Iron Unbent

Iron Skin | Lightsaber
Willan Tal |

The blood that soaked into Lao Mon had yet to be lost on the Imperator. Each and every life spent in virtuous futility stained his thoughts. But there was no use dwindling on it, continuing to wring himself with guilt over past failure would land him in a self depracating cycle of a nigh suicidal spiral within his own thoughts.
They would all have their vengeance, their justice, soon enough. But now- came one of Rurik's least preferred duties as Imperator. Diplomacy. Not but two years before he took command of the Empire following Tavlar's death, his predecessor strung the New Order into a defensive pact and alliance with the light-aligned powers of the Galaxy. Thus- the Empire was the odd man out. As the rest espoused their virtuous suffering and supposed good will to the rest of the Galaxy- the New Order was cut from a different cloth.
For now- their interests all aligned in the elimination of the Sith and the marauding, profane creatures they aligned themselves with. Even Rurik, a former Jedi himself, questioned how long this could last. It was not long ago that the Silver Jedi saw it better fit to protect Sith Imperials on Dantooine. It was not long ago that the Galactic Alliance turned their arms on the Empire on Yinchorr. Many were quick to forget these events for the sake of political expediency, to work toward a greater, mutual interest.
They would all have their vengeance, their justice, soon enough. But now- came one of Rurik's least preferred duties as Imperator. Diplomacy. Not but two years before he took command of the Empire following Tavlar's death, his predecessor strung the New Order into a defensive pact and alliance with the light-aligned powers of the Galaxy. Thus- the Empire was the odd man out. As the rest espoused their virtuous suffering and supposed good will to the rest of the Galaxy- the New Order was cut from a different cloth.
For now- their interests all aligned in the elimination of the Sith and the marauding, profane creatures they aligned themselves with. Even Rurik, a former Jedi himself, questioned how long this could last. It was not long ago that the Silver Jedi saw it better fit to protect Sith Imperials on Dantooine. It was not long ago that the Galactic Alliance turned their arms on the Empire on Yinchorr. Many were quick to forget these events for the sake of political expediency, to work toward a greater, mutual interest.
Rurik's memory was more permanent than that. Iron never bent.
He wasn't exactly sure how to approach these glad hands, how to approach the democratically elected fools of the Core and the Concord, or the righteous warriors of virtuous suffering that came from the Ashlan Crusade. But he knew that Tavlar would not be content with defeat. He would not turn his gaze away from this threat, even a losing effort like Csilla proved that to be true.
These scions of death and destruction would be met with the fate of their making soon enough. As Rurik stewed with crossed arms and furrowed brow beneath his iron visage, awaiting the other delegates of the Bastion Protocols along with his Galidraani subordinates he brought his gaze to the view of the city proper in the waning hours of the day.
His eyes screwed shut. He wished to meditate, but this was far from any ideal venue. As much as he could blank his mind out from the outside world- his thoughts were disturbed with a growing darkness...a darkness to come.
His eyes pried open in sudden realization.
He was here.
Explosions rocked the center of the Galaxy. Just as Csilla was shattered, the nexus of the Galaxy was bathed in flame. Surreal, a brutal, brutal and surreal reality.
Solipsis, the vantablank Sith'ari, the warmaster of this horrid host was here. A corrosive parasite in the beating heart of an ailing Galaxy.
But he would not suffer the unclean to live once more. He would rip the parasite from its host with a vicious pull. At the reveal of his truest nature, Rurik's iron will awakened once more. Even as his body was still wrought with the wounds of their past encounter, he would march once more into the fray to dance with the Sith'ari once more. And by all the blessing of the Imperial sons and daughters before him - he would make his will be done and end Solipsis.
Even if it took the New Jedi Order and all their virtuous suffering dying at the end of his crimson blade to make right in a bleeding Galaxy.
"Tal, Barran. Consolidate our forces- do not let these marauders take the initiative in this assault. Take whatever measures it takes to halt these vermin at every turn. Should the need arise...I will declare Tarkin protocol here and purge the sickness from this place." What he mean't in that last phrase was unclear...but regardless, his intent was known. Regardless of the collateral, darkness would be felled and the Iron Sun would blot out the sea of decadent misery of Galactic City.
Order or else.
As the bars of sapphire and crimson of the Imperial officer staff took the reins of control of their parceled forces on Coruscant, far from what would be optimal to mount a true defensive of a city they held no love for, Rurik once more would do as he always had done.
In defiant reprisal, he sought the head of the snake once more. Even if he failed to slay his mark once more- each moment Solipsis took in tangling with iron was another that the Alliance and Empire could continue to press the advantage unfettered in other venues of battle.
Drawing his argent cloak over his shoulders he vacated the meeting room, abandoning any delusion of a call to reason and arms with his allies and set his sights solely on what he knew.