ravenous black, resounded from the rear of his consciousness until it rang clearly behind his vestigial sockets:
I'll share in every agony you have to save anybody, Halketh. That's who I am, more than any name you could demand from me.

His blood-splattered masque found itself situated in Cotan's direction, identifying the voice's owner immediately. Rather than snap onto the bait, the Dark Lord maintained his mental inquisition, offering nothing more or less, than the level he held onto currently. He surged forth, brandishing his blade with his wounded hand, ushering a much more chaotic rhythm upon his foes with a shift of his Form into something much more aggressive upon its surface. He danced between the two Masters, twisting to counter Zark's charge from his flank before following through in a lowly blow aimed for Cotan's legs.

Caelitus balanced the attacks and his resulting counters, biding his time until an opening was crafted by his own volition. And the second the narrow window of opportunity creaked open, his grip switched and his blade found itself in his left hand, shifting his styles entirely as he descended upon Zark once more. He moved with harrowing grace, his focus split with malevolent expertise between limiting his pestilence's spread into Cotan's consciousness and dueling the Battlemaster.

That was until he struck like a viper in the dark.

The bold connection Cotan had established between himself and the Dark Lord would punish him tenfold. But not with pain, as much was far too simple. Rather, the deceitful Saint latched onto the connection eagerly, and at once, did the tide of his sorcery sweep unto the pathways interconnecting their two psyches. Perhaps at first, it would seem like nothing, a shift, a pulsing change in the tide of corruptive energy that was being espoused. And yet, the longer it continued, the direr its insidious effects would become.

Agony would be mercy.

Caelitus was inflicting pain no longer. Rather, the sudden shift of pulsating energy would seek not to destroy nor maim. Its effects were gentle, a humming caress against the Jedi's consciousness, a tender brush from one mind to the next. The touch was not building nor was it destroying... it simply swept anything it could reach away entirely- washing it away as though it never had existed at all.

All the while, he pressed the offensive on Zark, stomping a foot to send a careening crash of telekinetic energy in his direction to throw his balance before following up with a thrust toward his midsection.




Waymar Geyer
The marauder roved through the shrouded carnage, guided by the infrared spectrum provided by the augment grafted within his left eye socket. An explosion just off to his left staggered him to his right, swaying defensively as enemy action scattered his forces. Obscured by the colliding veils, it was only the sudden lurch of the slave-soldier on his left flank that revealed the Imperials were not all as they seemed upon the surface. And at once, the snap-hiss of an argent blade cut through the smoke, hissing as it warbled through the one its wielder had fished from the chaos. Rather than reveal his position outright to the Knight, Ozma remained silent.

Around him, his soldiers fanned outward, prowling like pack beasts through the carnage to seek and destroy foes they crashed into beneath the haze. Scanners brought the realization that his forces were in the open to the front of his focus. The cover would not last forever. An order was required to ensure his crusade's continuation. And thus, one was given.

To the New Imperials, however, tangled so dangerously close to The Hand, a chaotic, disjointed sound of digital origination echoed from somewhere in the smog, its grating cacophony raking like nails down a chalkboard to the unacquainted:


The pounding chorus of crude scattergun and stolen repeater was silenced with the technomancer's call and silence crept through the cloud. That was until the war cries of the Bloodsworn's soldiers rattled the mangled duracrete beneath in a forward charge. Bayonets. Swords. Hacksaws. War mauls. Axes. A tide of lethal melee weaponry crashed into the New Imperial line, most of the soldiers charging blindly through the fray until they crashed into a suit of unfamiliar armor and set to hack it to pieces in the ensuing tangle. A bayonet charge.

Fixated upon the glint of the saber blade through the thunderous crash of heretic and Imperial, the epicanthix lunged. Humming war axe, its edge superheated by connection to his heartful reactor, sundered through the corpse impaled for temporary cover, showering not only himself, but the Knight touting it in a fresh coat of blood. The weapon ushered the marauder's towering stature through the mist, his arrival christened by the hiss of his mens' blood off the heated elements of the machine where greater facial features should have lain. The two-handed weapon occupied his synthetic arms forward, yet the claw socketed into his spine swiped high with a much smaller, finer blade- a sword plundered from the corpse of a fallen Galidraani soldier.

The cultist offered his newfound foe no remark nor greeting, baptizing their introduction in the blood of the sacrificed alone.




Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Romund Sro Romund Sro | MAW
Guarantor | Visions of Gold

“Seven-Nine, be advised, Alpine is down.”

