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The Great Jedi Convocation: Sigma Station (Open to All Jedi - Republic, Silvers, Levantines, etc.)

[member="Vilox Pazela"]

He grimaced and took the call in a side room. "That won't be possible, Lord Vazela. The Grandmaster's indisposed. Give me the message, and I'll pass it on. Make it quick, too. We've got the most important summit since the Treaty of Ithor goin' on -- let's not hold it up."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Conference Room
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | Avalore Eden | Zaren Bouqi | Ashin Varanin | Rosa Gunn | Jaxton Ravos | Sarge Potteiger | Karen Roberts | @Je'daii | Iella E'ron | Ordo |Aeron Kreelan | Kiskla Grayson | Soliael Devin Talith

Pinching his nose at the mention of the New Order, the old man took another swig of his drink to wet his mouth. The Levantines seemed honest enough. They were here to help people and not further their own agenda like some of the other factions represented here. The Protectorate had always been friendly to the Mandalorians, and he hoped that tradition would continue and the Fringe well...They were an interesting case. To be held at a distance.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I don't much trust the Jedi and relations between your home and mine have been strained to say the least." That was pushing it. Technically, they were still at war but the threat of the Sith could not be ignored. The Galaxy seemed to forget about the two factions butting heads in favor of the Sith. The Mandalorians on the other hand had not. "Any and all Republic ships entering Mandalorian Space without express permission from our Field Marshals or me will be fired upon." Leaning back in his chair

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The Conference Room

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Rosa Gunn"] | [member="Jaxton Ravos"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | @Je'daii | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"Thank you for the clarification, Mand'alor," said Ashin. "I think what's important is that the Mandalorians know that at least some of our organizations are available to help as necessary. The Levantine Sanctum has offered their support should your people request it. Master Ordo, Master Rekali, and the rest of your Forcewielders are experienced enough to know when to coordinate for maximum effect."

As far as smoothing things over and moving them along, that was the best she could do on a moment's notice.
Medical Area
Room 3
[member="Jessie Volt"]

Giving him a smile, "I"m from the Silver Jedi, forgive me, did you say which one are you from.", as she started to feel more of his shoulder. Not finding anything wrong on the surface. "Mmmm very interesting, you sure that does hurt.", standing in front of him. Taking his arm in her hand starting to left it up, "Tell me if this hurts any?," finding herself lifting it up above his head and routeing in circles. Giving him soft smiles as to make sure he was still doing okay with all the prodding that she found herself doing. Putting Jessie arm down, lending into him to see the top of his shoulder. "Well, Jessie I can see anything maybe we need to use the scanner, unless you want to tell me something.",
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
For her part Valeria nodded politely, but didn’t seem especially in awe of Siobhan’s achievements, except probably the rock lifting!
“You’ve certainly had a busy time, I see! My Master’s around somewhere, but there’s so many Jedi around. I guess he’s in the conference room or something. Are you going there at all?”
Sarge Potteiger said:
Sarge inhaled slowly as the Mandalore spoke, and bit his tongue for the first and only time in his life.
Somewhere in the galaxy.

In a small area of Mustafar.

A small patch of ground froze over.
[member="Valeria Aetani"]

Siobhan probably did not care much about what the young Padawan thought. In response to her question she shrugged dismissively. "Maybe. I'm sure there's plenty of talking going on. It does not seem particularly thrilling to me. Well, if they get beyond the 'my order is more light sided than yours' stage that's a success. I doubt they'll leave as a shiny and happy family miraculously united by the Force," she responded airily.

That said, maybe there was the chance that...a certain librarian was there. Probably bored to death if there were no ancient tomes to study. Having finished her glass she got up, still feeling wobbly on her legs but managing to stand on her feet without stumbling.
| [member="Jorus Merrill"] |

"It's no longer Lord Vazela anymore, Jorus. I am Jedi Master Vilox Pazela, now." He frowned again, before lifting his gaze up to Jorus. "I have captured a member of the One Sith, who has told me some interesting things." He paused again. "You see Jorus, since the One Sith invaded Coruscant, I have been on an undercover mission to collect information on them; and I am afraid that, although this may ruin my cover and reveal my presence to the One Sith, this information couldn't wait."

"The information I have involves the United Mandalorian Clans and the One Sith. That is why I must talk with the Jedi Grandmaster, immediately."

He reached and exchanged glasses, sliding a refilled shot-beaker towards Rosa while he refilled her own spent cup and grunted on the breath of fire released by the kri'gee. It eased some of their shared distaste. Seydon sighed and rubbed at the strapping holding up his blades behind his right-hand shoulder, brow shaking, pouring another helping of spirits and growing warmed beneath the blue-striped jacketing.

