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The Imperial Remnant

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Morality Policeman :)
Former admin of the Atrisian Empire here.

What I found led to its downfall:
  1. We were pinned between three superpowers.
  2. The Imperial Inquisition was freer in what the Inquisitors/Knights were allowed to think, but they had more restrictions as far as not revealing identities and the like. I've noticed that the Forcie players seem to prefer playing around spirituality or massacring innocents rather than making their character's primary traits more subtle.
  3. Val'Ryss' flash-in-the-pan Empire attracted members away from us and then dropped them after less than a month of major status. (Loved it for its two weeks though, Hiss. <3 )
  4. Someone causing a ruckus by threatening to blow up our own members OOC.
  5. The ever-present emphasis on Force 'gods' that ruin the Imperial game. (I recall having a couple squadrons of AT-PTs and a handful of AT-ATs and being thwarted by a Force user who was levitating whilst literally hurling airspeeders at my armor division.)

Not calling anyone out. Not even complaining, really. This is just what I observed as an admin of the only truly Imperial faction that actually survived more than three months, and what I continue to get a feeling of as Imperial factions repeatedly fail. (This character himself has been through 5 Empires since I created him about a year and a half ago.)

The truth is that no matter how the One Sith wish to mold their faction, it will never be an actual Galactic Empire faction while it still is Sith-anything. And that is why other Empires seem to not be able to compete. The emphasis on super Force users will be discouraging to people who want to play the classic Empire. Honestly, I believe the board's character focus will have to shift before an Empire will ever thrive.

So I thought I'd weigh in from my own interactions with Imperial roleplay, seeing as I was the last leader of the New Order and it's current faction owner. We've been dead since August 2014 btw.

The New Order was founded to replace the Sith Empire, when it was destroyed under [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s reign as the Dark Lord of the Sith. The premise was that we were the remnant of that Sith Empire, which had pulled back to Wild Space, where we would rebuild and conquer the territories we had lost during the 835-837 ABY wars. Unfortunately we had a few things not go our way.

For one, the people that went to start up the New Order were the other half of the Sith Empire that fell out with the guys that eventually began the One Sith. We also didn't have the staff support that the One Sith had. I know for a fact that if the New Order tried to usurp Coruscant in the way the One Sith did to the Galactic Republic it would not have worked and gone the way it did for the One Sith.

We also had 3-4 competent people that were willing to drive the faction, but ultimately couldn't attract the staying power of it's other members to help us grow. There was an influx of people that kept going in between the New Order and One Sith; and seeing as the One Sith had just conquered Coruscant and were giving the big FU to the Republic and Jedi, they had the type of attraction that we just couldn't get. I mean really, who were you going to pick? The Empire remnant or the Empire resurgent? Core Worlds or Wild Space? Coruscant or Mytus VII? It was a simple choice.

Darth Vulcanus, the guy who began the New Order, also made the disastrous decision to try and take back Dromund Kaas from the Mandalorians when we weren't ready. We lost badly. The Mandalorians invaded Telos and we lost badly again. They were coming for the rest of the New Order too. People became demotivated and I certainly didn't want to continue a faction that didn't have the staying power, resources or decision making to make itself a competitor in the galaxy.

So we all jumped ship. Most of us, including myself, went to the One Sith and nearly a year later just look at the map. Obviously the Netherworld event helped with that transformation, but even before then everyone knew that the One Sith were edging it.

I'm interested in reviving the Imperial Remnant- the New Order done right hopefully- but the One Sith are the best bet when it comes to Imperial activity. The difference is that the One Sith Imperials support the ideology of the One Sith, which is different from the ideology of the New Order. Two different versions of a Galactic Empire, so it is up to you which one you want to write with.
I've been thinking about that recently [member="Bottlecap"] and while I'm not a member of an Imperial faction, the Galactic Empire is my favorite faction from the films and expanded universe so I was thinking about if a new focus on Imperial Force users would work or not.

