Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The joke's on me...

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Someone once asked me on Skype how long I’d stay on the boards. “I’ll be here tomorrow but I’ll be gone in twenty years” I responded. Sometimes I like to think of myself as a joker. But I meant what I said. Somewhere between those two points, I knew I’d leave.

On a recent blog, I mentioned how addictive CHAOS was for me. I have an addictive personality apparently. It’s all or nothing. I will check the site every chance I get, just to see what’s being said – and You know I love to post.

So given these facts, you’d think it would be closer to twenty years than a day before I left. Yet here I am.

I never wanted to join Skype. But I was encouraged to the point where I used it. I wasn’t the most vocal, but it can be good to share stuff this way – to get quick responses. The down-side is that, like any App, it’s readily accessible to anyone who picks up your phone. For example, someone who might want to play a practical joke. Except this wasn’t funny and…two hours of sleep to show for a night in bed…I got up and made a decision.

There is zero point in trying to undo what’s been done. Trust is a fickle thing at best, and on-line? It’s extremely fragile. I always have been, and remain, honest – but accept people will hold inaccurate views of me if they wish. I hold no grudges.

So I thank everyone for a great time on CHAOS. As you can imagine, I’m no longer active on Skype and won’t be popping back with an, “I’ve changed my mind” post. Another of my personality traits is that I'm stubborn.

I can only apologise to those that have invested their time and effort into my characters – and I just hope I’ve given some fun back along the way. I’ll miss you all, but I’ll get over it. One day…

This affects Corvus of course, plus Nubica Felidae, Darth Zilti/Maja, Darth Timoris/Melori and Tejori Lotor

Connor Harrison

I don't even know how to express a feeling for this annoyance for you.

This is very unfortunate to hear. We haven't RPed much, but you are one of my favorite writers to read [member="Corvus Raaf"]

While I won't interfere with your decision because you know best (I finally took a brief LOA after a whole year on Chaos and it was good for my soul), and I know you are well aware of this rule, but it sounds like this "practical joke" could be construed as site harassment:

4. Harassment and abusive behavior is absolutely not allowed. This includes trolling members and racial, sexist, religious, ethnic, sexual or political remarks that can be considered derogatory.

Be well!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Corvus Raaf said:
The down-side is that, like any App, it’s readily accessible to anyone who picks up your phone. For example, someone who might want to play a practical joke.
[member="Tmoxin Temi"] - Dunno, to me it sounds more like someone IRL. Can't exactly prosecute someone who's not on the board for breaking board rules. Or I'd be prosecuting my in-laws for godmoding and demanding tier reductions.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

I have enjoyed writing our story together, and words cannot express how sad I am that something like this happened :( I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors and hope that maybe you'll be back one day. I won't say good-bye, just au revoir or until we meet again
I haven't been around here long, but it is sad to see such a dedicated person leave the forum. So many chances for great RPs gone. I know it must not be easy for you to do this, but I hope you get out of it what you are looking for.
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