"Jax," He murmured over the glass-rim. "Wouldn't have ever made the distinction himself unless there was someone on hand to remind him he was 'the Sword'. I don't think he was ever comfortable with that. Staggered his ability to stay approachable as compared to souls like Apparine, Halcyon, the others. Darron was never so loved as Jaxton. If only because he never allowed 'station' to weigh in on his conscience."

Seydon glanced up, tapping his cup to Rosa's. "We're only reprehensible to the people we hurt, Rosa. Not this 'Sword'. I'm sorry we've no time for rank distinctions. It's not quite a priority when we're choking under work."

[member="Rosa Gunn"]
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

"No. I carved out a hyperlane by instinct, Vazela, and right now my gut tells me you've got a good few reasons to jerk my chain. Tell me, right now, or I hang up and get back to what needs doing. Won't ask again."
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]

He kept a smile on his face as she lifted his arm and rotated it, he ached all over usually but that was just one of the downsides to being a jedi in times of war. Always having to run from battlefield to battle field and help out. "Well I come from the southern temples of Tython Miss and I can say I would have loved to be there to try and convince the silver jedi from not leaving. Perhaps some talking in private will help heal the wounds between our sects."
About to reach for the scanner to go deeper into the tissues. "Oh, Tython I have heard its beauty place there. Oh, private talking help heal wounds between the two of ours, that sounds like a lovely idea. Any idea how would like to start these private talks up with." , placing her hands on each side of his face. Turning it up and side to side. Coming to another smile upon her lips. "You look pretty healthy looks as those you keep yourself fit." , grabbing a scanner as she scan his whole body. "I'm going need you to strip down, so I can get a better whole body cheek-up.", smiling again. Not that she wasn't doing her job, like she been trained. This one she was enjoying amaring his own body. It was after all didn't see one in this form not have a few battle scars. [member="Jessie Volt"]
| [member="Jorus Merrill"] |

"So be it, Jorus Merrill. I will tell you what I know, on merit alone." He paused a moment again, to think. Then he said. "I do not know if there is a Mandalorian representative on the Sigma station currently. All I know is what I have found out during my investigation on Coruscant and into the One Sith and their affairs."

"I have learned that the One Sith met with the United Mandalorian Clans- I do not know where or when- in order to discuss and negotiate an alliance with the Mandalorians. The alliance would be formed on the basis that, together, they would destroy the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order; and that the territory between them would be split evenly."

Vilox Pazela was a man who turned up to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, without being arrested or prompted to, in order to turn himself in. He agreed to a fair trial by the Galactic Republic and was cleared of his war crimes, thus allowing himself to serve the Republic and work for the galaxy as a Jedi Master. It was well known fact of history that Sith-Mandalorian alliances had been made in the past; and after the events on Coruscant and Carida, it was not beyond the One Sith to forge such an alliance.

It was Vilox Pazela who informed Jedi Grandmaster Kiskla Grayson of the invasion of Carida, just before the One Sith began their attack. He had proven his innocence and that he was committed to serving the Republic and the galaxy as a Jedi Master. So all that he was conceivable. He couldn't fathom Jorus Merrill, nor the rest of the people he was meeting with, disregarding what he said based on instinct or superstition.

So he fell silent after he finished his explanation, awaiting Jorus Merrill's response.
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

"I know Mandos. I know'em well. I know that Darth Apparatus of the One Sith led an invasion of their homeworld that wound up detonating a nuke just outside Keldabe, a battle where Gilamar Skirata fought personally. I know that members of the One Sith, folk I've fought personally, helped crush and depopulate Mandalorian worlds in Moridin's day. I know that after all that, the number of Mandos that'd ever even talk to a Sith without cutting his throat on the spot is vanishingly slim.

"So fething smart, but not smart enough to do your research. Don't try to false flag an old Rebel Alliance man, you son of a-"

He bit his tongue, hung up, and went back to the meeting.


Disney's Princess
The Conference Room
Tag: None

Looks like the Mandalorians were touchy about the Republic's foot traffic. Completely understandable in Karen's mind. They were two very, very different empires. As long as the Jedi Order collaborated with the Republic Senate and Military? They were going to get the hard end of that stick. Justice by association. It was a political necessity, if only from a media viewpoint. Karen sighed and looked longingly towards Kiskla Grayson. Poor girl. Becoming the Grandmaster meant there was always an inheritance. An inheritance of sins and an inheritance of victories. She was a beautiful upstanding woman with a light in her soul. But all of that glory couldn't save her from sins of Republic History. All lumped and thrown on her shoulders as if she was the devil himself.

