Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


Location: Corridors of the Senate Building, working to find an exit and to locate Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Allies: GA, SJO, Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj
Enemies: The Maw, Sith

Move move move kept repeating in her ears as they moved to the hallways everything seemed fine. Here on this side of the building if there were intruders they were doing their best at remaining hidden. Faith paused and looked, Becca at her elbow, "There are reports that they are near the Temple and here near or in the Senate building."

Her mouth went dry all she could do then was shake her head to indicate she understood. "
Ambulances deployed?"

Becca tried to make her voice confident, no tremors she had to be confident. But she couldn't help but wonder was today the day? What.....Faith had asked a question, "Yes mam, the hospitals are already reacting. And ships have been requested to take as many seeking to leave as possible. but....there's no promise the skies are any safer"

Again the slow shake of her head, "understand..."

The small group of 4 Knights, Becca and Faith began moving down the hall staggered to keep watch in front and to the rear. Faith looked to Becca, "Can you message the family." At the moment the recognizable sounds of a fight reached them. Everyone visibly stiffened. They could go back barricade in the office.

"Keep going LT we either make the Alderaan Embassy, or the hospital." From either location they could help others and that was her goal. That was her job Health and Wellness certainly now was as good a time to remember that.
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How many would this world see? Ike cursed under his breath as he watched the sky from the Queen's office. There were already explosions in the streets. He was sure that the Alderaanian royal escort was trapped in battle above the planet. He looked to his queen like she had suddenly swallowed a lightsaber pike and crapped out a Kryat dragon pearl.

"With all due respect my Queen, we didn't BRING the medical corps and if they want this to be effective any com traffic out of the system is already jammed." He took a step forward and snapped his helmet over his head.

"The best thing we can do for now is get you somewhere safe and bide our chance to escape. Even if they were here, all the Medical corps would do is add to the body count. These bas- err these Raiders care nothing for the red cross and will slaughter them in the streets surely as a storm during the Weeping." He sighed heavily. It was difficult keeping up with her stride in all this armor.

"I beg you, call those ambulances back. They'll do nothing but get in the way of the military response and kill more people."



Objective: Assist the forces at the Senate District
Nearby Allies: Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus
Nearby Foes: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Geiseric Geiseric (Engaging)
Weaponry: Crimson Cross-Guard Lightsaber "Hope's End", DL-22 Blaster Pistol, and the Dark Side

'Peace is a lie, there is only Passion.'

It wasn't a part of the Sith Code he always thought on, but in a battle like this... It seemed oh so apparent. There were those who would leave this battle brotherless and sisterless. Even more, some would be fatherless or motherless because of this. All to enforce the Jedi's supposed Peace, no the Galaxy's many inhabitants supposed Peace. There was no peace in this, and peace would never be it's result. Countless times had passed and all lay as proof to assure Darth Senthral of that notion. No, that fact.

The location had changed, and now the Apprentice and his Master were upon some... Jedi? He could not pin what exactly who fought before them, but he felt the Light Side. He would even say he felt it's pull, but he was numb to it, and felt no will to enjoy it's embrace. The Dark Side was sometimes cold, but it would see him one day prevail as the strongest among the Sith. If not him? Then Darth Tennacus, or whoever would succeed his very self. Alas, there was no point dawdling on power he had yet to hold. It was time to seize a part of it.

"Jedi! Light Friends and all! Come see which of us will stand upon the mound that will become this accursed place! Less you fear the Darkness you've surely sworn to destroy!" The shouts were not threats, but assurances of what would become of those before him. Not overconfidence. A call to the Dark Side, to flow through himself, that he may prove himself a worthy inhibitor of it's true strengths. Crimson 'saber came raised, and then fell forward, pointing towards those before him. In specific? Geiseric Geiseric , such looked a worthy opponent.



They won’t. You’ll die here.”

Jem saw red. Maybe it was just the hue of Letifer's approaching saber, or maybe it was the drops of blood rolling their way down the gash above her eyes, but she wasn't ready to die on her doorstep tonight. The weight of darkside consumed the unwitting padawan, her mind overcome by both the meld and the corruption that sought to tear it apart.

She didn't think.

She charged forward, a battle cry befalling the girl's lips as she lept clear over the rubble between them. The strength of the jedi encased her limbs as she brought the saber down in a resounding strike.

It was flashy, predictable, but looked hella good in the training rooms.

She would kill him this time. For reals.

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Tags: Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Darth Mori
Location: Temple Steps


That's what this was, wasn't it?

Aradia could remember the nights she had spent dreaming of this exact moment ... taking from the jedi what they had once taken from her.

