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The Imperial Remnant

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[member="Solan Charr"] - They're the closest thing around, far as I can see. Their Obsidian Order's nearest canon equivalent is the Emperor's Hands, for one. Also not afraid to get their hands dirty with ground/space tactics and intel operations.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

You combat force users by tech and/or NPC numbers to keep it balanced, at least that's how I always did with my NFU's. Here while a FU has to train up the ranks, powers etc, an NFU has to dev tech or units (and facilities/locations) to match them.

What I am surprised more NFU's don't do is make a small personal squad of say 4 named NPC's who get protection from autohits and work as a small squad.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Kei Amadis said:
The Atrisian empire still exists btw too so, all things to considered, perhaps a PM to Akio Kahoshi wouldn't be wasted.

The faction forum still exists...but the faction itself can be considered dead, alas. Akio has not been around for a good while.

It ending this way is quite unfortunate, though. Had good fun while it was active and I loved the Inquisition, though alas I could not devote as much time to it as I would've liked in retrospect. After Atrisia joined Fringe and Madeline Kahoshi took over following Akio's death into a terrorist attack, it turned into Space North Korea and purged its force-users. That was a fun thread, Moira and Maddy working together. Equally fun was Mirien Valdier and Naamah assassinating Madeline (well, Moira turned her into an HRD, but that's only known by very few).

Kei Amadis said:
You combat force users by tech and/or NPC numbers to keep it balanced, at least that's how I always did with my NFU's. Here while a FU has to train up the ranks, powers etc, an NFU has to dev tech or units to match them.

Indeed. Shoot them with bolters. And use HRDs. :p

Not sure how much traction it would get, but if a new 'Imperial' style faction arose I'd love it if was radically anti-force-user. Atrisia was that to a degree, what with the Inquisition being about controlling them and there being a forcer registry, but it still tried to 'integrate' them until Madeline took over and went all Great Terror on them.
Keiji is still being written in my head.

I could think of worse things than being an FU that was forced out by Atrisia and maybe currently hunted by them. Roleplay him as still believing in Imperial ideals...
I think the biggest reason IMP faction die is 1. there usually more than one of them at a time and spend a lot time fighting each other instead of working together. 2. I think they try build thems up in territory too fast and end stretch themselves too thin and los 90% of their territory in one fail swoop. 3. any IMP or Sith immediately become a target for the Pubs, jedi, and other light side factions. 4. lack of variety everyone is a sith or in military there is political aspect to empire as well regional and territorial governors the imperial diplomatic service and so. 5. and this touched on already be other size the Empire had a massive military and fleet and on this board that takes a lot of time to build up, this compound the fact that most imperial/sith faction have have their own companies to this as most if not the other companies will work for the IMPS/Sith. I would see One Sith do imperial storyline like the old Sith empire were a lot the political, military, and intelligence are NFU imperials with Sith ministers in over charge of these aspect.
Thanks for the tag @ Kei Amadis
Had an interesting read on this, answered some more questions I had on a thread I asked a week ago regarding the same question really.

I've ended up shifting my character into the One Sith, he's been leadership for a successful Imperial faction on another community that recently sizzled a bit due to leadership challenges and rules, but essentially I have seen how interested people are at playing Imps.

From what I've seen the One Sith have the hold on a 'authentic' Imperial Military, they have the Stormtroopers and they have the Sith to lead them much like a dark version of the Republic during the Clone Wars. We see what is portrayed in much of the expanded universe when it come to Sith control and that is what people like. Besides the Sith own a large portion if not most of the galaxy influence wise, it makes sense for them to have an Empire.

However I also see the need for a dedicated Imperial Faction, I'm fairly new here myself and have no idea how to start these things otherwise you would see one formed and at least attempted (even if only to add to the existing number of failed attempts). I think it comes down to what people want from an Imperial to be honest.

Eitherway, I have an Imperial and he is on the side of the Sith, will he stay there? Who knows? Maybe one day he will break and start an Empire, either way the future is always moving as they say.
So, I have an idea for consideration. Here is a basic synopsis:

Following the shattering of the base Imperial Power, whatever it may have been, Julius would have taken a small force and disappeared into some remove, vastly overlooked section of the galaxy (possibly in the Unknown Regions, or the far Outer Rim worlds) and established himself. Unbeknownst to him, the Imperial Remnant has been squabbling for years (explaining the turbulence and tumultuous history here at Chaos). After venturing back out into the galaxy, he would discover that the Empire has become exactly what he had feared, a small conglomerate of squabbling warlords pecking at the remains of what holdings the empire still has like a pack of vultures.

In an effort to restore order, he could launch a campaign to carve out a New Imperial Order (name yet to be determined), and unite the warlords or destroy them if they fail to fall back into line. When I brought Jules here when the community was founded he was a Grand Admiral so I would probably stick to that as well as his original historic context (having lost the eye in battle, etc).

Further development would depend solely on how the role plays go. Would the Imperial Remnant fight the encroaching New Order, or would they fall in line and join it? Would Julius be forced into submission by the Remnant, or would he triumph and carve out a New Galactic Empire?

It all depends on how the story plays out.

Good? Yes? No?

P.S. If I were to commit to writing this much development and story line, I'd need a few characters to commit to this as well, whether it be as opposition or as allies/members. Anyone could get involved; other factions, the Republic... I don't care as long as it gets played and gets some follow through to reactivate the Imperials. I think the idea of pushing to restore order falls in line with the idea of an Imperial Remnant and a "squabbling warlord" philosophy. Unless Julius can "unite" the Empire in one form or another, he'd just be another Remnant Warlord fighting for his piece.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

I will say this, the Remnant looks as though it's trying to get things together as much as possible. Though, yes, it could do with some more people like you to keep things active.
[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]

I'm all for joining the Remnant, but my character would be pushing for a unified front to restore the glory of the Empire. I doubt he would take the idea of warlords squabbling, or the Empire crumbling or being called a "remnant" very lightly. Especially considering his rank in the Empire proper.
[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]

I'd welcome the challenge! The Empire can have more than one Grand Admiral. ;)

Do you play Tarkin as being related to Grand Moff Tarkin, or just a coincidence? I noticed you're Chiss.

Also, was Tarkin a Grand Admiral before the crumbling of the Empire or afterward? In the books it was customary for Imperials in positions of power to give themselves absurd ranks like Grand Admiral, Supreme Lord High Commander, Grand High Lord Admiral, Lord Emperor General, etc.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

If you read her bio she's a distant descendant. I wanted to mix Tarkin and Thrawn together lol

But it's true about more than one grand admiral. I think we should meet at some point.
[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]

I'd be looking forward to it. I edited my previous post. A mixture of Tarkin and Thrawn would be insane. I played a Chiss once. Had a ton of fun doing it until it because overdone and everyone wanted to be one at the community I was at. Then it got boring seeing them everywhere so I stopped playing him.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

Yeah, there's a few here but I'm hoping my admiral will be a little more pro dominant. I can see us two admirals trying to reach agreement or finding a way to pool our resources together.
[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]

If I were to "restore" the Empire as a faction, I'd probably like to see it broken up into Imperial Protectorates. Each Protectorate would be like a "state" inside of the Empire, run by a Moff or Admiral. Basically like a collection of mini-Empires making up one giant Empire. It would also create a political element, similar to the Republic but more of a "Grand Moff Council" idea where the Moff or Admiral in charge of a protectorate would come together for a council when necessary to discuss resources, combat, movement, etc.

I have so many ideas it's not even funny. I've done this "rebuild the Empire" thing at more communities than I can count.
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