The announcement over the comlink brought the room to silence. The search of Senator Clynch’s office had been short once they knew what they were looking for. The Senate guards regularly swept the building for listening devices, but concealed escape routes were beyond their remit. An enterprising close protection officer had found the entrance by moving aside a filing cabinet and tapping on the wall, revealing a hatch hidden behind a holo protection of an otherwise blank wall.

“Adhira,” Tithe gasped. If the Brotherhood were after the First Gentleman, they’d also have their sights set on the Chancellor. “Is she, well, ahh…?” That was not part of the plan. If something happened to Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra the Chancellorship would fall to him, bringing with it added interest and security. Why, they might even audit his credit accounts and holdings - imagine! No, it couldn't be, there had to be a mistake.

“Control, Seven-Nine, status on Archangel?”
“Seven-Nine received, stand up.”

The tension was palpable as they waited for the update from the Senate guard command centre. The silence which has descended on the room was interrupted only by the scrapping of furniture as guards dragged a bookcase to barricade the door. Another ground of Brotherhood marauders had been spotted in the area looking for senators to kill or capture.

“Seven-Nine, Control, Archangel is orenth-mern, heading to secured site.” Orenth-mern - ‘on the move’. Adhira has survived whatever attack had targeted Aarav. Tithe felt himself relax visibly. His tax affairs were safe for now.

“Acknowledged Control. Extracting Bursar, will update en route.”

The lead guard clambered through the hidden hatch and activated a switch. Glow panels lining the roof of the tunnel came to life, revealing it to be some sort of service access, possibly for droids to move around the building undetected. It must have been covered over when this wing of the building was last renovated. The origin of the secret passage could be exploded later, assuming the Senate building was still standing when this was all said and done.

Tithe followed the guard into the tunnel and was joined by a second protector to bring up the rear. The hatch was sealed behind them by the remaining guards who planned to conceal the exit and hold off the Brotherhood as long as they could, buying time for the Vice Chancellor the escape. They had accepted what was likely a death sentence without so much as a second thought.

Look where their high morals had gotten them.

Tithe and the Senate guards moved down the narrow tunnel in silence, the sounds of the battle raging outside dampened this deep within the Senate building. The lead guard consulted a holomap at each intersection, trying to reconcile their location against the official floor plans. “I think we’re coming up on the exit.”

“Yes, and not a moment too soon,”
Tithe replied. “You know, the sooner we…”

The close protection officer raised a hand to silence the Aargauun. He exchanged hand signals with the other guard, and together they raised their blaster pilots and slowly crept forward. Had they heard something? That would explain their odd behaviour. If they were heading toward danger, that was the last direction Tithe wanted to go.

He slowly began to back up down the corridor away from whatever they'd heard.
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It was like speaking to an insolent child, misguided by anger and seeking some way to express emotions they didn’t understand. The red lightsaber blade flicked out of existence and Aeris let out a small sigh of relief. This sith wasn’t being unreasonable, even agreeing that there were better ways to obtain the knowledge of the Jedi. It was as good of a sign as any that the console was safe, at least for the time being.

And then, as violence usually did, it came back in full force. A familiar, tinned voice echoed through that ‘pretty head’ as Dagon’s voice scratched against Aeris' ear drums. She would have told him not to worry, but what he got was a pained grunt as black tendrils pierced against the side her stomach. Aeris stumbled back and to the ground as the blade in her hand extinguished and began to roll out of her hand.

Her eyes set on Kai and the man he… He tried to do something to. Should she have interrupted? She should have, but she didn’t. Instead she rolled on the ground, pulled the saber back into her hand as she rose to her feet and turned towards this Sith lady that had attacked her, one hand on her wound, the other at the ready to engage again.

“Why are you doing this?” Aeris asked, not out of spite but out of the desire to establish some form of bridge between the two. “Philosophical reasons?”

No, she still wasn’t retaliating if she could help it.

“We are not as different in that regard as you might think.” She exhaled and stabilized her breathing. “My passion is knowledge, that is my strength and my power.”

“The only difference between you and I is that I would never be the one to attack others over it.” She coughed. A vague taste of copper spread on her tongue. That wasn’t exactly good. “Please, reconsider what you are doing here. Call your troops back.”

“Be strong enough to seize back the power to act for yourself and not because it is the will of some man who plays pretend in the Senate. What would the destruction of the Jedi truly give you?”