They must have felt this powerful when they walked into her academy and purged it to the ground. She wondered if they admitted to themselves how it felt... to move unstopped through your enemy's home. All those wars... and the jedi never tasted the bite of their own sting.She could almost bring herself to like this new order as they marched her on the Jedi's front door.

She was their consequence. Zaavik was their consequence. And although it pained her to see him dragged back into the lions den, she hoped this gave him the closure he deserved.

This was his idea after all.

Her fingers brushed his, the apprentice all too aware of her Master's gaze. Aradia tried her best to hide her apprehension, but the satisfaction of this trip was tainted by single glance to the boy besides her. She swallowed it back and crested the steps, the collapsed entryway overrun by her kin.

"...Do you know another way in?" She asked, rhetorical of course.

This had been his home.


Waymar Dathrohan



Ozma Olumivius



The Maw's tactical brilliance had ranged from actual droning zombies to meticulous killers. In Waymar's small splinter of the battle, his opposition seemed far closer to the latter than the former. Only fitting. Not as if the Imperial Knight didn't revel in the challenge. One of the core beliefs espoused by Rurik Fel and the Imperial Knight was just that. To never stagnate, to always strive to be better. To always test one's mettle. Alas today would be another trial set in Waymar's path.

He had no choice but to face it with blade in hand and unbroken resilience in his heart. But all the same he was but the man in the arena of duracrete, steel and ash around him. But not alone, not at all. The stormtroopers surrounding him were perseverant souls all the same. They had to be. They were left with...a meager complement, not anything Waymar nor Vrask had been tooled to command. But this came from the privilege of coming into their own within an Empire that had matured past the days of the dogged assaults on Harnaidan, led by Irveric Tavlar at the front, outnumbered, outgunned, all but a whelpling rebellion ready to be put down like spring refuse. No- Waymar and the others had come up in the Empire with its best foot forward, gaining the advantage over the Sith and writing in the stars its own destiny. They needed to act as those they came before them did.

Air, armor, artillery or orbital supports were pipe dreams here. Quick deployable mortars and repeater positions were all but a luxury for impoverished men. But this is where leadership showed in its truest colors. Immediately, the errant advantage they possessed was snuffed away as these Maw troopers immediately clung to one of the most vital rules of combat.

Cover and move.

Smoke screened their movements, making a pin of any mortar fire mission wishful thinking and making a close confrontation on the ground an even greater calamity as it could very easily flush them into a situation which bred miscommunication and even worse, a possible blue on blue or blue on green. To add unto it- the civvies were not far from the field. The Maw were not the New Imperials who would offer the gentlemanly courtesy of warning a world under the threat of invasion before star destroyers ever appeared in orbit, a necessary evil (or perhaps 'good') that prevented the now defunct 'ORDIS' from smearing the image of the New Imperials in streaks of the blood of innocents.

The Maw had no moral code, only the bloodlust for chaos and destruction.

They were closing the gap, clinging to the walls of the surrounding buildings to erase the advantage of overwatch they had from Vandal Squad.

Waymar's immediate observations became clear when smoke popped and enveloped the area only to be reaffirmed by the man himself.

<"We're blind from up here, our mortars can't get the angle on them, Knight. They're closing the gap on us and popping smoke to conceal their movements."> The Storm Commando stated, clear disdain for the situation in his voice all but scouring the battlefield through the scope of his sniper to pick up Maw stragglers. He hardly knew what he was shooting at, only that he was pulling the trigger and silhouettes were falling in their limp dance to the floor.

Whatever unit they disposed to distract the sniper positions was well enough fulfilling its task as the Storm Commando Sharpshooters set on them like Msqitos to bare skin.

<"Understood."> Waymar replied, clutching the hilt of his argent blade as he peered down the street to see the forward section of heavy metal Maw troopers moving toward the building.

The nearby stormtroopers had already flicked to their thermal vision, notated by a distinct purple reflective sheen that came over their thin eye slits.

<"Post up a repeater here and lay a beaten zone on the corner of that building, they aren't leaving that street."> Waymar ordered, gesturing to a blown out window.

<"Aurek, hold up here- cover for the medics and wounded- lay the punishment on em. Delta, on me. We're moving to envelop."> He commanded, making way from the base floor of the building before he peeled around the opposite direction, away and around the tower in the hopes of snatching the advantage of this forward unit.

The savage drumming of crimson repeater rounds began to sound from their original position as Waymar led the troopers around, disengaged saber clutched tightly in his right hand. Reaching the corner of the tower, he craned his neck to look around it before peeling back around.

