Olom focused coolly as he lurked in the hidden passageways above. After all, one advantage of a water plant was that there were plenty of pipes to hide behind, or in this case, above. He slowly stalked around smirking when he found his target. Scrooge. Stodgy old sun of a hutt, with four guards. He needed to distract them. He looked around, focusing his telekinetic energy....on a small pipe. The metal groaned under the pressure....but didn't budge enough to do any damage. He wasn't strong enough.
"You hear that?" One of the soldiers said.
"Yeah, sounded like pipes twisting," another said.
"Shut it," the old man said with a glare.
"B-b-b-but, major Scrooge--" a soldier stammered.
"Enough!" The old man, in full uniform, said with a glare. "We need to finish construction on this flow-regulator, or the poison won't set in."
Olom couldn't help himself. Time to tease the meat. "Heh." A thin, raspy laugh, echoing through the tinny pipes.
"The Feth was that?" A soldier said.
"Heheheheheheh. HAH!"
Scrooge glowered. He didn't need force magic. He was a scientist. "Bah! Ignore that Fething poodoo! Just tricks of the Sith."
"The emperor's coming!" one soldier said in a panic.
Olom focused on the panicked man. He could do this. Send thoughts to him. Violent, terrifying thoughts....he needed to know.....no one could save them.......make him paranoid.
"The emperor is going to kill us...." the soldier said, twitching nervously, checking his gun out of habit.
"Bah, Umbarans!" The old man said with a glare. "When they get a real emperor, a human emperor, they can try and force me down. I fought for the Empire, and the Imperium. I don't surrender. I kill," he muttered as he continued tampering with his device. Until, something happened that was unusual. His wrench jumped. Out of his hand, and into his jaw. It jumped. Olom relased his focus, letting the wrench fall onto his leg, and then bringing it back to swing as his face again.
The old soldier caught the wrench, and began cursing. "Find the pile of sithspit that's doing this! Now!"
Olom grinned, and then he meditated. That little trick had cost him some energy. He focused, trying his best to impersonate the emperor. "So you need a human to fight you, then?" He said aloud, letting his voice echo through the pipes, watching as two of the soldiers began shooting as the ceiling until Scrooge yelled at them. Cursing violently. After a litany of language this writer will not publish on a website where minors are welcome, and some....creatively aggressive references to livestock, He let another laugh, ring, focusing on feeding on their fear. He coudl draw mroe strength from taunting them, then he could make his next move. He felt the force on his tongue, choosing his own words calmly. "You desire my blood, coward? If you're better, then how come I haven't lifted a finger against you yet. Why are you so important, hmm?"
Finally, the old man fell for it. He took out his pistol, and stood up from the console. "I'll kill you, Tyrin!" The old man exclaimed as he began to walk around. Good. He'd stopped fiddling with the console. He was now chasing a ghost. Which went he could be lured...