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The Imperial Remnant

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[member="Julius Octavian"]

I'll have to be honest, although there is a desire to revive it, the actual execution of that has been slow-going.

Your best bet for Imperial storylines is with the Imperial Inquisition in the One Sith, which is where this character spends her time. Let me know if you want to join up with Tmoxin, even if just for an introduction between characters.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

The Imperial Remnants are looking to get active again and while i am not one of them and contrary to what the Sith say, they are trying. Get in contact with @Alva Cavalore or how ever her name is spelled.
[member="Solan Charr"] Thank you - I think Alva Cavalore is the person that still runs it.

But to be honest, I don't see very many active storylines there to all. My response wasn't meant to be a recruitment thread for the Sith but trying to give a PC honest information about where the highest Imperial activity is on the site.

[member="Julius Octavian"] It's an Imperial subset of the One Sith. [member="Hans Vaiden"] is right, you should just join and check it out. If it's not for you, just unjoin again. :)
[member="Julius Octavian"]

Caius is inactive due to IRL military deployment. Unfortunately he was sort of handed the ropes by the IR founder and that lead to a huge dip in activity due to a difficulty trying to find active leadership within the faction. It is my understanding that there's still an interest to revive the IR as a major faction but I'm not sure if that's happening anytime soon.

I'm going to be a bit honest here, you may very well be better off joining a faction that provides Imperial RP or making your own. The issue is that there's not a lot of motivation within the IR right now that suggests they're going to be really active any time soon.
[member="Hans Vaiden"], could have. I contacted the faction leader and was told that the remnant is inactive. So I wanted to see what was going on before starting anything.
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Trust me, especially considering the faction i am in myself. Appearances can be deceiving.

Alva is looking for help and just has been hit every step of they way. It just needs a bit of a strong push to get a real Imperial faction on the way... infact. This whole conversation made me start to make a Imp character.
Darth Vornskr said:
Doesn't seem to pan out.
Imperial Remnant
Empire of the Hand
That Fringe reformation plan that fizzled
Imperial Remnant again
Shadow Empire
New Order
Atrisian Empire
Imperial Remnant the Third?

I feel like I'm missing some.

Yeah, [member="Julius Octavian"], Imperial factions have never gotten much real traction on this board, and nobody knows why. All it would really take would be 3-4 highly motivated people who're in it for the long haul. It's not the only factor -- the Atrisian Empire had a dedicated, long-term core group -- but it's a factor. Good luck.
I am tagging [member="Aram Kalast"] just because I can :) and because he might want to see this with him bringing his awesome character over. I also had a few Atrisian alts before the war, most of which I missed sadly. The Sith are covering some of this ground too which is great to see. Maybe you all need to cooperate together to get some imperial style RP going on. The Atrisian empire still exists btw too so, all things to considered, perhaps a PM to [member="Akio Kahoshi"] wouldn't be wasted.
[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Darth Vornskr"]

Yes, the Empire does seem to fizzle out at just about every community. I think the only community where I saw it prosper so much that it eventually "won" the game after the community died was The Rebel Faction. I think the problem is Force users. They're difficult to combat, and unless the entire community is a "fleet-based" community the Empire usually gets boring because they can't do much without a fleet behind them.

The possibilities are limitless. I've always been a die-hard Imperial at every community I play at. The Republic/Rebellion just never fit my ideals. I might just jump in with my own history in an open thread and let a faction find me and attempt to recruit me in the thread. It's hard to say what will happen. Star Wars without an Empire sucks. :(
[member="Solan Charr"] - The Atrisians definitely had more success than the rest, you're right. The problem, so far as I saw, was that they couldn't expand past their core group - couldn't get many more people interested in their very specific iteration of Empire. So they worked themselves to the bone to play with the big factions, and then it crashed. So at a fundamental level, I guess what I'm trying to say is that they fit the same mold in the sense of being focused on a small core group and being limited by the Imperial Remnant 'curse'*; they just had a better work ethic and staying power than most. That was my impression, anyway, and I was only peripheral to the process.

*shorthand for 'the factors that kill off Imperial Remnant-ish factions'.
[member="Solan Charr"] - Yeah, it is a shame. Their joining of Fringe is a long and kind of awkward story, but bottom line, it was less about the standard lightweight OOC reasons that factions fail and more about IC cause and effect - a 'legitimate' death, you could say. And they really did last longer than most Imperial factions. Me, I'd love to see one take off. The Techno Union might be getting there, [member="Julius Octavian"] - the current leader, [member="Raziel"], is Imperial-style old guard.
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