There they were. He grasped a thermal imploder from his belt before motioning down the line to follow his lead. He turned to toss it in the direction of Ozma's unit as two troopers stepped out into the open, laying automatic fire in their direction and the rest of the unit took to filling the open street between that building and the next, taking cover where they could find it. Burnt out speeders, urban rubble or freshly made dead. Didn't matter.

Then Waymar properly joined the fray, the smooth hiss of his argent blade coming to life calling all eyes to the Imperial Knight before he cast his ethereal line into the opposing unit to wrench one toward him, immediately moving to impale the Maw marauder on his silver blade to create a gruesome meat shield.


//: Coruscant //:
//: SIA Headquarters//:
//: Dimitri Voltura //:
//: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan //: Kyyrk Kyyrk //:
//: Cuz I'm a Space Cowboy //:
Voices echoed back the best they could with all the interference. Allyson cursed under her breath as she did what she could to keep the connection established. Jammers and the like would eventually overwhelm her, but she could still catch what Cotan said. “The tunnels.” She mumbled under her breath and put her entire focus on helping the AI Arthur route what needed to be done. “That’s all I got,” Through the Force, Allyson fed the AI everything that was required to unlock the pathway for those trying to evacuate.

Sweat collected on her brow; Allyson figured it was her body trying to expel the potential alcohol poisoning, or she was starting to reach her limit. Allyson did all she could, and when communications started to fail, she let go. The static echoed, announcing that the Corellian was truly alone. No one knew she was down here. But that’s how she wanted it, right? She didn’t want anyone to bother her as she wallowed in her self-pity. A cracking and popping sensation echoed in her ear, a voice she only had heard a couple of times chimed in. Allyson frowned; Kyyrk was here for some reason. She parted her lips to tell him to go away - to stay away, but he said ‘we.’ Allyson’s chest tightened, figuring that the only person he could be with was her. <What do you mean WE? Taiia better not be with you, get off Coruscant, please.> Her voice nearly broke as she begged for Kyyrk to go, and she hoped Taiia wasn’t with him.

Allyson took a deep breath and leaned back, sitting back on her calves. As the woman sat there, watching the status bar for the download, a burning sensation began to creep up her spine. She tried to ignore it, knowing that the ink was responding to the Sith swarming the temple. It grew hotter to the point, she couldn’t stay upright and fell forward, groaning in pain. Allyson wondered how long the warning had been going off?

“Just a little more,” She caught the status bar once more from the corner of her eye. Just a little more, she repeated in her head, and then she could hide the information and give the rest of the circle its location. “Legs?” She whispered, and from under the desk, a tiny slicer spider unfolded its legs and plopped down in front of Allyson. “Keep an eye on this, get it, and hide.” The droid bounced, doing a little dance as it understood its orders. Allyson pulled her hand from the terminal and in turn, the droid connected.

When she relaxed, a cold voice cut through the static. Allyson cursed under her breath as she covered the droid and the terminal the best she could with whatever was around her. Slowly, the Corellian put both of her hands on the top of the desk, poking her head over till she could see. Narrowing her eyes, she groaned. “Don’t you Sith ever knock?” Standing, the Corellian raised the empty bottle of whiskey and shook it. “I wouldn’t have drunk it all by myself.” She grinned after she feigned a slight pout.

“I hope you like light shows.” In the blink of an eye, the whiskey bottle glowed faintly with the light of the Force. Allyson spun it quickly in her hand and held the neck, throwing it towards the intruder. Taking the moment of distraction, Allyson faded into the Force, disappearing, and she began to move, looking for her bow.

She was listening as she ran, the platinum of her hair glinting as she passed beneath the lights in the hallway. The rumbling through the temple was not lost on her as she sprinted through hallways and drew sharp and heavy breath.

<"Shut the doors behind me."> She hissed into the line to the AI.

"That will be troublesome for anyone else attempting to escape you realize?" Arthur offered up as she rolled her head a little.

<"And hold up any ne'er do wells following. You have security cameras don't you?">

There was a hesitant answer that affirmed her suspicion.

<"If they look friendly, open the door then."> She replied, hearing footsteps ahead of her.

Come on. Keep it moving, you've got a ways yet. She sighed mentally, hand grabbing a corner support as she leveraged her momentum into a swing around the corner. She was thankful for the smoothed system and the AI, but a thought struck as she saw the bottom of boots and shoes headed away from her.

<<"Arthur, is the network secure? Your core and information databases I mean.">> She spoke behind the mask as she waved to those little bodies ahead of her.

"I believe so. Why do you ask?" She rolled her eyes at the passe confidence behind the AI's answer.

<<"If they sith get a hold of information...this could just be the beginning. You might want to secure things while I-">> Arthur cut her off before she finished. Eliciting a scoff of annoyance from her.