Anja Doreva Anja Doreva // Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
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Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Great Hall

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“Sometimes it’s better to dance with the girl that brought you...” - Anonymous

The nauseating feeling was not limited to Kol, Caltin had felt it as well, and while the Force was already focusing on his leg, the Sasori Crystal on his Tora’yor-Henkan vambrace was glowing. So with that, the big guy squeezed the glove and let the stone go to work. Quickly his mind was clear again and he was good to go. There was an odd feeling about the glove that he didn’t like though, it was not debilitating, but the big guy knew that this glove, for all of its amazing capabilities would have to be used sparingly.

Give me a second to clear the playing field. I learned this from the Jedi whose statue you shoved me into.

Master Galen Marek, or “Starkiller”, was not the most well-known Jedi, but “the kid had skills.” One of those skills was that of a Force Wave, not in the generic “out in all directions” sense that is taught the most but focused on one devastating angle. The massive Jedi Master had not pulled this stunt in over eight hundred-sixty years, and though he was more than capable of executing it, the big guy tended to overestimate how hard to pull it off. This was something that often gave him pause, but Vanagor was not in the mood for reticence, he was not in the mood for anything now. He just witnessed an Acolyte dragging a Padawan across the floor, only to jam his lightsaber in her face.

No more tricks, no more cute little shows in the mind, this was a fight, and it was time to get down to the brass tax. Kol was already doing so, it was time for Caltin to reciprocate. However, they were not going to do it here. Closing his eyes, bringing his hands back an enormous burst of electrically encapsulated Force energy cannoned from his hands at the front doors and the outer surrounding wall to them. If Kol was caught in the blast, he would be sent hard out into the Courtyard along with the doors, and debris. If he was not, then any attempts to dodge would prove to be the distraction that Caltin would need to tackle and spear the Dark Jedi outside.

Why outside? Simple. More room to move around.

Regardless of how they were outside, Caltin would let Kol get to his feet, this way there was no excuse. There was also a reason for this. A verbal one.

Leave, and I won’t follow.

Shifting into a strict Makashi stance, Caltin walked slowly, calmly, methodically towards his foe, and with a spin of his lightsaber, he feigned an overhead slash… no he committed to it. His free hand was swinging upward with an uppercut to the stomach. Maybe it would connect, maybe it wouldn’t maybe they both would be easily blocked or countered, but he was going back to basics on this, regardless of how it worked out.





Location: The icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi Jax Thio Jax Thio

Jax goaded her as usual, and Pom in turn preyed upon his thoughts to convince him to see her reasoning. He has proven his capabilities by advancing in his skill since they last met, and he would serve the Darkside well, if only he could believe in her intentions for the greatness with which she voiced them.

"What is it you want, Jax Thio, jedi knight?" she asked having heard his whispered self-assuring mantra. "Why is it, that in order to gain what you desire, you must take from others? All this turmoil today is in accordance with weighing the scales of justice. Your people are the aggressors. You desire to snuff us out of existence entirely, while we reside within our own quadrants of space. Still we offer to free your mind to live up to your potential right down to your last breath of life!"

The physical and ethereal mixed before them. The room became transpired to dried up fountains resting upon dead grass. The sun tried desperately to cut through the thick fog, its light seen as a bright white wall, an added obstacle to blind the senses, regardless of its helpful potential to clear out the heavy mist.

The Nightsister disappeared behind the veil of the fog and remained ever consciously vigilant of the threat that Jax posed, while she reached out and mentally grasped onto the signature of Spasa. It was so similar to her own, yet wrapped in the Light of the Ashla. Memories long put out of her mind began to revive.

Another crystal vial plucked from a cord upon her vest, and the Nightsister cast a Spell upon the sleeping Soul of Spasa. She would render her twin to appear exactly as herself, and puppeteer her as if she were nothing but a lifeless corpse.

"Jax, how vividly do you remember that day you momentarily died. How much hatred you felt for me. You were so very close to your awakening. How about we explore that day once again."

The Nightsister cast an Illusion, recreating the event in such detail, she believed her Spell is bound to stir his negative emotion, and she could lead him through the fog to murder Spasa in her stead.



Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Equipment: Jedi Temple, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Jax sighed "Funny, all I see are the Sith being the aggressors." He replied. "Massacring younglings and Jedi alike. You've had a chance to separate yourselves from Jedi multiple times. Yet once again you always love to shoot yourselves in the foot. Could stand to understand the definition of PR."

