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The Line. [ Open to All Mandalorians ]

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A figure in orange and black armor stood a short distance away from [member="Darth Metus"], a beskad sheathed at his hip while a rifle was slung across his back. His arms were crossed as his one visible eye surveyed those who came, spoke, and those who inevitably left the gathering. There was a lot to take in, so many strong wills and opinions colliding together in one spot that could threaten to boil over into physical violence. Not that the Silent Watcher abhorred violence, rather he enjoyed it, but violence would not serve the desires of the Clan nor would it serve the Mando'ade as a whole.

Unity was their only salvation, anything else invited further calamity to befall these mighty warriors.

"Quite the rabble." His words were slow, articulated, and augmented via a voice modulator that layered his voice with a mechanical undertone. He spoke to no one else save Metus and his voice never rose loud enough to travel beyond his immediate vicinity. "Blood may yet be shed tonight."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jekai Almec"] got a nod of acknowledgement for the question answered, so far as Carra was concerned. The nod became a flinch as voices and a gunshot penetrated the fire's crackle. Careful to make no sudden movements, Carra got off the bench and slipped through the crowd, away from the fire. Curiosity had its place. That place was not the middle of a crowd of impassioned mercs shooting guns.
The man ignored Aiden, who's actions spoke louder than anything he could say ever could. He'd offered a fight to the death, and he'd not been the one that backed down. He watched the pistol shot between them, and looked to somebody that properly demanded respect. "Pup eh? Good nickname. I'll take that as a compliment."

He looked to Alleria.

"If I step into a circle with the assassin force cultist, it will be to kill him. Otherwise, I'm done here." , he says. "When /a/ Mand'alor; I say /A/ because all are not rallied, and he allows his followers to break the resol'nare, is willing to save those that cast aside their souls, and train our children properly, I will rally. He has it when that occurs."

The man heads to his Fang Fighter, his business concluded, unless stopped.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]
[member="Alleria Mereel"]
[member="Kad Tor"]
The others had been given silence up until this point. Metus allowed his peers to speak. Some gave support. Others did not. Such was how he had anticipated this evening would transpire. Yet now, he chose to speak once more, addressing his old friend:

"The time of saying 'yes' with fine print has long since passed. Half-commitments will no longer suffice. Either you are with us, and will put faith in our Mand'alor's ability to lead entirely...or you will part ways with Manda'yaim once and for all. Speak now, plainly, if you would. Make your choice, ner'vod."

There was much more that the Mandalorian wanted to say to his old friend. He wanted him to know that he understood - that the bonds of matrimony and fatherhood could make a warrior feel divided. That holding a life in his hands, or holding a beloved, makes one value each and every life under his banner beyond words. He understood, for he had been there before himself. But yet, he believed. He put faith in their Mand'alor and in their people. He hoped Draco would come to that point as well.

But if not...Draco would never be alone. Alderaan was the jewel of his life. Faith and their children were his Sun and Stars. The Warmaster understood and would harbor no ill will against his old comrade. Not now, not ever.

Metus then raised his hand, addressing [member="Aedan Miles"]. "Peace, old friend."

"All who gather today were promised that they may leave in peace. So shall it be."

His eyes slid to [member="Jekai Almec"] as he strode back towards his ship. A man had lost his soul this day, at least in the eyes of the Sole Ruler.

Then to the guest, [member="Carradine Dukal"], he answered simply: "There's more to it."

"In this case, Mand'alor Munin checked all the boxes. There was a duel when his predecessor disappeared. When he emerged victorious, the Clans unanimously recognized his claim. Then the loser decided...well, I'm sure you saw the news. Millions dead. Even more displaced. The Clans, effectively, collapsed overnight. Mand'alor regrouped on Dxun; and what he was greeted by were but a handful of those who had pledged fealty to his rule once before. Only now that we have returned to Mandalore have many others begun to stir."

"So yes...There is more to it. Tonight is...not your typical, Mandalorian bonfire. But rather drawing a line in the sand."

His gaze then slid to [member="Alleria Mereel"].

"Such an ignorant attitude. The Force is a Tool, no different than a blaster or saber. Those who make a religion out of its usage are fools. Yet those of us gifted with this tool, among our people, Master it as we would any other. To discriminate based on something one is born with is no different than pointing at a Bothan and saying 'you can't be vode, you aren't like me' or pointing at a Korun and saying 'you can't be vode, your skin looks different.' With time, you will grow to realize that your peers who have been given this Tool bleed the same, fight the same, and serve the same as you."