The adul-teen that was with them rounded and presented themselves as a target when she gained on them enough to overtake them. Her hands going to her knees as she bent and caught her breath.

"Do you...not...have comms, dude?" There was a terse look from the teen as they stood in a defensive pose while she caught her breath. A gusty breath had her standing and presenting her lightsaber hilt.

"Phalsi Drynchen, Silver Knight. Sentinel. All that jazz. There's a ship on the southeast pad waiting to evacuate the younglings. I'll bring up the back. Get going." She pointed as a door opened, another set behind her closing as a strange sound filled the halls behind her.

Had it not been for the interruption, the boy might have began questioning her presence.

The teen glanced at her, then looked beyond her as they tensed sharply. She felt it to. Something angry, hungry, and vile headed their way.
Anja Doreva Anja Doreva

Impressed or not didn’t matter. As that purple blade made its way towards Aeris, she stepped back, the feint narrowly missing her sides as she shifted over in the other direction. Her head bobbed to the side for a moment in appreciation for the fact that she was still untouched before she got her mind back in the game again while the Sith tried to dance around her and reposition herself for something else.

The console.

Last Aeris had checked they had gotten a rough 75% out. The screen was out of view but she imagined it couldn’t have gotten further than an additional ten percent at best with Coruscanti net providers being what they were in times of crisis. For a moment that calm facade dropped before she got it back up again. Twenty-five percent was an amount she was willing to sacrifice if it meant that the remaining parts of the archive was kept out of unauthorized hands.

Still, shame on the fool that does nothing in the face of evil. Aeris raised her blade towards the stranger that threatened her workplace.

“That would be a mistake.” She didn’t threaten so much as state something rather obvious. “Even you understand the value of preserving knowledge. Both sides have lost enough. Leave the console alone.”

“... Please.”


Libertas quae sera tamen


O P E R A T I O N : K N I G H T F A L L
The Aegis of Woe | Ace | Lightsaber

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
"Your overconfidence is your weakness," he smiled at the Sith, "All I hear are the last desperate gasps of a failed religion."

The Dark Lord furrowed his brow in the moments their sabers were connected. It was a feint, naturally, as much of what he did was. Manipulation, plain and simple at that, an act of bait cast to garner attention where he wished it to go, rather than where it was needed most: his intentions. He would sigh in response to the Jedi Master's words, his own soon finding purchase upon his masqued lips: "Prattle to your slaughtered brothers and sisters of my failed religion. You assume so very much for someone lacking much self-awareness. I wasn't speaking to you, but alas, you interject regardless."

The crumbling pillars were ignored, as he anticipated the Jedi's defense against their destructive collapse to extend over him as well, given his proximity, a gamble which paid off in full.

He pressed into the saber lock until it was broken by the Battlemaster, and rather than surge forth in an immediate assault, he hung back briefly. Alarm snapped his free hand backward, intercepting the blue blade aimed for his ribs with the cortosis exterior of his plated forearm. This same hand would attempt to break upward immediately after, his focus set on grappling the joint of the arm wielding the weapon with his crushgaunt. Should he have been successful in the cat-like snare, he would apply bone-crushing pressure to Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor 's elbow.

Beyond the physical, the sorcerer's mind worked, extending its veinous grasp into the pulsating air surrounding them. Empyrean tendrils tapped the edges of the meditation cast out from Zark's position, seeking the buds at the end of each bolstering branch. Such a thing was far-reaching with its interconnectedness and was deeply effective for those who allowed themselves to come beneath its sway. Yet that same strength was its ultimate weakness, one that made it extremely risky if one was attempting to deploy it against a sorcerous foe.

Caelitus sought the foci of the web, the javelin of his focus thrust into the silent tapestry with the full intention of shattering it outright. He overcharged it with his corruptive energy, casting his own threads into the woven web, with the malicious aim to not only inflict unbearable agony upon Zark and those snared by the shared meditation until it ultimately shattered, but to sow the seeds of his maddening corruption in their interlaced minds as well. A two-fold tactic deployed to cripple them in the height of their strength.

It was unmerciful. Each of those within the meditation's clutches would feel his corruption bleeding through, if not suffer the agony of the shattering aura outright. [ Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk ]

As his sorcerous focus pried at the incantation, his physical body was not idle. Harrowing swipes with his orange saber were dealt in a whirling fury upon Zark. The first cleave sought to sunder his guard, the second a follow-up in vertical hew to split shoulder from its socket.
"Perish upon your sanctimonious words, you righteous fool."