The mist didn't matter, Pom lurking in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to strike. "Breathe, just breathe," What matters was for Jax to not give in to his fear and anger the Dark Side feeds into that and lashes back with incredible force. Jax needed to be the calm eye in the storm while Pom rages around him like she was doing right now. He opened eyes and saw the Room of Thousand Fountains turn into a wasteland, the clean, lush grass began to wither and fade away. The fountains began to dry up into a basin and the feeling of dread began to wash all over Jax again. The blaster wound on his shoulder began gnaw at his shoulder as if the wound took a mind of its own and began to consume the flesh around Jax. Yet Jax remained stoic the Light Side flowing through him. A shimmering image began to emerge from the fog, Pom approached Jax asking whether or not he remembered his hatred for her before she killed him.

"I remember," Jax said. "I also remember you getting angry at the fact that I mentioned a person named Spasa."

Jax deactivated his Lightsaber blinking and realizing that it wasn't Pom that was approaching Jax rather a different woman. A woman comprised of light, Jax detected a twinge of sadness and despair within her. Was she trapped? "So this is her." Jax said clipping his Lightsaber. "This Spasa, you're seeking her out aren't you Pom?"

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Location: Coruscant, the Jedi Temple; Courtyard
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

When the burst of encapsulated, electrical force energy occurred that was unexpected. In fact seeing as by then Kol had been walking towards Vanagor, lightsabers whirling and preparing for the assault all Kol could do was bring them around and into a defensive cross at his fore. When the burst of force energy impacted the 'Dark Sacraments' would eat some of the electrical discharge, absorbing it with the energy of their blades but the rest of blast would throw Kol off his feet and carry him backwards.

Crashing through the doors opf the Jedi Temple Kol was thrown outside along side debris, broken stone and splintered wood only to land on his back in the Courtyard some distance away from his enemy. Unlike Vanagor the Dark Jedi wasn't quite as apt when it came to healing and he didn't have any devices that might have aided him in such, the Dark Side of the Force bolstered his body, fortifying it alongside his 'Apostles Vestments' and his control over the pain he might feel was a boon but even these only went so far. Outside, laying on his back Kol was starting to feel it.

While the Jedi Master was making his way outside Kol was rolling onto his stomach and slowly picking himself up, even the Dark Hunter that primal part of his mind was shook. As he came back to his feet the Dark Jedi steadied himself, coming around to face Vanagor who received only a bit of a snarl in response to his offer to leave...

"Why prolong the inevitable?"

...something told Kol this wouldn't be the last time they saw one another. The Dark Jedi held the 'Dark Sacraments', the lightsaber in his non dominant hand in an inverted grip and the other in a more conventional one. When Vanagor came at him Kol blocked the overhand blow as expected, using his lightsaber to catch Vanagor's descending one horizontally but the Jedi Masters follow through landed. Despite the ability to absorb damage that the 'Apostles Vestments' possessed the uppercut still staggered call. As he stumbled backwards he'd snap the inverted lightsaber from his left to right at the forearm of Vanagor's arm, hoping to catch it before the Jedi Master could withdraw.

The Dark Jedi was slowly being ground down, Vanagor likely noticed that he wasn't moving quite as fast anymore. Probably from a combination of that uppercut and the previous blast of force energy, the biggest hits that had landed on the Dark Jedi thus far.

Despite the backwards stumble Kol recovered quickly and looking at Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , the Jedi Master would see the crimson flash in the eyes of the Dark Jedi. At this point there was little choice but to let the Dark Rage take him, let the dark side of the force flood him completely so that his pain fueled him and his hatred enhanced him. When Kol came back at Vanagor it was in a frenzy.

The 'Dark Sacraments' worked in tandem, Kol would swipe with his dominant blade looking to lock it with Vanagor's lightsaber and even attempt to press it wide while his non dominant weapon, still held in an inverted grip snapped across at the chest of the Jedi Master. The Lightsabers, flashing and swinging was all to keep Vanagor's attention. Whether or not they hit. Leaping off his back foot Kol would have launched himself at Vanagor all the same, hoping to use the close quarters to surprise the Jedi Master as he went to plant a flying knee into the midsection of the large man hard.​
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[ANV Revenge]
[Captain Relynia Sorrene - Ship's CAG]
[X-Wing Space Superiority Fighter]
[Pickett Line 253]

"Stick close. Weapons-Free. Razors, take positions around Revenge and Glory. Serpents, reinforce Raptor," She paused for clarity of thought, reexamined the constantly changing situation map in front of her, then spoke again, "Gevs, you're with me."