Bickering. Gunshot. Clan Dem'adas had arrived.

"As blunt as ever, good to see you've come." he said, a bemused smile playing upon his lips. "As I'm sure you've noticed, the Exile is over. We've regrouped and have come home. Tonight, on behalf of Mand'alor, I have drawn the line. Some -" he then motioned at the one stepping away from their midst. "-have decided, of their own volition, to become Dar'manda. Others have stated their support simply. Where do you and yours stand, Alor Dem'adas? Do you yet recognize our Mand'alor and his Cause? If so, plant your banner. If not..."

He motioned to the flame with his hand.
"Isley Verd, you are an idiot." Olivia said flatly as she holstered her pistol. "No warrior in the history of the Mando'ade has become Dar'manda simply for telling the Mand'alor to go kark himself. If you recall... The Resol'nare simply states that a Mano'ad must heed the call of the Mand'alor. They heeded his call. They came, they rallied. And they chose to leave, as is their right as Mando'ade." she added as she approached the man, a fellow Alor and one-time member of the Alor Council, a thing that she had not bothered to attend in quite some time.

"And that's assuming Munin still has the right to call himself Mand'alor after abandoning Manda'yaim and those that chose to stay with their mother-world." Olivia said with her hands once again on her hips. "So where is he Verd?" Olivia asked. "Where is the 'father' that would lead the Mando'ade from their mother and seek to plant his flag on her corpse?"

[member="Darth Metus"]
Olivia sighed quietly at Isley's refusal to answer her question. Calmly, the woman stepped up to the man, as close as two Alor'e should ever get without the intent of 'unifying their clans' and leaned the face of her helmet even closer to the man's own (exposed face? Helmet?). "My people." Olivia said harshly, nearly growling out the worlds. "Have been here while yours hid on Dxun. Even my baby sister had the courage to ride out the storm of Manda'yaim's wrath. While you conquered foreign worlds, playing warlord closer to the core, I was running supplies back and forth for the survivors that had the stones to stay with their home, no matter the cost."

Leaning back, Olivia clenched her fists and willed the storm within her to subside."Clan Dem'adas stands with Manda'yaim. Olivia said calmly. "But you are not Mand'alor, Isley Verd." Olivia said coldly. "I do not answer to you, nor will I ever. If [member="Vilaz Munin"] isn't here, then I will take my leave and he can come ask for my support himself."

[member="Darth Metus"]
"Your account is the furthest thing from accurate. Warlord? We spent months making sure those who couldn't weather the storm kept breathing. But, of course, seeing to the sick, the dying, and the venerable is a sin in the eyes of Dem'adas isn't it?"

His response was less than professional, but this was Olivia after all. Less than professional was how she lived and breathed. "We did our part, as you did yours. You don't have to like it, but what you will do is make a choice. You say you stand with the planet? Stand with the one for whom it is named. Our goals are the same; stop acting like they aren't. Our actions are the same; stop acting like they aren't."

He didn't touch the comment on authority. Devolving into a bladefight was the last thing on his agenda for the evening.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
As his Slatin Gunship landed, Ardgal could see several of the other mandos had already set their clan flags up. He felt a sense of overwhelming pride at the unity that had come from the ashes of their destruction. He carried his Havoc Carbine in one hand, and his banner in the other slung over his shoulder. The blaze of the red Wolf that defined his small, battered clan was emblazoned on the dark fabric. The warrior's family, his clan, was ragged, divided, and all but destroyed because of the actions of Jack. He bore the pain, the duty of trying to reunify them and make something of that. Kinda like the whole nation. Behind him trailed Virgil and several of the other Godkillers who were in his clan.

As he drew closer he could hear some dumb kid he didn't know who just showed up caterwalling about politics, no government system, and god knows what. Oh and did they bring the Force into it? What the hell did religion have to do with any of this? And who the hell did [member="Jekai 'Pup' Almec"] think they were? Ardgal had been here since day one, what did this ass think they knew just showing up? The cyborg's white helmet turned to regard the insolent dikut with a cold stare before stepping past them. They could rage against the machine all they wanted, chances were they'd be staring down somoene's blade soon and sing a different tune. Ardgal didn't give a damn, they were someone else's problem.

He rammed his pole down into the ground, placing his banner to stand beside the Mandalore, by his people.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
Behind her visor, Olivia's eyes narrowed at the Alor of Clan Verd. "When Mand'alor the First took this world as his bride and the Mando'ade as his children, he formed a pact that has remained unbroken until the day Mand'alor Munin, the Exile, took those who would follow him and abandoned Manda'yaim." She said, holding her fists together and spread them apart as she spoke.