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Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Location: Near to the 500 Republica, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Open
[ Beauty Of Annihilation ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<< Copy that, Warlord! Thank you for your confidence! >> I answered. << The closest targets to me are in the 500 Republica. I take advantage of the fact that they probably think we only need ambassadors. After all, in the event of such an attack, who would want to capture bankers and company executives if there are senior foreign politicians and the like there? >> I asked sarcastically.

It was really just a poetic question, I didn’t expect an answer to it. However, it was another great opportunity to prove and show what I am capable of. However, I looked sadly at the soldiers. I couldn’t play murderous games with them because I would have wasted a lot of time then. Luckily, Maw’s men arrived in this part as well, just from the opposite side, as I did, so the soldiers began to pay attention to them and headed for them. I lowered the pistols, my presence here went unnoticed.

I waited until they were finally far enough away and the clash began. That's when I left. Luckily, my armour was more civilized than the Maw's armour, so maybe I wasn’t so noticeable and they wouldn’t think I was with them. That’s why I didn’t even attack anyone, I just went as if I was worried about the attack too and wanted to get to safety. There were those who noticed, but I could see the relief in them that I didn’t look like the barbarian horde members. Naïve fools!

Getting into the main entrance in this case would have been suicidal, so I chose a side entrance. Thanks to the intervention of the soldiers, we have not yet come here, although it will only be a matter of time. I managed to reach that entrance, but it was closed. I started banging, shouting for help:

"Help, please! Someone help, I have nowhere to go, the enemy is outnumbered! Please help me!"

I was lucky again because of the armour; I didn't look like an enemy. I smiled broadly under my helmet and grinned that they were completely stupid and deserved their fate. They opened the door and I got in. There were only two unarmed middle-aged employees. I sent another message to The Mongrel The Mongrel , the two workers couldn’t hear my voice, even though they were already dead anyway.

<< Warlord! I'm inside the building! >>



The ghost of the kiss lingered on her head as she began forward. A single glance back assured her it hadn't been some cruel hallucination. Curses filled her head as she watched Inosuke move towards danger. Destiny, Bogan, whatever being shad breathed the air into their lungs and gave them the capacity for love and suffering- each held their own responsibilities in the anguish she felt as she helplessly watched him go. Her own feet shuffled in front of one another. When she felt the urge to turn back, to ensure he wouldn't be alone when death took him, she would glance to one of her younglings, her determination rebuilding with each look.

She dare not draw her blade- many of the hallways were only half lit for their little use, and the glow could attract unwanted attention. Instead, her hands began to dance, a ripple leading to shimmers in the air. Any other day, the ability would have surely drawn eager questions and expressions of awe from the children- but not today. She was sure they could sense an impending doom as well, their pouts and shifting eyes all filled with a grim resolve, far too heavy for a child to bear.

As Henna nearest the end of the hallway, the sounds of fighting became clearer. Her ears perked, listening. She could only make out two separate voices, grunting and swearing one another, and the unmistakable sound of blad on blade. She swept only a couple steps ahead of her group, raising her finger to her lips wordlessly. A door to the left offered retreat. She slipped through, watching carefully as each child followed, then closed the door behind them. The chambers were spacious, but dusty, filled with furniture and a grand fireplace in the middle. It seemed a place for entertainment, but had been long forgotten with the wars.

"What are we doing?" Aesha whispered, though her age and lack of awareness made it much louder than expected.

"There are people out there, fighting." Henna answered calmly in a low voice. "We will wait here. I will not leave you, nor will I drag you head first in the fray."

"Master Sarrat, what if there are too many of them?" Dyroth squeaked as he joined her side, clinging to her robes. "Why did knight Ashina leave us? Is he going to be okay?"

"There is much unknown."
She stated, her hand drifting to brace his head. "But I will get you to safety, I promise you that."

Offering a squeeze of the shoulder, she drifted near the wall, where a dim screen was inlaid. A touch brought it to life. A few more, and she was able to access the data that had been sent throughout the temple- full maps of the grounds, and the passage ways Inosuke had told her of. Hope blossomed as she realized they weren't far off. The stairs just around the corner, then the first floor- that would the biggest challenge, she knew, but once there, a straight shot down. She would be able to keep her promise. The master bit her lip, hoping the knight would keep his.

Immediate Engagement: Halketh Halketh Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka


His blade connected with Halketh's armour with a loud clang, frost instantaneously forming at the contact before shattering off as the vibrations continued to carry through. He immediately drew back his arms and leading foot, the movement reduced to simple instinct after so many years spent with a single-minded devotion to swordplay, taking the momentum imparted to his blade by Halketh's parry to start the quick, fluid movement. In return, the Sith's hand found nothing but empty air, Cotan's sword whirling around in a whip-fast moulinet.