Relynia breathed a slow, heavy sigh; one that managed to weigh down and grind the rush of thoughts in her mind to a halt. Silence took lease, eased the strain on her nerves, and reaffirmed a far more stable mindset. Only for her blood to begin pumping faster, accelerating from the restricted flow she had temporarily instilled. The captain now matched pace with her home carrier, followed closely alongside the Revenge as it struck at the Brotherhood's nearest warships.

30 seconds till within effective weapons range... The captain read the countdown timer's display from the corner of her eye. Another switch clicked into place to mark the milestone's pass-- missiles; the ordnances unlocked now. She'd be able to release them safely in... Fifteen seconds. A nod. Relynia mustered a face of resolve, purged her impatience, brought her chin up carefully. Eight seconds. She nodded silently to herself again, signaling a matter of seconds spent falling back toward the flagship's port side; specifically further aft, seeking to reinforce its poorly protected ion engine assemblies.

Zero seconds. Relynia leapt to pick out her targets amongst the Brotherhood's dispatched squadrons. One missile rang out, sheered directly through a pair of encroaching TIE fighters, another sought the heart of a gunship, detonated only meters away.

The captain drew in a deep breath, ever careful to not take her hand off the trigger of the X-wing's guns in the meantime, especially careful not to activate them by mistake. She flinched, the possibility threatened her as one of Culas Vile's reinforcement starfighters dove past the bow of her own, seeking its own target in the form of a stray Divine Eagle. Both quickly became blurs of motion in the face of the Warriors' clusters of blinding ion drives as each cruised further away. Yet again Relynia was left hugging the sides of the Revenge.

Watching as the World Devastators grew closer to the corvettes, and to Coruscant's now fiery surface. They couldn't be allowed to descend further, for obvious reasons that spurred equally unmistakable malice in Relynia's mind. Almost on queue, she began to foam at the mouth, and rushed to deter the build up of anger. Head in the game. Or you're useless. She recalled saying the same words to a younger pilot during the Alliance's previous exodus. Involuntarily, she began to wonder what had become of him. But t
he captain's train of thought came to an abrupt halt. The world now spun around her.

The X-wing's guns spun as well, and affixed their aims to a pair of TIE/fd fighters that Relynia's wingmate had led into her path. Lunging abruptly, and deftly forward, she watched the lead break apart, watched the other break into a retreat for its own squadron. But it too broke apart, in time and under the fire of the Glory's cannons; two less pilots were left to terrorize the Alliance.

She returned her attention to the World Devastators.

Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva , Culas Vile , Errm.. somebody else, I guess?
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"Damnit, Jax! I'm Nightsister not a counsellor!"

Location: The icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi Jax Thio Jax Thio

He spoke in circles, as he always had with her. Passing the blame, disinterested on holding a dialog as are most factions. Then out of the illusion she cast, of the pain and suffering which he had experienced, he uttered something she had not counted on, remembering Spasa. Pom hissed.

She had been quite amicable with her temperament until that moment. "How could you remember her name?!" the Nightsister shrieked, clearly enraged. She had him baited and everything she fed him should have ruffled his feathers, and yet she is the one who's emotions boil over.

As Pom realized the jedi did not react as she had planned, she released Spasa entirely from her control. The unconscious body of Spasa collapsed before Jax. From the shadows the Nightsisters growled in absolute frustration.

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Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

The woman known as Spasa began to collapse yet before she could hit the floor, Jax grabbed her scooping the unconscious woman in his arms while he felt the frustration of the Nightsisters around him. "It doesn't matter how I remembered her name Pom." Jax said coolly. Jairdain Jairdain had told Jax about Spasa and how close she was to her but Jair was vague on the details. Whoever Spasa was, she held significant importance to Pom, Jax gently placed the woman down and rose up clenching his fists.

"Give up the illusions Pom!" Jax declared. "It's over! Come down so we can talk! There's no need for more violence."

He looked down. "Enough blood has been spilled already," Jax lamented. "Let's not add to it."

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Location: the icky jedi temple
jedi Jax Thio Jax Thio

The jedi could not want to talk. "LIES!" It must be his ruse to get his way in all of this. No doubt he fancies himself the good guy; that Spasa is just some innocent victim suffering under the Spell of the Nightsister. Spasa couldn't possibly be the antagonist in all this! Why speak to Jax now that his mind is likely cooking up some plan to defeat her, and to rescue Spasa of all people? Such will only lead to Pom's future torment!

