@[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Tyrin Ardik"]
Vazela surveyed the room, adorned in it's art and tranquility. The bodies of the former governor, aides, family and lieutenants were removed by the local servants that had worked in palace, hired under the pretense of death by the Stormtroopers that now patrolled it's corridors, stood on it's ramparts and occupied it's surrounding space. The Imperial Palace was now on lock down and the heart of Bastion was now theirs. Averting his gaze from an oil painting of the city, he lowered his gaze to the officer knelt before him. He considered Colonel James Kerval for a while, before he gave him his last orders before his eventual departure. "Colonel, you will be in command of this palace and will continue to feed updates to Commander Bligh on the Obscurity. Nobody is to leave or enter this palace, whether they're allied or not; and in the case of the latter, I demand execution to proceed there trespass."
The Sith Lord lifted himself to his feet and told the Colonel, "By the time I leave this palace, I want a Sigma shuttle ready for departure. You have your orders."
"It will be done, my Lord," said Kerval, getting to his feet.
Vazela turned around the corner of the massive durasteel doors that led into the throne room and his hooded figure began to navigate the hallways back down into the palace grounds. True to his orders, Kerval had relayed his orders to his men and a Sigma-class transport had been prepared at the foot of the stairs, descending from the palace to the street. Boarding the ship, he told it's pilot, "Bring me to the Emperor, as quickly as possible."
"Yes, my Lord," replied the pilot, taking off after the ramp retracted back into the ship.
Still hooded, Vazela remained near the ramp. He was eager to get out when it arrived near the location of Tyrin Ardik. As the shuttle flew, he felt a disturbance in the Force. He sensed that Tyrin was in danger. He did not know why. Perhaps he was in a situation on Bastion where, even the Dark Lord of the Sith, could not handle himself. Vazela endeavored to find out.