Time seemed thick as molasses as he moved. He could see—hear—smell even the sensations coming from the others in the meld. His master had warned him about such years before; saying he always connected too strongly, fell in too deeply. He heard a battle cry, and wasn't sure if it was from his own mouth or that of Jem Fossk Jem Fossk as she attacked her own target. He could hear the rush of blades, and the metallic ring of his own blade connecting with Halketh's gauntlet a fraction of a moment later than he already knew he had, coming through the mind of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze .

He could see the Jedi of the meld in his mind's eye, just past the edge of the storm near him, their tenous tether threatening to drag him into it as well, out of the balance that had finally helped him make sense of his place; were it not for the sheer stubborn strength of will he'd been born with, it might have been successful. But he couldn't cut and run from it, not while they had need of his strength.

And he could look ahead and see Halketh, in the middle of throwing a cut back at Zark, but it was—it was wrong, even more than before. The storm buffeted the Miraluka, and as it passed around him it carried away pure, unadulterated pain. It was with that pain that he could already see Halketh reaching out, grasping the tether, pouring his agony into it to break the others.


Without any necessary thought, guided by both the Force and simple muscle memory, Cotan's blade whipped up just as Halketh extended into his first cut against Zark, aimed at the articulated gauntlet to divide the Sith's sword hand from his wrist.

You'll not shatter this bond.

He reached out into the meld, holding the tether as tightly as he could; as Halketh poured pain and corruption into the bond, he responded with a slew of his own feelings—the unflinching determination with which he met every challenge in life, the deep compassion he felt for every last struggling member of the New Jedi Order that he wished he had the time to help, the mirth he still had in every opportunity to test his skills, however at odds with the surroundings it might be—meeting the Sith's corruption head on.

Give me your pain.

And with a Beskar Will fit to rival Rurik Fel's own or the armour that the Miraluka wore, inexorably, he began drawing Darth Caelitus and his pain into himself.

I'll share in every agony you have to save anybody, Halketh. That's who I am, more than any name you could demand from me.
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Issue #15 - vol finale


"How will help reach us now?"
"Help's elsewhere, Jem - evacuating. Something you should've been doing, too." he muttered a reply, heaving through words and choking from the cloud of dust risen by the pillars impact.

His arms pulled him down like anchors from the strain of throwing a literal column of stone a moment ago. Their weight only grew heftier under her troubled mind resounding through the meld. Dagon needed more of the same strength conjured of the Jedi's unison, even if he knew the toll would reflect on his body. The Force was infinite, truly, but he was not.

He reached to his comms once more. The sacrifice had to be worth it, <"Tell me you've left, Aeris."> his words would crackle through the commlink of his best friend. The Librarian, like how she was often referred to, was the best bet they had as a guiding beacon for the youth that would survive. They could not lose another generation to fend for themselves, to carry a weight so heavy even the sturdiest of spines would break.

They can not.

All more the reason, Jem should not have been here.

They won’t. You’ll die here.came Letifer's words as the Sith emerged from the dissipating smog of dust and ash. Dagon's reaction to surge at the assassin never came. Instead, he winced in pain, with one free hand squeezing his head, as a dark presence infiltrated the Jedi's meld; its repugnant corruption like an undertow swept against the nodes of light. Through his half-shut eyes, he saw Jem on the offensive. She wasn't drawing from the meld's strength as much as he was, making her far less susceptible to the foreign intrusion. And then, equally sudden, Cotan's presence burst to meet the shattering quake of the Dark Lord, liberating Dagon's senses.

Instincts kicked in and his hand snapped forward, calling on the Force to ensnare Letifer's limbs from retaliating against Jem's reckless attack.

ALLIES | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENGAGING | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer
JEDI COMMS | Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec




Revenant Squadron

Picket Line 253

New Imperial Order

Brotherhood of the Sith

Chaar shook his head when the message came in from Gallo. Just when he was beginning to trust the new pilot, he went and pulled a stunt like this. “Return, refuel, regroup,” he ordered. His view was simple and unwavering - the squadron flew together. Two Flight, now a pilot down, would have an even harder time clearing the surface turrets on the Magnun, which in turn put Chaar’s chances of glory at risk. If Gallo didn’t make it up to orbit he’d deal with him later.

“Two Flight, you’re flying trips,” he explained. In response, the three X-wings moved into a flight triplet formation, moving to overlap their shields for greater protection. “Six, take point.” Stellaris had made it through Yashhuvu alive, which counted for something. Revenant Squadron pulled away from the World Devestators as they headed toward Coruscant to sow their destruction as Picket Line 253 closed in on them.

