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The Imperial Remnant

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I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. When TRF's Empire got so big that it became unmanagable, they made the Emperor an NPC and each person that had done their own "dominions" added it to their "protectorate" of planets. So basically it because one large faction where each person had their own piece of it, IC and OOC. Made for come very great political intrigue, internal strife (it's always fun when things are happening IC behind the scenes when two Moffs can't stand each other but still fight under the same banner), etc.

So it's not an idea that I came up with, but it's an idea that I love and would love to see and be a part of again.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Y'all got a proper Empire up and running and well-established, you let me know. Cyrus has always had an Imperial bent, but for now only the Sith can provide ships and semi-constant warfare.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] You should help with establishing it, not just joining it once the work is already done. :p Developing it is half the fun. You become an integral part of the history and the fabric of it's creation.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Julius Octavian"] Sadly, Cyrus' true loyalty is to the joy of battle and warfare, which the Sith provide in excess. On an OOC level, after Atrisia I've seen too many would-be Empires fall. I wish you all the best of luck, and will happily help in your development as opposition or something, but until you've got something to pit against the Dark Blade I've gotta stick to the people who give me my ships.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] Completely understandable. It's just as fun to role play against someone as it is to role play with them. ;) I look forward to meeting you on the space-field of Battle.
I honestly think the Imperial Remnant returning would be pretty fun and would make out some interesting stories, what with them up against the One Sith and the new Empire. It would be interesting. However, [member="Enigma"] is correct in saying that there have been other attempts at bringing it back.

If you are really wanting to bring it back, I suggest you seriously plan out ahead of time and get dedicated writers (and their characters of course) to join up. It would be cool but it will be a challenge because, again, it was attempted in the past.
[member="Julius Octavian"]
You know, as long as your not entirely with the One Sith, I might join, as long as you don't war with the Mandalorains.

Heck, I've even got the armor for it.

[member="Adar Bralor"]

A Mandolorian joining the Imperial Remnant, a faction built on the ideas of the Old Empire? That seems... odd... I mean interesting but it would be complicated since your character would be joining a faction that wants to rebuild your current factions greatest enemy.
[member="The Onyx"]

I'm a bit of a wayward clansman, (I still call myself Mandalorian.) But I believe that the Empire was better for the galaxy, less of the squabbling with the republic, more action, usually violent. I can respect that, and as long as they don't make too much of an enemy of the clans, I'll count myself Imperial.

Besides, I've got a feeling they're on a collision course with the One Sith, (just a gut feeling) and I think my force user killing expertise would be needed and dully appreciated.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] does bring up a point that is also probably behind the failures of other Imperial factions to get up and get traction; The One Sith continue to be a very major force in the galaxy and are very active. Even if they're not properly Imperial, they're close enough to draw away support from other upstart Imperial factions.

The Atrisian Empire ultimately failed, I think, for similar reasons. They had a core group to keep activity rolling, but because of their location between three superpowers they had no room to expand and so they stagnated and died.

A faction needs four things to be successful (in my opinion)

  • A dedicated backbone - The leaders and upper ranks need to be solid and in it for the long-haul. Almost every attempt at making an Imperial faction has flopped in part because of a turnover in leadership early on. You need to be prepared to run the faction for at least a year, and as a back up you need a 2IC whose willing to do the same.
  • Activity beyond leader-made - A problem I've noticed from my own time leading a faction, and just observing others, is that sometimes people think that the faction leader has to make all the threads. While faction leaders are certainly responsible for moving things forward and organizing dominions and invasions, a faction needs its own members to make activity as well. Activity breeds activity. Conversely, inactivity breeds more inactivity. Everyone in a faction needs to work to make it succeed.
  • Room to breath - If you make your faction and it's on the doorstep of giants like the Republic and One Sith, you're not going to survive. You need to be able to expand the faction naturally and avoid any entanglements with the superpowers. The moment you have some faction with 150+ members look at you crossly, you're in some deep karkin' crap.
  • Time - There is no shortcut to success here. You have to have the time to build your faction up, create a central story for it, and develop its identity. You will not find a faction that goes from a handful of people to over a hundred in a month that does not fizzle shortly there after. Such a thing was possible in the early days of the board, but that time has passed. So for a new Imperial faction to succeed, you're going to have to put in long hours for months on end to have a shot at it being successful
The mistake most new factions (not just Imp-leaning factions) make is that they try to explode out the gate and get big now. That way leads to burnout and fizzled dreams.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

Instead of creating yet another minor imp faction give the remnants and Alva a chance to get it going. If it doesnt get going fast enough, offer your own leadership.

Just my five cents.
I'd love to see a competent, dedicated Empire get off the ground. I'm too busy to jump in in a serious way, but I kind of run, or help run, the only rebel minor faction around ('minor' in the sense of no territory -- we've got more members than plenty of major factions). We're always down to help dominions get to 100 the hard way. We've done dominion opposition for the Techno Union, Fringe, and a few others, and I'm pretty sure I could get some Underground fighters to weigh in when you need it.

[member="Julius Octavian"]

Julius said he might. But frankly, I won't join unless Julius takes an active role in leadership. I like his ideas, they've gotten up my "Imperial inkling."

But my main problem with the remnant itself, is its just that, a remnant, the name itself invokes thoughts of the Empire of bygone days of yore instead of what it needs to be; an adaptive conservative, (I use the term loosely) Empire.
[member="Aram Kalast"] is here?

Oh that means we'll have a Thrawn Empire in a week, maybe two.

As much as I love the One Sith, and i'mma let them do their crazy Zerg Rush Sith Empire, having an Empire in the same breath as Thrawn style and maybe with just non-denominational Dark Jedi as a sub-sect would be very nice to see.
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Someone did try and do that a while ago, don't exactly know how it ended up, seemed inactive the last time a checked. However, as I said before, I like Julius's ideas, they're proactive of the current rut most Imperial factions end up in, and if he'd start up a faction on those ideas then I'd join up as soon as it was made.
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