"You are in no position to stop the wars," she sneered. "You're just one jedi knight, faceless among many." If only the Nightsisters were as vast. Long ago the jedi swooped down and killed her people. How can Jax be any different?

The Nightsister contorted the energy of the vast room once again in one last fell swoop, desperate to succeed at putting to death the last shred of Spasa's terrorizing soul. "You are in no position to change the minds of any of your people."

Spasa's lifeless body was vehemently drawn across the ground away from Jax, out of sight. A piercing grinding noise thundered from all around, as the ground upon which they stood trembled. Pom hovered in the air, as the room expanded and a vast labyrinth sprouted, leaving Jax just outside its boundaries. "Life is never as easy as we anticipate, especially without the proper training. Choose to join me, and you can have everything the moment your brain is able to ponder it."

A snap of her fingers and the fog cleared just enough to reveal the physical parameters of her new test. The labyrinth stood tall, formed of mangled composite metals, unearth from beneath the planet's lower level base. Spasa is somewhere herein, out of sight.

Pom wouldn't permit Jax to succeed! Never! Having him join is the only way to end the wars.


Location: Coruscant, approaching Galactic City
Tags: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

  • The Mongrel suffers a saber cut to his cybernetic metal torso
  • He activates his dread blade and saber-resistant vambraces
  • He orders Ignatius to find them an escape vehicle
  • He shoots an incendiary dart at the fuel-leaking speeder
  • He jumps down the hill of glop before the explosion ensues
  • He stands up in a guard position with blade and vambrace

The Mongrel had no time to respond to Mercy's transmissions, but he trusted her to be able to proceed without his guidance. If she was already inside the 500 Republica, perhaps about to run up against the likes of Atlas Drake Atlas Drake , she was about to get reinforcements in the form of a substantial Scar Hounds strike force; all of the other speeders were still on their way, after all. It was only the warlord's own vehicle that had been brought down. Random bad luck, or a targeted attempt to take out the Mawite leadership? He couldn't be sure which.

But his warriors were strong. They'd be fine without him.

It was almost a relief to be thrust into the thick of the fighting, all of the logistics and tactical concerns he'd been considering moments earlier pushed aside in favor of simply surviving and escaping the situation. Just as his speeder had literally been brought down from the sky, he had been figuratively dragged back to ground level. Down on this war-torn street it did not matter that he was The Mongrel, Warlord of Mar'zambul, Chieftain of the Scar Hounds. He was a marauder again, a simple warrior of the Brotherhood surrounded by deadly foes.

Quickly he took stock of the situation, his blazing visor sweeping across his immediate surroundings. Two of the auxiliaries were dead, thrown headlong from the speeder to land hard on the unyielding pavement - or headfirst in the hardening glop, equally fatal to anyone who needed to breathe. "Iggy" was bloodied and disoriented, spitting up crimson foam from beneath his crooked nose, but mercifully did not seem to have broken anything. That was good; they would need him to drive once again, and that would be difficult with injured limbs.

The fourth auxiliary was more lucid, having avoided a knock to the head, and was fighting through the pain of a compound fracture to the right arm. The Mongrel nodded his approval to the man; the bravery and endurance he was displaying, providing covering fire and helping move Ignatius despite his terrible wound, was indeed worthy of the Brotherhood. He would be celebrated if he survived to the end of this day, and he would be honored by the Three Avatars if he did not. The warlord could work with this. The three of them could escape.

Or if they could not, they would at least die well.

The Weequay auxiliary asked what the plan was, and The Mongrel began to formulate a reply. He had no intention of waiting for rescue; that would be conduct unbecoming of a Warlord. Let other militaries expend unnecessary resources to rescue their fragile, weak commanders. He was not just a warleader, he was a warrior first. If he could not fight his way out of this situation, he was unworthy of the position. Multiple times he had been delivered from death's grasp as if by the hand of the Avatars themselves.

Either it would happen again, or... Well, he was not afraid to enter paradise today, if the Avatars so willed.

But before he could make any reply, another voice cut in. "You die, and join your ugly bastard friends in the Nether." The Mongrel's gaze snapped to the source of the sound, and he beheld a man dressed all in white, bounding up the street in his direction. In his gloved hands, the cloaked man held a laser-sword... and not any ordinary one, but the sort called a "saberstaff". He could only be a sorcerer, not just for that weapon but because he moved with inhuman speed. There was only an instant in which to react to his imminent arrival.