Admiral Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick spotted the mixed squadron heading toward his battlecruiser and deployed three wings of TIE fighters in response. While they didn’t pack the punch of the Brotherhood’s Divine-Eagle fighters he’d faced at Csilla and Lao-mon, they more than made up for it with their speed and numbers. The Umbaran considered cycling to missiles for a moment and dropping one into the middle of the pack to scatter them, but elected to stay with his lasers. He’d need all the ordnance he had if he was to stand a chance of taking down the Magnun.

He set his shields to double front and switched his heavy laser cannons to shutter fire before opened up with all barrels as the TIEs came into range. The B-wing raked fire across the approaching lines of Brotherhood starfighters and was rewarded with two explosions and a third craft spinning out of control. Green blasters of enemy fire splashed against his reinforced shields. A second later he was through the first wave and in the clear for his bombing run.

“Keep ‘em off us Ten!” he replied to Quellene as he reset his shields to standard coverage. Chaar pushed the throttle up and dove toward the enemy battlecruiser to deliver his missile payload, completely reliant on the X-wings of Two Flight to clear the surface turrets and the A-wings of Three Flight to keep the TIEs off his six. Placing his faith in the hands of others, especially those he didn’t know, did not sit comfortably with Chaar. But the citation on his promotion sheet of knocking out an enemy capital ship singlehandedly would more than make up for it.


The fight unfolded with alarming speed, too messy and brutal to be called a duel. The Masters wheeled around the Sith, for a moment it seemed like they might get the best of him. The wind whipped through the broken window bringing with it sounds of panic and violence outside. Kirie dared not look, fearful of the moment Fossk, this thing, would slash at her again.

Master Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar leapt from the desk beside Kirie, an aerobatic maneuverer that gave her a moment of elation as the Sith faltered, disarmed, and it seemed that Morteg would bring his saber down and end the fight there. At the last moment the Sith raised his hand, and Kirie felt her stomach drop the instant the crimson lightning burst forth from his fingertips, leaving the Master Jedi tossed aside, smouldering and on the floor.

Kirie gasped and choked as she felt Morteg’s agony mirrored through the Force, momentarily overwhelming her with a blinding pain that sent her stumbling backwards. It felt like dying, like her skin was boiling. As suddenly as it had arrived it had passed, cut-off as the life was ripped from the Master duelist. Kirie stood up straight and raised her saber shakily.

The battle continued with no time to pause.

The water flowed, and from her grasp leapt a creature of her own making. Translucent, eyes glazed, it roared with great fury, and the dragon's head soared about the room.

Kirie noticed the Padawan, Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor beside her. He had been thrown against the wall, and she had assumed he was unconscious. Instead he had remained low, crawling around the space until he was behind the table by the window. Smart move. She saw him look out the window and winced at his expression, at the magnitude of the guilt and anger that poured out of him. Kire tore her gaze from his tortured face. She couldn’t allow herself to become distracted.

The Sith bent down, forced to his knees, Kirie readied her blade, watching closely, waiting for the remaining Jedi Masters to please just finish this quickly. A moment later, again almost too quickly for her to track, he leapt into the air and towards the gaping door, slipping out of the office a mere moment before Romi Jade Romi Jade hurled a torn-off section of the wall after him. Jade, Auteme, and Nimdok rushed into the hall, leaving the space eerily quiet and still, as if the room itself was reeling from the attack.

“What now?” he called to the others,

She popped up and hit the door after him -- she negligently waved a hand and her wash of Force energy flew free after him, missing him but caught a wall, leaving a crater.

The Masters and the Sith slipped outside and Saan’an rushed forward, kneeling by Morteg without any mind for what was happening around him. Kirie preceded more carefully, stepping over the shredded wall plating and mortar that had been shed from the room to peer out the door. Jedi and Sith both were retreating down the hall towards the Senate chamber, leaving the room clear, at least for the moment.

Finally, letting out a deep sigh, Kirie turned back to face Saan’an, still bent over Morteg. With the frenzy of the battle now removed, she could clearly see and feel that the Master was dead.

“There isn’t anything we can do for him, not now. He has already gone.” Kirie’s voice was hollow. She had seen this before, too many times to count. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and bent down to face Saan’an.

“This is too much.” She said quietly. “For a Padawan, for anyone.” Kirie looked down at the burned, tattered sleeve of her suit jacket. “Don’t go after Fossk. You need to find a place to hide out until this is over with. We have it handled.” Kirie feigned a reassuring smile. She was shattered, and her exhaustion and fear must have been completely transparent to the Padawan. Still, she had to try. “Survive this. When the dust settles, we’ll fix what has been broken.”

Kirie looked down at the body of Morteg. Then again, there were many things that couldn’t be fixed.