Karen's eyes touched the floor. She closed them tight and just wanted to cry. Even after all the men Karen had killed. All of the Sith, all of the alchemical monsters, and all of the Bando Gora priestesses. Hundreds of lives cut short by the blue tint of her ruthless sword. Karen Roberts could still just stand in the corner and appear even more angelic than a woman like Kiskla Grayson.

Gods. How Karen hated politics.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Rosa Gunn"] | [member="Jaxton Ravos"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | @Je'daii | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | Whoever else is in the Conference Room

Unfortunately for Soliael he missed Jorus' little phone call with Vilox, that would have been amusing to hear, but he arrived just in time to see the man disappear back into the conference room where presumable the gathered Jedi waited to hear from the various galactic leaders. The False god watched the door for a moment before being prompted by the Jedi Knight with a curt wave of his hand.

Rude young man he was.

Soliael moved through the hallway quickly, the darkness around him still fighting the light as he moved to enter the greatest gathering of powerful Jedi the galaxy had likely seen in some time, at least since the Jedi Order had somewhat...split. The eyes beneath his mask shifted slightly, picking certain people out of the room that he knew of, before slowly settling on Jorus Merrill, the man he understood to be leading the conference.

In a room filled with Robed Jedi the armored Mandalorians stood out somewhat, though he wasn't exactly surprised to see them here.

More surprising were the Jedi wearing armor, he did not think they would take to such things during a meeting such as this. A slight hint of respect welled up within him, though he doubted that would remain for long.

He himself stood out somewhat, wearing no armor but instead tightly compacted black robes with a long black and yellow coat, his mask crawling over his face and head like a living animal. Yes, he was in stark contrast to the Jedi here, but really that was to be expected. Standing in the entrance of the room Soliael loomed over the Jedi, his height a bit more than some in those room.

The False god waited for someone to prompt him to speak, not wanting to interrupt anything currently being discussed.

That would hardly be courteous.
Conference Room

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Rosa Gunn"] | [member="Jaxton Ravos"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | @Je'daii | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

"Sorry, all," said Jorus as he resumed his seat at the round table. "This Vilox Pazela fether just tried to sabotage our little meet-and-greet. Seemed to think the Grandmaster was naive enough to fall for some really transparent poodoo. Anyway, he's dealt with, and just in time. Here with us we've got Aesir Neth the Keeper, one of the heads of state who's been asked to give us a brief visit an' statement about his government's policy toward the various Jedi groups, jurisdiction an' so forth, just so we all know where we stand. Aesir?"
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]

When she had the hands on his face that was more then enough and Jessie focused on the girl... Letting all the energies coil along his words and into the force while he spoke. "Well I do keep fit from activities. I'll strip down and show you." He looked towards the room and the silver jedi though with a flick of his eyes and wrapped his arms around. "Let the healing begin." He kept the smirk on his face and made sure the doors were closed while healing the rift between tythonian and silver jedi for the cause.
Jorus Merrill | Avalore Eden | Zaren Bouqi | Gilamar Skirata | Rosa Gunn | Jaxton Ravos | Sarge Potteiger | Karen Roberts | @Je'daii | Iella E'ron | Ordo |Aeron Kreelan | Kiskla Grayson | Whoever else is in the Conference Room

“Thank you Master Merrill.” Soliael turned to the man and nodded slightly, grateful that he showed proper respect, many people would not have. “I am afraid this will be rather anti-climactic.”

Soliael said the words in a respectful tone, though how he managed it was difficult to tell. He was quite literally a sheep in a room full of wolves...okay perhaps a wolf in a room filled with other wolves of the same size but from a different pack. Yes that made his ego feel slightly better.

“The Crusade and its world have never known the touch of Jedi, and never will.” He could really end there, but to make himself more clear he decided to elaborate. “Our people do not want your interference, nor do they need it. Our worlds prosper, our populace grows, and internal strife is nearly non-existent.”

That was actually true. Say what you will about crazy religions, but Moross territory was probably one of the safest places in the galaxy to live. “We prefer to deal with problems that arise within our borders on our own, or with the aid of our allies, The Fringe.” The tone of Soliaels voice made it sound as such a thing was unlikely to happen. “While we respect your Orders, we do not want to see them in our territory.”

Jedi caused trouble, if only because everywhere they went the Sith were hot on their tails. Because of that reason, and numerous others that Soliael would not voice, he and Amorella had decided to decline any and all Jedi aid within their territory.

“Any Jedi at our borders will be turned away unless given special permission by myself or my fellow Aesir, if they insist on coming in anyway, or are found on our world's unwanted, they will be captured and returned.” Soliael didn't mention in what state they would be returned in, but the tone of his voice implied that they would be alive, though none too pleased by their treatment at the hands of the Crusaders.

That was about as cordial as Soliael could get. He did not insult any of them and did not make fun of their pointless quest for peace by being nice, it was all he could do.

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