The Mongrel moved swiftly, but he was calm despite the danger. He had faced countless mage-knights by then - Jedi, Sith, Witches, adherents of the strange Force traditions of the Confederacy and New Imperial Order - and knew no fear when confronted by one on the battlefield. He dropped his pistol and reached to his side, grasping the hilt of his dread blade. An instant before impact, the weapon - its crackling red blade generated by a mangled shard of kyber crystal stolen from Ilum - sprang up to intercept the alabaster-clad foe's attack.

The warlord was not quite fast enough. His dread blade deflected the saberstaff strike upward, keeping the shimmering silver of the weapon from cleanly running him through... but a flash of the saber's argent tip slashed through a chunk of torso between shoulder and neck as it passed. For any ordinary man, the fight would have ended there. The pain of the saber burn would have been almost unbearable, and vital muscles and ligaments would have been severed, leaving the left arm useless. But The Mongrel was not any ordinary man.

Ever since his marauding career had begun, the warlord had been rapidly accumulating grievous injuries... wounds that he had repaired with more and more cybernetic enhancements. When Ziare's point-blank shotgun blast had shredded his torso back on Carlac, only his durasteel ribcage had saved him - itself an enhancement to save his life after his original ribs were crushed by a Gundanbard mace on Mar'zambul. There had been no point in salvaging the ruined flesh of his chest. His entire torso had been replaced with a metal exoskeleton.

His spine and organs swam in nutrient fluid within.

The saberstaff blow melted through the metal of that exoskeleton near its top, but The Mongrel did not even feel it beyond a dull sense of impact and a warning whine of inbuilt sensors. The glancing blow certainly didn't slow him down. He took one step back, to get some distance, and brought his other arm up to join his dread blade in a guard position. After Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina had used her razor-sharp katana to cut cleanly though his cybernetic arm back on Kinoss, he'd looked into ways to keep that from happening again.

The warlord now wore saber-resistant vambraces on each forearm. Plundered from the destroyed Jedi Enclave on Jakku, they were his favorite trophies yet.

"Find us transportation," The Mongrel ordered Ignatius and the Weequay. He trusted them to be able to hotwire a civilian speeder or hijack a military one, even under fire; both had proven themselves to be survivors, even in extreme circumstances, and he was counting on them to keep up that streak. "I will deal with this." He did not grant his foe the courtesy of a response to the taunt he'd begun the fight with. Instead he simply fell into the rhythm of battle, preparing himself for the rigor of surviving a fight with yet another demigod.

Jedi and their ilk were hard to kill. Their weapons were one thing - you could learn ways to deal with lightsabers, and The Mongrel had - but their magic was another entirely. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to which specific spells each sorcerer wielded; The Mongrel had seen an incredible variety of powers, attacks and defenses alike, capable of simply cancelling out all manner of clever tactics and sophisticated technological solutions. He had come to assume only that he should make no assumptions. There was no telling what each foe could do with the power of their mystical Force.

Not without testing their limits in battle, anyway.

So the warlord resolved to do just that. With his left arm, still raised in a guard position, he pointed one cybernetic finger... not at his opponent, but at the crashed speeder, mired in the hardened glop. There was still fuel in the craft, leaking slowly out through the crushed engine compartment. Grinning behind his durasteel mask, The Mongrel clenched his fist. The tip of his mechanical index finger folded back toward his palm, as if grievously broken... and a small dart shot out from within his finger. It was an incendiary, and it was headed right for the growing pool of leaked fuel.

The warlord leapt down the hill of hardened glop, rolling over his shoulder as he hit the pavement. He came up on his feet, his left arm and dread blade once again raised in a guard; the weapon had left a molten groove in the street where it had cut into the duracrete when he'd rolled. Behind him, the fiery little dart struck the fuel and raced up the trickle, straight for the engine compartment. Within seconds it would burst, showering the whole area with fire and heated shards of speeder chassis. Hopefully that would put the hurt on white-cloak.

And hopefully not on the escaping auxiliaries.
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Geiseric walked close to the outer wall of the hallway, gazing frequently down out into the dark streets. Explosions and blaster fire intermittently bathed the dark-clad masses that surrounded the building, and he didn't fail to notice that few of them were defenders. The Senate building was poised to fall.