He would sigh in response to the Jedi Master's words, his own soon finding purchase upon his masqued lips: "Prattle to your slaughtered brothers and sisters of my failed religion. You assume so very much for someone lacking much self-awareness. I wasn't speaking to you, but alas, you interject regardless."

"Strike us down and we shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

General San Tekka marched toward the Sith Lord with steady determination while Cotan engaged in an acrobatic flurry of slash and riposte. Stone crumbled all around him but nothing slowed his momentum until Halketh lashed out with the Force. Agony speared into his mind and the Jedi Master's focus shattered like a crystal shard. His pain radiated through the battlemeld lashing out with indiscriminate fury.

Overwhelmed by the darkside's corrupting influence Zark staggered to one knee. He raised the lightsaber with one arm in a weak guard only for it to be battered easily aside by Darth Caelitus. Sparks erupted from his armor's pauldron as the energy blade bit through and seared into flesh. An inhuman scream was torn from the Jedi's lips.

You'll not shatter this bond.

Shadows burned away and Master San Tekka's mind cleared long enough to suppress the pain. Light surged through him and when he looked up there was new determination in his eyes. A wave of energy emanated from the Jedi like a thunderclap. He gathered enough will first to rise then to swing his lightsaber with renewed vigor. Neither one of them could keep this up forever so while Sar'andor wrestled with Halketh's will Zark pressed the advantage attempting to pummel his enemy with a flurry of blows.

For life and light!

Even though their meld was still in fragments Zark reached out through the bond they shared as those who walk the same path. Through his words he sought to remind them hope was not yet lost. Others continued to fight and defend the innocent. This sacred temple was breached but it had yet to be taken. Even if it cost them all their lives the Jedi here would make a stand to rival the most glorious in their Order's ancient histories.


Aemulor the Hutt


Unfettered Vengeance Star Destroyer

The Underhand Deal stealth shuttle

As his soldiers seized and dragged the younglings away, one sobbing and one screaming in rage, he wondered which of the two would prove more fruitful, the angrier of the two could even be an apprentice perhaps?

"Advance us forward into the temple, I wish to sample the delights of the dead jedi" he commanded and the Infested once again formed a line and for the first time in his long life, Darth Aemulus stepped foot inside the Jedi temple. The entrance he picked had been more lightly defended than the rest and he had only lost around a third of his soldiers in the assault.

He smiled as his communicator lit up, the bounty hunter had located Draellix and in pursuit, he was mildly disappointed that this wasn't news of her capture.

"Good work Uros! Contact me again once she is in your hands... do not forget my price for failure matches the generosity of your fee for success"


Uros Hostin flipped away the communicator, he couldn't fail this task, the debts he had riding on his payment were one thing, but angering the hutt was another.

Arriving at the great break in the wall, the firefight had finished and the few Infested that had investigated were dead. He let our a curse, the woman had been here, he could feel her. He kneeled down behind a desk and looked at a tiny droplet of blood on the floor. He tasted it, certainly his prey, and still fresh, she can't have gone far. He ran for the door, the same door that only minutes before, Admiral Draellix.had escaped through.



— 868 ABY, 500 Republica, Galactic City, Coruscant.

Kelga'an looked to the Sergeant climbing the skycrapers and coming above the buildings alongside the Wookies and their Regiment. The Captain had never seen something like those beasts in the Galaxy, but he thought that there were so many particular species to be amazed by simple Wookies -- even if, yes, they were not bad at fighting...and climbing. Coming back to the current situation, he distributed some orders to his men and prepared himself to the minions' assault from the Maw. Would there be any Sith with them? Kelga'an didn't know it but he got ready for the worst. Who could know what was arriving on them? Sure, it was the best way to defend the 500 Republica. He was confident in Omen but, as always, in his men that would be here to defend the building against the Brotherhood.

"Cap', what's your plan?" the Lieutenant from Kyber Platoon asked.
"Oh... right, I think ya're waiting for orders, aren't ya?"

Without waiting for an answer, he activated his integrated comlink and said:

"Kappa Platoon, maintain your positions on the barrier and prepared yourself to an imminent assault from the Maw. Ya gonna destroy them, or at least injured them to facilitate our work. Kyber, dispatchin' around the Fi-Dub-O and secure the place to be surer that no one can come here and take us in stride. The two remain groups are coming with me, just behind the cover to build a second defense line with whatever ya want. Let's kill them!" the Captain declared.

A few oski were heard on the coms and everyone went to his task, waiting for the enemies. Kelga'an took a last look to the Wookies and asked Omen:

"G'luck, Sergeant. I let ya give the signal of start!"

And as the battle began, plasma bolts filled the atmosphere of Corrie.

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