The Lodgemaster

S H O W _ O F _ F O R C E


Coruscant was a magnificent planet. For so long, Gallius had longed to see the Core, ever wondering if the ambition of an Imperial Anaxes would be realistic. For long, the ambition had been but a distant dream. For now, it was a project well-hidden behind the cries of war and the smoke of burnt-down houses. House Haskler knew its place and had decided to postpone its ultimate ambition and dream to serve a greater cause: the cause of the Empire. But in the future, after the end of the feast of violence and death, an opportunity would arise. The possibility for Julius and his men to come back to Anaxes. And he, Gallius Orcana, forever the bloodhound, would have no place in this world of peace and cultural development.
He had been bred for war. He had been programmed to rejoice when he spilt blood. He disdained food as a vital element of life. And each time he remembered this, also came to his mind the unrestricted discourse of his instructors on Bastion.
A litany arising from nowhere. A magma of words, prayers, incantations. And, in the midst of this folly, a distinct voice, sharp like a scalpel.
"Some need food to survive. But those are weaklings.
Some need water to live. But those are defective.
You only need smoke to survive. For you are paragons of His will.
You only need blood to live. For you must purge yourself of weaknesses.
The unrestricted fury of life,
The unbridled enthusiasm of death,
The unchained violence of amoral desires,
The liberty to live and kill,
The joy of living for eternal warfare:
This is what shapes us all."
Kneeling in the centre of a court, the aspiring officers were trapped under heavy iron bars, unable to rise. And yet, anyone who was not trying to get up was beaten to death by the instructors. Gallius's heart was racing to sustain the effort he was trying to make. The sole weight of the bar should have broken both his shoulders but still, he was trying to lift it up.
With a "ha!" of pure will, Gallius tried to rise higher than ever. To the "ha!" responded a loud "crack". And with the "crack" came the feeling that his left arm had ceased to exist. Hidden behind a cataclysm of pain, a broken shoulder bloodily connected an insensible and unresponsive arm to a very well sensitive body. Immediately, black spots began to dance in front of Gallius's eyes. As he continued to get up stupidly, the bar fell from his shoulders. Blinking several times, the young Imperial tried to say something. But it was too late. He had already fainted and the black spots had become a black curtain.
Gallius knew what was his place in the Empire to come. Relegated behind a desk in some obscure office, he would stare at his medals for weeks, with nothing left to do but wonder where the good time killing Sith had gone. It was the first step to madness, he knew it. And he was determined to never let this happen. Even if he had to craft a war by himself, the Commodore would continue to fight. For the Empire, for him, for the ever-hungry voices.
With a flare and a deep tremble on the whole bridge, the Tormentor escaped hyperspace, quickly followed by his escort ships. The Pride of the Emperor, always there to crush Dark Side cultists, menacingly imposing in its bright-red hue. The Proudheart, a fine dagger launched into the great void of space. And the Eternal Crusader and Imperial Hand, veterans of Csilla’s campaign, providing support for this limited task force, a mere sample of what House Haskler had managed to garner in terms of assets. Truly, the sight of three capital vessels and escort ships exiting from nowhere was impressive, but inhabitants of the Core would recognise the lead ship as something far more terrifying than an ordinary battleship.
The Tormentor was still clad in its Clone Wars-era painting, deep red stripes outlining its superstructure. Towering over the other ships of the task force, it was remarkable for its obsolete look. The hull seemed to have faced a millennium of battles without respite, always emerging victorious. The characteristic look of a Rothana Heavy Engineering-produced warship, added to the name, had been enough to make fleets desert battles. Rumours and crazed legends flew all over the galaxy, trying to surmise what the venerable ship had become. Some said it had been scrapped. Others told dark stories of worlds left devastated behind the trail of a mysterious Clone Wars-era ship.
Yet the Tormentor was not dead but burned for blood and revenge. Like a spectre of the past, the battleship was going to roam the battlefield, in this very orbit where it had clashed with the Invisible Hand and so many CIS ships more than eight hundred years ago. A figure of hope for many, a ravenous silhouette for others.