"My people stand with Manda'yaim, as they always have." Olivia said before sighing, unaware of what she was about to say next until the words found themselves flowing from between her lips. "But The Exile... Has been divorced. He has no place on this world. And if he seeks to claim it as his own, then he'll have to go through me to do it."

"I challenge [member="Vilaz Munin"] for the title of Mand'alor." Olivia said loud enough for all to hear. Her hands finding their way back to her hips. "Now where the hell is he?"

[member="Darth Metus"]
Jekai 'Pup' Almec couldn't really reply to the slur of (Very slightly power gamey) passive aggressive thought posting directed at his character's ideals, [member="Ardgal Raxis"] , save for one very small part of it; the glare mattered. He ran two finger's over his faceplate in a 'smile' gesture, and made a faint smack of his lips in a kissing motion, before he causally got into his fighter.

Olivia likewise stated her intention, and he caught the tail end of that. He grunted in annoyance, and stepped from his Fang fighter once more, ruining the whole slog he'd taken to get there in an almost comically anti climatic moment. He stood behind her, and planted his flag instead in support of her. She spoke wisely, from the moment of her entrance, and commanded respect. His voice was flat out boring in comparison, but chose a side it did. "I, Jekai 'Pup' Almec, support her claim and rally to it."

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
"Only the Strongest may rule."

The Mandalorian instinctive flexed the fingers of his dominant hand.

"I exercise my right as Warmaster. If you cannot best me, then your claim is as ash upon the wind."
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

The clan...more importantly she could say her clan...she had been out of the game for some time dealing with other business, so when ardgal contacted her about meeting at a place where the rest of the clans were gathering she couldn't say no...she had to bring the clan she had on imahalyan and show them that their family was alive still...mpre importantly get back in the game

So a cruiser ride on the imahalyans light, then shuttles down, they landed as started stepped out first, she had her armor on saber on their respective spots along side the blasters...westars 45s

As they departed those of clan raxis would notice family they hadn't seen and ran to be by them and apeak, started strode forth and stood beside ardgal as she looked over her visit reflecting him

been awhile vod, I'm glad you've invited me to this, the people of the clam that tool refuge on my planet are no doubt happy to be reunited
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Right, how could I forget. '[member="Darth Metus"]', 'Warmaster'." Olivia snipped. "Isley Verd, I don't care what childish nickname and titles you call yourself by, the only ones that should matter are 'Alor' and 'Verd'. The fact that you go by anything else should be evident enough of your true loyalties." She said as she stepped back from the man, giving him a fair and sporting distance from which to initiate combat.

"Go on then." Olivia said as her hands hovered near the weapons at her hips.
"Let's see if you can hit a girl."
[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]

Alas this was sight to see. She hadn't been back since she reclaimed the old Raxis homestead. Jacks betrayal had seen to her family name being drug right through the mud and stepped on. Most of her time had been spent in Exocron and the outback before she ever learned of Vassara her mother, and her brother.

But she recognized the banner. Tor had taught her that much when he brought her back home to her roots. A red wolf on black background Clan Raxis. And it did seem there was quite a few among them. More members perhaps? Except she was walking up right as Olivia made her challenge.

Was this a good time?

Perhaps, and perhaps not...

She took the opening any ways, falling in line behind her Clan mates and her banner. The same colors as the bandanna that had for so long graced her forehead, holding back her hair.

"Greeting guys. What the hell did I just walk in on?"
[member="Jekai 'Pup' Almec"] [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Darth Metus"]

"Well holy feth. What in the...."

She trailed off. It was not her place to question a Warmaster and an Alor about to go at it. But from what she had seen up front, Olivia had an actual grasp on what was happening here. She had no room to judge Vilaz for taking off with the survivors. She had left her kin long before her coming of age, hopping around in the rim and running odd jobs.

But her power, her logic and her brutality were enticing. She saw a part of her in Olivia. A part she had learned to embrace to survive. A part she liked.

"I don't speak as Temporary Alor of the Mereels now. I speak as just Alleria. I back Olivia's claim. Where is Vilaz? Why have I seen him but once?"

She moved over, falling in line behind the blonde and Alrec.
Three simple shots were fired into the air by one of his WESTAR 34 pistols.