Now I don't mean Sith at all. Rather, I'm thinking more like the Imperial Knights that served Emperor Fel. They'd be very different from either the One Sith or the New Jedi Order in that they're primarily loyal to an actual Imperial monarch.

That being said, I'm actually not aware of any time on the forum here that anyone played a regular Imperial monarch outside of a Sith or perhaps the leadership behind the Atrisian Empire. Rexus Drath, though, looks to play an Imperial Knight.

You have to admit that the red armor is pretty snazzy too.
[member="Janus Viminal"]

There was a Fel Imperium that had a monarch, which was created by the same writer of Darth Vulcanus. But like all the other attempts, it fell and faded away. It did have a much more lasting impact than most of the Imperial factions. Operation: Weedkiller, anybody?
Come join the Remnants and get the Storm Corp operating properly!

[member="Adar Bralor"]
A faction can change name. The Remnants are actually discussing such things to get going fresh.
[member="Adar Bralor"], i'd love to have you on board. So far I could 7 members that plan to get involved with my role plays.

As for the Imperial Remnant, they can do their thing and either fall into line with my story lines or challenge them. Either way would be a lot of fun.

We'll see where things go. Either the Empire will pick up steam and finally see a come back, or it will fall hopelessly into the abyss never to return again. Only time will tell.

I should have an introduction thread for Julius coming soon. It'll likely be open for anyone who wants to jump in to come on by. From there, we will see where the role play takes us.
[member="Julius Octavian"]
I'd love to be a part of it. I can try to get some other writers on it if you want.

EDIT: And also a little thing about the name; I think it should be just plain "The Empire." No remnant, no fancy addons, just how it should be.
[member="Julius Octavian"] I would be happy to RP with you to try to revive the faction. I've been kind of hoping to create a royal character to start a smaller offshoot. But if you really want to just PM me and I'll help you!
I always found the naming to be rather interesting. If you name yourself a remnant you’re pretty much admitting that you’re but a small imitation of the real thing.

Should just go all out and call yourself the New Galactic Empire, choose an empty area of space, and expand. Tying yourself too closely to the canon Empire is a danger.
In the Darkness there is Truth
'Remnant is indeed not a very inspiring name, for the reasons Valiens said. You admist you're just a pale shadow, a warlord polity.

At the same time starting out calling yourself Galactic Empire when you just own three planets looks a bit...silly. It's like the Byzantines still insisting on being called the Roman Empire in 1453 when they only controlled Constantinople and a portion of the Peloponnes...and the Ottomans were at the gates.
Calling yourself the Remnants or something of the sorts can be a good thing, if you bother putting in the hours and manpower needed to produce a proper marketing / propaganda campaign revolving around this and playing up the underdog angle. Most importantly for it though, you'd need some heavy expansionist views and a conquest / dominion spree to make it work and prove it's not just empty words. I agree with [member="Darth Vornskr"] though, naming yourself after the region you find yourself in is a lot more interesting and alluring than just financing the sixth Imperial New Order Remnant Galactic Warlords Empire
Does the name really matter that much? You could have the most epic name ever known to man but if the concept or execution is crap then it fails. On the flip side I have seen some names that made me cringe but looked at the concept and activity and gone well maybe.
Great, another splinter cutting loose form the Imperial body.

Well since this thread is called the Imperial remnants we are putting up a fight to get a real Imp faction going again. the RP is actually going on as we are having this chat.

Keeping the insurgents at bay!

I agree with the name and I vote for the Remnats to change to Galactiv Empire anyday but I dont see it as a major issue as long as the concet is a "Galactic Empire."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The name absolutely matters. Imperial Remnant looks EU milquetoast defeatist. Galactic Empire looks silly when you own three worlds. What you want is The Empire, full stop. Add the Galactic once you've earned it.
[member="Adalric Vastor"]

Yes, thats why one can change a factions name once it grows. A military unit can eventually become a galactic power and so forth. Hence, right now it is a Remnant of a past Empire, it would as you say be a bit odd to call oneself a full Empire at this stage. But what do I know, I just hoped the Imps interested in leading would chim in on the same plate.
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