The fleet rocked and took a few seconds to reassert its course. Within a minute, the five ships were all ready to enter orbit and begin their work. Imperator Fel had been very clear: only handpicked vessels were allowed to Coruscant. But Gallius had dismissed it. He was old enough to make his own decisions, and he had decided to do a show of force over Coruscant. The message was clear: no one, be it Galactic Alliance or even any other Imperial Warlord, was above Gallius. He was now in full control of his decisions. The appearance of the Tormentor there was purely symbolic. Even if it was a force to be reckoned with, Gallius was more interested in its psychological advantage of seeing Core-worlders pale when facing the battleship.
While the task force began entering the inner rim of the system, the Commodore felt that familiar chill in the back, the strange weight behind the neck, the constriction of his forehead. Blood. His heart began pounding harder and harder as he realised what was unfolding. Somewhere, in the dark folds of an unknown future, something was working its way out.
A giant Serpent, eating the Sun, plunging worlds after worlds in Darkness,
The Hammer, the Blade, the Bloody, rising to kill the Dragon.
A long-exiled Child, on his way back home, dark desires at heart.
The promise of BLOOD.
The danger was imminent, and the officer’s mouth dried when he understood, this time, his visions were late. A warning perhaps? A show of distaste from the voices? Maybe. But Gallius knew he had a part to play now. He could not afford to lose time on introverted perspectives when war awaited him. He had to strike in, and kill.
“Captain, place our ships in attack position. War has come, at last, to the Core Worlds. And it is our opportunity to shine and carve a way out in the brightest path possible. The path lies ahead, and the Maw is blocking it.
Full attack using Orves manoeuvre! Deploy us above the plane and prepare to launch the fighters. We will try a catapult manoeuvre once they have gotten closer. This time, we take them to the throat. Scan the enemy elements for record and find me the Fatalis. Or any other noteworthy ship. We have to take them down.
Provide status reports on allied fleets. Make junction with Rausgeber’s vessels and prepare a coordinated view of the battlefield. The Predictor will work on it and forward suggestions in real-time to identified New Imperial and Alliance fleets.
Finally, I want reports on any vessel registered as part of Sularen’s court. Moff Haskler has been especially clear on this target, and I don’t want to lose it at any moment.”
Like an unending flow, orders began to pour out of Gallius’s mind. As a factory, the brain was working at full speed to provide accurate guidance in the madness that was a battlefield. And with the appropriate orders, the task force could become a killing machine.
Seating at the centre of the group, the Tormentor was bound to provide suppressive fire while the Pride of the Emperor and Proudheart would take on the main targets. The Imperial Hand and Eternal Crusader were using the capital ship’s large profiles to keep cover while laying broadsides. It was an improved formation taken from old Anaxsi treaties, that Orcana had modernised himself. Quite proud of it, he hoped there would be enough of his small battlegroup to handle the tide of the Maw. It was Bastion all over again.
The Anaxsi vessels entered the combat zone and began chopping off what came under their claws. With unequalled Furia Anaxes, the Azure Hammer Command would teach the barbarians a lesson of respect they had had difficulties learning on Csilla.
They would learn the price of blood.
Name | Class | Status | Commander |
AIV Tormentor | Rothana-class Battlecruiser | - Fully crewed, Active | Commodore
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NIV Proudheart | Valiant-class Star Destroyer | - Fully crewed, Active | Captain Bel Kiez - NPC |
NIV Pride of the Emperor | Cuirassier-class Cruiser | - Fully crewed, Active | Captain Jax - NPC |
NIV Imperial Hand | Caçadores-class Corvette | - Fully crewed, Active | Lieutenant Dek Rakad - NPC |
NIV Eternal Crusader | Caçadores-class Corvette | - Fully crewed, Active | Lieutenant Fulthius Rax - NPC |