Vilaz looked at all of them with his helmet on, but behind his helm was a face that glared at all of them. Equally. It was very much similar to the Alor'e Council. Bickering without end. The same council that had approved him of Mand'alor after his duel with Ijaat.

"You all act worse than the damn, incompetent Alor'e Council of old. Now are we gonna stop arguing like some egoistic little kids? Or are we gonna shut up and continue rebuilding ourselves that me and the rest of us have done these past few months when I rallied those on Concord Dawn?"

[member="Alleria Mereel"] [member="Eliza Raxis"] [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Jekai 'Pup' Almec"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Gilad-abim"] [member="Carradine Dukal"]
Aryn looked around for a moment.

A few of the Mandalorians gathered made good points. They held arguments and clearly showed their distaste of certain practices as of late. Aryn agreed with some of them, in fact the call for banishment of force users was something that he'd sought for since he'd been taken in by Clan Spar. This was not, however, the place for such a discussion. They had come here to rally or step away from the Mand'alor, an official ceremony to draw lines within the sand.

To decide who was faithful and who was not.

While he, and clan Spar as a matter of principal had an extreme distaste for Force Users, Vilaz wasn't one. That had been his own deciding factor in supporting the man. Though the Warmaster, his Kin, and even several dozen others here utilized the force, the Mand'alor himself did not. Just as with Ra, that had been enough for Aryn. He understood that change was slow, it took generations to change things. Even if Vilaz wanted to banish force using Mandalorians it would be an act that would likely split them for decades.

A war would bloom as it had never before.

Part of him wanted this, part of him wanted blood to be spilled and for the matter to be settled. The strong would rule as always and the weak would fall, but he also knew that doing such a thing would be an act of foolishness.

They were strong united, weak split apart, a fact that even the simplest child could understand.

Of course that didn't meant Aryn suddenly supported those who would use the force and call themselves Mandalorian, but there were other ways to see to that issue, old ways. The Togorian Shifted slightly as Vilaz finally appeared, his back stiffening, his gaze falling to the Mand'alor for a moment and then Dem'adas. "There was a challenge."

The Togorian stated plainly, glancing at Vilaz.

"It must be answered." He gestured towards the Warmaster and Dem'adas.

He didn't particularly care how the fight ended, Aryn wanted what was best for his people, and in his mind the best way was to follow tradition.
Garith was late. From a short distance away he could see and hear [member="Vilaz Munin"] fire three shots into the air. The man who fired the pistol, Garith was not surprised by his words. As he approached closer he was not surprised to hear bickering at a Mando’ade powwow. In that past, when he was more present, this was typical and happened every time.

As he approached he did not see anybody he personally knew. He did not see Alor [member="Arumi Zy"] anywhere. Normally [member="Anija Betna"] was always at these functions. It was not typical you could see Alor [member="Strider Garon"] at this functions. There were many he knew that was not here today, did they die when Mandalore was laid to waste?

Garith did not see his son –in law [member="Draco Vereen"]. He partially knew why and that was the young man’s choice. Personally Garith liked looking into the eyes of those he agreed with or disagreed with. Personally Garith did not know Vilaz. So he had only the word of other to judge the man. Sometimes you can far better gauge a man’s value by meeting them yourself. For now he remained and most likely the rest of this meeting… Garith remained silent.
Jekai 'Pup' Almec remained silent. To him, assassins and force users were not tolerable. Mandalorian society had degraded in its values, and were spreading around Sith and Jedi culture- a dangerous thing after the events on Mandalore Prime. Jedi and Sith weaponry, and magics weren't just tools, they too were an idea; an Idea that was being spread with every passing generation to exterminate the values of and souls of the faithful to the Manda- at least in his eyes.

He shifted in his armor, still supporting Olivia's claim with the un foiled banner behind her. He bit his lip in thought. Child was a term of projection used to avoid or demean argument, and used around here more commonly than a vixen in the red light district. To this man, this point in time was valuable. A Mand'alor must train future generations to be Mandalorians.

To him, there was no alternative. A stand must be made today. A stand to correct things; this far no further.

Jekai 'Pup' Almec, provided a simple nod to the man. He did, however- come up with a new design for the Almec flag in his mind.

A single white dog (Strill) bone in a mythosaur's jaws on a field of purple. He had his new colors for the great clan of Almec. 'Pup' would do fine. Loyalty, honor, and commitment to the proper Mandalorian way of life. He'd wear that insult with pride.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Alleria Mereel"] [member="Eliza Raxis"] [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

(Flag design to come!)
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