As they descended floor by floor, the bleak reality of the situation became more apparent. With sword righteously in his grip and shield in front of him, the crusader and his guardian angel cleaved through the masses of feral Moon Children that had swarmed into the building. The Bogan's depravity knew no bounds, and the chosen of Ashla had absolutely no mercy to extend to the monsters before them.

Sweeping through the last of one of their packs, Geiseric looked up, then down the hall to see the approach of more dangerous foe. Two Sith, trailed by their entourage of a dozen soldiers, began to close the distance between them. As the soldiers opened fire, Geiseric raised his shield and weathered the onslaught.

"Jedi! Light Friends and all! Come see which of us will stand upon the mound that will become this accursed place! Less you fear the Darkness you've surely sworn to destroy!"

One of the pair stepped forward to speak, then advanced on Geiseric with his saber. The crusader met his opponents blow with his own sapphire lightsaber, positioning it between the Sith's strike and his energy shield for two layers of defense.

"Your bravado is useless Sith. The Jedi will stand here, and it is the Maw that we will stand atop." Geiseric, in his heart, was unsure at the truth of his retort. Darkness clouded everything in the moment, but he needed to maintain confidence, unwavering in the face of these attackers.

"Dispatch the other one Eina, I'll deal with this one!" he pushed back against Senthral's blade, pushing the Sith away from him as he took his own step back to re-establish the distance between them. He then charged forward and thrusted forth his saber, intent to stab the Sith's torso.



Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains(?)
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Pom was filled with venom when she roared at Jax he could feel the hatred seeping out of her. Yet the Jedi did not flinch "we can stop the wars Pom." Jax said his voice unwavering. "All it takes is for both sides to stop fighting and actually listen to each other! We need to let go of our hate and make peace with each other. It's tearing this galaxy apart! Innocents on both sides have lost their lives over our forever war!"

Jax saw large walls sprouting in front of him going as high as the Alliance Executive Building he did a backflip and looked around frantically quickly noticing that the constantly shifting walls. Looking down, Jax looked in shock to see that Spasa has gone missing. The ground continued to shake as the walls formed into a large labyrinth. Pom once again offered Jax the chance to train him, yet the Jedi remained undeterred.

"I'm not interested in your power," Jax said beginning to walk. "What you're offering is nothing compared to the true power of the Force. You've experienced it back in Korriban and it doesn't share power."

Jax continued to walk through the maze already aware that they were no longer in Coruscant. Was it a mind trick? Probably, Jax needed to be prepared for anything.

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First | (AC)
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Senate Building
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies:: Geiseric Geiseric
Enemies:: Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus | Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As the soldiers began to shoot at them, not only did Geiseric raise his shield, but Eina also reached out to the Force. A golden telekinetic shield appeared around the two of them to protect themselves. Eina was not a Jedi, and she showed a sign of that the next moment. Force Lightning began to appear around her fingers, skin, and wings. Each in gold colour; and she remained completely neutral in the Force. From the Force swirling around her, her legs rose slightly off the ground.

The moment she spread her wings, the golden Force lightning slammed out of the air on the six soldiers who had attacked her and her crusader. Respectively to the six others who attacked the civilians. It didn't look like that was the woman who started the attack, rather she summoned it over the Maw soldiers. As the Sith Sorcerers do. Only in the case of Valkyrja was the Dark Side not present. She descended to the ground after the attack. The Valkyrja could feel the man's dark aura, the woman not bothered, neither side; the benefits of being a Force Entity. Eina would have been more troubled by the lack of Force if she had not had an artificial gland which her father made originally.

She felt through the mark that Geiseric wasn’t as confident as he wanted to be. But she was a little worried about how the man would react. Eina didn't speak out loud, just telepathically touched the man's mind, she'll going to do what the crusader asked. She also let her aura be felt, but hers was not against the Sith, but rather tried to surround the crusader with her power to encourage and help him. Much like Battle Meditation would, only as a Force Entity and because of the mark, it was all easier.

The woman's and her species' job was to escort the dead souls to Netherworld, killing as few mortals as possible. Her lightning didn’t kill Maw’s people either, if they couldn’t dodge it, it just caused cramps and loss of consciousness. Here the woman was very restrained; in the Nether she never did. But these were not demons but mortals. She had not yet reached for her weapon, but she had moved closer to the Sith Lord.

"Surrender, and you will all survive!" she said in an ice-cold voice, it was exactly as if her mother, the Eternal Empress, had said it, as they had exactly the same voice.



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